View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004825FreeCADBugpublic2022-01-24 09:30
ReporterC0rn3j Assigned Towmayer  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version0.20 
Fixed in Version0.20 
Summary0004825: Building with python 3.10 on Arch/Manjaro fails in tests
DescriptionAttempting to build FreeCAD through AUR/freecad-git on Arch fails with an error due to build tests failing (FreeCADCmd --console --run-test 0).

Attached is a build log, interesting parts can be found by searching for 'Trackeback' as there seem to be some Python 3.10 related errors too, mainly "AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Iterable'".

I suppose this is the part where it hard fails. Hard to tell as I get both "failures" and "errors" and can't tell the difference between them.

ERROR: test_box_static_0_mm (
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 147, in test_box_static_0_mm
    ret = testtools.compare_files(startinfo_given, startinfo_totest)
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 237, in compare_files
    file2 = open(file_name2, "r")
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_box_static_0_mm_bfc33fba65f5/ELMERSOLVER_STARTINFO'
FreeCAD InformationWon't build



2022-01-11 09:47


freecad_build.log (357,707 bytes)   
[130] % trizen -S freecad-git --noedit
:: Cloning AUR package: freecad-git

:: Content of /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/PKGBUILD

# Maintainer: Grey Christoforo <first name at last name dot net>

pkgdesc='A general purpose 3D CAD modeler - git checkout'
'povray: ray tracing support'
'luxcorerender: ray tracing support'
'libspnav: 3d mouse support'
'openscad: OpenSCAD support'
conflicts=('freecad' 'freecad-appimage' 'freecad-appimage-git')

pkgver() {
  cd FreeCAD
  read -d$'/n' -r major minor patch < <(grep -Po "set\(PACKAGE_VERSION_(MAJOR|MINOR|PATCH) \"\K[0-9]*" CMakeLists.txt) || true
  count=$(git rev-list --count $(git tag --sort=-creatordate|head -1)..HEAD)
  hash=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
  printf "%d.%d.%d.r%d.g%s" "$major" "$minor" "$patch" "$count" "$hash"

prepare() {
  cd FreeCAD

  #sed 's,from femexamples.boxanalysis_frequency import setup,return,' -i src/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/
  #sed 's,from femexamples.thermomech_flow1d import setup,return,' -i src/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/

  #git revert --no-commit 663ac994a794606e56d086cac85598517bd323dc
  #git checkout 927fdc9edc


build() {
  cd FreeCAD

  cmake -Wno-dev -G Ninja -B build_dir -S . \
    -D CMAKE_C_FLAGS="${CFLAGS} -fPIC -w" \
    -D FREECAD_USE_OCC_VARIANT="Official Version" \
    -D PYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python \
    -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${_destdir}/lib/freecad" \
    -D CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR='../../lib' \
    -D CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR='../../share/freecad' \
    -D CMAKE_INSTALL_DATAROOTDIR='../../share' \
    -D CMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR='../../share/doc/freecad'

  cmake --build build_dir

check() {
  cd FreeCAD
  cd build_dir
  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=lib bin/FreeCADCmd --console --run-test 0

package() {
  cd FreeCAD
  DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" cmake --install build_dir

  # get python site package folder in the right place
  cp -a "${pkgdir}${_destdir}"/lib/freecad/lib "${pkgdir}${_destdir}"
  rm -rf "${pkgdir}${_destdir}"/lib/freecad/lib

  # link all the .sos into python site package dir
  python_site_packages="$(python -c 'import sys; print(sys.path[-1])')"
  mkdir -p "${pkgdir}/${python_site_packages}"
  for f in $FILES
    ln -s ${_destdir}/lib/$(basename $f) "${pkgdir}/${python_site_packages}/$(basename $f)"

  # links for bin
  mkdir -p "${pkgdir}${_destdir}"/bin
  for f in $FILES
    ln -s '../lib/freecad/bin/'$(basename $f) "${pkgdir}${_destdir}"/bin/$(basename $f)

  # env var for
  mkdir -p "${pkgdir}"/etc/profile.d
  echo "export PATH_TO_FREECAD_LIBDIR=${_destdir}/lib" > "${pkgdir}"/etc/profile.d/

  install -Dt "${pkgdir}${_destdir}/share/licenses/${pkgname}" -m644 LICENSE

Repository      : AUR
Name            : freecad-git
Version         : 0.20.0.r2430.gb23ae963d9-1
Maintainer      : greyltc
URL             :
AUR URL         :
License         : LGPL
Votes           : 98
Popularity      : 0.85%
Installed       : No
Out Of Date     : No
Depends On      : boost-libs
Make Deps       : cmake
Check Deps      : None
Optional Deps   : libspnav: 3d mouse support
                  openscad: OpenSCAD support
                  povray: ray tracing support
                  luxcorerender: ray tracing support
Provides        : freecad
Conflicts With  : freecad
Replaces        : None
Package Base    : freecad-git
Last Update     : Sun Dec 19 20:29:29 2021
Description     : A general purpose 3D CAD modeler - git checkout

==> Making package: freecad-git 0.20.0.r2430.gb23ae963d9-1 (Tue 11 Jan 2022 09:57:45 CET)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Installing missing dependencies...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Package (8)        New Version  Net Change  Download Size

extra/clang        13.0.0-4     207.42 MiB      39.17 MiB
extra/compiler-rt  13.0.0-2      35.42 MiB       2.86 MiB
extra/llvm         13.0.0-6     337.62 MiB      55.15 MiB
extra/boost        1.78.0-1     169.58 MiB      13.42 MiB
extra/eigen        3.4.0-1        8.37 MiB       1.05 MiB
core/gcc-fortran   11.1.0-3      31.44 MiB      10.08 MiB
extra/shiboken2    5.15.2-13      2.03 MiB       0.71 MiB
extra/swig         4.0.2-5        4.64 MiB       1.08 MiB

