Not Yet Released
0004115: [Feature] [Feature Request] Ability to change the Crosshair color
0003963: [Bug] Only alpha comma key can be used as decimal separator (openBrain)
0004206: [Bug] Transparency display lost on multicolored object when reloading file (chennes)
0004683: [Bug] Mac Delete button (Backspace) is not recognized within Tools->Customize->Keyboard, only in combination with Fn button
0004825: [Bug] Building with python 3.10 on Arch/Manjaro fails in tests (wmayer)
0003310: [Bug] Application crash when adding a fillet on an edge (SIGSEGV) (Target OCC7.5) (chennes)
0004823: [Bug] Random crashes (SIGSEGV) on MacOS and Linux; Triggered by kicadStepUp (wmayer)
0004291: [Bug] Freecad crashes when creating filet (chennes)
0004078: [Bug] Crash when applying a fillet on a arc. (chennes)
0004076: [Bug] Freecad crashes when using Part Design Chamfer tool on a feature. (chennes)
0004807: [Bug] Freecad crashes when windows username contains special characters (wmayer)
0004744: [Bug] STEP Export/Import Colors Override (chennes)
0004517: [Bug] Units entry missing from .dxf file export. (yorik)
0004495: [Bug] Navigation cube is not clickable at its edges and corners (uwestoehr)
0004649: [Bug] Segmentation fault when clearing an expression in an onChanged handler (wmayer)
0004699: [Bug] ShapeBinder still touched after recompute (wmayer)
0004515: [Feature] Preferences folder misused in Mac version (chrisb)
0001626: [Feature] Transparency not respected when highlighting (chennes)
0004742: [Bug] Editing features by context menu may not be undoable (wmayer)
0004732: [Bug] Mesh repair: self-intersection: co-planar: self-intersection is not detected when intersecting triangles are on the same plane (jnxd)
0004098: [Bug] FreeCAD should not exit if unable to rename backup file to project file while exiting (wmayer)
0002397: [Feature] Select All Children of Object in Tree View of Combo View (uwestoehr)
0004790: [Bug] App totally closes when trying to Select all constraints using Cmd + A (openBrain)
0004795: [Bug] Tools: small bug fix (yorik)
0004791: [Bug] DXF import fails for trivial circle (wmayer)
0002956: [Feature] wishlist: use $XDG_DATA_HOME/freecad for system.cfg and user.cfg (wmayer)
0004776: [Bug] Cannot Manually Recompute Anymore if "Skip Recomputes" is Enabled (chennes)
0004777: [Feature] See your changes in spreadsheets without needing to recompute (chennes)
0004733: [Feature] Add the ability to test the translation from Crowdin in the FreeCAD interface on Windows OS (chennes)
0004536: [Bug] Export file - name (chennes)
0004072: [Bug] Addon manager python exception and lockup (module 'git' has no attribute 'Repo') (yorik)
0004622: [Bug] OpenSCAD/OpenSCADTest/app/ assertion failure (chennes)
0004353: [Bug] parameters of rotate_extrude in CSG files and openscad workbench are ignored (chennes)
0004599: [Bug] Build 24276 0.19 Release breaks Stylesheet theming Comboview Proprerty QTabBar theming on Windows (chennes)
0004565: [Bug] Status bar text runs under Navigation Button (wmayer)
35 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
0004445: [Bug] FreeCAD menus and buttons very slow (Linux version) on ChromeOS (GPU Acceleration must be enabled) (Kunda1)
0004543: [Bug] FreeCAD crashes when OCC fails with fillets and chamfers (chennes)
0004610: [Bug] OCC's step export pathway generates bad geometry [update: on upstream's OCC 7.6 Roadmap]
0004297: [Bug] invalid syntax in opening document
0004194: [Bug] Can't resize inner windows when a stylesheet is selected.
0003626: [Bug] OpenSCAD causes Multifusion failed with some empty translates
0003896: [Feature] Dependency Graph: Panning
0004588: [Patch] correct non-standard use of sed -i argument in cMake/FindPySide2Tools.cmake (Kunda1)
0004232: [Bug] Recompute failed (SIGSEGV) after editing a cell in a spreadsheet
0003808: [Bug] "2nd length" in "Pocket parameters" shows wrong value when a negative f(x) was defined
0004421: [Patch] Part.CompoundTools.Explode.explodeCompound access a property of a sometimes null object with an error (Kunda1)
0004381: [Bug] OpenSCAD WB icon missing in 2 scenarios (wmayer)
0004451: [Bug] cant open Openscad file *.scad (keithsloan52)
0003991: [Bug] freecad app window not placed properly on screen
0004559: [Bug] [BIM] Nudge tool Text obscured by overlapping arrow and Nudge Custom Value incorrectly spelled "ew nudge value" (Kunda1)
0004563: [Bug] Spreadsheet Workbench - Import/Export Bug (openBrain)
0004021: [Bug] Gesture Navigation style fires additional events on MacOS (DeepSOIC)
0003498: [Feature] Preference categories not showing up if specific workbench has not been visited
18 issues View Issues
Released 2018-12-31
0003569: [Bug] App::PropertyStringList not python3 ready (wmayer)
0004182: [Bug] Segfault when clicking constraints from a different viewport (wmayer)
0004151: [Bug] Material tool on arch crash
0003728: [Bug] FREECAD_SHIP python command failed on Mac OS
0003607: [Bug] "Ship" WB doesn't work using latest appimage release. (looo)
0003860: [Bug] Debian bug #920971 - C++ exception on DXF import (wmayer)
0003865: [Bug] non-ASCII characters incorrectly displayed in material cards (wmayer)
0003897: [Bug] "View Sketch" button doesn't account for container transform (wmayer)
0003913: [Bug] libspnav crash on linux wayland during startup (wmayer)
0003848: [Bug] Preferences dialog not fully visible (wmayer)
0003807: [Bug] STEP export with BaseFeature does not hide BaseObject (wmayer)
0003875: [Bug] Spreadsheet workbench does not respect locale for decimal separator
0003876: [Bug] Spreadsheet WB does not respect number of decimal settings
0003880: [Bug] list of languages is not sorted in the preferences settings (wmayer)
0003993: [Bug] Memory leak with Python3 (wmayer)
0003538: [General] MacOSX 10.13 not in the 'About FreeCAD' dialog (blacey)
0002187: [Bug] Sweep tool fails with Frenet=True on special Wire created from Section (Chris_G)
0003824: [Bug] Material editor: Meta -> Source property not saved (berndhahnebach)
0003805: [Bug] After "Create a hole with the selected sketch" the model disapers (wmayer)
0003605: [Bug] Scrolling on length inputs with "Building Euro" unit system has max value (wmayer)
0003843: [Bug] registration of pointer in navigation cube/cluster is off, makes clicking difficult (wmayer)
0003820: [Bug] missing file type filter for saving FCMat files (wmayer)
0003846: [Bug] unexpected result in building RuledSurface (wmayer)
0003825: [Bug] file location not stored when opening/saving materials (yorik)
0003794: [Bug] Shortcut-Key is executed in edit field of a constraint (Combo View) (wmayer)
0003838: [Bug] missing tooltip in mesh preferences dialog (wmayer)
0003835: [Bug] FC freezes when editing export STEP preferences (wmayer)
0003785: [Bug] Incorrect extension FCstd instead fcstd (wmayer)
0003640: [Bug] crash on importing .scad file (yorik)
0002602: [Bug] New SubList property Py API messes up the order of linked elements (DeepSOIC)
0002706: [Bug] Box selection does not select dimension or text (wmayer)
0001673: [Feature] Assign already assigned keyboard shortcuts without searching old assigned action (wmayer)
0002793: [Feature] "tube" as basic solid (wmayer)
0003199: [Feature] It is impossible to get to the ShapeMaterial field without gui (wmayer)
0003669: [Feature] AddonManager should inform of the need to restart FreeCAD for changes to take effect (yorik)
0003222: [Bug] Invert zoom setting is not respected in paper/page mode
0003729: [Bug] REGRESSION: FreeCAD 0.17 does not export color information with STEP files (wmayer)
0003736: [Bug] Tree view and Property view are no longer available in View --> Panels menu (normandc)
0003726: [Bug] Property Editor Angle Fields Do Not Respect Units (wmayer)
0003734: [Bug] Image Scaling tooltip is untranslatable and should be reworded (wmayer)
0003431: [Bug] Drag-dropping bug that can make a Part contain itself (wmayer)
0003680: [Bug] Export (Ctrl+E) doesn't check to make sure that object being exported is a model at all (wmayer)
0003653: [Bug] Fails to build with Boost 1.69 (develop snapshot) (wmayer)
0003657: [Bug] automatic rotation (wmayer)
0003486: [Bug] Improve VRML export for more complex structures (wmayer)
0003632: [Bug] Drawing lines on top of an image will not save the work (Reason: ' &' in the file name) (wmayer)
0003388: [Feature] Translate Labels in Arch and Draft (yorik)
0003443: [Feature] FreeCAD should ignore 'create new document at startup' if given files at command-line (wmayer)
0003544: [Bug] Crash on creation of vertical dimension with Shift + V (wmayer)
0003410: [Bug] 0.17 Regression: recompute will make parts lose color and take a longer delay compared to FC0.16 (wmayer)
0001857: [Bug] Broken start page in Ukrainian language (wmayer)
0003491: [Bug] Import.export not preserving placement of Part Features in STP file export (wmayer)
0003165: [Bug] Color information lost in STEP export (wmayer)
0003547: [Bug] Linear pattern, mirrored and polar pattern feature not working on a hole just on pocket (wmayer)
0003465: [Bug] Groups breaking dependency graph (wmayer)
0003444: [Bug] Exported models do not include Body Object transformations
0003427: [Bug] Measurement tool measures wrongly (wmayer)
0003373: [Bug] "Save a copy" of a document with a spreadsheet mark the document as touched (wmayer)
0003417: [Bug] Zooming out causes part to orbit when rotating (wmayer)
0003513: [Bug] Can't open file - some exceptions are shown in the log (wmayer)
0003601: [Bug] Keeping "Display properties" window open affects naming of objects/bodies, persistent thru new file creation. (wmayer)
0002908: [Bug] stp file import name mismatch (due to some limitation into UTF-8 support & naming convention) (wmayer)
0003588: [Bug] The path to the Addons does not allow special characters (wmayer)
0003514: [Bug] Program crashes when user try to add (by mistake) the origin to a group (wmayer)
0002984: [Bug] Update the debian folder in FreeCAD (kkremitzki)
0003586: [Bug] App test cases require Part module (wmayer)
0003564: [Bug] Python objects: updateData calls to proxy instance that should have been deleted (wmayer)
0003516: [Bug] Cannot compile head of FreeCad (peterl94)
0003499: [Feature] Add Freecad version/platform to the main screen for display (Kunda1)
0003419: [Bug] import of openscad file fails (wandererfan)
0002316: [Feature] option for "random shape color" by default
0003477: [Bug] Unwanted deletion of objects from non-active document (wandererfan)
0003364: [Feature] Navicube - Experimental Navigational Cube addon
0003457: [Bug] import Draft is broken (yorik)
0003437: [Bug] Crash opening /Applications/ (yorik)
75 issues View Issues
Released 2018-04-06
0002303: [Bug] 404 from auto-generated Help > Automatic python modules documentation (wmayer)
0002632: [Feature] Improvements to Prefs for Python
0003253: [Bug] set correct links to documentation and bug tracker in man page (Kunda1)
0002419: [Feature] Matrix rotation and Units compatibility
0003295: [Bug] Windows version of FreeCad 0.16 and 0.17 is shipped with Python <=2.7.13 that has a critical security vulnerability (user2853)
0000617: [Bug] Error when fusing torus and tangent cylinder (shoogen)
0003174: [Bug] Import of simple shapes no longer works (vejmarie)
0002876: [Feature] Value of Part::Thickness is missing unit (redefine this property to be a quantity instead of a regular numeric value) (eivindkvedalen)
0003173: [Feature] Allow renaming macros from the macro dialog (wmayer)
0003153: [Feature] Preselect: Show object label in status bar.
0002323: [Bug] Workbench Start recent list of 3 files is - after a crash - not sync with recent list in File Menu Recent list of 4 files (yorik)
0002516: [Bug] Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 is included in the setup package (user2853)
0003461: [Bug] FreeCAD crashes when changing language setting (user2853)
0003426: [Bug] STEP exporting regression (peterl94)
0003424: [Bug] "basic_string::_M_construct null not valid" when opening a v0.16 project with v0.17 (wmayer)
0003416: [Bug] Crash on draft operation for a face (wmayer)
0003406: [Bug] 'About FreeCAD' menu broken (peterl94)
0003394: [Bug] Crash on gesture rotation with focus (wmayer)
0002987: [Feature] FreeCAD should recognize when it's been built as an appimage (wmayer)
0003344: [Bug] SIGSEGV when clicking "undo" (wmayer)
0003323: [Bug] Crash when clearing transaction list (wmayer)
0003287: [Bug] Building Freecad Master Branch with QT5.9 fails on WidgetFactory with typeresolver.h missing error
0002621: [Bug] Exporting with File Type *.svg, *.svgz, *.dxf should be prevented if not in Drawing WB
0002866: [Bug] Gui::InputField rounds values to 2 digits
0003281: [Bug] STL object doesn't retain its rotation after change
0003227: [Feature] Remove background from offlinedoc css (yorik)
0001947: [Bug] Non-ASCII Character in ShapeString FontFile Path (wandererfan)
0003197: [Bug] Auto-completion in edition of formulas (eivindkvedalen)
0002924: [Bug] Word wrap misbehaves in Python console when typed text inserted mid-line (wmayer)
0002923: [Bug] Python console history misbehaves with word-wrapped lines (wmayer)
0003280: [Bug] Labels changing on save/restore - and expressions (eivindkvedalen)
0003278: [Bug] Definition angles of parts Torus, Sphere can not be set with formulas (eivindkvedalen)
0001654: [Bug] Part Fillet/Chamfer object Shape Color lost on Position Change (kkremitzki)
0003027: [Bug] if type(App.Vector) in originSketch.Geometry: newSketch.Geometry = originSketch.Geometry Raises types in list must be.... (wmayer)
0003245: [Bug] BUG: Sketcher + Expression Engine - Expressions in Constraints get 'over-deleted' (eivindkvedalen)
0003225: [Bug] Inserting Rows prior to a cell containing a calculation referencing cells moved by an INSERT-ROW causes errors. (eivindkvedalen)
0003194: [Bug] Units not displaying correctly.
0003191: [Bug] Readily reproducible memory leak - FreeCAD doesn't reclaim memory on object deletion / project close. (wmayer)
0003169: [Bug] Mesh Design WB tools does not work on translated object (wmayer)
0002959: [Bug] GUI tests aren't run when tests are started via command line (wmayer)
0003200: [Bug] Error with angles in formulas (eivindkvedalen)
0002045: [Feature] Make Euler Rotation default or user-pref default (wmayer)
0001591: [Feature] STL export in various units (wmayer)
0003025: [Bug] Unhandled unknown exception caught in GUIApplication::notify when opening file + memory leak (wmayer)
0001906: [Feature] add Parameters isRelative, theAngDeflection of BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh in MeshFromShape Gui command (wmayer)
0002931: [Bug] Box select misbehaves with touchpad navigation style (wmayer)
0003152: [Bug] FreeCAD crashes upon opening saved file
0003010: [Bug] Spreadsheet -> Drawing, maximum rows
0002960: [Bug] Shape binder place change depending on the origin of the sketch use for a PAD
0000933: [Bug] Loft make no valid plane for sketcher (wmayer)
0003178: [Feature] Super Placement should be shown only when relevant in the Property Panel (peterl94)
0001969: [Bug] Part Revolve of more than one closed shape does not produce solids
0000017: [Feature] Support of more basic elements (Jriegel)
0000955: [Feature] Export key features of PartDesign to python sub-classing (Jriegel)
0002871: [Bug] New DAG implementation reports false-positives and denies to recompute the document (ickby)
0003166: [Feature] [proposal] full-screen mode (triplus)
0002609: [Bug] ship workbench doesn't work in spanish/german menu (yorik)
0002832: [Feature] Dimension polish (yorik)
0003128: [Feature] Modulo in expression doesn't support units (eivindkvedalen)
0003137: [Bug] Unit UserString wrong (wmayer)
0002671: [Bug] Operation properties without units in spreadsheet (eivindkvedalen)
0002877: [Feature] hypot() for expressions (eivindkvedalen)
0002978: [Bug] Loading spreadsheet-document ignores rows >AA (Kunda1)
0001999: [Bug] [STEP] Tessellation data or OpenInventor data memory leak (wmayer)
0002369: [General] STEP import is not grouping parts (vejmarie)
0002008: [Bug] not possible to compile because Coin3d headers are not found
0002637: [Bug] Inconsistent 3D after removing operation (pocket or boolean operation) (kkremitzki)
0002540: [Bug] Crash on startup
0003035: [Bug] exportDXF won't export LWPOLYLINE correctly (keithsloan52)
0002906: [Bug] Python API error: No module named PartDesign (ian.rees)
0003105: [Bug] Arch fails to load with 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc2 in position 22: ordinal not in range(128) (yorik)
0001978: [General] App::PropertySpeed needs units extended
0001937: [Bug] Projections of helix coils are largely disturbed and unusable in technical drawings (wandererfan)
0002530: [Bug] Can't find Origin for "Body" (ickby)
0001336: [Feature] Increase the tolerance for selecting edges (DeepSOIC)
0002506: [Bug] Crash when export .step (due to an upstream OCC bug)
0002996: [Bug] PyObjectBase notification chain can lead to unexpected changes to document (wmayer)
0002902: [Bug] PyObjectBase notification chain can lead to unexpected changes to document (wmayer)
0002914: [Bug] Spelling mistakes in 0.17 (Kunda1)
0002942: [Bug] Qt5 - Osx - automatic trees selection after cancel
0002953: [Bug] Icons not rendered on New doc
0001401: [Bug] Problem w/ MDI windows on OSX (AKA transition from QGLWidget to QOpenGLWidget ) (wmayer)
0002952: [Bug] Save Image... results in all-black image file when FreeCAD is built with Qt 5
0002933: [Bug] Blue drawing hints not scaled properly in Qt 5
0000358: [Feature] BSpline curves not closing correctly (wmayer)
0002271: [Bug] FreeCAD documentation can't be loaded on Debian/Ubuntu (sgrogan)
0002018: [Bug] Running Freecad with specific locale causes freeze (wmayer)
0000458: [Bug] Problem fusing a cylinder with a torus (Probleme de fusion entre un cylindre et un tor)
0002061: [Bug] Toolbar location settings are not saved or loaded correctly
0002894: [Bug] Using units as alias corrupts the design (eivindkvedalen)
0002055: [Bug] Undo and redo of fillet restore it incorrectly (kkremitzki)
0002886: [Bug] loads libraries from /usr/local/ if they exist (blacey)
0002569: [Bug] Documents containing cyclic deps can not be opened (wmayer)
0002897: [Bug] OpenGL methods have been deprecated starting in MacOSX 10.9 (vejmarie)
0002901: [Bug] Regression: Progress bar doesn't work (vejmarie)
0000956: [Feature] Integrate triplus macro as command into Part/Drawing (wandererfan)
0002183: [Bug] Mesh View . Use Bounding-Box Not Working For Flat Lines (wmayer)
0001935: [Feature] Showing something more relevant than "unhandled unknown exception caught..." (wmayer)
0002031: [Feature] show object name when hovering tree view (wmayer)
0002879: [Bug] Parentheses incorrectly removed from expressions (addendum to 0002767) (eivindkvedalen)
0001697: [Bug] projection of edges fails (yorik)
0002767: [Bug] Parentheses incorrectly removed from expressions (eivindkvedalen)
0002059: [Bug] Changing Angular Deflection and Deviation dont allow user to refresh the model. (ickby)
0002217: [Bug] Pockets disappear after toggling visibility (wmayer)
0002858: [Bug] Vector2d Equality Incorrect (wmayer)
0002867: [Bug] AttachExtension crash (wmayer)
0002579: [Bug] Invalid positioning
0002111: [Bug] Dialogs (like linear pattern) should not show internal name of an object but their labels as in the tree view
0002576: [Bug] Can't add FEM anchors (wmayer)
0001566: [Bug] Projection of a helix perpendicular to helix-axis fails
0001957: [Feature] add a python command to partly recompute the document (wmayer)
0002125: [Bug] CMake shouldn't generate for release tarballs. (wmayer)
0002131: [Bug] make fails due to missing ScXMLInvoke.h (wmayer)
0000805: [Feature] Add dimensions to drawings (mrlukeparry)
0002673: [Bug] Not memorize the rotation
0002775: [Bug] first build fails
0002801: [Bug] F11 enters fullscreen, but does not exit (should behave as toggle) (wmayer)
0002802: [Feature] Set a name to coin rootnodes of objects (wmayer)
0002785: [General] hasExtension() always false (ickby)
0002740: [Patch] Fix for missing -Qt5:Widgets library
0002760: [Bug] The result of an 'Undo' is shown too late.
