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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002988FEMBugpublic2021-02-06 06:23
Reporterkkremitzki Assigned Toberndhahnebach  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Target Version0.20 
Summary0002988: FEM, GUI, Netgen and GMSH FEM mesh creation buttons don't clean up on error or cancel
DescriptionCurrently Netgen is disabled on my build, so when I click on e.g. a Part Cube, I get a "Meshing failure" error, and yet a mesh is dumped into my active FEM Analysis.

Similarly, if I were to click the button to create a GMSH mesh instead, but decided I didn't want one and hit Cancel, I would find my Analysis with cluttered up with a useless FEM Mesh that should have been cleaned up by its creating code.
Steps To Reproduce1. Part WB > Part Cube.
2. FEM WB > Create Analysis.
3. Select cube. Create Netgen or GMSH mesh button. Observe error or hit cancel. Note the extra mesh in Analysis object.
Additional InformationOS: Linux
Word size of OS: 64-bit
Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
Version: 0.17.10653 (Git)
Build type: Release
Branch: master
Hash: 64754a655e003db16161b58d04febb19a87bdb3d
Python version: 2.7.13
Qt version: 4.8.7
Coin version: 3.1.3
OCC version: 7.1.0
TagsNo tags attached.
FreeCAD Information



2017-03-29 11:49

developer   ~0008729

For sure a clean mesh is not useless! The clean mesh has the adjustments (properties) to create the mesh. Quite a few times in FEM we gone post a file with a mesh object with the properties to create the mesh and the mesh is cleared. There is even a tool to clear a mesh ... Create a GMSH mesh object --> create a mesh --> leave the mesh object --> select the mesh object --> right click --> clear mesh --> clears the mesh but keeps the mesh object and its properties



2017-03-31 01:58

administrator   ~0008741

@berndhahnebach That's a good point, and I think that workflow should be supported. In the case of the disabled netgen mesh, though, it really should not be getting created. Although the user could indeed adjust the parameters of the mesh in the data view, you can't even test the mesh/FEM setup if you wanted to. In that instance, although it's possible someone would want to prepare a mesh for someone else to use, I think it's much more appropriate to just clean up what's left on an error, since that is much more likely.

Perhaps a better way to support what you're describing is a checkbox at the top of the mesh task panel: "Store parameters without (re)creating mesh"

Then, clicking 'Ok', 'Apply', and 'Cancel' can be made to behave in a standard way while still supporting the option to prepare FEM files for other people without needing to create the mesh.


2017-05-26 21:48

developer   ~0009160

Last edited: 2017-05-26 21:50

It still is on my list to have a look at this.


2018-09-18 06:24

developer   ~0011785

I will try to have a look at this.


2022-03-03 13:55

administrator   ~0016526

This ticket has been migrated to GitHub as issue 5691.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-03-28 06:08 kkremitzki New Issue
2017-03-29 11:49 berndhahnebach Note Added: 0008729
2017-03-31 01:58 kkremitzki Note Added: 0008741
2017-05-26 21:48 berndhahnebach Note Added: 0009160
2017-05-26 21:50 berndhahnebach Note Edited: 0009160
2017-05-27 09:58 berndhahnebach Summary Netgen and GMSH FEM mesh creation buttons don't clean up on error or cancel => FEM, GUI, Netgen and GMSH FEM mesh creation buttons don't clean up on error or cancel
2018-01-30 16:40 wmayer Target Version 0.17 => 0.18
2018-09-18 06:24 berndhahnebach Assigned To => berndhahnebach
2018-09-18 06:24 berndhahnebach Status new => confirmed
2018-09-18 06:24 berndhahnebach Note Added: 0011785
2018-09-18 06:24 berndhahnebach Status confirmed => assigned
2018-09-26 19:53 berndhahnebach Target Version 0.18 =>
2021-02-06 06:23 abdullah Target Version => 0.20