Total Download Size:   123.52 MiB
Total Installed Size:  796.51 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
:: Retrieving packages...
 compiler-rt-13.0.0-2-x86_64                                                                                        2.9 MiB  2.78 MiB/s 00:01 [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 swig-4.0.2-5-x86_64                                                                                             1107.0 KiB  1604 KiB/s 00:01 [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 eigen-3.4.0-1-any                                                                                               1075.6 KiB  1287 KiB/s 00:01 [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 shiboken2-5.15.2-13-x86_64                                                                                       727.9 KiB   984 KiB/s 00:01 [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 gcc-fortran-11.1.0-3-x86_64                                                                                       10.1 MiB  1317 KiB/s 00:08 [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 boost-1.78.0-1-x86_64                                                                                             13.4 MiB  1134 KiB/s 00:12 [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 llvm-13.0.0-6-x86_64                                                                                              55.2 MiB  2.87 MiB/s 00:19 [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 clang-13.0.0-4-x86_64                                                                                             39.2 MiB  1959 KiB/s 00:20 [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
 Total (8/8)                                                                                                      123.5 MiB  6.02 MiB/s 00:21 [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(8/8) checking keys in keyring                                                                                                                [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(8/8) checking package integrity                                                                                                              [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(8/8) loading package files                                                                                                                   [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(8/8) checking for file conflicts                                                                                                             [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(8/8) checking available disk space                                                                                                           [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
(1/8) installing boost                                                                                                                        [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
Optional dependencies for boost
    python: for python bindings [installed]
(2/8) installing eigen                                                                                                                        [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(3/8) installing gcc-fortran                                                                                                                  [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(4/8) installing compiler-rt                                                                                                                  [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(5/8) installing clang                                                                                                                        [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
Optional dependencies for clang
    openmp: OpenMP support in clang with -fopenmp
    python: for scan-view and git-clang-format [installed]
    llvm: referenced by some clang headers [pending]
(6/8) installing llvm                                                                                                                         [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(7/8) installing shiboken2                                                                                                                    [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
(8/8) installing swig                                                                                                                         [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/3) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
(2/3) Removing unnecessary cached files (keeping only the latest)…
==> no candidate packages found for pruning
(3/3) Updating the info directory file...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Cloning FreeCAD git repo...
Cloning into bare repository '/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/FreeCAD'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 498158, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (235/235), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (65/65), done.
remote: Total 498158 (delta 180), reused 204 (delta 170), pack-reused 497923
Receiving objects: 100% (498158/498158), 1.48 GiB | 5.00 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (412024/412024), done.
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
    FreeCAD ... Skipped
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Creating working copy of FreeCAD git repo...
Cloning into 'FreeCAD'...
Updating files: 100% (11055/11055), done.
==> Starting prepare()...
==> Starting pkgver()...
==> Updated version: freecad-git 0.20.0.r2783.g70d61b9624-1
==> Starting build()...
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 11.1.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 11.1.0
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc - skipped
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Compiler: GNU, version: 11.1.0
-- Looking for GL/gl.h
-- Looking for GL/gl.h - found
-- Looking for C++ include istream
-- Looking for C++ include istream - found
-- Looking for C++ include ostream
-- Looking for C++ include ostream - found
-- Looking for C++ include fstream
-- Looking for C++ include fstream - found
-- Looking for C++ include sstream
-- Looking for C++ include sstream - found
-- Looking for C++ include ios
-- Looking for C++ include ios - found
-- Looking for C++ include iostream
-- Looking for C++ include iostream - found
-- Looking for C++ include iomanip
-- Looking for C++ include iomanip - found
-- Looking for C++ include iostream
-- Looking for C++ include iostream - found
-- Check for STD namespace
-- Check for STD namespace - found
-- prefix: /usr/lib/freecad
-- bindir: bin
-- datadir: ../../share/freecad
-- docdir: ../../share/doc/freecad
-- includedir: include
-- libdir: ../../lib
-- cmake: 3.22.1
-- Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE)
Doxygen not found, will not build documentation.

-- Found Python3: /usr/bin/python3.10 (found version "3.10.1") found components: Interpreter Development Development.Module Development.Embed
-- Found XercesC: /usr/lib/ (found version "3.2.3")
-- Found ZLIB: /usr/lib/ (found version "1.2.11")
-- PyCXX found:
--   Headers:  /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/src
--   Sources:  /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/src/CXX
--   Version:  6.2.8
-- Found OCC: /usr/include/opencascade (found version "7.5.3")
-- -- Found OCE/OpenCASCADE version: 7.5.3
-- -- OCE/OpenCASCADE include directory: /usr/include/opencascade
-- -- OCE/OpenCASCADE shared libraries directory: /usr/lib
-- Found OpenGL: /usr/lib/
-- Found OpenGLU: /usr/lib/
-- Looking for pthread.h
-- Looking for pthread.h - found
-- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Failed
-- Check if compiler accepts -pthread
-- Check if compiler accepts -pthread - yes
-- Found Threads: TRUE
-- Found MPI_C: /usr/lib/openmpi/ (found version "3.1")
-- Found MPI_CXX: /usr/lib/openmpi/ (found version "3.1")
-- Found MPI: TRUE (found version "3.1")
-- Found OpenMP_C: -fopenmp (found version "4.5")
-- Found OpenMP_CXX: -fopenmp (found version "4.5")
-- Found OpenMP: TRUE (found version "4.5")
-- Could NOT find utf8cpp (missing: utf8cpp_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- VTK components: CommonCore;CommonDataModel;FiltersVerdict;IOXML;FiltersCore;FiltersGeneral;IOLegacy;FiltersExtraction;FiltersSources;FiltersGeometry;IOMPIParallel;ParallelMPI;hdf5;FiltersParallelDIY2;RenderingCore;InteractionStyle;RenderingFreeType;RenderingOpenGL2
-- Found JsonCpp: /usr/lib/ (found suitable version "1.9.5", minimum required is "0.7.0")
-- Found HDF5: /usr/lib/;/usr/lib/;/usr/lib/;/usr/lib/;/usr/lib/ (found version "1.12.1") found components: C HL
-- Found MPI: TRUE (found version "3.1") found components: C
-- Found X11: /usr/include
-- Looking for XOpenDisplay in /usr/lib/;/usr/lib/
-- Looking for XOpenDisplay in /usr/lib/;/usr/lib/ - found
-- Looking for gethostbyname
-- Looking for gethostbyname - found
-- Looking for connect
-- Looking for connect - found
-- Looking for remove
-- Looking for remove - found
-- Looking for shmat
-- Looking for shmat - found
-- Looking for IceConnectionNumber in ICE
-- Looking for IceConnectionNumber in ICE - found
-- Found GLEW: /usr/lib/
-- Found OpenGL: /usr/lib/  found components: OpenGL GLX
-- Found EXPAT: /usr/lib/ (found version "2.4.2")
-- Found LZMA: /usr/lib/ (found version "5.2.5")
-- Found LZ4: /usr/lib/ (found version "1.9.3")
-- Found double-conversion: /usr/lib/
-- Found Eigen3: /usr/include/eigen3 (found version "3.4.0")
-- Found TIFF: /usr/lib/ (found version "4.3.0")
-- Found PNG: /usr/lib/ (found version "1.6.37")
-- Found JPEG: /usr/lib/ (found version "80")
-- Found Freetype: /usr/lib/ (found version "2.11.1")
-- Found OpenMP_C: -fopenmp (found version "4.5")
-- Found OpenMP_CXX: -fopenmp (found version "4.5")
-- Could NOT find utf8cpp (missing: utf8cpp_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Check for medfile (libmed and libmedc) ...
-- Found MEDFile: /usr/include
-- Found PkgConfig: /usr/bin/pkg-config (found version "1.8.0")
-- We guess that libmed was built using hdf5-serial version
-- Checking for one of the modules 'hdf5-serial'
-- Found HDF5: /usr/lib/;/usr/lib/;/usr/lib/;/usr/lib/;/usr/lib/ (found version "1.12.1")
-- Checking for one of the modules 'ompi-cxx'
-- Found Boost: /usr/lib64/cmake/Boost-1.78.0/BoostConfig.cmake (found suitable version "1.78.0", minimum required is "1.55") found components: filesystem program_options regex system thread date_time
-- Found SWIG: /usr/bin/swig (found version "4.0.2")
-- Found Eigen3: /usr/include/eigen3 (found suitable version "3.4.0", minimum required is "2.91.0")
-- Checking for module 'Coin'
--   Found Coin, version 4.0.1
-- Coin3D libraries found
-- Found Spnav: /usr/lib/
-- Shiboken2Config: Using default python: .cpython-310-x86_64-linux-gnu
-- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python (found suitable version "3.10.1", minimum required is "3")
-- Found PythonLibs: /usr/lib/ (found suitable version "3.10.1", minimum required is "3")
-- SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS computed to value: '/usr/include/python3.10'
-- SHIBOKEN_PYTHON_LIBRARIES computed to value: ''
-- libshiboken built for Release
-- PYTHON_CONFIG_SUFFIX: .cpython-310-x86_64-linux-gnu
-- libshiboken built for Release
-- ===============================================
PySide2 Python module found at /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/PySide2.

