View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002673FreeCADBugpublic2016-12-19 16:41
Reportergitamani Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
PlatformLinuxOSUbuntuOS Version16.04
Product Version0.16 
Fixed in Version0.17 
Summary0002673: Not memorize the rotation
DescriptionDoes not memorize the rotation of an object created with the Part mode.
When you change the position of the rotation back to the previous value.
Steps To ReproduceIn Part mode insert a new cylinder.
On Rotation rotated 45 ° in Y-axis, and click OK.
On Position I move on y of 1 mm.
The rotation of the cylinder is reset to 0 °.
TagsNo tags attached.
FreeCAD Information



2016-08-16 17:02

administrator   ~0007279

How do you set the rotation & movement? Over the property editor or over the Placement dialog?


2016-08-18 02:08

reporter   ~0007283

In the property editor.


2016-08-18 13:55

administrator   ~0007284

I cannot confirm this. Btw, where on the property editor can you click an "OK" button?


2016-08-18 16:30

reporter   ~0007285

The error exists either clicking OK that before on Apply and then OK.


2016-11-28 00:04


freecad.ogv (Attachment missing)


2016-11-28 00:10

reporter   ~0007494

I added the video show the problem. And one Very annoying. It makes you lose a lot of time is saved Because the rotation must clear the subject or choose another one and then select it again.


2016-12-18 18:07

administrator   ~0007530

That's mainly an update problem because the preview of the placement values shows the correct axis but not the sub-element.

Related Changesets

FreeCAD: master bb7e662e

2016-12-19 17:32:39


Details Diff
issue 0002673: Not memorize the rotation Affected Issues
mod - src/Gui/propertyeditor/PropertyItem.cpp Diff File
mod - src/Gui/propertyeditor/PropertyItem.h Diff File
mod - src/Gui/propertyeditor/PropertyModel.cpp Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-08-15 22:08 gitamani New Issue
2016-08-16 17:02 wmayer Note Added: 0007279
2016-08-17 07:45 wmayer Status new => feedback
2016-08-18 02:08 gitamani Note Added: 0007283
2016-08-18 02:08 gitamani Status feedback => new
2016-08-18 13:55 wmayer Note Added: 0007284
2016-08-18 16:30 gitamani Note Added: 0007285
2016-11-28 00:04 gitamani File Added: freecad.ogv
2016-11-28 00:10 gitamani Note Added: 0007494
2016-11-28 12:23 weddingbackdrops File Added: W04-280x280.jpg
2016-12-01 11:39 wmayer File Deleted: W04-280x280.jpg
2016-12-18 18:07 wmayer Note Added: 0007530
2016-12-18 18:07 wmayer Status new => confirmed
2016-12-19 16:33 wmayer Changeset attached => FreeCAD Master master bb7e662e
2016-12-19 16:41 wmayer Status confirmed => closed
2016-12-19 16:41 wmayer Resolution open => fixed
2016-12-19 16:41 wmayer Fixed in Version => 0.17