0001927: [Feature] Abillity to disable all recomputes (shoogen)
0000353: [Feature] Graphical selection (Jriegel)
0002744: [Feature] FR: check box to export STEP w/without pcurves (wmayer)
0001724: [Bug] PartDesign Pad should not allow multiple solids for the base feature
0002631: [Bug] Ctrl-W Doesn't Close Window (wmayer)
0002709: [Bug] Usage of Specular Color leads to unstable behaviour
0002737: [Bug] Importing LibreOffice generated .xlsx spreadsheeds are always empty
0001588: [Feature] File browser dialogs initial starting directory ignores current working directory (wmayer)
0002733: [Bug] Preferences dialog box
0002712: [Bug] Can't use more than one decimal in dimension
0002723: [Bug] Vertex ordering of Face
0002724: [Bug] Redirecting messages to Python console apply issue.
0002714: [Bug] Segfault in PropertyLinkSubList::Save
0002618: [Bug] import _ssl error
0002641: [Bug] Offline Help Missing (sgrogan)
0002678: [Bug] file names with underscores are not displayed correctly in recent files menu (wmayer)
0002666: [Bug] Error on Save File
0001932: [Bug] Part revolve produces invalid solid when axis is tilted (DeepSOIC)
0001912: [Bug] Drawing Workbench Not Displaying Views of Cylindrical Parts. (wmayer)
0002392: [Bug] tiny caracter encoding problems (wmayer)
0002638: [Bug] Windows installer doesn't create the macro folder
0002486: [Bug] Menu "Preferences..." entry changes depending on language (wmayer)
0000020: [Feature] UndoRedo for Gui Elements (Jriegel)
       0002054: [Bug] Undo/redo of fillet does not bring back previous visibility (wmayer)
0000819: [Bug] Faces colors lost again (sorry) (Jriegel)
0001118: [Bug] The Undo/Redo function is broken and does sometimes not deliver the expected results. (Jriegel)
0002627: [Bug] Dimensions in TechDraw show mm value when imperial selected (wandererfan)
0002625: [Bug] Wrong dimension (str) from Unit (wmayer)
0001462: [Patch] Support linking of Netgen 5.1
0002612: [Bug] Mefisto Mesh generation is broken with SMESH 7 upgrade (vejmarie)
0002578: [Bug] Duplicate objects copied and exported
0001631: [Feature] migration to OCCT 7.0 (shoogen)
0002560: [Feature] Part BSplineCurve alternate interpolate method (wmayer)
0002453: [Bug] Values of less than 1 unit entered into Units enabled input fields require a leading zero, except when entered and removed
0002554: [Bug] Py Quantity Constructor Angles (wmayer)
0002548: [Bug] Overflow exception in DAGView (tanderson69)
0002525: [Bug] Line color of shapes are always black (wmayer)
0002513: [Bug] No write permission for new file (python) (wmayer)
0002455: [Feature] Update web apps (yorik)
0002133: [Patch] Bad file name copying.lib (wmayer)
0001674: [Feature] Allow clearing keyboard shortcuts for actions (wmayer)
0002401: [Bug] Freecad 0.16, sketcher doesn't allow save as (wmayer)
0002538: [Feature] Parts/symbols library: Add a button to edit the library path (yorik)
0002518: [Feature] Propertylink enhancement. (wmayer)
0002505: [Bug] Seg. Fault when creating a new sketch
0002515: [Bug] Stylesheet images are not correctly packaged on Win 64 installer
167 issues View Issues
Released 2016-04-01
0002238: [Bug] Python: Environment Variable 'path' with mutated vowel (german: Umlaut [äöüß]) (wmayer)
0002358: [Bug] can not import .csg file (yorik)
0002352: [Bug] Spreadsheet bugs (eivindkvedalen)
0002056: [Feature] Support silent (de)installation using NSIS (wmayer)
0002036: [Bug] Part Extrude with Taper Angle != 0 Fails (Kunda1)
0002473: [Feature] Spreadsheet - additional syntax for aggregate functions (eivindkvedalen)
0002050: [Bug] FreeCAD freezes when adding a Draft Dimension (yorik)
       0002057: [Bug] BoundBox.h doesn't work with 2D objects (wmayer)
0001963: [Bug] Only write needed user data in FCSTD file if any. (wmayer)
0002023: [Bug] Application Crash
0000927: [Patch] [V0.13] Update text description in debian/control file (normandc)
0001898: [Bug] Drawing workbench draws cylinder in orthographic projection wrong
0001979: [Bug] external geometry reference point forgotten in sketch constraints
0002245: [Bug] BRep File cannot be written (wmayer)
0002574: [Bug] Error when trying to use Polar Pattern Feature (sgrogan)
0002521: [Bug] SIGSEGV when trying to revert to saved file. (wmayer)
0002414: [Merge request] Implement continuous integration for Mac OS X builds (blacey)
0001323: [Bug] Imported .step parts disappear after save/reopen
0002483: [Bug] Undo in spreadsheet breaks alias linkage (eivindkvedalen)
0002476: [Bug] [v0.16] Stylesheets not packaged into Windows builds
0002440: [Bug] 0.16 Build rev 6395 Several display issues (wmayer)
0002466: [Bug] Sketcher sign issue with Expressions (eivindkvedalen)
0002433: [Bug] Window weirdness after changing constraint value in sketcher (wmayer)
0002273: [Bug] Part: Chamfer edges and fillet edges dialog does not "remember" the type (wmayer)
0002468: [Bug] freecad-0.15.4671/src/Base/Handle.cpp:61: bad test ? (wmayer)
0002202: [Bug] Crash when selecting an item in Model Tree (wmayer)
0002376: [Bug] FreeCAD Unable to Save Files Properly
0002154: [Bug] Crash on delete measurements (every time for me) (wmayer)
0002223: [Bug] Units not displaying correctly (wmayer)
0002200: [Bug] Application crash when modifying fillet (wmayer)
0002049: [Bug] 0.15 and 0.16 Part Revolve ignores unit accuracy setting beyond 2 decimals (wmayer)
0001996: [Bug] Fillet radius assumes metric even after all preferences and defaults changed to english (wmayer)
0002443: [Feature] Path - make Path Workbench translatable (yorik)
0002450: [Bug] FreeCAD v0.16 (development), Addons installer installs addons, but dialog hangs. (yorik)
0002388: [Bug] Spreadsheet::SheetObserver::slotChangedObject(const App::DocumentObject&, const App::Property&): Assertion `name != 0` (eivindkvedalen)
0000987: [Feature] Trigonometric Functions in Sketch module
0002451: [Bug] FreeCAD crashes on selecting Mirrowed Part
0002389: [Bug] Crash systematic on the 10th sketch when employing a cavity. (eivindkvedalen)
0002442: [Bug] FreeCAD 0.16: Expressions accross files are not saved (eivindkvedalen)
0002436: [Bug] Crash when using mirror tool on items made with freecad prior to at least rev5808 (eivindkvedalen)
0002418: [Bug] Draft.scale causes segfault. (eivindkvedalen)
0002420: [Bug] error with ccx_2.9
0002445: [Feature] Add link to the Help:Formatting page on the Editing page in the Wiki (yorik)
0001437: [Feature] Global parameters
0002417: [Bug] console autocomplete runs python properties (wmayer)
0002355: [Bug] spreadsheet slows down when among several objects (eivindkvedalen)
0002407: [Bug] References to other spreadsheets only work with their original default names (eivindkvedalen)
0002402: [Bug] Ambiguous alias names (eivindkvedalen)
0002176: [Feature] 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator only works on self-build FreeCAD (ian.rees)
0002002: [Bug] Mesh Faces Not Conforming With Tessellation Settings (ian.rees)
0002138: [Feature] Arch - improvements to axes (yorik)
0002175: [Bug] Arch - Base sketch of walls is not placed in the current working plane (yorik)
0002208: [Bug] DXF output error - problem with arcs (yorik)
0002326: [Feature] Arch - make base walls independent from windows (yorik)
0002276: [Feature] Drawing::PythonFeatureView (yorik)
0002372: [Bug] Application terminates on attempt to change external geometry from a sketch (wmayer)
0002373: [Bug] When Measuring in the distance between two external geometry Freecad crashes (wmayer)
0001805: [Feature] Spreadsheet - Allow to place a spreadsheet on a Drawing sheet (yorik)
0002205: [Feature] Draft - Recode a DXF importer in C++ (yorik)
0002394: [Feature] Help menu (website/documentation/forum) does not open localized pages (yorik)
0002391: [Bug] DXF export not working (yorik)
0002390: [Bug] VRML exporter using invalid names
0002385: [Feature] unable to set value higher than 99.99 on Distance value in Part->Cross Sections (wmayer)
0002347: [Bug] freecad fails to build with Boost 1.60.0 (wmayer)
0001956: [Bug] FreeCAD 0.14.370x hangs when attempting to edit sketch containing ellipse (wmayer)
0001854: [Bug] Draft Clone of Sketch, selection of sketch mistakenly produces a Pad on the Draft Clone
0002177: [Bug] Draft: Problems in DXF export of Drawing pages (yorik)
0001989: [Bug] "Open recent" not saved until exit. (wmayer)
0002047: [Feature] Don't register recent files which can't be opened (wmayer)
0001831: [Bug] FreeCAD can start only once (wmayer)
0001998: [Bug] For 32 px and 48 px the icons with a submenu in toolbars are not display at the good size. (wmayer)
0002065: [Merge request] DXF Drawing Templates (yorik)
0001974: [Bug] Building problem nad outdated README.linux - it's not clear how to build FreeCAD (yorik)
0002075: [Bug] Analysis of FreeCAD by PVS-Studio static analyzer (wmayer)
0002085: [Bug] Only one Toolbar Separator (wmayer)
0002084: [Bug] Didnt work button Help (yorik)
0002108: [Feature] Add OpenCascade navigation style (wmayer)
0002119: [Bug] can not add parts and set constrains in active Assembly (ickby)
0002120: [Bug] can not add parts and set constrains in active Assembly (ickby)
0002095: [Feature] Arch - Assembly object (yorik)
0002116: [Bug] FreeCAD crash when I click on treeview (wmayer)
0002134: [Bug] FreeCAD crashes when the window is restored and a plot is shown (wmayer)
0002140: [Bug] Intersection operation does not work (ickby)
0002149: [Bug] Arch - fix char encoding in IFC importer (yorik)
0001322: [Bug] Multple python versions in debian causing Python 2.6 (earlier Python version) linking and failing to install FreeCAD (wmayer)
0002040: [Feature] Revert to saved (yorik)
0002179: [Bug] Appdata screenshot link is incorrect (yorik)
0002159: [Bug] Crash with DIV/0 exception (yorik)
0002216: [Bug] Crash when exporting to OBJ from an imported STEP file (yorik)
0002221: [Bug] FreeCADGui.export([object], "test.wrl") doesn't export object if it's not selected (wmayer)
0002229: [Bug] some ttf fonts make Draft.makeShapeString crash (wandererfan)
0002166: [Bug] Sketch to Draft DWire Not Making Face (yorik)
0002062: [Bug] svg size different on import (yorik)
0002219: [Bug] Exporting to DAE from STEP import crashes on these files. (yorik)
0002258: [Bug] Silent uninstall blocks on MessageBox (wmayer)
0001941: [Bug] Refresh Property Editor (wmayer)
0002197: [Bug] Buggy Placement dialog when using Euler angles (wmayer)
0002160: [Bug] Customised keyboard shortcuts: "D", "U" conflic (wmayer)
0002209: [Bug] Files that have a dot in name do not get the extension (wmayer)
0002222: [Bug] Number of normals in exported VRML is wrong (wmayer)
0002106: [Feature] Add "Default" option in Preferences (wmayer)
0002117: [Bug] problems with rendering an arc - NAN (wmayer)
0002150: [Bug] [Ctrl]+[Z] is buffered in a non-intuitive way, does not function in "edit mode" (wmayer)
0001238: [Feature] Preferences: set temp files directory (wmayer)
0001237: [Bug] the project file is not saved when the " /tmp " directory is full, but the user is not aware of it (wmayer)
0002126: [Bug] Fails to load .FCStd file which contains many MultiByte-Char strings (wmayer)
0001368: [Bug] Subclassing Matrix silently fails (wmayer)
0002291: [Feature] Invalid sketch warning should allow to directly open sketch validation tool (wmayer)
0002306: [Patch] Allow *.py files in the Customize/Macros/Macro dropdown (wmayer)
0002321: [Bug] Build failure on current (71be79e) master (wmayer)
0002328: [General] Typo in (wmayer)
0002318: [Bug] can't extrude "R" like sketch to solid (jmaustpc)
0002329: [Bug] remove the 2 now obsolete Pivy versions distributed with FreeCAD source code (wmayer)
0001652: [Feature] Proper support of units for all geometric primitives (wmayer)
0001860: [Feature] Can not open a FreeCAD project in FreeCAD by double-clicking the project file on Macintosh (wmayer)
0000026: [Feature] Kuka post processor (Jriegel)
0002000: [Feature] Arch - allow to create a wall without baseline with the GUI (yorik)
0001993: [Bug] Draft - Unable to offset arcs with numerical value (yorik)
0002186: [Bug] Crash when changing window hole depth in arch module (yorik)
0002215: [Feature] Draft - Mirror tool (yorik)
0002339: [Bug] Arch - edit mode of Space object doesn't work anymore (yorik)
0002198: [Bug] Draft interference with freehand placement (yorik)
0002340: [Feature] Draft - Ability to subdivide a draft rectangle (yorik)
0001975: [Bug] Draft - DraftGeomUtils.offsetWire() gives wrong results when wire contains arcs (yorik)
0002315: [Bug] Mirror Sketch - error pops up "can't find property" (abdullah)
0002293: [Bug] Eigen2 support is deprecated in Eigen 3.2.x and it will be removed in Eigen 3.3. (yorik)
0002301: [Bug] Spreadsheet Tab button behaviour inconsistent (eivindkvedalen)
0002331: [Bug] Sphere Radius does not follow Units Preference (wmayer)
0002284: [Bug] Tangency (co-linear) constraint behavior is inconsistent and confusing. (abdullah)
0002272: [Bug] QuantitySpinbox sets wrong sizeHint (ickby)
0002286: [Bug] Negative value nedded to increase sketchere contraint in positive direction (abdullah)
0001098: [Feature] Add ability to use variables and forumulas (abdullah)
0002278: [Bug] Python auto-completer crashes FreeCAD (Ubuntu Daily) (wmayer)
0002274: [Bug] numpad edition for size, position failed (wmayer)
0000175: [Feature] Auto save function (wmayer)
0002053: [Feature] Support of themes (wmayer)
0002152: [Bug] ascii codec cant decode byte 0xcf (wmayer)
0002203: [Bug] Incorrect document is activated when working with multiple parts/documents (wmayer)
0002122: [Feature] sketcher - copy lines is not possible (abdullah)
0002212: [Bug] Commit e744114 (-Wall) introduces build error on openSUSE
0002237: [Bug] In 0.16 Rev 5432 (Git) Entering numbers is garbled, after first digit cursor jumps to end of field (yorik)
0002192: [Feature] Add units support to the editor of PropertyVector (yorik)
0000101: [Feature] Feature to generate NC code (yorik)
0002193: [Bug] Crash when adding a window to a wall (yorik)
0001450: [Bug] model refine corrupts solid with spherical edges. (tanderson69)
0002163: [Bug] Crash when deleting a connected line in the sketcher (abdullah)
0001868: [Feature] expose BRepExtrema_ShapeProximity to python (shoogen)
0002099: [Bug] Spreadsheet: Subtraction and Power Expression Parsing
0002161: [Bug] 0.16.5111 External Geometry Bug (abdullah)
0002058: [Feature] Add the possibility to refresh the Graph Dependency
0002130: [Feature] add hint whether registration for wiki is possible on login page (yorik)
0002144: [Patch] Error message trying to open/edit a spreadsheet from the Python console/script (yorik)
0002109: [Bug] Matrix4D - add missing constructor body (wmayer)
0002014: [Bug] Part offset with fill option produces an invalid shape (tanderson69)
0002097: [Bug] fails to unite face when pad "up to face" is used. (tanderson69)
0002073: [Feature] PartsLibrary.FCMacro Thumbnails (yorik)
0000853: [Feature] Unicode Strings in Coin3D (yorik)
0001977: [Feature] Upgrade webapps (yorik)
0002020: [Bug] occ throws exception in model refine for spline surface. (tanderson69)
159 issues View Issues
Released 2015-04-05
0001638: [Bug] Not possible to draw anything. (wmayer)
0001659: [Bug] 3dconnexion space navigator moves view even when FreeCAD is not the active application
0001714: [Bug] FreeCAD 0.14 Stable crashes when importing a step model (wmayer)
0001700: [Feature] do not raise (pythons) base Exception (shoogen)
0001750: [Bug] install update from daily build fails, dpkg aborts
0002115: [Bug] Snapping to grid breaks undo functionality
0001949: [Bug] Crash when open a dialog box or drawing.