-- Found Matplotlib: /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/matplotlib (found version "3.5.1")
-- Platform is 64-bit, set -D_OCC64
-- Performing Test _flag_found
-- Performing Test _flag_found - Success
-- Performing Test _flag_found
-- Performing Test _flag_found - Success
-- Performing Test _flag_found
-- Performing Test _flag_found - Success
-- [E57] Revison ID: E57Format-2.2.1-x86_64-linux-gcc111
-- [E57] Building static library
-- Performing Test COMPILER_HAS_DEPRECATED_ATTR - Success
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Base/TypePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Base/BaseClassPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Base/BoundBoxPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Base/CoordinateSystemPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Base/PersistencePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Base/VectorPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Base/MatrixPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Base/RotationPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Base/PlacementPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Base/AxisPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Base/UnitPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Base/QuantityPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/App/DocumentPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/App/DocumentObjectPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/App/ExtensionPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/App/ExtensionContainerPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/App/DocumentObjectExtensionPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/App/GroupExtensionPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/App/LinkBaseExtensionPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/App/DocumentObjectGroupPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/App/GeoFeaturePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/App/GeoFeatureGroupExtensionPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/App/MetadataPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/App/OriginGroupExtensionPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/App/PartPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/App/ComplexGeoDataPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/App/PropertyContainerPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/App/MaterialPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Points/App/PointsPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Mesh/App/EdgePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Mesh/App/FacetPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Mesh/App/MeshFeaturePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Mesh/App/MeshPointPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Mesh/App/MeshPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Mesh/Gui/ViewProviderMeshPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/ArcPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/ArcOfConicPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/ArcOfCirclePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/ArcOfParabolaPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/BodyBasePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/ConicPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/CirclePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/ArcOfEllipsePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/EllipsePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/HyperbolaPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/ArcOfHyperbolaPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/ParabolaPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/OffsetCurvePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/GeometryPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/GeometryExtensionPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/GeometryIntExtensionPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/GeometryStringExtensionPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/GeometryBoolExtensionPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/GeometryDoubleExtensionPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/GeometryCurvePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/BoundedCurvePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/TrimmedCurvePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/GeometrySurfacePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/LinePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/LineSegmentPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/PointPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/BezierCurvePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/BSplineCurvePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/PlanePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/ConePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/CylinderPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/SpherePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/ToroidPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/BezierSurfacePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/BSplineSurfacePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/OffsetSurfacePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/PlateSurfacePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/RectangularTrimmedSurfacePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/SurfaceOfExtrusionPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/SurfaceOfRevolutionPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/PartFeaturePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/AttachExtensionPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/Part2DObjectPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/AttachEnginePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/TopoShapePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/TopoShapeCompoundPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/TopoShapeCompSolidPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/TopoShapeEdgePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/TopoShapeFacePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/TopoShapeShellPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/TopoShapeSolidPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/TopoShapeVertexPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/TopoShapeWirePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/BRepOffsetAPI_MakePipeShellPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/BRepOffsetAPI_MakeFillingPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/BRepFeat/MakePrismPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/Geom2d/ArcOfCircle2dPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/Geom2d/ArcOfConic2dPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/Geom2d/ArcOfEllipse2dPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/Geom2d/ArcOfHyperbola2dPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/Geom2d/ArcOfParabola2dPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/Geom2d/BezierCurve2dPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/Geom2d/BSplineCurve2dPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/Geom2d/Circle2dPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/Geom2d/Conic2dPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/Geom2d/Ellipse2dPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/Geom2d/Geometry2dPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/Geom2d/Hyperbola2dPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/Geom2d/Curve2dPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/Geom2d/Line2dSegmentPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/Geom2d/Line2dPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/Geom2d/OffsetCurve2dPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/Geom2d/Parabola2dPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/GeomPlate/BuildPlateSurfacePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/GeomPlate/CurveConstraintPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/GeomPlate/PointConstraintPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/HLRBRep/HLRBRep_AlgoPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/HLRBRep/HLRToShapePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/HLRBRep/HLRBRep_PolyAlgoPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/HLRBRep/PolyHLRToShapePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Part/App/ShapeUpgrade/UnifySameDomainPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/PartDesign/App/BodyPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/PartDesign/App/FeaturePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/PartDesign/Gui/ViewProviderPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Sketcher/App/SketchObjectSFPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Sketcher/App/SketchObjectPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Sketcher/App/SketchGeometryExtensionPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Sketcher/App/ExternalGeometryExtensionPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Sketcher/App/GeometryFacadePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Sketcher/App/ExternalGeometryFacadePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Sketcher/App/ConstraintPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Sketcher/App/SketchPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Robot/App/Robot6AxisPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Robot/App/TrajectoryPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Robot/App/WaypointPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Robot/App/RobotObjectPy.cpp
-- Performing Test _flag_found
-- Performing Test _flag_found - Success
-- Performing Test _flag_found
-- Performing Test _flag_found - Success
-- Found Boost: /usr/lib64/cmake/Boost-1.78.0/BoostConfig.cmake (found version "1.78.0") found components: python310
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Import/App/StepShapePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Fem/App/FemMeshPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Fem/App/FemPostPipelinePy.cpp
-- Found OpenMP_C: -fopenmp (found version "4.5")
-- Found OpenMP_CXX: -fopenmp (found version "4.5")
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Fem/Gui/ViewProviderFemMeshPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Spreadsheet/App/SheetPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Spreadsheet/App/PropertySheetPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Spreadsheet/App/PropertyColumnWidthsPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Spreadsheet/App/PropertyRowHeightsPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Spreadsheet/Gui/ViewProviderSpreadsheetPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Path/App/CommandPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Path/App/PathPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Path/App/ToolPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Path/App/TooltablePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Path/App/FeaturePathCompoundPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Path/App/AreaPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Path/App/FeatureAreaPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Path/App/VoronoiPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Path/App/VoronoiCellPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Path/App/VoronoiEdgePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Path/App/VoronoiVertexPy.cpp
-- found Boost: 1_78
-- boost-incude dirs are: /usr/include
-- boost-python lib is:
-- boost_LIBRARY_DIRS is: /usr/lib
-- Boost_LIBRARIES is: Boost::python
<string>:1: DeprecationWarning: The distutils package is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.12. Use setuptools or check PEP 632 for potential alternatives
<string>:1: DeprecationWarning: The distutils.sysconfig module is deprecated, use sysconfig instead
-- area module (for Path Workbench) will be installed to: ../../lib
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Path/PathSimulator/App/PathSimPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/Measure/App/MeasurementPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawPagePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawViewPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawViewPartPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawViewSymbolPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawTemplatePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawParametricTemplatePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawSVGTemplatePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawViewClipPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawViewDimensionPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawViewDimExtentPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawHatchPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawGeomHatchPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawViewCollectionPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawProjGroupPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawProjGroupItemPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawViewAnnotationPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawLeaderLinePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawRichAnnoPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/GeomFormatPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/CenterLinePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/CosmeticEdgePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/CosmeticVertexPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawTilePy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawTileWeldPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/DrawWeldSymbolPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Mod/TechDraw/App/CosmeticExtensionPy.cpp
<string>:1: DeprecationWarning: The distutils package is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.12. Use setuptools or check PEP 632 for potential alternatives
<string>:1: DeprecationWarning: The distutils.sysconfig module is deprecated, use sysconfig instead
Created file /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/../../share/doc/freecad/freecad.qch
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Gui/DocumentPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Gui/PythonWorkbenchPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Gui/ViewProviderPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Gui/ViewProviderDocumentObjectPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Gui/ViewProviderExtensionPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Gui/WorkbenchPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Gui/SelectionObjectPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Gui/LinkViewPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Gui/ViewProviderLinkPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Gui/AxisOriginPy.cpp
-- /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Gui/CommandPy.cpp
Summary report

