View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002738FreeCADFeaturepublic2021-02-06 06:49
ReporterFredus69 Assigned Tosgrogan  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Product Version0.17 
Target Version0.20 
Summary0002738: Provide Hash source installation
DescriptionPlease, provide Hash information of the binaries in all versions and OS of FreeCAD on the download page product.
In deed, this information is important to be sure that integrity installation source is ok and can be trust.

FreeCAD Information



2017-01-11 13:06

administrator   ~0007627

Forum Thread:


2017-01-11 13:09

administrator   ~0007628

@sgrogan can you have a look at this, please?


2018-04-20 19:02

reporter   ~0011170

Hi. I just created a script for the creation of a digest of SHA-256 checksums of the files in a directory. You can control the 'base directory', the 'output directory' and the 'block size' (read at most 'block size' bytes from each file).

It is python 2.7 compatible code, as sys.version in FreeCAD 0.17 prints:
'2.7.14 (default, Jan 16 2018, 16:11:42) [MSC v.1800 64 bit (AMD64)'

Hopefully it will help with the automated creation of digests of hashes of future releases. I also published it as a gist, but I'm unsure that -- as a newly registered user -- that I can paste URLs here and not get automatically flagged as a spammer.

So, here's the code of

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Script to create SHA-256 digest of all files in the current directory

Based on an answer by Richard Neumann on Code Review

Based on recommendation that file digests are created nowadays

Created on Fri Apr 20 12:07:41 2018

@author: rolandog

from os import getcwd, listdir
from os.path import join, isfile
from time import strftime
from hashlib import sha256

def list_files(basedir=None):
    """List only files within the respective directory"""

    if basedir is None:
        basedir = getcwd()

    for item in listdir(basedir):
        path = join(basedir, item)

        # skip listing a hash of our hash digest
        if "sha256-digest" in item:

        if isfile(path):
            # changed so that we get the path and the filename
            yield (path, item)

def sha256sum(file_name, block_size=None):
    """Returns the sha256 checksum of the respective file"""

    if block_size is None:
        block_size = 4096

    checksum = sha256()

    with open(file_name, "rb") as file_handle:
        block =

        while block:
            block =

    return checksum.hexdigest()

def sha256sums(basedir=None, block_size=None):
    """Yields (<sha256sum>, <file_name>) tuples
    for files within the basedir.

    for file_path, file_name in list_files(basedir=basedir):
        yield (sha256sum(file_path, block_size=block_size), file_name)

def create_sha256_digest(basedir=None, block_size=None, outputdir=None):
    """Creates de sha256-digest file with a timestamp"""

    hash_file_name = strftime("sha256-digest_%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")

    if outputdir is None:
        outputdir = getcwd()

    hash_file_path = join(outputdir, hash_file_name)

    with open(hash_file_path, "w") as file_handle:
        for file_hash in sha256sums(basedir, block_size):
            file_handle.write(" *".join(file_hash) + "\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import argparse
    PARSER = argparse.ArgumentParser()
                        help="Path, str, to the directory of the files")
                        help="Block size, int, in bytes to read from files")
                        help="Output directory, str, for sha256 digest")
    ARGUMENTS = PARSER.parse_args()


2018-04-23 16:43

reporter   ~0011183

I updated my script so that it has a permissive license and that it can also output individual sha256 files (if needed), though it defaults to a digest of checksums and filenames:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Creates a SHA-256 digest of files in a directory

Based on an answer by Richard Neumann on Code Review

Based on statement that file digests are considered best-practice as of 2012

Creation and Modification Times
Created on Fri Apr 20 12:07:41 2018
Last Modified on Mon Apr 23 09:50:21 2018

License: Creative Commons CC0
License URL:

* 0.0.2
    - Added option to request individual files instead of digest
    - Don't output hash of currently running script
    - Added changelog
    - Added last modified date
    - Added example usage by developer and end-user
    - Added Creative Commons CC0 License
* 0.0.1
    - Initial release.

