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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003056FEMFeaturepublic2021-02-06 06:23
Reporterberndhahnebach Assigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
Status confirmedResolutionopen 
Target Version0.20 
Summary0003056: FEM, 1D beam analysis example for Start WB and wrong results for 1D beam
DescriptionThe start wb only has FEM 3D and 2D analysis example of CalculiX cantilever. This is because the 1D example gives results an engineer would not expect. At the moment no example is added but the 1D beams are still supported.

I opened the bug report to have a reference. I have been in contact with the developer of CalculiX, the FEM solver we use. There seems to be some mathematical reasons for the problem.

Everything could be read at the forum topic:
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2020-01-09 10:59

developer   ~0014025



2022-03-03 13:55

administrator   ~0016536

This ticket has been migrated to GitHub as issue 5701.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-05-28 21:45 berndhahnebach New Issue
2018-09-18 06:19 berndhahnebach Status new => confirmed
2018-09-18 06:19 berndhahnebach Summary FEM - 1D beam analysis example for start wb and wrong results for 1D beam => FEM, 1D beam analysis example for start wb and wrong results for 1D beam
2018-09-25 18:34 berndhahnebach Severity minor => feature
2020-01-09 10:59 berndhahnebach Note Added: 0014025
2020-01-09 11:00 berndhahnebach Product Version 0.17 => 0.19
2020-01-09 12:16 Kunda1 Description Updated
2020-01-09 12:16 Kunda1 Summary FEM, 1D beam analysis example for start wb and wrong results for 1D beam => FEM, 1D beam analysis example for Start WB and wrong results for 1D beam
2021-02-06 06:23 abdullah Target Version => 0.20