0002153: [Bug] Undo does not work for "Measure Distance" (wmayer)
0001959: [General] 3DConnexion 3D mouse not detected (wmayer)
0002048: [Bug] FreeCAD crash when opening FCSTD file containing a spreadsheet (wmayer)
0002030: [Feature] Export: Remember the last used file type (wmayer)
0002019: [Bug] SpaceNav control active without application focus (wmayer)
0002011: [Bug] Cut with an array does not work if the patterns overlay. Calculation is very long, and the result is incorrect. (ickby)
0001149: [Bug] Imposible to use wacom tablet (shoogen)
0001962: [Bug] Appearance does not store the Material property (wmayer)
0001948: [Bug] Python types for shapes return wrong names (shoogen)
0001545: [Bug] Folders with tick in the name cannot be opened
0001027: [Bug] UTF-8 encoded PyString objects are used instead of unicode objects to pass unicode data to the python interpreter (shoogen)
0001482: [Feature] v0.14 Mirrored objects parent the original object (wmayer)
0001821: [Bug] ASCII - ARCH SURVEY - Modification 5912342e failed on 32 bits SUSE 12.3 or 13.1 (yorik)
0001766: [Feature] There is no GUI to set the default License and Company (yorik)
0001767: [Bug] Added an angular dimension and it doesn't work (yorik)
0001015: [Feature] (Version 0.13) New parts are not created within the selected group
0001555: [Bug] On load imported VRML objects are positioned at (0,0,0) (wmayer)
0001784: [Bug] Not correct placement Vrml 3D at open file (wmayer)
0000974: [Bug] Lock-up during Polar Pattern transformation
0000977: [Bug] Slow performance when transforming a pattern
0001645: [Patch] Patch build system to use system smesh
0001483: [Bug] Bad Behavior in Part Design After Bug Fix. (wmayer)
0001759: [Bug] python interface allows to break sketches by invalid GeomIds
0001212: [Feature] 3D text
0001748: [Bug] FreeCAD crashes when importing step file (wmayer)
0001607: [Feature] Arch.makeRoof optional angle parameters for each base edge whished (yorik)
0001769: [Bug] Models don't load as solids in Sprutcam (wmayer)
0000580: [Bug] problem cutting away a particular sphere from a particular cylinder (wmayer)
0000954: [Bug] Helix height cannot exceed 55.87mm (wmayer)
0001814: [Bug] Part Design > involute Gear Broken (wmayer)
0001780: [Bug] Picture in image view disappears when creating a 3d view (wmayer)
0001800: [Bug] Redraw does not work with MSAA Anti-Aliasing selected (wmayer)
0001763: [Feature] use UTF8 for filenames (shoogen)
0001735: [Bug] Ellipsoids visibility problems (wmayer)
0001779: [Bug] memory leak. (wmayer)
0001728: [Feature] Sketcher Elements widget - add in handling of elements linked to external geometry (abdullah)
0001731: [Bug] spreadsheet csv import/export - path with umlauts (shoogen)
0001694: [Bug] customizing multiple keys shortcut doesn't work (yorik)
0001627: [Bug] Dash instead of minus in dialogs/fields (Jriegel)
0001695: [Merge request] reset the console color between every message (shoogen)
0001575: [Feature] Patch SMESH not to link against TKAdvTools (shoogen)
0001564: [Feature] Add python function for GUI verison of Command::doCommand (yorik)
0000490: [Feature] Inbuilt scripts (macros) - better GUI access (yorik)
0001552: [Bug] Sketcher lines on construction lines are not selectable
0001574: [Merge request] Patch SMESH to work against new NCollection (wmayer)
0001578: [Bug] Wiki: Cannot create account or log in (yorik)
53 issues View Issues
Released 2014-07-01
0001369: [Bug] Part::TopoShape::getMemSize fails for Bezier Curves (wmayer)
0001278: [Bug] No build possible with current CMake version 2.8.12 (wmayer)
0001270: [Bug] Raytracing export produces bad light definition (yorik)
0000971: [Bug] Tracing over a background image in Sketcher: image is overwritten by first dimensional constraint text (mrlukeparry)
0001279: [Bug] Wrong operator in DraftGeomUtils.getRotation (yorik)
0000895: [Feature] Part.BSplineCurve: allow to set degree and mutliplicites when calling constructor. (wmayer)
0001285: [Feature] Rotation constructor from vector/to vector not exposed in python
0001426: [Bug] PartGui::TaskCheckGeometryResults fails to open
0001427: [Bug] closing Part::TaskCheckGeometry after closing document causes SIGSEGV (wmayer)
0001441: [Bug] entering Transform mode degrades the Placemens rotation to single precision (wmayer)
0001349: [Feature] recognize remote branches for Version.h in detached head state (wmayer)
0000459: [Feature] Revolving a single line sketch fails
0000953: [Feature] No scroll bar on preferences dialog window. (wmayer)
0001419: [Bug] FreeCAD crash on sweep/loft (wmayer)
0001394: [Bug] Python imports used on functions output warnings on Debian|Ubuntu installations (wmayer)
0001585: [Bug] Python path messed up after installation (wmayer)
0001515: [Bug] Installing 0.14 breaks previous python installation (wmayer)
0001544: [Feature] Python function to retrive direct children of a shape using TopoDS_Iterator (wmayer)
0000707: [Feature] Update translations for 0.14 (yorik)
0001139: [Bug] FreeCAD crashes when changing placement of sketch. (jrheinlaender)
0001550: [Bug] Sketcher 180°-constraints should not be allowed for lines without intersection point. (wmayer)
0001548: [Bug] Crash when opening Pad (wmayer)
0000949: [Feature] V0.14 - Add icons to its respectives operations in treeview (jmaustpc)
0001531: [Merge request] Option for new check in part check geometry (wmayer)
0000877: [Feature] Move from PyQt to PySide (wmayer)
0001525: [Merge request] use transformShape for uniform scaling in Draft._Clone Feature (wmayer)
0001503: [Feature] Make FreeCAD buildable using QT Creator using windows the VC++ 9 compiler (wmayer)
0001508: [Feature] Part Revolve - add parameter "solid" (wandererfan)
0001424: [Bug] emn import failure
0001498: [Feature] Allow Part Loft to create a closed solid i.e. have the Loft start and finish with the same profile (wandererfan)
0001502: [Bug] crash when using "move" tool in part workbench (wmayer)
0001446: [Bug] STEP export fails under Windows (wmayer)
0001469: [Merge request] OpenSCAD importer can't import more than one layer with the same name (shoogen)
0000994: [Feature] Standard view /Align view to selected face (yorik)
0001465: [Bug] scale() operation makes face invalid (wmayer)
0001172: [Bug] Installation should set Python path (wmayer)
0001107: [Feature] Ability to specify more decimal places of precision for fillets, etc. (wmayer)
0001326: [Bug] Starting FreeCAD Produces Blank Window with Granite Texture (wmayer)
0001458: [Merge request] dump Shapes to python string
0001257: [Bug] Crash on fuse() of two simple extrusions
0001147: [Bug] Boolean operation fails for a mesh
0001457: [Merge request] parse keyword args in Part::TopoShapePy::makeOffsetShape
0001454: [Merge request] add shape contents in part check geometry task view (wmayer)
0001210: [Bug] DLL load failed
0001373: [Feature] Expose BRepExtrema_DistShapeShape to python
0001174: [Feature] Allow user to input simple mathematical expressions when setting values to constraints.
0001420: [Bug] exceptions thrown with python object. (wmayer)
0001388: [Bug] SIGSEGV in Part::GeometryCurvePy::toBSpline (wmayer)
0001004: [Feature] Spin box locked to 1 mm
0001178: [Feature] Increase decimal precision
0001389: [Feature] Add a qt browser to the Parts library (yorik)
0000778: [Feature] upload models for library (yorik)
0001385: [Bug] Commit [bba876] causing new errors. (yorik)
0000790: [Feature] Hide all objects in a group (wmayer)
0001308: [Bug] icons not showing in Part Loft and sweep dialogues (jmaustpc)
0001359: [Patch] Drawing SVG output makes ever knot symetrical. (wmayer)
0001266: [Bug] Part Common fails with two surface objects (wmayer)
0001114: [Patch] Teigha File Converter not found, DWG support will be disabled. (yorik)
0001215: [Bug] Sweeping along a helix causes exception (wmayer)
0000873: [Bug] RefineModel() does not mark edges/faces as modified (jrheinlaender)
0000860: [Bug] PartDesign/modelrefine.cpp in FaceUniter::process() : United faces should all be marked as modified (jrheinlaender)
0001219: [Bug] Zero width rectangle (i.e. 2 vertical points) odd behaviour + crash (yorik)
0001185: [Bug] Planer image changes to number graphic when a part design constraint is made after the planar image (wmayer)
0001242: [Bug] Draft Dimensions due not observe Dimension Precision on FreeCAD Windows (yorik)
0001296: [Bug] invalid DXF export (yorik)
0000993: [Feature] Port wiki, phpbb and mantis to self-hosted (yorik)
0001292: [Bug] Crash propably in MeshPart (wmayer)
0001277: [Feature] FeaturePython objects should be able to define how POVray output is generated (yorik)
0001287: [Bug] Loosing Snap when Object is getting more complex. (yorik)
0001031: [Bug] PropertyLinkSubList causes crash
0001022: [Feature] BRepPrimAPI_MakeRevolution vs BRepPrimAPI_MakeRevol (wmayer)
0001291: [Bug] plane offset precision is limited to 0.1 (wmayer)
0001290: [Feature] Add spiral tool in Part Module
0001218: [Bug] Missing / blank snap tool icons; perpendicular, ortho (yorik)
0000755: [Feature] Add a Feature to delete a whole subtree of the FeatureTree
0000840: [Bug] OCC precision corruption from App::PropertyFloat (Jriegel)
0001155: [Bug] FreeCAD crashed while creating a loft of two ellipses (wmayer)
0001284: [Bug] Robot file RobotExample, double-click PartToWork, crash
0001246: [Bug] Constraint datum dimension label shown as gray box vice number in transparent background. (wmayer)
0001194: [Feature] Spreadsheet module (yorik)
0001269: [Feature] Parametr "tolerance" in "Create Mesh from geometry" work strange. (wmayer)
0001256: [Bug] Order of operations for Matrix is nonintuitive, needs documentation
0001222: [Bug] \Raytracing\Templates\ install folder missing - file ProjectStd.pov missing - Povray error StdFinish undefined
0001224: [Bug] Tiny Tweak: v0.14 Shows Some Items as 0.13
0001228: [Bug] Cross section of Torus in Part Workbench fails or give wrong results (wmayer)
0001220: [Bug] Line tool (preview as you move) disappears after new file created (yorik)
0001244: [Feature] Add a "render" button to the raytracing module (yorik)
0001231: [Feature] Annoying messages at startup
0001236: [Feature] Touchpad navigation issue (wmayer)
0001239: [Feature] Part --> Geometric Primitives --> Regular Prism (wmayer)
0001102: [Bug] Online help line needs modifying (yorik)
0001227: [Bug] FreeCAD crash with segfault Linux
0001234: [Bug] 'filemname' is not defined, typo? Can't import DWG (yorik)
0001133: [Bug] crash at padding a sketch with 42 holes
0000945: [Bug] BuildInstaller.bat issue
0001048: [Bug] Problem exporting (Meshes) to STL & STEP. (wmayer)
0000973: [Bug] Wrong outline in pocket
0001051: [Feature] Vertex in Part Loft and Sweep profile list - error handling (wmayer)
0001136: [Bug] cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (Jriegel)
0000861: [Bug] Meshing algorithm creates wrong shape (wmayer)
       0001232: [Bug] Create Mesh from geometry / Export mesh. (wmayer)
0000699: [Bug] Shape.removeSplitter() loses Shape.Placements on some Shapes
0001137: [Bug] Incomplete slices when using Part.slice on a torus (wmayer)
0001221: [Feature] Add a function that can apply a Placement to a Shape like sh.transformGeometry(sh.Placement.toMatrix()) (wmayer)
0001216: [Bug] Unable to Loft Sketches with Radiused Corners
0001044: [Feature] Create a test suite for Arch and Draft (yorik)
0001209: [Patch] Change the Word "Radius" for Chamfering (wmayer)
0001213: [Bug] FreeCAD Compilation fails on Linux 32 bit (wmayer)
0001207: [Feature] Expose Standard_Boolean TopoDS_Shape::IsPartner(const TopoDS_Shape& other) const; to python (wmayer)
0001189: [Feature] Re-assign hot keys 0 thru 6 to line up with the icon placement.
0001186: [Bug] Draft Snap Toolbar Icons Crossed up (yorik)
0001182: [Feature] Preserve names and colors on console mode export to STEP (wmayer)
0001076: [Feature] Placement Position Entry can be improved (wmayer)
0000964: [Patch] Patch to allow use of external PyCXX (wmayer)
0000846: [Feature] [Sketcher] Dragging + ESC (wmayer)
0000538: [Bug] Part WB extrude from ruled surface makes either two faces or a solid (wmayer)
0000923: [Feature] Split shape color setting from current preference page into a separate page (wmayer)
0001109: [Feature] Touchpad Navigation issue (wmayer)
0000931: [Feature] Can't change STEP/IGES export units through Python interface (wmayer)
0000948: [Bug] Part names are incorrect on import from STEP file (wmayer)
0000641: [Feature] Make Clipping-Plane-placement editable + support multiple planes (wmayer)
       0001159: [Feature] Clipping plane should have more controls (wmayer)
0000596: [Feature] Edge chain selection (wmayer)
0001104: [Bug] Toolbar Customizer Move Buttons enabled but inactive (wmayer)
0001023: [Bug] Crash when quitting after using Windows > Tile (wmayer)
0001161: [Bug] Merged Project object being imported changes size when moved (wmayer)
0001162: [Feature] Cut mesh with plane (wmayer)
0000803: [Feature] Feature request - box selection for faces in set color mode (wmayer)
0000832: [Feature] Original color STEP model lost in import
0001021: [Patch] add directory to findCoin cmake
0001025: [Feature] wireframe mode should include vertices in display
0001128: [Bug] Can not export. No way to select file type.
0001127: [Bug] selftest errors
0001146: [Bug] Unable to export file to any file format
0000627: [Bug] File extensions missing from supported file descriptions in open/save dialgos
0000849: [Feature] [Sketcher] Small inconsistency with update (wmayer)
0000920: [Feature] Hide turntable dialog when in fullscreen mode (wmayer)
0001007: [Feature] Keep drop down menus open when changing to another part
0000864: [Bug] Skin remains when cutting rectangle
0001026: [Feature] Suppress CMake warning if OCE wasn't found but OCC was found (wmayer)
0001032: [Feature] add preferences option for bounding box colour (yorik)
0001157: [Bug] Export to BREP does not work in Ubuntu (wmayer)
0001160: [Bug] Freecad sometimes 'forgets' the ability to handle stp files (wmayer)
0001078: [Feature] Snap Center Point at Center of Cylinder, Circle (yorik)
0001143: [Bug] Boolean Cut Fails with Extruded Shapestring
0001138: [Bug] DeprecationWarning: Use 'TypeId' instead (yorik)
0001150: [Bug] Abort on startup
0001152: [Bug] The output of __repr__() of Vector and Rotatio would create Objects with different Values do to inapropriate rounding
0001093: [Patch] Improvements for Brep Inventor nodes
0000889: [Bug] Crash on filleting (wmayer)
0000952: [Feature] Download manager (wmayer)
0000638: [Bug] Copy and Paste of a boolean operation moves children to new object (Jriegel)
0001120: [Bug] Windows installer long standing issues [easy fix] (wmayer)
0001121: [Bug] IndentationError in Python Console
0000965: [Feature] Tooltips should include shortcuts keys in parentheses
0000826: [Patch] reading from the python console for using pdb (wmayer)
0001106: [Bug] Segfault when selecting a duplicate pad
0001097: [Bug] CMake stops with error "Circular ... <- ... dependency dropped." if source == build directory (wmayer)
0001087: [Bug] Inventor Navigation continues with released Mouse Button (wmayer)
0001046: [Bug] ver 0.13 rev 1828, drafting, measurement, angles (yorik)
0001042: [Feature] Feature Request:: DXF Export in XY plane (yorik)
0001035: [Feature] Add webGL exporter (yorik)
0001062: [Merge request] an improved Helix icon as suggested by raulshc (yorik)
0001068: [Bug] DXF export of "large" Polyline Curves (yorik)
0001075: [Feature] DWire Command Number Entry Improvement (yorik)
0001082: [Bug] Bug in Draft Edit -> Add points (yorik)
0001086: [Bug] Crash when executing script 3 times (wmayer)
0001085: [Patch] TimeInfo: diffTimeF(): added default arg
0001084: [Patch] TimeInfo: diffTimeF(): non-zero result for ident. time stamps
0001079: [Bug] Task Deadlock: Part Workbench disabled when closing Combo View with open Task (wmayer)
0001077: [Bug] Placement Panel not removed after Entity Deletion
0001080: [Patch] Wrong header define PART_GEOMETRY_H in ProgressIndicator.h (wmayer)
0001073: [Feature] Allow Draft tool to create Part Primitives (yorik)
0001072: [Bug] Enclose isinstance(Edge.Curve,something) in try-except (yorik)
0001064: [Bug] Crash occurs in version 0.13 when trying to use alignment tool (wmayer)
0001071: [Bug] addObject with four arguments does not return the DocumentObject
0001065: [Merge request] Tree icons for Part Ruled surface, Part Export and some other fixes (yorik)
0000934: [Bug] Draft tools referenced before assignment (yorik)
0000959: [Bug] arc orientation sometimes becomes wrong when exporting to DXF (yorik)
0001059: [Bug] Cannot add object to DocumentObjectGroupPython
0001061: [Merge request] display tree icons for PartDesign workbench (yorik)
0001055: [Bug] remove duplicate include files in PartFeature.h (yorik)
0001056: [Patch] Sketcher Polyline tool "tool tip" "M key" (yorik)
0001050: [Merge request] use a face as a profile for Part Loft and sweep (yorik)
0001052: [Merge request] Tree icons for Part Vertex, Line, Edge, Circle, Ellipse and Helix (yorik)
0001053: [Bug] New Start Page tab every time the Start WB is selected
0001047: [Bug] Duplicate code inside ? (yorik)
0001036: [Bug] EngineBlock: unable to select bspline (yorik)
0001019: [Bug] Crash on document recompute (Jriegel)
0000946: [Bug] Objects imported by Drag-n-Drop end up in the wrong document (yorik)
0000966: [Patch] Draft Working Plane Button ToolTip (yorik)
0001024: [Bug] Draft Line - Start and End properties don't respect placement (yorik)
0000604: [Feature] Stable PPA (normandc)
0000984: [Bug] latest git version doesn't build on mint linux 2013-02-10
194 issues View Issues
Released 2013-01-28
0000492: [Feature] Sketcher: Create from existing 2d elements (yorik)
0000939: [Bug] Pressing Escape while pivoting a box crashes
0000942: [Bug] Crash when 2xdouble-click on part
0000962: [Bug] Attempting to import an SVG file fails with "invalid literal for int() with base 16" (yorik)
0000963: [Bug] Polar array does not work as described/expected (yorik)
0000162: [Feature] Suggestion on view mouse movements (wmayer)
0000547: [Feature] Drawing module - editable title blocks (yorik)
0001020: [Patch] Sweep (wmayer)
0000830: [Patch] Part Design Fillet and Chamfer icons should be different from the Part icons (wmayer)
0000935: [Bug] Failure to load SVG file (yorik)
0001013: [Bug] 0.13 program crash
0000793: [Bug] Deleting constraints/geometry causes crash.
