View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0003293 | Path | Feature | public | 2017-12-30 15:14 | 2018-01-26 18:50 |
Reporter | Assigned To | sliptonic | |||
Priority | normal | Severity | feature | Reproducibility | N/A |
Status | closed | Resolution | fixed | ||
Product Version | 0.17 | ||||
Fixed in Version | 0.17 | ||||
Summary | 0003293: New Feather Path Dressup for getting a Roll on or foo to a path also for Using Mashine CRC insted off Compensation | ||||
Description | hi i made a new DRESSUP to get a Toolpath for in and out on Profile operations also the dressup is for PRO CNC as it respects mashine Cutter Radius Compensation USE to get Mashine Tooltable doing the complete offset as G41/G42 its not perfect but it works BESt is to get a better in and out of the path non tool breking | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | |||||
Tags | Path | ||||
FreeCAD Information | |||||
2017-12-30 15:14
| (10,188 bytes)
# *************************************************************************** # * (c) Yorik van Havre ( 2014 * # * * # * This file is part of the FreeCAD CAx development system. * # * * # * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * # * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) * # * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * # * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * # * for detail see the LICENCE text file. * # * * # * FreeCAD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * # * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * # * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * # * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * # * * # * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * # * License along with FreeCAD; if not, write to the Free Software * # * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * # * USA * # * * # ***************************************************************************/ class PathWorkbench (Workbench): "Path workbench" def __init__(self): self.__class__.Icon = FreeCAD.getResourceDir() + "Mod/Path/Resources/icons/PathWorkbench.svg" self.__class__.MenuText = "Path" self.__class__.ToolTip = "Path workbench" def Initialize(self): # Add preferences pages - before loading PathGui to properly order pages of Path group from PathScripts import PathPreferencesPathJob, PathPreferencesPathDressup FreeCADGui.addPreferencePage(PathPreferencesPathJob.JobPreferencesPage, "Path") FreeCADGui.addPreferencePage(PathPreferencesPathDressup.DressupPreferencesPage, "Path") # Check enablement of experimental features from PathScripts.PathPreferences import PathPreferences # load the builtin modules import Path import PathScripts import PathGui from PySide import QtGui FreeCADGui.addLanguagePath(":/translations") FreeCADGui.addIconPath(":/icons") # load python modules from PathScripts import PathArray from PathScripts import PathComment # from PathScripts import PathCompoundExtended from PathScripts import PathCustom from PathScripts import PathDressupDogbone from PathScripts import PathDressupDragknife from PathScripts import PathDressupRampEntry from PathScripts import PathDressupTagGui from PathScripts import PathDressupLeadInOut from PathScripts import PathDrillingGui from PathScripts import PathEngraveGui from PathScripts import PathFixture from PathScripts import PathHelixGui from PathScripts import PathHop from PathScripts import PathInspect from PathScripts import PathJobCmd from PathScripts import PathMillFaceGui from PathScripts import PathPlane from PathScripts import PathPocketGui from PathScripts import PathPocketShapeGui from PathScripts import PathPost from PathScripts import PathProfileContourGui from PathScripts import PathProfileEdgesGui from PathScripts import PathProfileFacesGui from PathScripts import PathSanity from PathScripts import PathSimpleCopy from PathScripts import PathStop from PathScripts import PathSurfaceGui from PathScripts import PathToolController from PathScripts import PathToolLenOffset from PathScripts import PathToolLibraryManager from PathScripts import PathSimulatorGui import PathCommands # build commands list projcmdlist = ["Path_Job", "Path_Post"] toolcmdlist = ["Path_Inspect", "Path_Simulator", "Path_ToolLibraryEdit", "Path_SelectLoop"] prepcmdlist = ["Path_Plane", "Path_Fixture", "Path_ToolLenOffset", "Path_Comment", "Path_Stop", "Path_Custom", "Path_Shape"] twodopcmdlist = ["Path_Contour", "Path_Profile_Faces", "Path_Profile_Edges", "Path_Pocket_Shape", "Path_Drilling", "Path_Engrave", "Path_MillFace", "Path_Helix"] threedopcmdlist = ["Path_Pocket_3D"] modcmdlist = ["Path_OperationCopy", "Path_Array", "Path_SimpleCopy" ] dressupcmdlist = ["PathDressup_Dogbone", "PathDressup_DragKnife", "PathDressup_Tag","PathDressup_LeadInOut", "PathDressup_RampEntry"] extracmdlist = [] #modcmdmore = ["Path_Hop",] #remotecmdlist = ["Path_Remote"] # Add commands to menu and toolbar def QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP(scope, text): return text class ThreeDCommandGroup: def GetCommands(self): return tuple(threedopcmdlist) def GetResources(self): return { 'MenuText': QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Path",'3D Operations'), 'ToolTip': QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Path",'3D Operations') } def IsActive(self): if FreeCAD.ActiveDocument is not None: for o in FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Objects: if o.Name[:3] == "Job": return True return False if PathPreferences.experimentalFeaturesEnabled(): projcmdlist.append("Path_Sanity") threedopcmdlist.append("Path_Surface") extracmdlist.extend(["Path_Shape", "Path_Area", "Path_Area_Workplane"]) FreeCADGui.addCommand('Path_3dTools', ThreeDCommandGroup()) threedcmdgroup = ['Path_3dTools'] else: threedcmdgroup = threedopcmdlist self.appendToolbar(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Path", "Project Setup"), projcmdlist) self.appendToolbar(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Path", "Tool Commands"), toolcmdlist) #self.appendToolbar(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Path", "Partial Commands"), prepcmdlist) self.appendToolbar(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Path", "New Operations"), twodopcmdlist+threedcmdgroup) self.appendToolbar(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Path", "Path Modification"), modcmdlist) if extracmdlist: self.appendToolbar(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Path", "Helpful Tools"), extracmdlist) self.appendMenu([QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Path", "&Path")], projcmdlist +["Path_ExportTemplate", "Separator"] + toolcmdlist +["Separator"] +twodopcmdlist +["Separator"] +threedopcmdlist +["Separator"]) #self.appendMenu([QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Path", "Path"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( # "Path", "Tools")], toolcmdlist) self.appendMenu([QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Path", "&Path"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "Path", "Path Dressup")], dressupcmdlist) self.appendMenu([QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Path", "&Path"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "Path", "Partial Commands")], prepcmdlist) #self.appendMenu([QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Path", "Path"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( # "Path", "New Operations")], opcmdlist) self.appendMenu([QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Path", "&Path"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( "Path", "Path Modification")], modcmdlist) #self.appendMenu([QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Path", "Path"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( # "Path", "Path Modification")], modcmdmore) # self.appendMenu([QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Path", "Path"), QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP( # "Path", "Remote Operations")], remotecmdlist) if extracmdlist: self.appendMenu([QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("Path", "&Path")], extracmdlist) self.dressupcmds = dressupcmdlist Path.Area.setDefaultParams(Accuracy = PathPreferences.defaultLibAreaCurveAccuracy()) Log('Loading