View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004548ArchBugpublic2021-02-06 06:28
Reporterbalrobs Assigned Topaullee  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Target Version0.20 
Summary0004548: Arch:Stair - Connection issue between landing and second flight
DescriptionATM using the Arch stair tool to create a HalfTurnLeft/HalfTurnRight stair with a single line as base element leads to a connection result between the landing and the seconf flight that can be improved!
See forum discussion with picture at
Steps To Reproduce1) model an Arch Stair by creating a single line with a length i.e. 4500mm
2) change to the Arch workbench and select the line
3) press the Arch Stair button to generate an Arch Stair
4) in the Structure properties set Flight = HalfTurnLeft
5) observe the connection between landing and second flight
TagsNo tags attached.
FreeCAD InformationOS: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (ubuntu:GNOME/ubuntu)
Word size of OS: 64-bit
Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
Version: 0.19.
Build type: Release
Branch: unknown
Hash: 497ecbe0eb399dd2b873762e4406aa9569976870
Python version: 3.8.5
Qt version: 5.12.8
Coin version: 4.0.0
OCC version: 7.3.0
Locale: English/United States (en_US)



2021-01-31 18:32

developer   ~0015247

Another similar issue discussed in same thread -

2nd Issue in Post - RC stairs macro


2022-03-03 13:55

administrator   ~0016986

This ticket has been migrated to GitHub as issue 6154.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-01-31 18:08 balrobs New Issue
2021-01-31 18:32 paullee Note Added: 0015247
2021-01-31 18:33 paullee Assigned To => paullee
2021-01-31 18:33 paullee Status new => assigned
2021-02-06 06:28 abdullah Target Version => 0.20