0000775: [Bug] Part/Pocket fails up to curved face if that face is smaller than the sketch (logari81)
0000894: [Feature] Invert mouse Zoom for CAD mouse model (Jriegel)
0000303: [Feature] Draft feature in Part Design (mrlukeparry)
0000911: [Bug] V0.13- Faces of Solid models cannot be selected when ALT-TAB is used to switch between applications
0000917: [Bug] Task watcher doesn't update on object creation/destruction (Jriegel)
0000901: [Bug] Draft: Finishing Edition of existing BSpline does not end 'editmode' (yorik)
0000899: [Bug] Unable to see any parts created when upgrading to latest freecad
0000910: [Bug] Circles Extrude Only Surfaces
0000916: [Bug] Easy bug to fix (win installer)
0000914: [Bug] Too large default distance between eyes for Stereo mode
0000912: [Bug] Fit selection doesn't work as expected
0000903: [Bug] V0.13 - Change Individual face color on solid is missing
0000855: [Bug] Start page ship stuff not correctly installed (yorik)
0000859: [Bug] Deleting wires/dimensions causes illegal storage crash (yorik)
0000896: [Bug] ShaftDesign wizard incorrectly calls the active document
0000827: [Bug] Sketch copy deletes all constraints (logari81)
0000835: [Bug] Loading Draft and Arch Module duplicates the Tab in the Draft Preferences (yorik)
0000773: [Bug] Pad/Pocket up to user-selected face fails sometimes
0000863: [Bug] segfault in ~PythonDebuggerP() (wmayer)
0000865: [Bug] Document.xml in project file contains invalid string
0000858: [Bug] Self-Test fails for testActivate v0.13.1539
0000828: [Patch] Enhancements in OpenSCAD Module (yorik)
0000856: [Bug] Wrong inverse of a matrix
0000665: [Bug] Follow up 0000640: This file crashes FreeCAD UI latest Git
0000834: [Bug] Minor preselection color bug
0000651: [Bug] FindCoin3D should look in /usr/include/Coin3 for COIN3D_INCLUDE_DIR
0000843: [Patch] Wrong Context Menu Entry for Fillet/Chamfer -> Edit Pocket
0000545: [Bug] Undo revolve causes crash 'illegal storage'
0000809: [Feature] Explain the interface on the startpage (yorik)
0000825: [Bug] dxf import failing: invalid literal (yorik)
0000824: [Feature] Revolve icon suggestion (yorik)
0000833: [Bug] Color-per-face info lost when you set transparency
0000831: [Bug] python print causes File descriptor error on windows
0000817: [Bug] 'make DevDoc' fails
0000818: [Patch] [PATCH] added new page to "Customize" dialog for space navigator
0000823: [Patch] Extension of Facet class for getting vertex indices natively
0000816: [Patch] Integrate Shoogens patch for OpenSCAD import (Jriegel)
0000822: [Patch] Two little tweaks for the python console
0000630: [Feature] Add Ability to set defaults for Appereance (yorik)
0000813: [Bug] set colors dialog crash.
0000802: [Bug] Draft scale - some problems and some suggestions (yorik)
0000807: [Bug] Image plane duplication
0000791: [Bug] Placement dialog leaves unapplied changes
0000801: [Bug] Accidental "Cancel" in "set colors" destroys all the work
0000789: [Bug] Sketcher active in one document blocks closing another.
0000736: [Feature] when object is deleted, auto show it's parametric objects
0000788: [Bug] OFF import doesn't handle empty lines properly
0000772: [Feature] Navigation style suggestion - do not change cursor location when you are controling view
0000787: [Patch] Patch for Space navigator support on windows
0000762: [Bug] cPickle allows to trigger arbitrary code execution from FCStd file (wmayer)
0000777: [Bug] Shared libraries call exit
0000776: [Bug] Splashscreen shows errors
0000774: [Bug] merge project with these files instantly crashes FreeCAD
0000765: [Feature] Extend Draft Array to include z axis and allow arrays of arrays (yorik)
0000764: [Feature] Serialize Shape to python String
       0000572: [Feature] add a method to Part module to read BRep data from string (wmayer)
0000759: [Bug] importSVG produces unorientable shapes by creating Faces from open Wires. (yorik)
0000757: [Bug] comparison of const char* using ==
0000684: [Feature] Add an option that make FreeCAD check the shape after each boolean/loft operation
0000749: [Bug] ‘PI’ was not declared in this scope - compile error
0000537: [Bug] lack of tree structure in combo view - when using mirror
0000737: [Feature] Couple draft suggestions (yorik)
0000740: [Bug] work bench initiation from in fcstd file
0000144: [Feature] Add several tools to Part module (Jriegel)
0000724: [Patch] Up to first, up to last, up to face options to Pocket feature (Jriegel)
0000728: [Feature] Added midplane option to Revolution Feature
0000733: [Feature] Up to first/last/face, two-sided dimension options for Pad Feature
0000739: [Bug] Chamfer/Fillet(PartDesign) on whole body produces infinite loop
0000738: [Feature] "Compress" stuff in Tree view
0000722: [Bug] creating then deleting a Draft dimention crashes or locks up FreeCAD (yorik)
0000734: [Bug] Cannot export Drawing Page to SVG (wmayer)
0000727: [Feature] Keep faces colors on boolean operations (wmayer)
0000706: [Bug] copy- paste- crash (wmayer)
0000719: [Feature] Implement a KActionSelector-like widget (wmayer)
0000631: [Feature] Support of more sophisticated swtich to configure with cmake (wmayer)
0000714: [Bug] Merge project does not include DiffuseColor
0000726: [Bug] Fails to compile GIT
0000723: [Bug] improper handling of qt specific comand line arguments
0000717: [Bug] Version info causes crash
0000716: [Bug] src/Tools/PyTools.c: strange assignment and a memory leak
0000710: [Feature] merge project annoyance (yorik)
0000712: [Bug] Cad Navigation Zoom with Ctrl + causes shapes to pan off screen
0000702: [Patch] Patch to fix compilation of FreeCAD with gcc 4.7
0000698: [Feature] Draft Extrude suggestions (yorik)
0000501: [Bug] Help -> "Python Modules" menu item loads raw html in browser
0000646: [Feature] Expose BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShell to python (wmayer)
0000461: [Feature] Sketcher: tangent constraint between two arcs/circles (logari81)
0000688: [Bug] Gui issues: draft module rectangle tool always produces filled rectangle (yorik)
0000602: [Feature] Annotation object for Drawing pages (yorik)
0000686: [Bug] Draft upgrade looses inner holes (yorik)
0000660: [Bug] Draft dimension doesn't work with circles (radius + diameter) (yorik)
0000687: [Patch] sandbox module automake patch
0000394: [Feature] Task widget to display status info (wmayer)
0000248: [Feature] make the "revolve-axis" selectable
0000683: [Patch] patch required to build cam module with automake
0000682: [Bug] Fatal bug
0000681: [Bug] Bugs in Draft BSplines (yorik)
0000677: [Feature] Navigation style scope
0000676: [Bug] Typographical error
0000670: [Bug] Draft grid only visible on first view window. (yorik)
0000673: [Bug] BSplineSurfacePy::insertVKnots manipulates UKnots
0000672: [Bug] Loading Example "Drawing extraction" crashes at Baseclass.cpp line 115
0000624: [Bug] Trim tool doesn't work with construction lines.
0000669: [Bug] Crash on opening sketch of Pad feature of PartDesign example (wmayer)
0000649: [Bug] Creating a ruled surface fails
0000467: [Bug] blankes needed in some strings (crowdin)
0000415: [Bug] Wrong tree structure of restored python objects
0000668: [Bug] getPole() does not provide proper bound checking
0000653: [Bug] Menu shortcuts for the Sketcher item overlap with the Tools menu item.
0000633: [Bug] Mesh Boolean operations all return empty mesh
0000645: [Bug] Mesh.Mesh returns empty mesh when provided integers
0000640: [Bug] This file crashes FreeCAD (wmayer)
0000658: [Patch] Automake lacks option to build Mods: Assembly and Cam
0000667: [Patch] Patch for using system installed zipios++
0000666: [Bug] Drawing grid disappears. (yorik)
0000389: [Feature] Arch module - add basic drawing output (yorik)
0000636: [Bug] Two documents close (wmayer)
0000661: [Bug] cmake build on Mac OS: dealing with dylib versus so
0000516: [Feature] Arch module - Split the window tool (yorik)
0000385: [Feature] Arch module - IFC import (yorik)
0000659: [Bug] SIGABRT on startup in boost::program_options (Boost 1.49)
0000656: [Bug] WildMagic4 doesn't build on 64-bit Mac OS
0000340: [Feature] Make mesh 4-node parabolic instead of plain 3-node
0000585: [Bug] Bug with boost 1.48
0000655: [Bug] Dimension FontSize not set properly (yorik)
0000628: [Bug] git repo is not providing build revision number
0000384: [Feature] Arch module - add windows and doors (yorik)
0000650: [Feature] Placement API extension (yorik)
0000654: [Bug] FreeCAD Start Center dynamic links not working on some translations (yorik)
0000652: [Bug] Polish language not available even if translation is available in source
0000647: [Bug] Draft Module configuration settings need to be applied before Construction Mode works (yorik)
0000513: [Feature] Arch -module - Auto-cell (yorik)
0000584: [Bug] Draft downgrade doesn't give clear message and names (yorik)
0000643: [Bug] Mesh doesn't register off file import properly
0000637: [Bug] 'Draft_Wire' failed
0000511: [Feature] Arch module - Wall drawing tool (yorik)
0000583: [Feature] Make the Draft rectangle not depend on coin's Simage module (yorik)
0000510: [Feature] Arch module - Axes system (yorik)
0000625: [Bug] reloading python modules from Draft module breaks file handling (yorik)
0000623: [Feature] Matrix and Vector API extension (wmayer)
0000632: [Bug] Cone mesh fails with radius=0 on one end
0000629: [Feature] make Part::Revolution claim Child
0000618: [Bug] View PartDesign Workbench fails: 'module' object has no attribute 'makeFilletArc'
0000594: [Bug] Mac OS X build crashes on "About FreeCAD"
0000620: [Bug] Help -> About FreeCAD crashes program
0000621: [Patch] Typo - Constrain Horizontal Distance appears in place of Constrain Vertical Distance
0000496: [Bug] undefined symbol: _ZTIN8Sketcher12SketchObjectE
0000500: [Bug] Missing python library file (Jriegel)
0000551: [Bug] Problem on Python Manual in the Help Menu.
0000601: [Bug] Ray tracing workbench, export to povray does not work for "export view" produces empty exported file
0000578: [Bug] old version of CMakeLists.txt slipped back into /data/examples directory (Jriegel)
0000587: [Feature] Splash screen for 0.13 (yorik)
0000286: [Feature] Feature request for better Fillet/Chamfer
0000595: [Bug] Turntable rotation inverted
0000614: [Patch] compiling on linux: fatal error: moc_SketchOrientationDialog.cpp: No such file or directory
0000612: [Feature] Italian-Translation error in draft-workbench
0000611: [Feature] Explanatory illustrations for "Choose orientation" dialog
0000607: [Bug] Holding down middle mouse button (wheel) will zoom out without scrolling
0000330: [Feature] Wheel zoom sensitivty settings
0000609: [Bug] creates a file "71"
0000592: [Bug] SVG export of circles in multi-element groups is incorrect (yorik)
0000593: [Bug] SVG export encodes 'style' in a hard-to-see way (yorik)
0000598: [Bug] New version treats some objects as immutable
0000591: [Bug] exported svg has incorrect units (yorik)
0000588: [Feature] Allow Draft wires to have curved corners (yorik)
0000589: [Bug] Some files are not properly closed
0000590: [Bug] Draft objects saved from V11 don't appear correctly in V12 (yorik)
0000576: [Bug] Arch collada importer not working (yorik)
0000581: [Bug] crash when editing duplicated sketch
0000579: [Bug] Installer Raytracer Typo
0000574: [Bug] Draft hatches are not working anymore (yorik)
0000550: [Feature] No correct name of parts after import of STEP file containing assemblies
0000455: [Bug] Import :igs files
0000544: [Feature] Draft module - allow to shift-constrain dimensions (yorik)
0000526: [Feature] view control option (yorik)
0000439: [Bug] Improve STEP import to find colors attached to sub-shapes (wmayer)
0000570: [Bug] App::Document::_RecomputeFeature(): Unknown exception in Feature "Fusion" thrown
0000568: [Bug] sketch 2 draft bug (yorik)
0000566: [Bug] undo in draft causes crash (yorik)
0000564: [Bug] minor draft bug (yorik)
0000559: [Feature] Draft module - Scale feature (yorik)
0000558: [Bug] Draft Array doesn't allow different axes than Z (yorik)
0000560: [Bug] Draft WorkingPlane cannot be set from selected face anymore (yorik)
0000562: [Bug] [Draft Module] Algebraic Problem in SVG import
0000548: [Feature] 3D Circle from three points in Part wb (wmayer)
0000555: [Feature] 3D navigation using a two-button laptop touchpad
0000556: [Bug] Premature loading of modules (yorik)
0000546: [Feature] Ellipse added to create primitive dialogue (wmayer)
0000554: [Bug] Sketcher: adding angle constraint on a single line crashes FreeCAD (logari81)
0000542: [Feature] request for 'Draft Angle' option for extrusion
0000521: [Bug] Part Design: Pad from sketch on a face - reversed option greyed out in Taskview
0000549: [Bug] Undo of offset objects causes Draft tools to stop functioning. (yorik)
0000425: [Bug] Sketcher: line-on-point constraint freeze (logari81)
0000552: [Feature] Add the ability to calculate inertial properties t parts
0000525: [Bug] Crash when doing an undo of an already deleted object (Jriegel)
0000502: [Bug] Help -> "Python Manuals" displays missing file dialog(windows) / does nothing(ubuntu)
0000535: [Feature] request for python editible Properties panels
0000543: [Bug] objects that don't have a shape prevent Draft functions from working (yorik)
0000539: [Feature] Write message if off-screen rendering failed (wmayer)
0000540: [Bug] edits in ver 0.13 do not change screen object
0000536: [Feature] Parametric Edge in Part wb via create primitives dialogue gui
0000531: [Bug] Python API: Mirroring rotated parts produces undesired results
0000528: [Feature] Need a way to reset the Python instance (wmayer)
0000507: [Feature] Part/Part Design: allow edge preselection for chamfer/fillet (wmayer)
0000519: [Patch] Patch to set proper RPATH's for system wide installation on Linux.
0000532: [Bug] fillet command in Part Design shows only partial dialog
0000520: [Patch] CMake configuration tweaks (wmayer)
0000534: [Bug] cmake error (wmayer)
0000530: [Bug] Python Console allows editing of history
0000533: [Feature] Draft module - Array GUI tool (yorik)
0000493: [Feature] Face union to remove redundant edges
0000527: [Bug] removeSplitter closes holes
0000489: [Feature] python console: "RFC"s for even more "rapid" prototyping :-) (wmayer)
0000451: [Feature] boolean operation display mode
0000479: [Bug] Pad: negative value is not allowed (Jriegel)
0000504: [Feature] Include macro directory as part of default python path
0000514: [Feature] Arch module - Cell conversion (yorik)
0000524: [Feature] face union code needs merging
0000508: [Bug] Part: Parameterized Primitive: Plane - new planes with normals x or y are placed wrong
0000506: [Patch] Modifying focus when creating pad.
232 issues View Issues
Released 2011-01-06
0000474: [Bug] Wrong background of SVG pixmaps (wmayer)
0000499: [Bug] Crash during close of tab with mouse event attached
0000497: [Bug] FreeCAD crashes when calling Part.makeFilledFace with list of lines (wmayer)
0000468: [Bug] Sketcher: Crash on undoing inside the polyline tool (logari81)
0000316: [Bug] modifying arc in sketcher will lead to a crash
0000488: [Bug] python console: buggy CallTips completion for members, starting with underscore ('_')
0000476: [Bug] DXF problem (yorik)
0000482: [Bug] Exporting to DXF causes zero vector length exception (yorik)
0000484: [Bug] Try to change the macro location causes crash.
0000276: [Feature] Stringent user interface behavior (Jriegel)
       0000084: [Feature] Start Workbench (Jriegel)
       0000112: [Feature] Make python workbenches able to handle edit mode (Jriegel)
       0000111: [Feature] Make the task panel accessible from python (wmayer)
0000277: [Feature] Further Development in PartDesign (Jriegel)
       0000278: [Feature] Developing Sketcher (Jriegel)
             0000281: [Feature] Fix constraint (Jriegel)
             0000280: [Feature] Sketcher construction line (Jriegel)
             0000279: [Feature] Arc in Sketcher (Jriegel)
             0000284: [Bug] Fails to obey three lines with one point constrains after point constraint obtimize (Jriegel)
             0000285: [Feature] Deletion of constraints and geometry
0000356: [Feature] Switch from QSvg to QWebKit
0000460: [Bug] exporting *stl files from File -> Export
0000469: [Feature] Sketcher: Strange axes behavior (Jriegel)
0000473: [Bug] Draft preferences for tolerance are not applied or saved correctly. (yorik)
0000470: [Bug] Sketcher: The 'Fit Content to the Screen' must ignore not-user-created entities
0000472: [Bug] Arch Icons
0000463: [Bug] a pad fails to produce a valid solid from a valid sketch
0000457: [Bug] Fails to remember toolbar icon size
0000433: [Bug] Use of Pad/Pocket on some sketch profiles disables selection/preselection highlighting (wmayer)
0000454: [Bug] Illegal storage access crash when canceling pad
0000452: [Feature] in "Part" added create "vertex" to the create primitives dialgue gui
0000450: [Patch] new Icons for Part Work Bench, Ruled Surface, Shape Info, and Create Primitives
0000216: [Feature] FreeCAD hangs on various operations (wmayer)
0000442: [Feature] abstract Draft modifiers and add them in preferences (yorik)
0000373: [Bug] 2d Drafting bug - Should not allow the deletion of an object that is currently being drawn (yorik)
0000224: [Feature] Turn the Draft workplane marker into something more powerful (yorik)
       0000202: [Feature] Add snap-to-grid functionality to the draft module (yorik)
0000233: [Feature] build an OBJ exporter that respects Part Faces (yorik)
0000365: [Bug] Coincident+ tangent constrain doesn't work well (Sketcher) (Jriegel)
0000314: [Feature] extend Draft snap (yorik)
       0000331: [Feature] More snap tools (yorik)
0000380: [Bug] Non-XY Draft Dimensions are not displaying correctly when put on a Drawing View (yorik)
0000447: [Patch] Bugfix: Draft - Trim / Extend (yorik)
0000444: [Bug] makePipe: unwanted twisting of section along helix used as wire
0000443: [Bug] PartDesign - change axis issue
0000422: [Bug] Sketcher inverts horizontal and vertical constraints in YZ plane (Jriegel)
0000441: [Bug] Possible manipulator/dragger bug (wmayer)
0000364: [Bug] Draft Shift-constrain doesn't respect working plane (yorik)
0000440: [Feature] Produces a 2D view of an object in the document, not on a Drawing page (yorik)
0000438: [Bug] Subselection don't work on PythonFeature objects (wmayer)
0000362: [Bug] In Draft edit mode, snapping a control point snaps to itself first, preventing snapping to anything else (yorik)
0000268: [Feature] moving the "amount of corners" list box to another place (yorik)
0000312: [Feature] make Draft objects subclasses of Part2D objects (yorik)
       0000293: [Feature] make Draft objects usable with PartDesign (yorik)
0000341: [Bug] print or type set margin error (yorik)
0000361: [Bug] Draft editmode is not closed properly when deleting an object (yorik)
0000379: [Feature] Make the Draft SVG importer treat BSplines (yorik)
0000320: [Feature] Allow extruding faces on parts (yorik)
0000366: [Feature] Add an option to select base objects after Draft copy operation (yorik)
0000401: [Bug] Trimex doesn't work with arcs (yorik)
0000375: [Bug] Mac Interface window style setting not saved (wmayer)
0000307: [Bug] missing Mod search path in OS X build
0000352: [Feature] Boolean operations on faces (Jriegel)
0000426: [Bug] Sketcher:: Create polyline, perform Undo whilst adding lineSegment or wire and then adding another wire crashes (Jriegel)
0000428: [Bug] Sketcher: trying to drag a solved & locked sketch crashes FreeCAD (logari81)
0000329: [Feature] OpenCollada interface (yorik)
0000409: [Feature] Drawing objects by clicking in the 3Dview (yorik)
0000435: [Bug] Sketcher: Auto constrains add one coincident constraint too many to a closed polyline
0000408: [Bug] Missing attribute radius on Edit>Duplicate selection for circle
0000357: [Bug] 'Duplicate Selection' not copying all attributes (wmayer)
0000228: [Bug] Another preselection highlight bug (Jriegel)
0000072: [Feature] Use color information from STEP format (Jriegel)
0000432: [Bug] Deleting Radius Crashes
0000424: [Bug] Sketcher: Using right click menu prevents receiving selectionChanged messages
0000339: [Feature] Keep separable IGES geometry
0000264: [Bug] Drawing View for fused cube+cylinder and cube+sphere not shown correctly
0000322: [Bug] View of Pad in Drawing looks weird
0000423: [Feature] make the startpage translatable (yorik)
0000326: [Bug] cosmetics (yorik)
0000386: [Feature] Arch module - Mesh to Arch conversion (yorik)
0000388: [Feature] Arch module - allow to add/remove arch objects from cells (yorik)
0000183: [Feature] Allow solid to have different colors for every face (Jriegel)
0000421: [Bug] Sketcher Module: Undo command after creating geometry with constraints e.g. polyline / rectange crashes (Jriegel)
0000296: [Bug] Untranslatable header of task watchers (Jriegel)
0000338: [Feature] allow snapping in skatcher (Jriegel)
0000360: [Feature] copy visual attributes on parametric operations
0000294: [Feature] Make offset work on open polylines (yorik)
0000413: [Feature] Allow to subclass python extension classes inside python
0000419: [Feature] PDF print feature always defaults to same directory
0000418: [Bug] Sketcher - When pading I get unclosed shape
0000420: [Bug] Loading a sketch after a save fails.