-- Build type:          None
-- Compiler:            /usr/bin/c++ (11.1.0)
-- Flags:               -Wall -Wextra -Wno-write-strings -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -O2 -pipe -fno-plt -fexceptions         -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wformat -Werror=format-security         -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fPIC -w
-- Standard:            Requires C++17
-- Python:              3.10.1 [/usr/bin/python] [.cpython-310-x86_64-linux-gnu]
-- PCL:                 not enabled
-- pybind11:            not enabled
-- Boost:               1.78.0 (1.78.0)
-- XercesC:             3.2.3 [/usr/lib/] [/usr/include]
-- ZLIB:                1.2.11
-- PyCXX:               6.2.8 [/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/src]
-- OCC:                 7.5.3 [TKFillet;TKMesh;TKernel;TKG2d;TKG3d;TKMath;TKIGES;TKSTL;TKShHealing;TKXSBase;TKBool;TKBO;TKBRep;TKTopAlgo;TKGeomAlgo;TKGeomBase;TKOffset;TKPrim;TKSTEPBase;TKSTEPAttr;TKSTEP209;TKSTEP;TKHLR;TKFeat] [/usr/lib] [/usr/include/opencascade]
-- SMESH:               build internal
--  MEDFile:            4.1.0 [/usr/lib/;/usr/lib/] [/usr/include]
--  HDF5:               1.12.1
--  VTK:                9.1.0
-- NETGEN:              not enabled
-- SWIG:                4.0.2
-- Eigen3               3.4.0
-- Qt5Core:             5.15.2
-- Qt5Network:          5.15.2
-- Qt5Xml:              5.15.2
-- Qt5XmlPatterns:      5.15.2
-- Qt5Widgets:          5.15.2
-- Qt5PrintSupport:     5.15.2
-- Qt5OpenGL:           5.15.2
-- Qt5Svg:              5.15.2
-- Qt5UiTools:          5.15.2
-- Qt5Concurrent:       5.15.2
-- Qt5WebEngineWidgets: 5.15.8
-- Shiboken2:           5.15.2 [/usr/lib64/cmake/Shiboken2-5.15.2] [/usr/include/shiboken2;/usr/include/python3.10]
-- PySide2:             5.15.2 [/usr/include/PySide2]
-- PySide2Tools:        [/usr/bin/uic-qt5] [/usr/bin/rcc-qt5]
-- Freetype:            2.11.1
-- OpenGL:              /usr/lib/
-- OpenGLU:             [/usr/lib/][/usr/include]
-- Coin3D:              4.0.1 [Coin] []
-- Pivy:                0.6.6
-- SPNAV:               [/usr/lib/] [/usr/include]
-- Matplotlib:          3.5.1
-- Rift:                not enabled (BUILD_VR)
-- Doxygen:             not found
Now run 'cmake --build /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir' to build FreeCAD

-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir
[1/4193] Generating version_check
/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/src/Build/Version.h.out written
[2147/4193] Automatic MOC for target FreeCADGui
AutoMoc: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/src/Gui/UiLoader.h:0: Note: No relevant classes found. No output generated.
[4193/4193] Linking CXX shared library Mod/TechDraw/
==> Starting check()...
FreeCAD 0.20, Libs: 0.20R27050 (Git)
(c) Juergen Riegel, Werner Mayer, Yorik van Havre and others 2001-2022
FreeCAD is free and open-source software licensed under the terms of LGPL2+ license.
FreeCAD wouldn't be possible without FreeCAD community.
  #####                 ####  ###   ####
  #                    #      # #   #   #
  #     ##  #### ####  #     #   #  #   #
  ####  # # #  # #  #  #     #####  #   #
  #     #   #### ####  #    #     # #   #
  #     #   #    #     #    #     # #   #  ##  ##  ##
  #     #   #### ####   ### #     # ####   ##  ##  ##

