View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002724FreeCADBugpublic2016-10-09 16:48
Reportertriplus Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
PlatformLinuxOSUbuntuOS Version16.04
Product Version0.17 
Fixed in Version0.17 
Summary0002724: Redirecting messages to Python console apply issue.
DescriptionBy default in FreeCAD 0.17 redirecting messages to Python console should just work. As the coresponding settings in the Preferences are enabled by default. In reality Preferences must be opened and Apply button must be pressed for the settings to start being used.
Steps To Reproduce
TagsNo tags attached.
FreeCAD Information


related to 0002454 closedyorik Set "redirect errors to console" options to True by default 


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Related Changesets

FreeCAD: master 3cac7be5

2016-10-09 18:47:11


Details Diff
issue 0002724: Redirecting messages to Python console apply issue. Affected Issues
mod - src/Gui/ReportView.cpp Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-10-05 17:00 triplus New Issue
2016-10-09 16:46 wmayer Relationship added related to 0002454
2016-10-09 16:47 wmayer Changeset attached => FreeCAD Master master 3cac7be5
2016-10-09 16:48 wmayer Status new => closed
2016-10-09 16:48 wmayer Resolution open => fixed
2016-10-09 16:48 wmayer Fixed in Version => 0.17