Path workbench... done\n') def GetClassName(self): return "Gui::PythonWorkbench" def Activated(self): # update the translation engine FreeCADGui.updateLocale() Msg("Path workbench activated\n") def Deactivated(self): Msg("Path workbench deactivated\n") def ContextMenu(self, recipient): import PathScripts if len(FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()) == 1: obj = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()[0] if obj.isDerivedFrom("Path::Feature"): self.appendContextMenu("", "Separator") self.appendContextMenu("", ["Path_Inspect"]) selectedName = obj.Name if "Remote" in selectedName: self.appendContextMenu("", ["Refresh_Path"]) if "Job" in selectedName: self.appendContextMenu("", ["Path_ExportTemplate"]) if isinstance (obj.Proxy, PathScripts.PathOp.ObjectOp): self.appendContextMenu("", ["Path_OperationCopy"]) if obj.isDerivedFrom("Path::Feature"): if "Profile" in selectedName or "Contour" in selectedName or "Dressup" in selectedName: self.appendContextMenu("", "Separator") #self.appendContextMenu("", ["Set_StartPoint"]) #self.appendContextMenu("", ["Set_EndPoint"]) for cmd in self.dressupcmds: self.appendContextMenu("", [cmd]) Gui.addWorkbench(PathWorkbench()) FreeCAD.addImportType( "GCode (*.nc *.gc *.ncc *.ngc *.cnc *.tap *.gcode)", "PathGui") FreeCAD.addExportType( "GCode (*.nc *.gc *.ncc *.ngc *.cnc *.tap *.gcode)", "PathGui") (17,085 bytes)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # *************************************************************************** # * * # * Copyright (c) 2017 LTS <> under LGPL * # * * # * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * # * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) * # * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * # * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * # * for detail see the LICENCE text file. * # * * # * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * # * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * # * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * # * GNU Library General Public License for more details. * # * * # * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * # * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * # * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * # * USA * # * * # *************************************************************************** from __future__ import print_function import FreeCAD import FreeCADGui import Path import Part from PySide import QtCore, QtGui import math #import DraftVecUtils as D import PathScripts.PathLog as PathLog import PathScripts.PathUtils as PathUtils from PathScripts.PathGeom import PathGeom """LeadInOut Dressup MASHIN-CRC USE ROLL-ON ROLL-OFF to profile""" # Qt tanslation handling def translate(text, context="PathDressup_LeadInOut", disambig=None): return QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate(context, text, disambig) PathLog.setLevel(PathLog.Level.INFO, PathLog.thisModule()) movecommands = ['G1', 'G01', 'G2', 'G02', 'G3', 'G03'] rapidcommands = ['G0', 'G00'] arccommands = ['G2', 'G3', 'G02', 'G03'] global currLocation currLocation = {} class ObjectDressup: def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLink", "ToolController", "Path", QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property", "The tool controller that will be used to calculate the path")) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyLink", "Base", "Path", QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property","The base path to modify")) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool", "LeadIn", "Path", QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property","Calculate roll-on to path")) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool", "LeadOut", "Path", QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property","Calculate roll-off from path")) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool", "KeepToolDown", "Path", QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property","Keep the Tool Down in