import TestFemImport
import TestObjectExistance
import TestFemCommon
import TestObjectCreate
import TestObjectType
import TestObjectOpen
import TestMaterialUnits
import TestMeshCommon
import TestMeshEleTetra10
import TestMeshGroups
import TestResult
import TestCcxTools
import TestSolverCalculix
import TestSolverElmer
import TestSolverZ88
testAnnoSymImageCase (TestTechDrawApp.TechDrawTestCases) ... starting TD DrawAnno/Sym/Image test
TDTestAnno path: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/TechDraw/TDTest
TD DrawAnno/Sym/Image test passed
testBalloonCase (TestTechDrawApp.TechDrawTestCases) ... starting TD DrawViewBalloon test
TDBalloon path: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/TechDraw/TDTest
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Place balloon
adding balloon1 to page
adding balloon2 to page
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
TD DrawViewBalloon test passed
testDimensionCase (TestTechDrawApp.TechDrawTestCases) ... starting TD DrawViewDimension test
TDDim path: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/TechDraw/TDTest
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
making length dimension
adding dim1 to page
finished length dimension
making radius dimension
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
TD DrawViewDimension test passed
testHatchCase (TestTechDrawApp.TechDrawTestCases) ... starting TD DrawHatch test
TDHatch path: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/TechDraw/TDTest
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
making hatch
adding hatch to page
finished hatch
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
TD DrawHatch test passed
testProjGroupCase (TestTechDrawApp.TechDrawTestCases) ... starting TD DrawProjGroup test
TDGroup path: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/TechDraw/TDTest
document created
box created
sphere created
Fusion created
making a page
Page created
making a projection group
Group created
adding views
added Front
Anchor values set
Front/Anchor recomputed
adding left
added Left
added Top
added Right
added Rear
added Bottom
removed Left
testing getItemByLabel
Item Label: Top Item Name: ProjItem002
recomputing document
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
View: Front TechDraw::DrawProjGroupItem
View: Top TechDraw::DrawProjGroupItem
View: Right TechDraw::DrawProjGroupItem
View: Rear TechDraw::DrawProjGroupItem
View: Bottom TechDraw::DrawProjGroupItem
TD DrawProjGroup test passed
testSectionCase (TestTechDrawApp.TechDrawTestCases) ... starting TD DrawViewSection test
TDSection path: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/TechDraw/TDTest
page created
view created
section created
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
TD DrawViewSection test passed
testViewPartCase (TestTechDrawApp.TechDrawTestCases) ... starting TD DrawViewPart test
TDPart path: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/TechDraw/TDTest
page created
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
TD DrawViewPart test passed
test00 (PathTests.TestPathDressupDogbone.TestDressupDogbone)
Verify bones are inserted for simple moves. ... ok
test01 (PathTests.TestPathDressupDogbone.TestDressupDogbone)
Verify bones are inserted if hole ends with rapid move out. ... ok
test02 (PathTests.TestPathDressupDogbone.TestDressupDogbone)
Recompute......e correctly generated for a Profi(100.0 %)                                               (25.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
centroid_post gcode postprocessor loaded.
centroid_post gcode postprocessor loaded.
centroid_post gcode postprocessor loaded.
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Importing project files......                   (100.0 %)
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Importing project files......                   (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
PathSetupSheet.INFO: SetupSheet has no support for Profile Faces
<Path.Area> Area.cpp(1432): hit bottom -0,1.77636e-15,1e-06
<Path.Area> Area.cpp(1432): hit bottom 0,0,1e-06
<Path.Area> Area.cpp(1432): hit bottom 2.52435e-29,-2.52435e-29,1e-06
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
test03 (PathTests.TestPathDressupDogbone.TestDressupDogbone)
Verify no bone is inserted for straight move interrupted by plunge. ... ok
test04 (PathTests.TestPathDressupDogbone.TestDressupDogbone)
Verify can handle comments between moves ... ok
test05 (PathTests.TestPathDressupDogbone.TestDressupDogbone)
Verify can handle noops between moves ... ok
test00 (PathTests.TestPathDressupHoldingTags.TestHoldingTags)
Check Tag origin. ... ok
test01 (PathTests.TestPathDressupHoldingTags.TestHoldingTags)
Verify solid for a 90 degree tag is a cylinder. ... ok
test02 (PathTests.TestPathDressupHoldingTags.TestHoldingTags)
Verify trapezoidal tag has a cone shape with a lid. ... ok
test03 (PathTests.TestPathDressupHoldingTags.TestHoldingTags)
Verify pointy cone shape of tag with pointy end if width, angle and height match up. ... ok
test04 (PathTests.TestPathDressupHoldingTags.TestHoldingTags)
Verify height adjustment if tag isn't wide eough for angle. ... 4.373428289111414
Importing project files......                   (100.0 %)
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
centroid_post gcode postprocessor loaded.
centroid_post gcode postprocessor loaded.
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Importing project files......                   (100.0 %)
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Importing project files......                   (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
PathSetupSheet.INFO: SetupSheet has no support for Adaptive
PathAdaptive.INFO: *** Adaptive toolpath processing started...

Tool Diameter: 5
Accuracy: 6.3 um
** Processing region: 1
All cleared.
PathAdaptive.INFO: *** Done. Elapsed time: 0.037196 sec

test00 (PathTests.TestPathAdaptive.TestPathAdaptive)
test00() Empty test. ... ok
test01 (PathTests.TestPathAdaptive.TestPathAdaptive)
PathSetupSheet.INFO: SetupSheet has no support for Adaptive                             (80.0 %)
PathAdaptive.INFO: *** Adaptive toolpath processing started...

Tool Diameter: 5
Accuracy: 6.3 um
** Processing region: 1
All cleared.
PathAdaptive.INFO: *** Done. Elapsed time: 0.021706 sec

test02 (PathTests.TestPathAdaptive.TestPathAdaptive)
PathSetupSheet.INFO: SetupSheet has no support for Adaptiveand Face10.  The Z heights are different. ...                                                (81.0 %)
PathAdaptive.INFO: *** Adaptive toolpath processing started...

Tool Diameter: 5
Accuracy: 6.3 um
** Processing region: 1
All cleared.
PathAdaptive.INFO: *** Done. Elapsed time: 0.107092 sec

test03 (PathTests.TestPathAdaptive.TestPathAdaptive)
PathSetupSheet.INFO: SetupSheet has no support for Adaptiveand Face10.  The Z heights are different. ...                                                (82.0 %)
PathAdaptive.INFO: *** Adaptive toolpath processing started...

Tool Diameter: 5
Accuracy: 6.3 um
** Processing region: 1
Unable to resolve tool down linking path (self-intersects).
All cleared.
PathAdaptive.INFO: *** Done. Elapsed time: 0.096824 sec

test04 (PathTests.TestPathAdaptive.TestPathAdaptive)
test04() Verify path generated non-closed edges with differing Z-heights that are closed with Z=1 projection: "Edge9", "Edge2", "Edge8", "Edge15", "Edge30", "Edge31", "Edge29", "Edge19". ...                                          (83.PathSetupSheet.INFO: SetupSheet has no support for Adaptive
PathGeom.INFO: Zero working area to process. Check your selection and settings.
PathAdaptive.INFO: *** Adaptive toolpath processing started...