0000417: [Bug] FreeCad does not compile with eigen 3.0.1
0000283: [Bug] Fix build-systems
0000411: [Bug] v0.12 b4693
0000392: [Bug] Sketch shows different shabe as pad
0000346: [Bug] Sketch, pad and pocket look weird on mirrored shapes
0000407: [Bug] Robot module doesn't compile with Eigen3 (Jriegel)
0000399: [Bug] cannot use macros with non-standard names
0000406: [Bug] Translated Solids move before Boolean (wmayer)
0000092: [Feature] Surface modelling (wmayer)
0000393: [Bug] Povray export seems to work on active object only (wmayer)
0000376: [Feature] Additional 3D navigation modes
0000372: [Bug] 2D drafting crash
0000368: [Feature] Choose a more intuitive naming scheme for duplicated objects (wmayer)
0000370: [Bug] user.cfg problem
0000369: [Feature] Useful extension of the show/hide functionality (wmayer)
0000363: [Bug] Problem exporting in STEP format
0000349: [Feature] Using thumbnail for FreeCAD document icon
0000253: [Feature] Implement alternative CAD navigation style (wmayer)
0000347: [Feature] Update CATIA-like rotation for CAD navigation
0000321: [Bug] Error on loading a document with a drawing (Jriegel)
0000345: [Bug] freecad won't compile with gcc 4.6: undefined reference to `Gui::
0000344: [Bug] Freecad does not compile with gcc 4.6.0 because of missing include in zipios++/directory.h
0000310: [Bug] Shift does not work for distances (yorik)
0000225: [Bug] bugs in Draft Scale (yorik)
0000236: [Feature] make Draft copy keep dependency relationships of their original object (yorik)
0000187: [Feature] Dimension of angles and radiuses/diameters (yorik)
0000238: [Feature] Group Spline/Wire AddPoint and DelPoint tools inside Edit mode (yorik)
0000342: [Feature] Change the Draft upgrade behaviour to produce a more intelligent Group object (yorik)
0000332: [Bug] Automatic workplanes when drawing against a surface (yorik)
0000343: [Feature] Transfer Draft objects SVG properties to their DrawingView objects (yorik)
0000333: [Feature] Turntable camera rotation
0000334: [Feature] toolbar size option (wmayer)
0000311: [Feature] add a button to the Report View to switch on/off the redirection of python errors (yorik)
0000313: [Feature] allow Part Extrude to extrude in the direction of the face normal
0000317: [Bug] moving of arc does not work properly (logari81)
0000259: [Bug] Can't select points in Sketcher (Jriegel)
0000151: [Feature] support 3DFACES in dxf import & export (yorik)
       0000308: [Bug] Exported dxf totally broken when re-importing (yorik)
0000315: [Bug] New Circle tool in Sketcher causes problems editing Pad and Pocket features (wmayer)
0000302: [Feature] rename box (wmayer)
0000304: [Bug] Sketcher Crashes after you delete all lines, but leave few constraints.
0000184: [Feature] Export color information to STEP (AP214)
0000295: [Bug] STEP AP214 export crashes FreeCAD on win7 (Jriegel)
0000260: [Feature] BSpline does not want on a "Drawing sheet" (wmayer)
0000267: [Bug] Undo/redo of custom python objects doesn't work (wmayer)
0000218: [Bug] CPU 100% when snapping (yorik)
       0000266: [Bug] Snapping + Ctrl does not work in 3D (yorik)
0000265: [Feature] Move the "Copy" check box to another place (yorik)
0000262: [Feature] move the "Filled" check box to another place (yorik)
140 issues View Issues
Released 2010-03-16
The 0.11 is now release candidate and will be soon our stable version. Therefore, I just activate this item now.
0000226: [Bug] Minor Bug with Box and Sphere not drawn correctly (wmayer)
0000318: [Bug] pad/pocket of multiple circles/rectangles looks bad (wmayer)
0000309: [Bug] Hard coded target for PropertyPlacement edition in Property editor (wmayer)
0000305: [Bug] sketch moves in -z direction
0000306: [Bug] using pad or pocket on line will lead to a crash
0000299: [Bug] bottom face invisible (wmayer)
0000269: [Bug] Offset does not work for regular polygons (yorik)
0000271: [Bug] Edge selection in Gui model window doesn't work anymore (wmayer)
0000291: [Bug] "Tasks" window goes crazy when resized (wmayer)
0000272: [Bug] Draft is not fully translated (yorik)
0000290: [Bug] drawing a rectangle (yorik)
0000288: [Bug] trimming does not work after moving or rotating (yorik)
0000261: [Bug] awesome undo feature (yorik)
0000273: [Bug] Icons in files do not load with Qt 4.7
0000107: [Bug] Support incremental placement for several selected objects (wmayer)
0000191: [Patch] Make preprocessor check for BSD (wmayer)
0000274: [Bug] Localization problem with console and UTF-8 strings (wmayer)
0000137: [Feature] Translations for 0.11 release (yorik)
0000153: [Feature] Furnishing robot workbench (Jriegel)
       0000240: [Feature] Trajectory compound (Jriegel)
       0000154: [Bug] ToolShape misbehave at load and simulation time (Jriegel)
       0000155: [Feature] New KDL solver (Jriegel)
       0000156: [Feature] Home position commands (Jriegel)
       0000241: [Feature] Trajectory dress up feature (Jriegel)
0000119: [Feature] PartDesign (Jriegel)
       0000120: [Feature] Pad feature (Jriegel)
       0000121: [Feature] Pocket feature (Jriegel)
       0000021: [Feature] Reimplementation of Sketch solver (Jriegel)
0000258: [Bug] Crash after undo (Sketcher) (wmayer)
0000257: [Bug] Shaded Display Mode does not work for Sketcher
0000256: [Bug] Bug in Bugtracker :)
0000255: [Bug] Crash on LMB after RMB on line
0000254: [Bug] Attempt to subtract one torus from another crashes or hangs FreeCAD
0000252: [Feature] extrude along normals (yorik)
0000251: [Patch] Rectangular Array patch for Draft workbench.
0000249: [Bug] cleanup Draft icons & translations (yorik)
0000094: [Bug] File overlap in PropertyFileIncluded (Jriegel)
0000168: [Feature] Support custom hatch patterns in the Draft module (yorik)
0000247: [Bug] Crash on Windows with attached minimal file (Jriegel)
0000166: [Bug] edges highlight doesn't work anymore (Jriegel)
0000246: [Bug] Selection of edges in concave areas not possible (wmayer)
0000212: [Feature] Contextual menu "Move to group" in the object list (yorik)
0000242: [Bug] fails with different languages in Wiki (yorik)
0000142: [Feature] Show_tangency_lines in drawing view (Jriegel)
0000239: [Bug] SelectionFilter doesn't check sub-element type (Jriegel)
0000123: [Feature] New defaults (Jriegel)
0000235: [Patch] [PATCH] rotate tool using keyboard input was broken (yorik)
0000013: [Feature] Replace group behavior by Property (Jriegel)
       0000037: [Feature] Change tree group behaviour (wmayer)
0000135: [Feature] Artwork for 0.11 release (yorik)
0000021: [Feature] Reimplementation of Sketch solver (Jriegel)
0000223: [Bug] Polyline in draft - unable to remove first 2 lines (yorik)
0000205: [Feature] Allow to move the text of a dimension (yorik)
0000171: [Bug] Unify Draft keyboard shortcuts (yorik)
0000206: [Feature] Make Draft module use python Drawing Views (yorik)
0000180: [Feature] Allow dxf export of a Drawing sheet (yorik)
0000209: [Feature] Add texture map property to Draft rectangles (yorik)
0000158: [Bug] Draft icons don't appear correctly on windows (yorik)
0000182: [Bug] Bug in Draft DXF export causes some exported faces to loose their last vertex (yorik)
0000186: [Feature] Dimension - edit Value (yorik)
0000172: [Bug] Edit->Preferences: missing big icon for Raytrcing (yorik)
0000181: [Bug] Draft-downgrading a face with a hole only delivers the outer wire, the inner wire(s) is/are lost (yorik)
0000167: [Feature] Add leader object to the Draft module (yorik)
0000170: [Feature] Add visual hint of the current Working Plane (yorik)
0000161: [Bug] Using draft upgrade tool on a wire + arc doesnt produce expected result (yorik)
0000146: [Feature] Add python view feature to the Drawing module (Jriegel)
0000115: [Feature] Create mechanism to ease updating Drawing sheet from the Draft module (yorik)
0000140: [Feature] Dimensioning system in svg drawings (yorik)
0000147: [Feature] Keep Dimension tool active after completing instead of quitting (yorik)
0000139: [Feature] Add Polygon tool to the Draft module (yorik)
0000114: [Feature] Make Draft sendToDrawing command able to output hatch pattern fills and dotted or dashed lines (yorik)
0000125: [Bug] FreeCAD crashes when exploring the contents of a Mesh object with the python class browser (yorik)
0000126: [Feature] make text height and face color settings for the Draft module (yorik)
0000113: [Feature] Make Draft objects parametric (yorik)
0000128: [Feature] copy() methode for the TopoShape objects in Part (wmayer)
0000116: [Feature] make an API for the Draft module (yorik)
0000118: [Bug] make Draft transform tools work on groups (yorik)
0000117: [Bug] make Draft Upgrade support non-Draft shapes (yorik)
0000077: [Feature] Add a method to meshes for separating coplanar faces (yorik)
0000079: [Feature] add translation to the Draft module (yorik)
79 issues View Issues
Released 2009-09-28
0000103: [Feature] Separate creation of Inventor nodes from view provider (wmayer)
0000102: [Bug] Relayout placement dialog (wmayer)
0000104: [Bug] Boolean operation only with solids (wmayer)
0000106: [Bug] Overflow in methods to create unique object names (wmayer)
0000108: [Bug] CAD mouse model error if fast dragging (wmayer)
0000046: [Feature] Changing viewer methods for animation (wmayer)
0000074: [Bug] Offset doesn't work as expected (yorik)
0000068: [Bug] DXF Import (yorik)
0000057: [Bug] Draft Offset needs improvement (yorik)
0000061: [Feature] make Draft text tool multi-line (yorik)
0000058: [Feature] Export B-splines to dxf format (yorik)
0000059: [Feature] Export Compounds as dxf blocks (yorik)
0000054: [Bug] Crash after playing with (yorik)
0000049: [Bug] Crash after drawing circle and extrude (yorik)
14 issues View Issues
Released 2009-09-28
Targeted mainly towards the Debian integration
0000043: [Bug] Crash with VC9 builds (Jriegel)
0000032: [Bug] Draft tools don't work anymore (yorik)
0000035: [Feature] Change placement behavior (wmayer)
0000036: [Bug] Chnge angle parameters in Part to degree (Jriegel)
0000006: [Feature] Part interface cleanup (Jriegel)
       0000004: [Feature] Subelement link property (Jriegel)
0000033: [Feature] Better rotation operations on Placement (wmayer)
0000002: [Bug] Error in Start_Page.html (Jriegel)
0000010: [Bug] pivy does not work and leads to runtime failures (wmayer)
0000030: [Feature] Clean up Raytracing (Jriegel)
0000022: [Feature] Robot simulation Workbench (Jriegel)
       0000023: [Feature] Robot object & Grafik representation (Jriegel)
       0000024: [Feature] Robot inverse kinematic for a Kuka IR500 (Jriegel)
0000007: [Bug] Help file cannot be opened (wmayer)
14 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
0004535: [Bug] Addon Manager - no access to Macros on github (chennes)
0003330: [Feature] Add custom/foreign addon via repository URLs in addon-manager (chennes)
2 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
0002577: [Feature] Support for hatch patterns (yorik)
1 issue View Issues
Not Yet Released
0003650: [Bug] Can't add building to site (chennes)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2018-12-31
0003495: [Bug] Structure created using RHS preset is not visible in 3D view (yorik)
0003827: [Bug] Can not add panel in language different to english (yorik)
0003833: [Bug] Arch window object does not follow visibility of group or floorplan
0003001: [Feature] Option between creating the walls walltrace, as sketch or as draft (yorik)
0002747: [Feature] Sandwich panels (yorik)
0003247: [Feature] Allow to draw a beam/column directly, like walls (yorik)
0002556: [Feature] grid object refinements (yorik)
0003779: [Feature] Sketcher sketches cannot constrain to arch axis (yorik)
0003590: [Bug] Arch Py3 unicode problems (yorik)
0003558: [Bug] Arch Windows - Problem with Draft to Sketch (yorik)
0003478: [Bug] FreeCAD doesn't create walls (yorik)
0003430: [Bug] application crashes when create wall object from 2-point line or restangle (yorik)
12 issues View Issues
Released 2018-04-06
0003082: [Bug] Arch CutPlane - Error: tuple index out of range (yorik)
0002103: [Bug] Arch: Dimensions jumping by 10e3 on german localization
0003234: [Feature] Add Rebar length property (yorik)
0003112: [Bug] ArchSpace area calculation doesn't work (yorik)
0002954: [Patch] Profiles for Arch pipes not working (yorik)
0002575: [Feature] Export 2D geometry to IFC (yorik)
0002583: [Feature] Precast concrete tools (yorik)
7 issues View Issues
Released 2016-04-01
0002449: [Bug] Adding a window when an extrude exists brings error on extrude (yorik)
0002431: [Bug] Material Editor does not take modifications (yorik)
0002413: [Bug] no "OK" button in task view on default initial creation Arch Wall, Structure or Window (yorik)
0002165: [Feature] Extend GUI for facebinder command (yorik)
0002233: [Bug] Drawing view of Arch SectionView changes orientation when changing rendering mode (yorik)
0002063: [Bug] Arch Section :Only Solids : Some placement make the property don't work as expected. (yorik)
0002189: [Bug] Arch SectionPlane default size (yorik)
0002098: [Bug] Arch - section planes cannot be edited via GUI (yorik)
0002232: [Bug] Can't save windows (yorik)
0001994: [Bug] Circular dependencies in Sketch-based Arch Windows (yorik)
0001551: [Feature] Arch - Advanced IFC support (yorik)
0001918: [Bug] Python exception when setting section view`s rendering to solid (yorik)
12 issues View Issues
Released 2015-04-05
0001604: [Bug] Arch - Windows placed on the back face of a wall have their Y axis inverted (yorik)
0001811: [Bug] Using "edit placement" function with Arch section planes produces wrong results (yorik)
0001795: [Bug] adapt IFC exporters to accept unicode filenames (yorik)
0001835: [Bug] Crash when inserting window without support (yorik)
0001618: [Feature] Arch.makeRoof(face,angle) with arbitrary angles (yorik)
0001834: [Bug] Lack constraint in sketch of 2-pane type windows (yorik)
0001732: [Bug] Windows and wall with negative height (yorik)
0001610: [Feature] Arch - Enhance the space tool (yorik)
0001561: [Feature] Arch - Use materials (yorik)
0001572: [Bug] Arch Survey tool doesn't respect unit choice (yorik)
0001471: [Feature] Arch - Panel object (yorik)
11 issues View Issues
Released 2014-07-01
0001360: [Bug] [Arch] must be sip.simplewrapper, not PySide.QtGui.QWidget (wmayer)
0001377: [Bug] Error when create Window (yorik)
0001165: [Feature] Arch Stairs (yorik)
0000978: [Feature] Arch module - Multilayer walls (yorik)
0001313: [Feature] Add nodes sysyem to arch structural elements (yorik)
0000517: [Feature] Arch module - predefined styles (yorik)
0000730: [Feature] Arch module - "Build from faces" feature (yorik)
0000982: [Feature] Arch module - Space object (yorik)
0001167: [Feature] Fixtures subsystem for Arch objects (yorik)
0000981: [Feature] Arch module - Add placement to arch groups (yorik)
0000979: [Feature] Arch module - Inserts should move together with their host wall (yorik)
0000729: [Feature] Arch module - Auto-grouping (yorik)
0001003: [Feature] Arch module - Better structure tool (yorik)
0000947: [Bug] Window object does not update if it fully constrained in Arch module (yorik)
14 issues View Issues
Released 2013-01-28
0000720: [Feature] Update wiki docs for Arch and Draft (yorik)
0000387: [Feature] Arch module - add roofs (yorik)
0000685: [Bug] Unable to change saved "wall" attributes (like Length - Err: Wall: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'execute') (yorik)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2018-12-31
0003445: [Bug] Import Part not working in Assembly2
1 issue View Issues
Released 2018-04-06
0000382: [Feature] Feature request: note fields on objects (yorik)
0002086: [Bug] When loading saved document active body logic fails
0002142: [Feature] make dependency graph show groups (ickby)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2014-07-01
0001252: [Bug] Creating assembly on a file created from PartsDesigner (jmaustpc)
1 issue View Issues
Not Yet Released
0003483: [Bug] Simple paths cannot be upgraded (yorik)
0002488: [Feature] Standard paths issues from import SVG to FreeCAD (yorik)
0004638: [Bug] cannot import name '_ViewProviderDimension' from 'Draft'
0004278: [Bug] Working Plane Proxy origin hijack nearby object (marioalexis)
4 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
0004113: [Bug] When Clone is used in Draft/Scale, the cloned part placement is always set to origin whatever is the reference point (yorik)
0003691: [Bug] Draft Scale only scales up but not down
0004243: [Bug] Crash: when using Draft Facebinder
3 issues View Issues
Released 2018-12-31
0003881: [Bug] Draft preference Interface Mode / Toolbar forces minimum main FC app window size (triplus)
0003485: [Bug] Draft : The move tool does not work correctly (yorik)
0003826: [Bug] Draft.BSpline crashing in console mode (yorik)
0003581: [Bug] Draft PathArray Align=True not work on custom sketch path (wandererfan)
0002304: [Bug] Duplicate multi selection of sketch element produces many sketches (yorik)
0003732: [Bug] Menu groups in Draft menu are not translated even though translated strings exist (wmayer)
0001973: [Feature] Improve GUI of Shapestring-command (wandererfan)
0003473: [Bug] Draft.array() and Draft.makeArray() not accepting z vector and z number parameters (yorik)
0003392: [Bug] Draft snapping doesn't work correctly on shapes that are inside a moved Part container (yorik)
9 issues View Issues
Released 2018-04-06
0003350: [Bug] Draft Snapping does not recognize App::Part container (wmayer)
0002792: [Bug] Negative distances measured in feet/inch calculated incorrectly (yorik)
0003058: [Bug] wrong dimension "Snap Points" in Draft WB in Imported hierarchical STEP files (wmayer)
0003347: [Bug] No 'Tick' arrow style among other styles in Draft preferences (wmayer)
0003044: [Bug] Draft -> Chamfer feature Does not work with Closed Dwire (closed multi-point DraftWire) (yorik)
0001939: [Bug] ShapeString with Single Space (wandererfan)
0003258: [Bug] Draft Snap toolbar doesn't display MenuText AKA status bar text when hovering over icons (wmayer)
0003031: [Feature] Draft To Sketch should handle bsplines and beziers (yorik)
0002496: [Bug] DraftGeomUtils.FindWires doesn't find all (yorik)
0002810: [Bug] Keyboard shortcut in Draft (yorik)
0003094: [Bug] ShapeString: Tracking is not a distance but a factor (wandererfan)
0002532: [Bug] Draft line not working if document closed while tool is open (yorik)
0001950: [Bug] If draft grid space is set to zero then drafting draw tools fail.