Path")) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool", "UseMashineCRC", "Path", QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property","Use Mashine Cutter Radius Compensation /Tool Path Offset G41/G42")) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyDistance", "Length", "Path", QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("App::Property","Length or Radius of the approach")) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyEnumeration", "StyleOn", "Path", QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("PathDressup_LeadInOut", "The Style of LeadIn the Path")) obj.StyleOn = ["Arc", "Tangent", "Perpendicular"] obj.addProperty("App::PropertyEnumeration", "StyleOff", "Path", QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("PathDressup_LeadInOut", "The Style of LeadOut the Path")) obj.StyleOff = ["Arc", "Tangent", "Perpendicular"] obj.addProperty("App::PropertyEnumeration", "RadiusCenter", "Path", QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("PathDressup_LeadInOut", "The Mode of Point Radiusoffset or Center")) obj.RadiusCenter = ["Radius", "Center"] obj.Proxy = self def __getstate__(self): return None def __setstate__(self, state): return None def setup(self, obj): obj.Length = 5.0 obj.LeadIn = True obj.LeadOut = True obj.KeepToolDown=False obj.UseMashineCRC=False obj.StyleOn = 'Arc' obj.StyleOff = 'Arc' obj.RadiusCenter = 'Radius' obj.ToolController = obj.Base.ToolController def execute(self, obj): if not obj.Base: return if not obj.Base.isDerivedFrom("Path::Feature"): return if not obj.Base.Path: return if obj.Length < 0: PathLog.error(translate("Length/Radius positiv not Null\n")) obj.Length = 0.1 self.wire, self.rapids = PathGeom.wireForPath(obj.Base.Path) obj.Path = self.generateLeadInOutCurve(obj) def getDirectionOfPath(self,obj): if obj.Base.Side == 'Outside': if obj.Base.Direction =='CW': return 'left' else: return 'right' else: if obj.Base.Direction =='CW': return 'right' return 'left' def normalize(self, Vector): x=Vector.x y=Vector.y len = math.sqrt( x*x + y*y ) if((math.fabs(len))> 0.0000000000001): vx = round(x / len,0) vy = round(y / len,0) return FreeCAD.Base.Vector(vx,vy,0) def getLeadStart(self,obj, queue,action): '''returns Lead In G-code.''' global currLocation results = [] zdepth = currLocation["Z"] horizFeed = obj.ToolController.HorizFeed.Value vertFeed = obj.ToolController.VertFeed.Value toolnummer = obj.Base.ToolController.ToolNumber # set the correct twist command if self.getDirectionOfPath(obj) == 'left': arcdir = "G3" else: arcdir = "G2" R= obj.Length.Value #Radius of roll or length if queue[1].Name == "G1": #line p0 = queue[0].Placement.Base p1 = queue[1].Placement.Base v = self.normalize(p1.sub(p0)) #PathLog.notice(" CURRENT_IN : P0 Z:{} p1 Z:{}".format(p0.z,p1.z)) else: p0 = queue[0].Placement.Base p1 = queue[1].Placement.Base #PathLog.notice(" CURRENT_IN ARC : P0 X:{} Y:{} P1 X:{} Y:{} ".format(p0.x,p0.y,p1.x,p1.y)) v = self.normalize(p1.sub(p0)) if self.getDirectionOfPath(obj) == 'right': off_v = FreeCAD.Base.Vector(v.y*R,-v.x*R,0.0) else: off_v = FreeCAD.Base.Vector(-v.y*R,v.x*R,0.0) offsetvector = FreeCAD.Base.Vector(v.x*R,v.y*R, 0) #IJ if obj.RadiusCenter == 'Radius': leadstart = (p0.add(off_v)).sub(offsetvector) #Rmode else: leadstart = p0.add(off_v) #Dmode if action == 'start': extendcommand = Path.Command('G0', {"X": 0.0, "Y": 0.0, "Z": obj.Base.ClearanceHeight.Value}) results.append(extendcommand) extendcommand = Path.Command('G0', {"X": leadstart.x, "Y": leadstart.y, "Z": obj.Base.ClearanceHeight.Value}) results.append(extendcommand) extendcommand = Path.Command('G0', {"X": leadstart.x, "Y": leadstart.y, "Z": obj.Base.SafeHeight.Value}) results.append(extendcommand) if action == 'layer': if not obj.KeepToolDown: extendcommand = Path.Command('G0', {"Z": obj.Base.SafeHeight.Value}) results.append(extendcommand) extendcommand = Path.Command('G0', {"X": leadstart.x, "Y": leadstart.y}) results.append(extendcommand) extendcommand = Path.Command('G1', {"X": leadstart.x, "Y": leadstart.y, "Z": p1.z, "F": vertFeed}) results.append(extendcommand) if obj.UseMashineCRC: if self.getDirectionOfPath(obj) == 