Tool Diameter: 5
Accuracy: 6.3 um
** Processing region: 1
All cleared.
PathAdaptive.INFO: *** Done. Elapsed time: 0.076864 sec

test05 (PathTests.TestPathAdaptive.TestPathAdaptive)
PathSetupSheet.INFO: SetupSheet has no support for Adaptive-heights: "Edge13", "Edge7", "Edge9", "Edge2", "Edge8", "Edge15", "Edge30", "Edge31", "Edge29", "Edge19". ...                                                (84.0 %)
PathGeom.INFO: Zero working area to process. Check your selection and settings.
PathAdaptive.INFO: *** Adaptive toolpath processing started...

Tool Diameter: 5
Accuracy: 6.3 um
** Processing region: 1
All cleared.
PathAdaptive.INFO: *** Done. Elapsed time: 0.081188 sec

test06 (PathTests.TestPathAdaptive.TestPathAdaptive)
test06() Verify path generated with outer and inner edge loops at same Z height: "Edge15", "Edge30", "Edge31", "Edge29", "Edge19", "Edge18", "Edge35", "Edge32", "Edge34", "Edge33". ...                                                (85.PathSetupSheet.INFO: SetupSheet has no support for Adaptive
PathGeom.INFO: Zero working area to process. Check your selection and settings.
PathAdaptive.INFO: *** Adaptive toolpath processing started...

Tool Diameter: 5
Accuracy: 6.3 um
** Processing region: 1
Unable to resolve tool down linking path (self-intersects).
All cleared.
PathAdaptive.INFO: *** Done. Elapsed time: 0.193321 sec

test07 (PathTests.TestPathAdaptive.TestPathAdaptive)
PathSetupSheet.INFO: SetupSheet has no support for Adaptive                                             (85.0 %)
PathAdaptive.INFO: *** Adaptive toolpath processing started...

Tool Diameter: 5
Accuracy: 6.3 um
** Processing region: 1
Unable to resolve tool down linking path (self-intersects).
All cleared.
PathAdaptive.INFO: *** Done. Elapsed time: 0.176203 sec

Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
PathAdaptive.INFO: *** Adaptive toolpath processing started...

Tool Diameter: 5
Accuracy: 6.3 um
** Processing region: 1
All cleared.
PathAdaptive.INFO: *** Done. Elapsed time: 0.050854 sec

