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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000029FreeCADFeaturepublic2009-10-29 14:38
Reporterwmayer Assigned Towmayer  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Summary0000029: Implement Inventor node to display texts with different fonts
DescriptionSince Coin doesn't support to use a wide range of different fonts we should write a special text Inventor node which uses Qt methods for that.

The idea is to render text of whatever font into a QImage and convert this image into a GL-conform representation. Qt offers the method QGLWidget::convertToGLFormat therefore.
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2009-10-29 14:38

administrator   ~0000021

There is a new Inventor node SoLabel with the properties: string, textColor, name (of the font) and size (of the font). This node uses the method QGLWidget::renderText() directly.

Here is a small example how to it with Python:

from pivy import coin,sogui
s.string="Hey, the label is working :)"

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-10-13 06:37 wmayer New Issue
2009-10-13 06:38 wmayer Assigned To => wmayer
2009-10-13 06:38 wmayer Status new => assigned
2009-10-29 14:38 wmayer Note Added: 0000021
2009-10-29 14:38 wmayer Status assigned => closed
2009-10-29 14:38 wmayer Resolution open => fixed