0002060: [Feature] Create new objects directly in a Group or VisGroup (rockn)
0002591: [Bug] Wrong view of a compound of cylinders
0002690: [Bug] Regression: Mouse snapping to vertices is broken in 0.17.8353
16 issues View Issues
Released 2016-04-01
0001862: [Bug] Broken offset of rounded rectangle
0002487: [Bug] Nearest snaps not to intersect (yorik)
0001940: [Bug] Scale of draft clones ignored when 0.5 < scale < 1.5 (yorik)
0002016: [Bug] Annotation using draft workbench causes crash (yorik)
0002066: [Bug] Draft - End Arrow make an arrow at pos(0,0,0) instead of the end coordinate of the line. (yorik)
0002261: [Bug] Unhandled exceptions with Draft->Downgrade 2 (yorik)
0002027: [Bug] Draft.offset with bind=True is broken (yorik)
0002104: [Bug] Draft WB Grid Shifts To Center Of Mass When Fixed To Plane (yorik)
0002162: [Bug] Error When Importing DXF File (yorik)
0002260: [Bug] Unhandled exceptions with Draft->Downgrade (yorik)
0001593: [Feature] Draft - Divide tool (yorik)
0002367: [Feature] Allow Shape2DView tool project not only onto the XY Plane (yorik)
12 issues View Issues
Released 2015-04-05
0001621: [Bug] "Offset" option in "Set/unset a working plane" didn't work (yorik)
0001687: [Feature] Draft > Trim / Extend Along Self (yorik)
0001675: [Bug] File selection dialog for texture image starts in /usr/lib/freecad (yorik)
0001642: [Feature] Moving parts created from sketches is ignored (yorik)
0001660: [Bug] Draft.scale should use default value = 1 for scaling (yorik)
0001661: [Bug] Draft Convert Sketch to Draft (yorik)
0001582: [Bug] Delete closes entire program (yorik)
0001568: [Feature] Draft - Allow to select all objects in the same group as the selected object (yorik)
0001606: [Bug] Draft - Offset value doesn't have effect in SelectPlane tool (yorik)
0001584: Import DXF failure (yorik)
10 issues View Issues
Released 2014-07-01
0000893: [Bug] Fail to upgrade wire to face in drafting module (yorik)
       0000921: [Bug] Upgrading wire to face deletes object (yorik)
0001404: [Patch] Draft Dimension Override string: Non ascii-Characters are not shown in Drawings (yorik)
0001528: [Bug] Undo Wireframe Circle After Delete Generates Solid Disc (yorik)
0001433: [Bug] toolbar symbols of the snap-functions are not show correctly (yorik)
0001443: [Bug] Shapestring Font browser does not work as expected
0001439: [Feature] use DistShapeShape in DraftGeomUtils.findIntersection (yorik)
0001355: [Feature] Cubic Bezier Curve Tool For Draft Workbench (yorik)
0001370: [Merge request] wrong viewBox position of flattened raw svg output (yorik)
0001103: [Feature] Make a DWG importer/exporter based on the teigha convertor (yorik)
0001158: [Bug] Import of 3D-dxf files failes (yorik)
0001100: [Bug] Draft snapping issue with rectangles (yorik)
0001241: [Bug] FreeCAD Windows 32 bit crashes at adding Draft Dimension with Fontsize preset in preferences (yorik)
0000943: [Feature] Add more snap behaviours for walls and structs (yorik)
0000907: [Bug] Some icon buttons are not shown on Draft snap toolbar (yorik)
0000908: [Feature] Allow to lock mouse direction in Draft snapping (yorik)
0001140: [Bug] FreeCAD crashes when deleting element in drafter (yorik)
0001195: [Bug] Open DXF - exception when opening file created with Inkscape (yorik)
0001200: [Bug] Draft: DXF exporter doesn't export ellipsoid arcs (yorik)
0001184: [Feature] Support for arc segments in Draft Wires (yorik)
0001151: [Bug] Draft and Arch module load Part module at program start (yorik)
0001092: [Bug] Draft absolute coords should be relative to the WP (yorik)
0000862: [Bug] Draft toolbar doesn't disappear when switching workbenches (yorik)
0001074: [Feature] Add an Ellipse tool (yorik)
0000983: [Feature] Draft module - Add a chamfer property to wires, rectangles and polygons (yorik)
0000999: [Feature] Separate Draft Upgrade and Downgrade (yorik)
26 issues View Issues
Released 2013-01-28
0000270: [Feature] Make the Draft offset function working on b-splines (yorik)
0000919: [Bug] Crash on upgrade from wire to face (yorik)
0000892: [Bug] Snap to grid cannot be turned off (yorik)
0000891: [Bug] Snap to intersection doesn't work in draft module (yorik)
0000890: [Bug] exceptions.RefrenceError when doing offset on dwire in draft module (yorik)
0000769: [Bug] Draft Dimension crashes FreeCAD after parameter change (yorik)
0000887: [Bug] Clicking to close b-spline causes seg-fault (yorik)
0000866: [Bug] Converting from draft to sketch - object is lost without error (yorik)
0000820: [Bug] Draft dimensions endpoints appear too big on Drawing pages (yorik)
0000642: [Bug] Bugs in DraftSnap (yorik)
0000715: [Bug] Draft move does not respect working plane (yorik)
0000679: [Bug] Arcs get wrong orientation when exporting to dxf (yorik)
0000634: [Bug] Draft <--> Sketch conversion (yorik)
       0000718: [Bug] Draft to Sketch conversion malfunctions (yorik)
0000742: [Bug] popup window "workbench failure" - "float divide by zero" (yorik)
0000701: [Feature] Rename Draft Wire to dWire (yorik)
0000680: [Bug] Wrong rendering of DXF files (yorik)
0000663: [Bug] Wrong naming scheme for Draft up/downgrade (yorik)
18 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
0004236: [Bug] Placement.Rotation.Axis in expressions requires multiple recomputes after changes (wmayer)
1 issue View Issues
Not Yet Released
0004156: [Feature] [Spreadsheet] Necessarily use of leading '=' to enter an expression (hyarion)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2018-12-31
0003518: [Bug] Expressions (fx) not updated (wmayer)
0003361: [Bug] Spreadsheet: Inserting Row Cause Crash - FC Daily v0.17 (eivindkvedalen)
0003506: [Bug] Alias names in spreadsheet with a number at the end causes exceptions at deleting cells (eivindkvedalen)
0003474: [Bug] Spreadsheet drag-drop across containers makes linked objects move as well (DeepSOIC)
0003515: [Bug] Changing Name of Spreadsheet in History Tree Does Not Trigger Name Update in Tab at Bottom of 3D Window (wmayer)
0003467: [Bug] Merge Project command and rename of expressions referring to cells of Spreadsheets (eivindkvedalen)
0003638: [Bug] Importing CSV-files produces an empty spreadsheet without the data (wmayer)
0003610: [Bug] App::PropertyFloatList not updating in Spreadsheet (wmayer)
0003496: [Bug] Can't delete spreadsheet if spreadsheet is opened. (eivindkvedalen)
0003521: [Bug] Import of csv file into Spreadsheet does not work if the path contains non ASCII characters (wmayer)
0002833: [Bug] [Spreadsheet] Keyboard events are sent to the wrong viewprovider (wmayer)
0003432: [Bug] numbers with units are not handled at all in aggregate functions, when written direct into the function call (eivindkvedalen)
12 issues View Issues
Released 2018-04-06
0002195: [Bug] Input validator doesn't allow comma as decimal separator inside input fields a second time (eivindkvedalen)
0003363: [Bug] Nested conditionals statement fails with additional conditional statement in false-branch (eivindkvedalen)
0003214: [Bug] Back reference for expressions not cleaned up properly on object deletion. (wmayer)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2018-12-31
0003819: [Bug] no proper input for contact stiffness (wmayer)
0003823: [Bug] FEM, unusable material property changing when using task panel (wmayer)
0003804: [Bug] FC becomes unusable after double-cicking on FEM elements while clip view is active (wmayer)
0003814: [Bug] FEM, FC becomes unusable after inserting certain constraints (berndhahnebach)
0002873: [Bug] FEM, mesh, unv writer, do not renumbering on file writing (berndhahnebach)
0003769: [Bug] FEM: post processing, nodes are coloured if post process viewing is set back (berndhahnebach)
0003683: [Bug] FEM, GUI, incorrect display of constraints symbols on reference shapes (wmayer)
0003617: [Bug] FEM, post processing, vtk mesh, it is not possible to create a vtk mesh with gaps (ickby)
0003733: [Bug] FEM workbench menus are not translatable (wmayer)
0003629: [Bug] FEM, input file is not written if the FreeCAD document name has none standard letters (berndhahnebach)
0003616: [Bug] FEM, SMESH, wrong version in cmake (berndhahnebach)
0003618: [Bug] FEM, GUI, mesh view provider, highlighted node show wrong node number on selection (wmayer)
0003155: [Bug] FEM to mesh conversion fails for shells (wmayer)
13 issues View Issues
Released 2018-04-06
0003314: [Bug] Preference: Abaqus INP -> FEM does not get saved (berndhahnebach)
0003051: [Feature] FEM - mesh, ccx, export mixed mesh types to inp format (berndhahnebach)
0003021: [Feature] FEM - solver Elmer (Ongoing) (m42kus)
0003167: [Bug] FEM - Materials dialogue - Units conversion problem (HoWil)
0003283: [Bug] "Create FEM constraint for transforming a face" not visible in Task View (berndhahnebach)
0002080: [Bug] Attempt to remove FEM analysis result (displacement & stress) results in false warning (wmayer)
0003164: [Feature] Elements of an analysis including the mesh and constraints should be hidden when hiding the analysis (Space) (wmayer)
0003017: [Feature] highlighting of selected elements in FEM-wb (berndhahnebach)
0002965: [Feature] FEM - GUI, removing warning when creating a mesh from boolean fragments (berndhahnebach)
0002640: [Bug] FEM crash
0002546: [Feature] FEM constraint parameters can't be smaller than 0,01 (N)
0002113: [Bug] [build issue]netgen library version is nailed to OS rather than determined during build time.
0002617: [Bug] MED mesh export is broken (vejmarie)
13 issues View Issues
Released 2016-04-01
0002400: [Feature] ccx note when installing PPA (normandc)
1 issue View Issues
0004809: [Bug] Security vulnerability in DWG import when using ODA file converter (wmayer)
0003596: [Feature] DWG import/export - 3rd-party Teigha File Converter was renamed ODA, exec file path needs to be updated (chennes)
0004684: [Bug] STEP export loses colour (chennes)
3 issues View Issues
0003131: [Feature] fix export format in options (chennes)
0003517: [Bug] STL/Mesh export options only visible after first mesh import
2 issues View Issues
Released 2018-12-31
0002342: [General] Difference in solver messages between SparseQR/DenseQR (abdullah)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2018-12-31
0002342: [General] Difference in solver messages between SparseQR/DenseQR (abdullah)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2018-04-06
0002289: [Bug] Coincident constraint on endpoints of a TrimmedCurve (abdullah)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2018-04-06
0002289: [Bug] Coincident constraint on endpoints of a TrimmedCurve (abdullah)
1 issue View Issues
Not Yet Released
0002204: [Bug] Crash when unioning toruses (upstream OCC bug) (wmayer)
0004665: [Bug] Part/projection tool : Unhandled unknown exception caught when mouse gets over a datum plane (wmayer)
0004764: [Bug] Suppressing the B-splines on which the scan operation depends will always cause a crash (chennes)
0003954: [Bug] 2D Offset crashes with particular model (chennes)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2018-12-31
0002034: [Bug] Measurement arrowheads are ridiculously out of proportion at some scales/zooms/measurements. (yorik)
0003755: [Bug] Crash when using Part - Refine Shape on certain files (wmayer)
0003757: [Bug] Join icon menu in the Boolean toolbar does not show command names nor tooltips (wmayer)
0003756: [Bug] Tooltips should not start with the internal name of the tool (wmayer)
0003894: [Feature] Part Thickness dialog thickness field not Expressions enabled (wmayer)
0003895: [Bug] FreeCAD segfaults when pressing "Clear All" in Measure tasks dialogue with no opened document (wmayer)
0003723: [Feature] Part->Boolean->slice (DeepSOIC)
0003694: [Bug] Part->Boolean->Cut should show error message if a non-solid (Shell, etc.) is selected (wmayer)
0003703: [Feature] Part->3D-Offset should warn if resulting object is not a solid (wmayer)
0003571: [Bug] Offset3D of volumes intersection is not solid (wmayer)
0003020: [Bug] 2D offset of circle are not in the right place (wmayer)
0003788: [Bug] Part-workbench extrude with taper angle delivers a wrong shape in xz and yz direction, in xy it work like expected (wmayer)
0003771: [Bug] Memory leak in Part.Face.Surface (wmayer)
0003469: [Bug] FreeCAD crashes on edge selection during fillet edge operation on extruded geometry (wmayer)
0003721: [Feature] Some of the Part menu items are not translatable (yorik)
0002676: [Bug] Differences in python API depending on OCC version (wmayer)
0003341: [Bug] Undoing is missing steps (wmayer)
0003333: [Bug] Wrong behaviour of fuse operation (wmayer)
0003519: [Bug] Attachment Flip Sides faulty behavior on O-ax-ax modes (DeepSOIC)
0003381: [Bug] CompoundFilter do not work in command line
0003493: [Bug] Python Shape.isClosed() returns false for any solid, including primitive Parts (wmayer)
21 issues View Issues
Released 2018-04-06
0003143: [General] Step export doesn't honor placement
0003180: [Bug] Wrong normal of part object (wmayer)
0003262: [Bug] normal vector returned by Face.normalAt(u,v) is not always a unit vector
0002429: [Feature] text labels for Sweep and Loft operations
0001955: [Feature] Part Section not available in the Part menu (wmayer)
0003071: [Feature] List of vertexes returned by wire.OrederedVertexes missing last vertext in the list (wmayer)
0002722: [Bug] Attached cube doesn't follow support (DeepSOIC)
0003075: [Bug] Crash resizing primitive in Part (due to VBO being enabled) (vejmarie)
0002717: [Bug] Access Violation creating sweep (Kunda1)
0003136: [Feature] add element to existing compound (wmayer)
0002498: [Feature] Part Compound: add or remove objects (wmayer)
0002926: [Bug] Trying to access Part.Shape.children() before doc.recompute() crashes the whole program (wmayer)
12 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
0004808: [Bug] "Part Design" > "Hole" > "Model Thread" > "Thread Depth" > "Dimension" (uwestoehr)
0003830: [Bug] Features loose colors set with "Set colors" on file saving
0003142: [Bug] Crash creating fillets on sweep (OCC bug) (chennes)
0004518: [Bug] Segfault in some models when making chamfer or fillet (on macos) (chennes)
0004487: [Bug] Crash on changing Fillet Radius (OCC issue to be retested with OCC > 7.5) (chennes)
0004319: [Bug] Segfault removing edge from sketch (chennes)
0003970: [Bug] crash when adding chamfer to an additive primitive (chennes)
0004582: [Bug] Mulit-transformation dialog cannot be cancelled (wmayer)
0004759: [Bug] Bad error message when creating pad with 0 length (wmayer)
0004607: [Bug] Can't loft to a Point object in Part Design (jnxd)
0004785: [Bug] UI broken for padding and pocketing direction when the base is a face (uwestoehr)
0003370: [Bug] Datum Plane in Sketcher often switches to opaque Yellow when selecting external Geometry. (chennes)
0004583: [Bug] Some items in the PartDesign Workbench are not translatable. (chennes)
13 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
0004581: [Bug] Transformed object becomes invisible after sucessful multi transformation (uwestoehr)
0004457: [Bug] Crash when selecting a line or face and then "select reference" while trying to Revolve
2 issues View Issues
Released 2018-12-31
0004233: [Bug] Access violation and file corruption on undo duplicate sketch (wmayer)
0003256: [Bug] additive elements do not use color of Body (wmayer)
0002725: [Feature] Random color for features in PartDesignNext (wmayer)
0003524: [Bug] The PartDesign hole feature should respect the "Reverse" property and provide a checkbox in the panel (wmayer)
0003061: [Bug] "Move object after other object" function causes chaos (abdullah)
0003701: [Bug] Segfault when creating horizontal constraint (abdullah)
0003845: [Bug] unwanted rounding for dimensions of subtractive shapes in task dialog (wmayer)
0003832: [Bug] Editing thickness in Part or PartDesign resets join type to always being Arc (wmayer)
0003837: [Bug] missing tooltip in STEP preferences dialog (wmayer)
0003776: [Bug] PartDesign Hole parameters Diameter field is not unit aware (wmayer)
0003700: [Bug] Tree object deletion possible with keyboard but not right-click menu in Part Design (kkremitzki)
0003482: [Bug] Segfault when adding Fillet (chrisb)
0003652: [Bug] Missing little expression icon (wmayer)
0003724: [Bug] Additive/Subtractive Loft & Pipe do not show Tip symbol in the tree (abdullah)
0003627: [Bug] Hole fails to restore from file (wmayer)
0003662: [Bug] Not able to attach a sketch to a face or edge with any mode (DeepSOIC)
0002227: [Bug] Fillet silently fails on face with too many edges (abdullah)
0003621: [Bug] Additive and subtractive loft preview not showing during creation (wmayer)
0003509: [Bug] Create MultiTransform Feature from existing Transform Feature forces document migration (wmayer)
0003611: [Bug] Linear pattern: "Select reference" does near to nothing (wmayer)
0003148: [Bug] PartDesign does not allow colouring of single faces for non-primitives (wmayer)
0003380: [Bug] Involute gear should be created inside of Body and respect Attachment (wmayer)
0003447: [Bug] False PartDesign migration request (wmayer)
0003582: [Bug] ShapeBinder did not show correctly. (wmayer)
0003540: [Bug] Body invisible after deleting Part container (wmayer)
0003597: [Bug] PartDesign Additive and Subtractive Loft features don't allow changing the first section after creation (wmayer)
0003598: [Feature] The sections of a multi-section sweep cannot be edited in PartDesign (wmayer)
0003599: [Bug] PartDesign Additive and Subtractive Pipe features don't allow changing sections after creation (wmayer)
0003439: [Bug] Using Inertial CS when attaching something to datum plane gives infinite placement (DeepSOIC)
0003488: [Feature] Primitive elements and Booleans in PartDesign should have a refine property (DeepSOIC)
0003329: [Bug] STL export ignores Part placement (wandererfan)
31 issues View Issues
Released 2018-04-06
0002503: [Bug] Invisible pad object (ickby)
0002511: [Bug] Failing adding xy-datum-plane in example-cylinder (abdullah)
0002683: [Feature] Add Refine shape feature to PartDesign (DeepSOIC)
0002705: [Bug] Changing pocket from "Through all" to "Dimension" causes further sketch based features to malfunction.