'right': results.append(Path.Command('G42', {'D':toolnummer})) else: results.append(Path.Command('G41', {'D':toolnummer})) if obj.StyleOn == 'Arc': arcmove = Path.Command(arcdir, {"X": p0.x, "Y": p0.y, "I": offsetvector.x, "J": offsetvector.y, "F": horizFeed}) # add G2/G3 move results.append(arcmove) elif obj.StyleOn == 'Tangent': extendcommand = Path.Command('G1', {"X": p0.x, "Y": p0.y, "Z": p0.z, "F": horizFeed}) results.append(extendcommand) else : PathLog.notice(" CURRENT_IN Perp") return results def getLeadEnd(self,obj, queue,action): '''returns the Gcode of LeadOut.''' global currLocation results = [] horizFeed = obj.ToolController.HorizFeed.Value R= obj.Length.Value #Radius of roll or length # set the correct twist command if self.getDirectionOfPath(obj) == 'right': arcdir = "G2" else: arcdir = "G3" if queue[1].Name == "G1": #line p0 = queue[0].Placement.Base p1 = queue[1].Placement.Base v = self.normalize(p1.sub(p0)) else:#dealing with a circle p0 = queue[0].Placement.Base p1 = queue[1].Placement.Base v = self.normalize(p1.sub(p0)) if self.getDirectionOfPath(obj) == 'right': off_v = FreeCAD.Base.Vector(v.y*R,-v.x*R,0.0) else: off_v = FreeCAD.Base.Vector(-v.y*R,v.x*R,0.0) offsetvector = FreeCAD.Base.Vector(v.x*R,v.y*R, 0.0) if obj.RadiusCenter == 'Radius': leadend = (p1.add(off_v)).add(offsetvector) #Rmode else: leadend = p1.add(off_v) #Dmode IJ= off_v#.negative() results.append(queue[1]) if obj.StyleOff == 'Arc': arcmove = Path.Command(arcdir, {"X": leadend.x, "Y": leadend.y, "I": IJ.x, "J": IJ.y, "F": horizFeed}) # add G2/G3 move results.append(arcmove) elif obj.StyleOff == 'Tangent': extendcommand = Path.Command('G1', {"X": leadend.x, "Y": leadend.y, "Z": currLocation["Z"], "F": horizFeed}) results.append(extendcommand) else : PathLog.notice(" CURRENT_IN Perp") if obj.UseMashineCRC:#crc off results.append(Path.Command('G40', {})) return results def generateLeadInOutCurve(self, obj): global currLocation firstmove = Path.Command("G0", {"X": 0, "Y": 0, "Z": 0}) currLocation.update(firstmove.Parameters) newpath = [] queue = [] num=0 action= 'start' for curCommand in obj.Base.Path.Commands: replace = None # don't worry about non-move commands, just add to output if curCommand.Name not in movecommands + rapidcommands: newpath.append(curCommand) continue # rapid retract triggers exit move, else just add to output if curCommand.Name in rapidcommands: #detect start position if (curCommand.x != None) or (curCommand.y != None): firstmove = curCommand currLocation.update(curCommand.Parameters) if action !='start':#done move out if obj.LeadOut: temp = self.getLeadEnd(obj,queue,'end') newpath.extend(temp) newpath.append(curCommand) #Z clear DONE if curCommand.Name in movecommands: queue.append(curCommand) if action == 'start' and len(queue) <2: continue if action == 'layer': if len(queue) > 2: queue.pop(0) if obj.LeadIn: temp=self.getLeadStart(obj,queue,action) newpath.extend(temp) newpath.append(curCommand) action='none' currLocation.update(curCommand.Parameters) else: newpath.append(curCommand) if curCommand.z != currLocation["Z"] and action != 'start':# vertical feeding to depth if obj.LeadOut:#fish cycle if len(queue) > 2: queue.pop(len(queue)-1) temp = self.getLeadEnd(obj,queue,action) newpath.extend(temp) action = 'layer' if len(queue) > 2: queue.pop(0) continue else: newpath.append(curCommand) if len(queue) > 2: queue.pop(0) if obj.LeadIn and len(queue)>=2 and action == 'start': temp=self.getLeadStart(obj,queue,action) newpath.extend(temp) newpath.append(curCommand) action='none' currLocation.update(curCommand.Parameters) else: newpath.append(curCommand) currLocation.update(curCommand.Parameters) commands = newpath return Path.Path(commands) class ViewProviderDressup: def __init__(self, vobj): vobj.Proxy = self def attach(self, vobj): self.obj = vobj.Object def claimChildren(self): if hasattr(self.obj.Base, "InList"): for i in self.obj.Base.InList: if hasattr(i, "Group"): group = i.Group for g in group: if g.Name == self.obj.Base.Name: group.remove(g) i.Group = group print(i.Group) # FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.getObject(obj.Base.Name).Visibility = False