@author: rolandog
@version: 0.0.2

from os import getcwd, listdir
from os.path import join, isfile, basename
from time import strftime
from hashlib import sha256
from textwrap import dedent

def list_files(basedir=None):
    """List only files within the respective directory"""

    if basedir is None:
        basedir = getcwd()

    # gets the name of the running script
    script_name = basename(__file__)

    for item in listdir(basedir):
        path = join(basedir, item)

        # don't make a hash of a hash file or current file
        if "sha256-digest" in item or ".sha256" in item or script_name in item:

        if isfile(path):
            # changed so that we get the path and the filename
            yield (path, item)

def sha256sum(file_name, block_size=None):
    """Returns the sha256 checksum of the respective file"""

    if block_size is None:
        block_size = 4096

    checksum = sha256()

    with open(file_name, "rb") as file_handle:
        block =

        while block:
            block =

    return checksum.hexdigest()

def sha256sums(basedir=None, block_size=None):
    """Yields (<sha256sum>, <file_name>) tuples
    for files within the basedir.

    for file_path, file_name in list_files(basedir=basedir):
        yield (sha256sum(file_path, block_size=block_size), file_name)

def create_sha256_digest(basedir=None,
    """Creates de sha256-digest file with a timestamp"""

    if outputdir is None:
        outputdir = getcwd()

    if individual is False:
        hash_file_name = strftime("sha256-digest_%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
        hash_file_path = join(outputdir, hash_file_name)

        with open(hash_file_path, "w") as file_handle:
            for file_hash in sha256sums(basedir, block_size):
                file_handle.write(" *".join(file_hash) + "\n")
        for checksum, file_name in sha256sums(basedir, block_size):
            hash_file_name = file_name + ".sha256"
            hash_file_path = join(outputdir, hash_file_name)
            with open(hash_file_path, "w") as file_handle:
                file_handle.write(" *".join((checksum, file_name)) + "\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
    DESCRIPTION = "Creates a SHA-256 digest of files in a directory"
    EPILOG = """\
        example usage by developer

        cat hello-world.txt
            Hello, World!

        python -i

            hello-world.txt  hello-world.txt.sha256

        cat hello-world.txt.sha256
            c98c24b677eff44860afea6f493bbaec5bb1c4cbb209c6fc2bbb47f66ff2ad31 *hello-world.txt

        example usage by end-user
            hello-world.txt  hello-world.txt.sha256

        sha256sum -c hello-world.txt.sha256
            hello-world.txt: OK
    PARSER = ArgumentParser(prog="",
                        help="outputs one hash file per file in folder")
                        help="path to the folder containing the files")
                        help="read files in chunks less than BLOCKSIZE bytes")
                        help="output directory for sha256 digest or files")
    ARGUMENTS = PARSER.parse_args()


2018-05-10 17:01

reporter   ~0011243

Maybe a link in the Wiki pointing to the GitHub releases section, and having the hashes consistently published together with the binaries can help mark this issue as a fixed/resolved one?


2018-12-12 02:58

administrator   ~0012263

another discussion related to this ticket at


2022-03-03 13:55

administrator   ~0016504

This ticket has been migrated to GitHub as issue 5669.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-10-17 07:23 Fredus69 New Issue
2017-01-11 13:06 Kunda1 Note Added: 0007627
2017-01-11 13:08 wmayer Assigned To => sgrogan
2017-01-11 13:08 wmayer Status new => assigned
2017-01-11 13:09 wmayer Note Added: 0007628
2017-03-24 14:18 Kunda1 Target Version => 0.17
2017-03-24 16:19 Kunda1 Tag Attached: packaging
2018-03-12 09:34 wmayer Target Version 0.17 => 0.18
2018-04-20 19:02 rolandog Note Added: 0011170
2018-04-23 16:43 rolandog Note Added: 0011183
2018-05-10 17:01 rolandog Note Added: 0011243
2018-12-12 02:58 Kunda1 Note Added: 0012263
2020-06-06 14:36 abdullah Target Version 0.18 => 0.19
2021-02-06 06:49 abdullah Target Version => 0.20