0000848: [Feature] [PartDesign] Keep Transparency and Colors when adding a feature (abdullah)
0002998: [Bug] Sketch with 2 shapes (rings) wont pad - Broken face (wandererfan)
0001601: [Bug] Pad fails on 'non-one-solid' element (wandererfan)
0001707: [Bug] PartDesign - Inconsistent handling of multiple pieces (wandererfan)
0003401: [Bug] Sketch goes to pad and the pad vanishes without explaination, please add warning message (wandererfan)
0002862: [Bug] Check for shape type before using selection as base feature (wmayer)
0002982: [Bug] New sketch on face impossible (abdullah)
0003080: [Bug] FreeCAD claims selected geometry is not part of active body (ickby)
0003122: [Bug] FC 0.17 crashes when a sketched located outside a body object (wmayer)
0003541: [Bug] Hole feature does not work correct if sketch is not parallel to main planes (eivindkvedalen)
0002758: [Bug] Datum point moves to (0,0,0) when reopening the file. (DeepSOIC)
0003376: [Bug] PartDesign Boolean produces exception with wrong selection of active Body (wmayer)
0002309: [Bug] PartDesign Fillet fail without warning when too many faces are selected (wmayer)
0003325: [Bug] Tip changes unexpectedly and cannot be restored (abdullah)
0003302: [Bug] PDN cloned object have duplicated "Unnamed" ghost on every file reopen (wmayer)
0003150: [Bug] App::Part: Delete and undo bugs (ickby)
0002559: [Bug] Body becomes visible upon changing DisplayModeBody (ickby)
0003084: [Bug] PDN: Deleting features in the middle of the tree fails to update next features dependency (inlist) (abdullah)
0003312: [Bug] Tip gets lost in Part Design body (abdullah)
0003317: [Bug] PDN: bug in "Mirrored Feature" with multiple features (abdullah)
0002915: [Feature] Add 2 dimensions to Pad/Pocket (abdullah)
0002857: [Bug] Placement incorrect in exported files
0003141: [Bug] Unexpected behaviour using pad to face on padded shape binder (wmayer)
0003095: [Bug] Manual migration from 0.16 models to 0.17 models not possible
0002507: [Bug] Migration of 0.16 files fail (ickby)
0003185: [Feature] Recompute should work if only subgraph is cyclic (ickby)
0003159: [Bug] Shape Binder becoming part of soild (wmayer)
0003202: [Bug] Part2DFeatures should be usable in Body and not create BaseFeature (ickby)
0002572: [Bug] placement of boolean base propagates to secondary body (ickby)
0003212: [Bug] Crash after choosing create edge link tool (wmayer)
0003188: [Bug] FreeCAD freezes when deleting PD boolean (ickby)
0002493: [Bug] [0.16] crash when adding slot (wmayer)
0003179: [General] PDN + AdditiveBox + MultiTransform (with LinearPattern) (wmayer)
0003201: [Bug] Cross-linking of sketch visibility (wmayer)
0003146: [Bug] Crash in PartDesign Sweep
0002642: [Bug] Can't open saved file (undiscovered bug/s from PDN?)
0003189: [Bug] Recompute fails after delete of object (ickby)
0003187: [Bug] PArtDesign test cases with GUI up fail due to dialog interaction (ickby)
0003192: [Bug] Recompute fails (ickby)
0003184: [Bug] PDN boolean fails to display result (ickby)
0003161: [Bug] Shape Binder not at expected place (ickby)
0003078: [Bug] Removing object from GeoFeatureGroup removes it from view (ickby)
0002517: [Bug] Some oddities with shape binder (ickby)
0002567: [Bug] Cyclic dependency of containers leads to crash (ickby)
0003175: [Bug] inability to link datum line to vertex in correct normal orientation (DeepSOIC)
0003062: [Bug] Crash after referencing external geometry in PartDesign (abdullah)
0002992: [Bug] SEGV related to chamfering?
0003132: [Bug] Bug? Crash when moving sketch to different body (wmayer)
0002234: [Bug] Cannot create edge linked to external geometry if it's sweeped (abdullah)
0002561: [Bug] SIGSEGV while moving an entity from a body to an other one (wmayer)
0002601: [Bug] Changing object Placement params do not update it on view
0002156: [Bug] Sketcher Visualization fails to represent sketch properly (abdullah)
0002741: [Bug] Crashes when drawing tutorial
0002796: [Bug] nested hierarchy of parts generate copies in view (ickby)
0002835: [Bug] Drag & Drop Body into Part scrambles the order of elements (ickby)
0003006: [Bug] PartDesign Mirrored features fail due to unexpected inversion (kkremitzki)
0002679: [Bug] Boolean operations in Part workbench give strange results
0003066: [Bug] Draft clone fails with "name 'Draft' is not defined" if used first time in Draft workbench (yorik)
0002157: [Bug] Pad results in a triangle instead of a trapezoid
0002334: [Feature] Parallelizing BOPs
0002072: [Bug] Polar pattern of slot pocketed from curved faces fails for certain number of occurrences (kkremitzki)
0001936: [Bug] Part Design Pad Fails with Circle In Square When Circle Is Close To Edge Of Square.
0001511: [Feature] Reintroduce PolarPatterning / MultiTransform, etc. About X, Y, and Z Axes
0002028: [Bug] Polar Pattern feature leaves faces missing (kkremitzki)
0002246: [Bug] Polar pattern of overlapping pocket feature produces several solids (negatives of the pocket) (kkremitzki)
0002682: [Bug] constraint to external datum plane disappear after saving a file, or re-opening a sketch (jnxd)
0002808: [Bug] FreeCAD crashes when using the multitransform tool outside of body (yorik)
0002501: [Bug] Mirror feature don't accept datum plane (ickby)
0002941: [Feature] Part Design NEXT Polar array does not allow to select a datum line as reference (DeepSOIC)
0002859: [Bug] unable to use datum plane as external reference (DeepSOIC)
0002504: [Bug] Crash in pad function after undoing some operations (ickby)
0001203: [Feature] Allow User to Adjust Size of Constraint Points (abdullah)
0002816: [Bug] Trimming tool crashes (wmayer)
0001649: [Bug] Chaning names on Pads does not change them everywere
0002687: [Bug] zoomin/out during transform
0002843: [Bug] crash on loading file (wandererfan)
0002514: [Bug] Links between sketches are not allowed within one part and between parts when sketch is not in body (ickby)
0002697: [Bug] Can't create a pad or a pocket on the detail (wmayer)
0002646: [Bug] Spreadsheet-Sum-Function does not work with units (eivindkvedalen)
0002647: [Bug] Spreadsheet stddev does not work with arrays (eivindkvedalen)
0002662: [Bug] Creating a shape binder with a selected datum element crashes FreeCAD (ickby)
0002803: [Bug] super placement
0002757: [Bug] sketch editing not visible when it is in a part (wmayer)
0002711: [Bug] TAB key switches between Additive Cylinder creation parameters in reverse order
0002582: [Bug] Polar array axis selectiion fails (wmayer)
0002702: [Bug] Default cylinder angle 10° (wmayer)
0002533: [Bug] Loft works even with no active body (ickby)
0002537: [Bug] Can't create pocket from sketch with multiple geometries. (ickby)
0002512: [Bug] Pad/Pocket does not work with independent figures in sketch (new Partdesign) (ickby)
0000905: [Feature] Ability to create Reference Offset and Angle Planes
0001179: [Feature] Add/Remove edges to fillet
95 issues View Issues
Released 2016-04-01
0002587: [Bug] Angle Expressions deliver radiants with ° as unit (eivindkvedalen)
0002257: [Feature] Implement definition of dimension constraint value with spreadsheet cell value
0001655: [Bug] Pocket type UpToFirst and UpToFace doesn't produce expected results. (wmayer)
0002302: [Bug] Part design Fillets and Chamfers fail when using units in a fuction for the radius (eivindkvedalen)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2015-04-05
0001903: [Bug] Pad dimension requires space between dimension and " symbol. (Jriegel)
0001692: [Bug] Linear Pattern Units (wmayer)
0001563: [Bug] Add units to Linear Pattern in PartDesign (wmayer)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2014-07-01
0000768: [Bug] Part Sweep and Loft limitations and bugs (wmayer)
0001205: [Feature] Transformation of multiple features with one tool (jrheinlaender)
0001263: [Feature] Allow On-The-Fly Constraints for Measure Distance Tool (normandc)
0001115: [Bug] Can't intuitively change value of a distance constraint (jmaustpc)
0000988: [Bug] Groove fails to create a valid solid (jrheinlaender)
0001412: [Bug] Extrunding sketch doesn't make a solid (wmayer)
0001344: [Bug] Freecad crashes when i make a sketch on a face (wmayer)
0001390: [Bug] Can't modify or edit an sketch at a Face (wmayer)
0001202: [Feature] Automatically Check and Refine Model After Padding a Sketch Which is Already on an Existing Face
0001113: [Bug] Copy&Paste sometimes doesn't work properly
0001116: [Bug] "Save as" to a file with a dot in the name will show the name only up to the dot (wmayer)
0001110: [Bug] Decimal point entry in LinearPattern length field (wmayer)
0000735: [Feature] Feature request for better Fillet/Chamfer (wmayer)
0000968: [Bug] editing fillet size causes crash
0000725: [Bug] Chamfer fails on some edges
0001111: [Bug] Deleting sketch after padding was done crashes the program
0001057: [Bug] FreeCAD crashes on Transform (yorik)
17 issues View Issues
Released 2013-01-28
0000675: [Feature] Add Draft Angle to a surface (Jriegel)
0000937: [Bug] Pocket has a negative cut out
0000874: [Bug] Linear Pattern does not reference X,Y,Z correctly if part was made from the XZ, or YZ planes (Jriegel)
0000906: [Bug] Segmentation Fault when try to use linear pattern on Part
0000886: [Feature] GUI for make thickness command (wmayer)
0000745: [Bug] Groove often fails or does unexpected things
       0000748: [Bug] reverse revolve from a sketch mapped to face of Part box and a solid from PartDesign Groove inconsistency
       0000747: [Bug] Groove tool in PartDesign WB reverts to producing a solid revolve
       0000746: [Bug] Groove tool in PartDesign WB can't be moved nor can its sketch
0000880: [Bug] DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found
0000766: [Bug] Pad and Pocket fail to extrude up to a face if that is smaller than the sketch being extruded
0000694: [Patch] Implementation of MirroredExtent for Pad Feature (Jriegel)
12 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
0004704: [Bug] [Path] Arrays are not included in the Path Simulation (russ4262)
0004817: [Bug] CAM Simulator fails (sliptonic)
2 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
0003336: [Feature] Tool Data Struture, Library, and Editor overhaul (dubstar_04)
0004557: [Bug] Trying to add tag with dressup causes 'snapper' error in console. (mlampert)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2018-12-31
0004008: [Bug] Phantom paths are displayed when job origin is moved. (russ4262)
0003815: [Bug] Engraving produces G0 moves below SafeHeight level (mlampert)
0003551: [Bug] "Tag Dress-up" replaces vertical feed rates with horizontal feed rate. (mlampert)
0003630: [Patch] Can't create a new tool (sliptonic)
0002813: [Feature] Dressup to map linear axis data to rotary axis (gcode wrap) (sliptonic)
0003665: [Bug] Material Allowance is not working (sliptonic)
0003455: [Bug] Path Custom object does not have a tool property. (mlampert)
0003360: [Bug] PathWB Dressups move the parent operation to the bottom of the Job-Workflow. (mlampert)
0003595: [Bug] Cannot set extent of "Stock Create Box" (mlampert)
0003563: [Bug] Stock object placement not correctly updated when origin set. (mlampert)
0003502: [Bug] Engraving produces wrong path (mlampert)
0003490: [Bug] Post processing always insterts TC even though it hasn't changed (mlampert)
0002553: [Feature] 4th axis paths don't display as expected (mlampert)
0003450: [Bug] Path simulation crashes with unusual setups.
0003449: [Bug] PathArea Accuracy parameter set to `0` and not changed while running. (mlampert)
0003343: [Bug] grbl post processor does not scale feed rate correctly on 13218 (mlampert)
0003383: [Bug] reword menu title from 'Partial commands' to 'Supplemental Commands' (sliptonic)
17 issues View Issues
Released 2018-04-06
0002773: [Bug] array from path doubles first path (mlampert)
0002770: [Bug] Profile names wrong on startup (mlampert)
0002751: [Feature] Holding tab dressup (mlampert)
0003284: [Bug] Path Face Edge or Profile Edge Does run wrong direction on Not UseCompensation (sliptonic)
0003387: [Bug] Path From Shape is confusing. (sliptonic)
0003386: [Bug] Path Selection Plane does not produce correct output (sliptonic)
0003382: [Bug] Tool Length Offset supplemental command broken (sliptonic)
0003377: [Bug] Path workbench broken for Python 3 (mlampert)
0003326: [Feature] Feature Request: Derive area for face-milling from stock boundbox (additionally to perimeter or part boundbox) (sliptonic)
0003129: [Bug] Path - Bug in Start Point when one coordinate is zero (sliptonic)
0003338: [Bug] Tool Cutting Edge Angle definition needs to change to the most expected definition by users (mlampert)
0003335: [Bug] Tool editor has an off-by-1 indexing issue between displayed type and stored typed.