return [self.obj.Base] def onDelete(self, arg1=None, arg2=None): PathLog.debug("Deleting Dressup") '''this makes sure that the base operation is added back to the project and visible''' FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.getObject(arg1.Object.Base.Name).Visibility = True job = PathUtils.findParentJob(self.obj) job.Proxy.addOperation(arg1.Object.Base) arg1.Object.Base = None return True def __getstate__(self): return None def __setstate__(self, state): return None class CommandPathDressupLeadInOut: def GetResources(self): return {'Pixmap': 'Path-Dressup', 'MenuText': QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("PathDressup_LeadInOut", "LeadInOut Dressup"), 'ToolTip': QtCore.QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("PathDressup_LeadInOut", "Creates a Cutter Radius Compensation G41/G42 Entry Dressup object from a selected path")} def IsActive(self): if FreeCAD.ActiveDocument is not None: for o in FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Objects: if o.Name[:3] == "Job": return True return False def Activated(self): # check that the selection contains exactly what we want selection = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection() if len(selection) != 1: PathLog.error(translate("Please select one path object\n")) return baseObject = selection[0] if not baseObject.isDerivedFrom("Path::Feature"): PathLog.error(translate("The selected object is not a path\n")) return if baseObject.isDerivedFrom("Path::FeatureCompoundPython"): PathLog.error(translate("Please select a Profile object")) return # everything ok! FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.openTransaction(translate("Create LeadInOut Dressup")) FreeCADGui.addModule("PathScripts.PathDressupLeadInOut") FreeCADGui.addModule("PathScripts.PathUtils") FreeCADGui.doCommand('obj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Path::FeaturePython", "LeadInOutDressup")') FreeCADGui.doCommand('dbo = PathScripts.PathDressupLeadInOut.ObjectDressup(obj)') FreeCADGui.doCommand('obj.Base = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.' + selection[0].Name) FreeCADGui.doCommand('PathScripts.PathDressupLeadInOut.ViewProviderDressup(obj.ViewObject)') FreeCADGui.doCommand('PathScripts.PathUtils.addToJob(obj)') FreeCADGui.doCommand('Gui.ActiveDocument.getObject(obj.Base.Name).Visibility = False') FreeCADGui.doCommand('obj.ToolController = PathScripts.PathUtils.findToolController(obj)') FreeCADGui.doCommand('dbo.setup(obj)') FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.commitTransaction() FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() if FreeCAD.GuiUp: # register the FreeCAD command FreeCADGui.addCommand('PathDressup_LeadInOut', CommandPathDressupLeadInOut()) PathLog.notice("Loading PathDressupLeadInOut... done\n") |
@maxcncmaho please open a forum thread to present this to the Path community. Also please follow the instructions on how to fill out a proper ticket: This one is missing full version info and a forum thread |
@sliptonic care to weigh in ? |
@mlampert care to weigh in? |
@sliptonic ping |
This has been implemented and merged. Issue can be closed |
Closing |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2017-12-30 15:14 |
New Issue | |
2017-12-30 15:14 |
File Added: | |
2017-12-30 15:14 |
File Added: | |
2017-12-30 15:14 |
File Added: lead.jpg | |
2017-12-30 15:14 |
Tag Attached: Path | |
2017-12-30 17:07 | Kunda1 | Status | new => feedback |
2017-12-30 17:07 | Kunda1 | Note Added: 0010636 | |
2017-12-30 17:07 | Kunda1 | Tag Attached: #post-to-forum | |
2017-12-31 00:50 | Kunda1 | Note Added: 0010641 | |
2018-01-02 12:47 | Kunda1 | Note Added: 0010660 | |
2018-01-26 14:14 | Kunda1 | Note Added: 0010861 | |
2018-01-26 18:21 | sliptonic | Note Added: 0010866 | |
2018-01-26 18:50 | Kunda1 | Assigned To | => sliptonic |
2018-01-26 18:50 | Kunda1 | Status | feedback => closed |
2018-01-26 18:50 | Kunda1 | Resolution | open => fixed |
2018-01-26 18:50 | Kunda1 | Fixed in Version | => 0.17 |
2018-01-26 18:50 | Kunda1 | Note Added: 0010867 | |
2018-01-26 18:50 | Kunda1 | Tag Detached: #post-to-forum |