test00 (PathTests.TestPathCore.TestPathCore)
Test Path command core functionality ... ok
test10 (PathTests.TestPathCore.TestPathCore)
Test Path Object core functionality ... ok
test20 (PathTests.TestPathCore.TestPathCore)
Test Path Tool and ToolTable object core functionality ... ok
test50 (PathTests.TestPathCore.TestPathCore)
Test Path.Length calculation ... ok
test00 (PathTests.TestPathDeburr.TestPathDeburr)
Verify chamfer depth and offset for an end mill. ... ok
test01 (PathTests.TestPathDeburr.TestPathDeburr)
Verify chamfer depth and offset for a 90 deg v-bit. ... ok
test02 (PathTests.TestPathDeburr.TestPathDeburr)
Verify chamfer depth and offset for a 90 deg v-bit with non 0 flat radius. ... ok
test03 (PathTests.TestPathDeburr.TestPathDeburr)
Verify chamfer depth and offset for a 60 deg v-bit with non 0 flat radius. ... ok
test10 (PathTests.TestPathDeburr.TestPathDeburr)
The selected tool has no CuttingEdgeAngle property. Assuming Endmill                                    (86.0 %)
test11 (PathTests.TestPathDeburr.TestPathDeburr)
Verify missing tip diameter info prints only once. ... The selected tool has no FlatRadius and no TipDiameter property. Assuming V-Bit
test00 (PathTests.TestPathDrillGenerator.TestPathDrillGenerator)
Test Basic Drill Generator Return ... ok
test10 (PathTests.TestPathDrillGenerator.TestPathDrillGenerator)
Test edge alignment check ... ok
test20 (PathTests.TestPathDrillGenerator.TestPathDrillGenerator)
Test Basic Peck Drill Generator Return ... ok
test30 (PathTests.TestPathDrillGenerator.TestPathDrillGenerator)
Test Basic Dwell Drill Generator Return ... ok
test00 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Verify getAngle functionality. ... ok
test01 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Verify diffAngle functionality. ... ok
test02 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Verify isVertical/isHorizontal for Vector ... ok
test03 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Verify isVertical/isHorizontal for Edges ... ok
test04 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Verify isVertical/isHorizontal for faces ... ok
test07 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Verify speed interpolation works for different pitches ... ok
test08 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Verify speed interpolation works for different pitches if vSpeed > hSpeed ... ok
test10 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Verify proper geometry objects for G1 and G01 commands are created. ... ok
test20 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Verify proper geometry for arcs in the XY-plane are created. ... ok
test30 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Verify proper geometry for arcs with rising and fall ing Z-axis are created. ... ok
test40 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Verify arc results in proper G2/3 command. ... ok
test41 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Verify circle results in proper G2/G3 commands. ... ok
test42 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Verify ellipsis results in a proper segmentation of G1 commands. ... ok
test50 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Verify proper wire(s) aggregation from a Path. ... ok
test60 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Verify arcToHelix returns proper helix. ... ok
test62 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Verify splitArcAt returns proper subarcs. ... ok
test65 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Verify splitEdgeAt. ... ok
test66 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Split arc real world sample ... (491.75, 351.75, 1.00) vs. (491.75, 351.75, 1.00)
test70 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Flip a line. ... ok
test71 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Flip a line segment. ... ok
test72 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Flip a circle ... ok
test73 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Flip an arc ... ok
test74 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Flip a rotated arc ... ok
test75 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Flip a B-spline ... ok
test76 (PathTests.TestPathGeom.TestPathGeom)
Flip an offset wire ... ok
test00 (PathTests.TestPathLog.TestPathLog)
Check for proper module extraction. ... ok
test01 (PathTests.TestPathLog.TestPathLog)
Check for proper function extraction. ... ok
test10 (PathTests.TestPathLog.TestPathLog)
Verify default log levels is NOTICE. ... ok
test11 (PathTests.TestPathLog.TestPathLog)
Verify setting global log level. ... ok
test12 (PathTests.TestPathLog.TestPathLog)
Verify setting module log level. ... ok
test13 (PathTests.TestPathLog.TestPathLog)
Verify setting other modul's log level doesn't change this one's. ... ok
test14 (PathTests.TestPathLog.TestPathLog)
Verify resetting log level for module falls back to global level. ... ok
test20 (PathTests.TestPathLog.TestPathLog)
Verify debug logs aren't logged by default. ... ok
test21 (PathTests.TestPathLog.TestPathLog)
Verify debug logs are logged if log level is set to DEBUG. ... TestPathLog.DEBUG: this
test30 (PathTests.TestPathLog.TestPathLog)
Verify log level ERROR. ... TestPathLog.ERROR: something
test31 (PathTests.TestPathLog.TestPathLog)
Verify log level WARNING. ... TestPathLog.WARNING: something
TestPathLog.ERROR: something
test32 (PathTests.TestPathLog.TestPathLog)
Verify log level NOTICE. ... TestPathLog.WARNING: something
TestPathLog.ERROR: something
test33 (PathTests.TestPathLog.TestPathLog)
Verify log level INFO. ... TestPathLog.INFO: something
TestPathLog.WARNING: something
TestPathLog.ERROR: something
test34 (PathTests.TestPathLog.TestPathLog)
Verify log level DEBUG. ... TestPathLog.DEBUG: something
TestPathLog.INFO: something
TestPathLog.WARNING: something
TestPathLog.ERROR: something
test50 (PathTests.TestPathLog.TestPathLog)
Verify no tracking by default. ... ok
test51 (PathTests.TestPathLog.TestPathLog)
Verify enabling tracking for module results in tracking. ... TestPathLog(154).test51(this, and, that)
test52 (PathTests.TestPathLog.TestPathLog)
Verify untracking stops tracking. ... TestPathLog(161).test52(this, and, that)
test53 (PathTests.TestPathLog.TestPathLog)
Verify trackAllModules works correctly. ... TestPathLog(168).test53(this, and, that)
TestPathLog(173).test53(this, and, that)
TestPathLog(175).test53(this, and, that)
test60 (PathTests.TestPathLog.TestPathLog)
Verify track handles no argument. ... TestPathLog(180).test60()
test61 (PathTests.TestPathLog.TestPathLog)
Verify track handles arbitrary argument types correctly. ... TestPathLog(187).test61(this, None, 1, 18.25)
testzz (PathTests.TestPathLog.TestPathLog)
Restoring environment after tests. ... ok
Importing project files......
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
test00 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Verify isWireClockwise for polygon wires. ... ok
test01 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Verify isWireClockwise for single edge circle wires. ... ok
test02 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Verify isWireClockwise for two half circle wires. ... ok
test03 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Verify isWireClockwise for two edge wires with an arc. ... ok
test04 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Verify isWireClockwise for unoriented wires. ... ok
test11 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting a circular hole. ... ok
test12 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting a circular hole by the radius or more makes the hole vanish. ... ok
test13 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting a cylinder succeeds. ... ok
test14 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting a hole with Placement. ... ok
test15 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting a cylinder with Placement. ... ok
test20 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting hole wire succeeds. ... ok
test21 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting hole wire for more than it's size makes hole vanish. ... ok
test22 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting a body wire succeeds. ... ok
test31 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting a cylinder. ... ok
test32 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting a box. ... ok
test33 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting a triangle. ... ok
test34 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting a shape. ... ok
test35 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting a cylindrical hole. ... ok
test36 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting a square hole. ... ok
test37 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting a triangular holee. ... ok
test38 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting a shape hole. ... ok
test40 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting a single outside edge forward. ... ok
test41 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting a single outside edge not forward. ... ok
test42 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Recompute......g multiple outside edges. ...                                            (100.0 %)
                                                (ok.0 %)
test43 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting multiple backwards outside edges. ... ok
test44 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting a single inside edge forward. ... ok