0003158: [Bug] Tool Cutting Edge Angle needs to be restricted to values 0° <= angle < 90° (sliptonic)
0003293: [Feature] New Feather Path Dressup for getting a Roll on or foo to a path also for Using Mashine CRC insted off Compensation (sliptonic)
0003324: [Bug] MillFace is defaulting the wrong start/end depths (sliptonic)
0003276: [Bug] Path-Workbench Has redundant Shape-From-Area menu items. (sliptonic)
0003321: [Bug] Path WorkBench ExportTemplate is available prior with no Job open. (mlampert)
0003292: [Feature] a better postprocess out as clear with linuxcnc postprocessor (sliptonic)
0003319: [Bug] Tool Controller not found when setting up new Operation (mlampert)
0002885: [Bug] Dressups drop feedrate from commands (mlampert)
0003303: [Bug] Template selection broken if Path not set in Path Preferences (mlampert)
0003285: [Feature] Show Datums defined by expressions in a different color (abdullah)
0003193: [Feature] Add test case for imperial (G20) output (sliptonic)
0002752: [Feature] Entry method dressup (sliptonic)
0003260: [Bug] Double Quote in tool name is not escaped in FCStd file (wmayer)
0003034: [Bug] HoldingTags dressup adds move to origin (mlampert)
0003104: [Bug] Phillips postprocessor broken (chrisb)
0003210: [Bug] SafeHeight and CleraranceHeight get overwritten each time the operation gets updated. (mlampert)
0003170: [Bug] Path Pocket from Face extends pockets to not selected faces (mlampert)
0003211: [Bug] PathGeom isHorizontal/isVertical needs support for Part.BSplineCurve (mlampert)
0003209: [Bug] PathStock doesn't take Base placement into account for stock "Extent Based" (mlampert)
0003168: [Bug] Path >Pocket > Predictably ignores some Pockets (mlampert)
0003100: [Bug] Different behavior of Clearance parameter in Face milling (sliptonic)
0002883: [Bug] Contour produces wrong path depending on direction (CW vs. CCW) (sliptonic)
0002974: [Feature] Holding tags dressup support for ArchPanela (mlampert)
0002580: [Feature] missing abort button (mlampert)
0003147: [Feature] Add open circular arc centers to manual drilling location add (sliptonic)
0003116: [Patch] Path profile corner handling (sliptonic)
0003048: [Bug] Individual Path visibility not maintained across restarts (sliptonic)
0003098: [Feature] Drilling option G98, G99 (sliptonic)
0003103: [Bug] Centroid postprocessor broken (sliptonic)
0002805: [Bug] wrong values in PATH graphical-editor (sliptonic)
0003089: [Bug] Spindle speed is limited to only 100 RPM
0003088: [Bug] ToolTable crashes after changing the units in the settings
0002861: [Bug] Contour operation produces wrong path if top face has pockets on an edge (sliptonic)
0002772: [Feature] Tool selection menue (sliptonic)
0002890: [Bug] User units needed for feedrate (sliptonic)
0002851: [Bug] adding additional objects to drilling operation results in duplicate entries. (sliptonic)
0002428: [Feature] Path - Add direction arrows to Path command visualization. (realthunder)
0002850: [Bug] PATH: Changed Tool parameters are not updated in operations (sliptonic)
0002937: [Bug] Holding tags dressup creates wrong arcs (mlampert)
0002903: [Bug] Path Viewprovider needs to handle arc planes correctly. (sliptonic)
0002848: [Bug] HoldingTags dressup should not approximate all arcs with segments (mlampert)
0002864: [Patch] PathHelix x10 issue on "Step in Z" inputfield and "Step in Radius" (wmayer)
0002484: [Bug] Empty Paths not correctly rendered (yorik)
0002790: [Bug] Finish depth gives incorrect results (sliptonic)
0002817: [Bug] bug if post processor preferences inconsistent with macro directory
0002870: [Bug] Path unit tests broken by questionable include and not being executed as part of '0' (mlampert)
0002854: [Bug] Exception "global name 'set_good_start_point' is not defined" thrown on Profile operation (mlampert)
0002865: [Bug] holding tag position indicators at wrong height (mlampert)
0002829: [Bug] Remove scipy as dependency for helical hole clearing
0002855: [Bug] Contour operation always goes to z=0 (sliptonic)
0002807: [Bug] Cannot profile based on face (sliptonic)
0002664: [Bug] created tool object is invalid on first access (mlampert)
0002825: [Bug] Path view provider arc approximation too coarse for wide arcs (mlampert)
0002809: [Bug] Path visualisation of helixes is incorrect (mlampert)
0002787: [Feature] Need Path to Wire transformation (mlampert)
0002789: [Bug] G-code export via File menu broken (mlampert)
0002615: [Bug] Unable to create profile path for bottom face of part (sliptonic)
0002585: [Bug] strange warnings/error in when generating new path (sliptonic)
0002598: [Bug] Incorrect values on Toolcompensation (sliptonic)
0002528: [Feature] G-Code output (sliptonic)
0002597: [Bug] GCode without feedrate (sliptonic)
0002604: [Bug] This is on V 0.17 Pocket operation issue (sliptonic)
0002551: [Bug] Pocket segfaults on tool change (sliptonic)
75 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
0004578: [General] Strings in the UI that aren't being translated (Kunda1)
0003205: [General] TravisCI to check spelling of submitted Pull Requests to FC repo
2 issues View Issues
Released 2018-12-31
0003442: [Bug] Broken link on FreeCAD website (Kunda1)
1 issue View Issues
Released 2018-12-31
0001672: [Bug] Raytracing export to POV-Ray - respect ASCII convention for I/O filenames (wmayer)
0003583: [Bug] Using the raytracing WB crashes FreeCAD (wmayer)
2 issues View Issues
Released 2018-04-06
0003421: [General] Duplicate workbench message (wmayer)
1 issue View Issues
Not Yet Released
0004835: [Bug] Periodic B-Spline not Closing properly making sketch unusable (abdullah)
0004379: [Bug] Segfault while Mirroring sketch (abdullah)
0004766: [Bug] Constraint name missing for angle
0004779: [Bug] Sketcher ... Diameter of a circle, part of text missing, but OK on the radius of the same circle (openBrain)
0004774: [Bug] Datum plane or line is not available in sketch in another body via binder (wmayer)
0004220: [Bug] Most of the sketcher shortcuts are not working (abdullah)
0004664: [Bug] Sketcher tooltips have hard-coded hotkey hints (chennes)
7 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
0004522: [Bug] SketcherSettingsColors.ui inconsistencies (abdullah)
0004483: [Feature] Improve UI to specify weights for B-splines (abdullah)
0004496: [Bug] B-spline weights are incorrectly calculated out of the weight circle radii (uwestoehr)
0004513: [Bug] Sketcher mirror command incorrectly adds vertical/horizontal constraints when mirroring around non-axis aligned line
4 issues View Issues
Released 2018-12-31
0000845: [Feature] [Sketcher] Sketcher and Transparent solids (abdullah)
0001632: [Feature] Allow entering of diameter instead of radius for circle radius constraint. (abdullah)
0003752: [Bug] Preferences/Sketcher: Changing Grid size default is not respected upon creation of new Sketches (wmayer)
0003840: [Bug] Sketcher WB: units not completely hidden (wmayer)
0003762: [Bug] DIameter and radius in reference mode are not consistent (abdullah)
0002463: [Bug] Trim tool ignore tangent constraint to arch on circle (abdullah)
0003642: [Bug] Deleting a constraint triggers recompute (abdullah)
0003719: [Feature] Sketch External Geometry - How to identify from which object? (abdullah)
0003727: [Bug] Auto constraints preference dialog doesn't work (abdullah)
0003693: [Feature] Move open vertex routine to SketchAnalysis aka constrainator routines (abdullah)
0003690: [Bug] Total loss of sketch geometry (abdullah)
0003619: [Bug] Multiple constraints on a geometric element cannot be selected in 3D view (abdullah)
0003689: [Bug] Snap to grid checkbox in edit control widget does not update (abdullah)
0003663: [Bug] Fillet failure cases (abdullah)
0001304: [Feature] Allow Sketcher to Fillet Arcs, Not Only Lines (abdullah)
0003433: [Bug] Cannot constrain another b-spline to a b-spline with a block constraint (abdullah)
0003589: [Bug] Fully constrained Sketch becomes overconstrained on deletion of an element (abdullah)
0003334: [Bug] Undo bug in Sketcher (abdullah)
0003532: [Bug] X-axis and Y-axis can be selected to apply equality with arcs, circles and lines (abdullah)
0003311: [Bug] SketchObjectPython - no addGeometry addConstraints setDriving...? (wmayer)
0003503: [Bug] Failure to update solver information on addition of constraint (abdullah)
0003471: [Bug] Issues with B-Spline toolbar when selecting non-spline objects (abdullah)
0003470: [Bug] Sketcher B-Spline Tools menu has wrong items. (abdullah)
0003434: [Bug] Constraining to external geometry allows for an over-constrained sketch that goes undetected until the external geometry changes (abdullah)
0003472: [Feature] Add 90 Degree Arc to Sketcher Polyline Mode (abdullah)
25 issues View Issues
Released 2018-04-06
0003018: [Bug] Sketcher Arc End Points + Rim Point fails with "NaN" (abdullah)
0002613: [Bug] Create symmetric geometry with conic (abdullah)
0003091: [Bug] Sketcher Polyline Arc: auto point on object constraint gets applied to wrong vertex (abdullah)
0003127: [Feature] Apply tangent constrains while preventing geometry from moving (abdullah)
0002874: [Feature] Allow to show or hide individual constraints in a sketcher (abdullah)
0003299: [Feature] Sketcher should check redundant coincidences used with tangent constraints (abdullah)
0003320: [Bug] Rendering order not working with normal geometry when Sketch is fully constrained (abdullah)
0002275: [Bug] Not able to delete a constraint on point with the given index: (abdullah)
0003306: [Bug] Sketcher Validation tool "highlight open vertex" representation error (abdullah)
0003298: [Bug] Validate sketch tool reports false positives on tangent constraints (abdullah)
0003291: [Bug] Crash when deleting an edge in a nut (abdullah)
0003288: [Bug] Sketch Angle Constraints Wrong Reference Reading (wmayer)
0003252: [Bug] External geometry tool keeps hovered item active after leaving (abdullah)
0001639: [Feature] Support arbitrary regular polygons (abdullah)
0000752: [Bug] sketcher constraint visuals default location and auto constraint visuals are often placed over the top of others (ian.rees)
0002936: [Bug] Merge Sketch Flattens Spreadsheet Functions to Values (abdullah)
0002798: [Bug] Merging two sketches may give an invalid result (abdullah)
0001734: [Bug] Constraints evaluated incorrectly while dragging a point with the mouse (abdullah)
0003217: [Bug] Sketcher not drawing at mouse position (DeepSOIC)
0002997: [Bug] External geometry points make arc ends become NaN (abdullah)
0003257: [Bug] Can't apply vertical constraint - "this edge already has H-constraint" (abdullah)
0003154: [Bug] sketch disappears when inserting polygon with multiple autoconstraints (abdullah)
0002745: [Bug] The Disappearing Grid
0003176: [Bug] Sketcher: always over-constrained when referencing external B-Spline (wmayer)
0003266: [Bug] Bug: Sketcher makes FreeCAD crash as soon as a tool is selected (wmayer)
0002290: [Bug] Point-on-object constraint icon not selectable (wmayer)
0002434: [Feature] merge sketches produces sketch on XY plane when original sketches were on XZ (wmayer)
0003204: [Feature] Improvement of the rectangular selection (SparkyCola)
0001259: [Feature] Anything can be added as external geometry
0002939: [Feature] Sketcher / constrain the length of a line to the length of an arc
0002836: [Bug] Crash in sketcher (wmayer)
0002710: [Bug] Freecad doesn't show sketch elements added when overconstrained (abdullah)
0003009: [Bug] Sketch with conic (ellipse) has error (abdullah)
0002804: [Bug] Mirroring sketches misses some constraints (abdullah)
0002994: [Bug] Validate Sketch's missing coincidence tool finds false positives (wmayer)
0002264: [Bug] Construction lines should be rendered below non-construction lines (abdullah)
0002735: [Bug] Incorrect angle remains on deletion (abdullah)
0002499: [Bug] Crash on cloning operations (sketcher) (abdullah)
0001187: [Feature] Add extend feature to sketch workbench
0003079: [Bug] Auto overconstraint drawing a line on a linked edge (abdullah)
0002995: [Feature] Sketcher horizontal/vertical constraints: implement their use to align points (abdullah)
0002815: [Bug] Default shortcut (shift + d) for "Constrain distance" has conflict
0002891: [Bug] Sketching impossible, Type.Error Exception (wmayer)
0002788: [Bug] Grid is drawn with offset but snaps correctly (wmayer)
0002921: [Bug] Anomalous behavior while panning/zooming etc. (wmayer)
       0002922: [Bug] SoDatumLabel changes text size when panning the 3d view horizontally (wmayer)
0002070: [Feature] Bezier curves - Splines in sketcher (abdullah)
0000940: [Feature] Add new tool function "Spline" on sketcher (wmayer)
0002739: [Bug] Mac users must Command click instead of Ctrl click multiple elements. (wmayer)
0001629: [Feature] Object visibility settings for sketch edit mode
0000466: [Feature] Sketcher: allow moving the dimension datums in two directions (mrlukeparry)
0000753: [Bug] angle constraint auto places the constraints visuals including its value in the wrong place (mrlukeparry)
0001871: [Feature] Sketcher Arc Of Hyperbola and Parabola (abdullah)
53 issues View Issues
Released 2016-04-01
0001518: [Feature] Sketcher - keep geometry tools active until right-click or ESC is hit (abdullah)
0000491: [Feature] Sketcher: Do not recompute dependent objects if in edit mode (abdullah)
0002471: [Bug] In constraint context menu, 'Change Value' is always greyed out (wmayer)
0001226: [Bug] Font rendering in sketcher workbench on Windows 7
0002270: [Bug] Grid size cant be set below 0,2 mm
0000416: [Bug] Sketcher: Slow Solving Peformance when adding unconstrainted arcs to Sketch (abdullah)
0002320: [Bug] SparseQR (Eigen 3.3) compile issue (abdullah)
0002015: [Bug] Crash when setting equal constraint on too many elements. (abdullah)
0002118: [Bug] Units conversion when using "Imperial decimal (in/lb)" (wmayer)
0000870: [Feature] Center sketch to a constraint that has been double clicked in the constraint list. (wmayer)
0002268: [Bug] Segmentation Fault when using sketcher (wmayer)
0002281: [Bug] Tangent and coincident constraint on 2 lines cause issues (abdullah)
0002148: [Feature] Add name input value in edit constraint window
0002292: [Bug] Constraints dissapear after a sketch loses support (abdullah)
0001647: [Bug] Sketcher blocks or hangs when changing a constraint (abdullah)
0000800: [Feature] Formula/Equation Based Constraints (logari81)
0002277: [Bug] Deleting sketcher geometry crashes FreeCAD (abdullah)
0001608: [Bug] Part and cross hairs disappear in Sketch Workbench
0002225: [Bug] Deleting link to external geometry crashes FreeCAD (abdullah)
0000690: [Feature] Add ability to clone and operate on sketch elements as objects (abdullah)
0001329: [Feature] Add copy/paste/duplicate/clone-actions when working on sketches (abdullah)
0002093: [Bug] Additional check for over-constrained sketch (external geometry) (abdullah)
0002236: [Bug] Issue with Insert lenght Dialog box entry field (yorik)
0000851: [Feature] [Sketcher] Symmetry command (abdullah)
0002171: [Bug] Several issues when trying to delete an element of a sketch (abdullah)
0001651: [Feature] Sketcher: Add a measurement tool (abdullah)
0001890: [Feature] Add "non-driving dimensions" capability to the sketcher (abdullah)
27 issues View Issues
Released 2015-04-05
0000909: [Bug] Disappearing sketches due to tangency autoconstraint (logari81)
0001717: [Bug] It is hard to move lines with digitizer pen. It is impossible to move points.
0001886: [Bug] Geometry rotation in Sketcher
0000804: [Feature] external geometries in sketch break sketch when they loose their support (logari81)
0001328: [Bug] Ellipses not availible in Sketcher / Crash on adding non-supportet geometry (ellipse) to Sketch (abdullah)
0001297: [Feature] Add support of ellipses to the sketcher (abdullah)
0001828: [Bug] Sketcher slot has broken constraints after creation sometimes (wmayer)
0001623: [Feature] Sketcher - Always Display Symmetry Constraint Symbol Perpendicular to Axis of Symmetry (abdullah)
0001464: [Feature] Feature Request for Easier Way to Find Conflicting Constraints (abdullah)
0001643: [Feature] Sketcher: Button to remove all redundant constraints. (abdullah)
0000930: [Bug] External Geometry: Axes (red & green) hinder selection (logari81)
0000693: [Feature] Sketcher: No GUI to select overlapping lines in sketches
0001640: [Feature] Improve speed when adding profiles to a sketch (wmayer)
0001633: [Feature] Allow adding radius constraints to several circles at once. (wmayer)
14 issues View Issues
Released 2014-07-01
0001258: [Feature] Constraint application to all selected objects at once
0000750: [Bug] Endless loop in sketch solver (logari81)
0000462: [Feature] Sketcher: allow box selection
0001490: [Feature] Implement a perimeter circle (3 point circle) similar to solidworks in sketcher (wmayer)
0001475: [Feature] Implement a 3 point arc similar to solidworks in sketcher (wmayer)
0000928: [Bug] Selection inconsistency (logari81)
0000437: [Feature] Sketcher: ask for value immediatly after creating a length constraint
0001016: [Feature] Function to detect unconnected end points of curves in a sketch (wmayer)
0001264: [Feature] add function Sketch.setConstruction() (wmayer)
0001245: [Bug] Wrong grid size shown in task dialog (wmayer)
0001201: [Feature] Highlight coincident constraint in sketch view when clicking on (coincident) constraint in constraints list (wmayer)
0001105: [Feature] disable grid in sketcher (wmayer)
0001175: [Bug] pressing escape in datum editing dialog closes sketch (wmayer)
0000878: [Bug] Sketcher: Ctrl-right mouse button moves the sketch, but after releasing the button the right-click menu pops up
14 issues View Issues
Released 2013-01-28
0002371: [Feature] One expects zoom to zoom where the mouse is (yorik)
0001198: [Feature] Allow using the canonical axes as sketch objects
0000691: [Bug] Sketcher: Symmetry constraint broken for arc endpoints (logari81)
0000464: [Feature] Sketcher: show radial dimension when creating a circle (logari81)
0000600: [Feature] Sketcher: Ability to create a point (logari81)
0000522: [Bug] Sketcher: Solver messages are not translated
0000869: [Bug] Mousepointer does not track to line endpoint in sketches attached to copied or imported sketches.
0000721: [Bug] massive memory leak when dragging an unconstained model
0000808: [Bug] Sketcher: drawing arc over "imported" arc causes assertion failure (logari81)
0000697: Text boxes to set dimension constraints insert a space between thousands and hundreds digits that makes the data invalid.
10 issues View Issues
Released 2011-01-06
0000427: [Feature] Sketcher: Fix a point onto object constraint does not work on arcs (logari81)
1 issue View Issues
Not Yet Released
0004803: [Bug] spreadsheet: the alias content is not visible (black on black) (chennes)
0002957: [Feature] please add spreadsheet direct printing (wmayer)
2 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
0004093: [General] Spreadsheet losts Alias-values
1 issue View Issues
Not Yet Released
0004836: [Feature] Detail View Matting is too Large (wandererfan)
0004486: [Bug] Detail view is empty if the object is not a solid (wandererfan)
0004485: [Feature] Feature request: please add an option to supress trailing zeros on all Tech Draw dimensions (wandererfan)
0004741: [Bug] Broken File After Using Landmark Dimension in TechDraw (wandererfan)
0004755: [Bug] Copying a section view segfaults (wmayer)
5 issues View Issues
Not Yet Released
0004796: [Bug] Error in DOCUMENT_TYPE field in TechDraw Ax_Landscape_ISO7200_Pep templates (chennes)
0004549: [Bug] [TD] ArchView only shows objects if section plane cuts through them (yorik)
0004552: [Bug] Changes made via dimension dialog cannot be undone (wmayer)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2018-12-31
0003891: [Bug] Spreadsheet in TechDraw displays empty cells on load (wandererfan)
0003867: [Bug] Detail view of a section view not possible (wandererfan)
0003800: [Bug] wrong PDF page size on exporting tech drawings (wandererfan)
0003809: [Bug] Some ProjGroup settings have no effect (wandererfan)
0003810: [Bug] ProjGroup setting Position can be changed when position is locked (wandererfan)
0003801: [Bug] impossible to specify custom projection view values - body will be deleted instead (wandererfan)
0003775: [Bug] FreeCAD end up in "Not responding" state when opening drawings created in 0.17 version
0003763: [Bug] TechDraw drawing page remains if Undone after create (wandererfan)
0003766: [Bug] Closing and re-opening a TechDraw page causes segfault (wmayer)
0003699: [Bug] ClipGroup Regression from v0.17 (wandererfan)
0003698: [Bug] Detail View Does Not Show Section View (wandererfan)
0003674: [Bug] Detail View Inverted (wandererfan)
0003644: [Bug] Rotated text doesn't keep rotation after closing TechDraw Page (wandererfan)
0003332: [Bug] Drawing View Position is Wrong in CoarseView (wandererfan)
0003623: [Bug] "Building US" unit system rounding issue (e.g. 1' 12" vs. 2') (wandererfan)
0003639: [Bug] TechDraw Detail view stalls FreeCAD (wandererfan)
0003549: [Feature] Enable editable diameter dimensioning text (e.g. specification of thread, tolerances ) (wandererfan)
0003322: [Bug] Wrong dimension placement with parallel inclined lines (wandererfan)
0003634: [Bug] Techdraw module loses the dimension field "Format Spec" on save-load cycle (wandererfan)
0003613: [Feature] Allow Dimensioning Between 3 Vertices (Ex: Included and Excluded Arc Angles) (wandererfan)
0003525: [Bug] respecting Part positions (wandererfan)
0003528: [Bug] Unable to select certain circles (wandererfan)
0003505: [Patch] Insert new Page using Template: unicode filename (wandererfan)
0002882: [Feature] DXF support in TechDraw
0003337: [Feature] Add Arbitrary Dimension (wandererfan)
0003367: [Bug] view/data pane is unselected if hatch type is changed (wandererfan)
26 issues View Issues
Released 2018-04-06
0003002: [Bug] TechDraw - Update python bindings (wandererfan)
       0002972: [Bug] TechDraw PDF export from Python can only make PDFs of a Page in foreground (wandererfan)
0003003: [Feature] TechDraw testing suite (wandererfan)
0003368: [Bug] Center Lines are not scaled if view scale changes (only after clicking the view) (wandererfan)
0003294: [Bug] TechDraw: ProjectionGroup scale number editing should be disabled when user selects "Automatic" scale.
0003007: [Feature] TechDraw - Projection Group (wandererfan)
0003012: [Bug] TechDraw - View rotation (wandererfan)
0002967: [Feature] Automatically opening of drawing - switch needed (wandererfan)
0003224: [Bug] Segmentation fault in multi view (wandererfan)
0003215: [Bug] the detail view not according with the location of the view to detail (wandererfan)
0003113: [Bug] TechDraw needs Drawing WB (cmake) (wandererfan)
0003015: [Feature] TechDraw - Geometric Hatch PAT compatibility (wandererfan)
0002929: [Bug] GeomHatch doesn't draw lines from an absolute position (wandererfan)
0002971: [Bug] hiding foreground TechDraw page from Python causes segfault (wandererfan)
0002889: [Bug] Frame Toggle Button Inactive (wandererfan)
0002884: [Bug] Crash on Delete Page with No Template (wandererfan)
0002427: [Bug] hidden lines with cylinders (wandererfan)
0000143: [General] Allow moving of views graphically on the page (wandererfan)
0002692: [Bug] TechDraw/NewProjectionGroup: Projection is created even though Cancel is pressed (wandererfan)
19 issues View Issues