test45 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting a single inside edge not forward. ... ok
test46 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting multiple inside edges. ... ok
test47 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Check offsetting multiple backwards inside edges. ... ok
test50 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Orient an already oriented wire ... ok
test51 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Orient a potentially misoriented wire ... ok
test52 (PathTests.TestPathOpTools.TestPathOpTools)
Orient a potentially misoriented longer wire ... ok
test00 (PathTests.TestPathPreferences.TestPathPreferences)
There is at least one search path. ... ok
test01 (PathTests.TestPathPreferences.TestPathPreferences)
PathScripts is part of the posts search path. ... ok
test02 (PathTests.TestPathPreferences.TestPathPreferences)
PathScripts/post is part of the posts search path. ... ok
test03 (PathTests.TestPathPreferences.TestPathPreferences)
Available post processors include linuxcnc, grbl and opensbp. ... ok
test10 (PathTests.TestPathPreferences.TestPathPreferences)
Default paths for tools are resolved correctly ... ok
test00 (PathTests.TestPathPropertyBag.TestPathPropertyBag)
basic PropertyBag creation and access test ... ok
test01 (PathTests.TestPathPropertyBag.TestPathPropertyBag)
adding properties to a PropertyBag is tracked properly ... ok
test02 (PathTests.TestPathPropertyBag.TestPathPropertyBag)
refreshCustomPropertyGroups deletes empty groups ... ok
test03 (PathTests.TestPathPropertyBag.TestPathPropertyBag)
refreshCustomPropertyGroups does not delete non-empty groups ... ok
test00 (PathTests.TestPathSetupSheet.TestPathSetupSheet) templateAttributes ... 83.0 %)(100.0 %)
test01 (PathTests.TestPathSetupSheet.TestPathSetupSheet) template attributes roundtrip. ...                                            (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
test02 (PathTests.TestPathSetupSheet.TestPathSetupSheet)
Verify default value detection logic. ... ok
test10 (PathTests.TestPathSetupSheet.TestPathSetupSheet)
Verify template attributes encoding/decoding of floats. ... ok
test11 (PathTests.TestPathSetupSheet.TestPathSetupSheet)
Verify template attributes encoding/decoding of strings. ... ok
test12 (PathTests.TestPathSetupSheet.TestPathSetupSheet)
Verify template attributes encoding/decoding of dictionaries. ... ok
test13 (PathTests.TestPathSetupSheet.TestPathSetupSheet)
Recompute...... attributes encoding/decoding of (100.0 %).                                              (50.0 %)
test00 (PathTests.TestPathStock.TestPathStock)
Test CreateBox ... ok
test01 (PathTests.TestPathStock.TestPathStock)
Test CreateCylinder ... ok
test10 (PathTests.TestPathStock.TestPathStock)
Verify FromTemplate box creation. ... ok
test11 (PathTests.TestPathStock.TestPathStock)
Verify FromTemplate cylinder creation. ... ok
test12 (PathTests.TestPathStock.TestPathStock)
Verify FromTemplate from Base creation. ... ok
test00 (PathTests.TestPathThreadMilling.TestPathThreadMilling)
Verify internal radii. ... ok
test01 (PathTests.TestPathThreadMilling.TestPathThreadMilling)
Verify internal radii with tool crest. ... ok
test10 (PathTests.TestPathThreadMilling.TestPathThreadMilling)
Verify thread passes. ... ok
test00 (PathTests.TestPathTool.TestPathTool)
Verify templateAttrs ... ok
test01 (PathTests.TestPathTool.TestPathTool)
Verify template roundtrip ... ok
test02 (PathTests.TestPathTool.TestPathTool)
Verify template dictionary construction ... ok
test (PathTests.TestPathToolBit.TestPathToolBit)
Log test setup directory structure ...
realpath : /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Path/PathTests/
   Tools : /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Path/PathTests/Tools
     dir : /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Path/PathTests
         : PathTests
         :   Tools
         :     Bit
         :       test-path-tool-bit-bit-00.fctb
         :     Library
         :       test-path-tool-bit-library-00.fctl
         :     Shape
         :       test-path-tool-bit-shape-00.fcstd
         :   __pycache__
         :     ...
         :   boxtest.fcstd
         :   test_adaptive.fcstd
         :   test_centroid_00.ngc
         :   test_geomop.fcstd
         :   test_holes00.fcstd
         :   test_linuxcnc_00.ngc
test00 (PathTests.TestPathToolBit.TestPathToolBit)
Find a tool shape from file name ... ok
test01 (PathTests.TestPathToolBit.TestPathToolBit)
Not find a relative path shape if not stored in default location ... ok
test02 (PathTests.TestPathToolBit.TestPathToolBit)
Find a relative path shape if it's local to a bit path ... ok
test03 (PathTests.TestPathToolBit.TestPathToolBit)
Not find a tool shape from an invalid absolute path. ... ok
test04 (PathTests.TestPathToolBit.TestPathToolBit)
Find a tool shape from a valid absolute path. ... ok
test10 (PathTests.TestPathToolBit.TestPathToolBit)
Find a tool bit from file name ... ok
test11 (PathTests.TestPathToolBit.TestPathToolBit)
Not find a relative path bit if not stored in default location ... ok
test12 (PathTests.TestPathToolBit.TestPathToolBit)
Find a relative path bit if it's local to a library path ... ok
test13 (PathTests.TestPathToolBit.TestPathToolBit)
Not find a tool bit from an invalid absolute path. ... ok
test14 (PathTests.TestPathToolBit.TestPathToolBit)
Find a tool bit from a valid absolute path. ... ok
test20 (PathTests.TestPathToolBit.TestPathToolBit)
Find a tool library from file name ... ok
test21 (PathTests.TestPathToolBit.TestPathToolBit)
Not find a relative path library if not stored in default location ... ok
test22 (PathTests.TestPathToolBit.TestPathToolBit)
[skipped] Find a relative path library if it's local to <what?> ... ok
test23 (PathTests.TestPathToolBit.TestPathToolBit)
Not find a tool library from an invalid absolute path. ... ok
test24 (PathTests.TestPathToolBit.TestPathToolBit)
Find a tool library from a valid absolute path. ... ok
test00 (PathTests.TestPathToolController.TestPathToolController)
Importing project files......eAttrs ...         (100.0 %)                               (50.0 %)
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Importing project files......                   (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
test01 (PathTests.TestPathToolController.TestPathToolController)
Importing project files......e roundtrip. ...   (100.0 %)                               (8.0 %)
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Importing project files......                   (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Importing project files......                   (100.0 %)
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Importing project files......                   (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
test00 (PathTests.TestPathTooltable.TestPathTooltable)
Verify templateAttrs ... ok
test01 (PathTests.TestPathTooltable.TestPathTooltable)
Verify setFromTemplate roundtrip. ... ok
test02 (PathTests.TestPathTooltable.TestPathTooltable)
Verify template constructor. ... ok
test00 (PathTests.TestPathUtil.TestPathUtil)
Recompute......lidBaseObject detects solids. ...(100.0 %)                                       (6.0 %)
test01 (PathTests.TestPathUtil.TestPathUtil)
Recompute......lidBaseObject detects PDs. ...   (100.0 %)                               (50.0 %)
test02 (PathTests.TestPathUtil.TestPathUtil)
Recompute......lidBaseObject detects compounds. (100.0 %)                                       (11.0 %)
test03 (PathTests.TestPathUtil.TestPathUtil)
Recompute......lidBaseObject ignores sketches. .(100.0 %)                                       (33.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
test04 (PathTests.TestPathUtil.TestPathUtil)
Recompute...... is handled correctly. ...       (100.0 %)                               (10.0 %)
test00 (PathTests.TestPathVcarve.TestPathVcarve)
Verify 90 deg depth calculation ... ok
test01 (PathTests.TestPathVcarve.TestPathVcarve)
Verify 90 deg depth limit ... ok
test02 (PathTests.TestPathVcarve.TestPathVcarve)
Verify 60 deg depth calculation ... ok
test03 (PathTests.TestPathVcarve.TestPathVcarve)
Verify 60 deg depth limit ... ok
test10 (PathTests.TestPathVcarve.TestPathVcarve)
Verify 90 deg with tip dia depth calculation ... ok
test11 (PathTests.TestPathVcarve.TestPathVcarve)
Verify 90 deg with tip dia depth limit calculation ... ok
test12 (PathTests.TestPathVcarve.TestPathVcarve)
Verify 45 deg with tip dia depth calculation ... ok
test13 (PathTests.TestPathVcarve.TestPathVcarve)
Verify 45 deg with tip dia depth limit calculation ... ok
test00 (PathTests.TestPathVoronoi.TestPathVoronoi)
Check vertex comparison ... ok
test10 (PathTests.TestPathVoronoi.TestPathVoronoi)
Check edge comparison ... ok
test20 (PathTests.TestPathVoronoi.TestPathVoronoi)
Check cell comparison ... ok
test50 (PathTests.TestPathVoronoi.TestPathVoronoi)
Check toShape for linear edges ... ok
test51 (PathTests.TestPathVoronoi.TestPathVoronoi)
Check toShape for linear edges with set z ... ok
test52 (PathTests.TestPathVoronoi.TestPathVoronoi)
Check toShape for linear edges with varying z ... ok
test60 (PathTests.TestPathVoronoi.TestPathVoronoi)
Check toShape for curved edges ... ok
test61 (PathTests.TestPathVoronoi.TestPathVoronoi)
Check toShape for curved edges with set z ... ok
test62 (PathTests.TestPathVoronoi.TestPathVoronoi)
Check toShape for curved edges with varying z ... ok
test00 (PathTests.TestPathDepthParams.depthTestCases)
Stepping down to zero ... ok
test10 (PathTests.TestPathDepthParams.depthTestCases)
Stepping from zero to a negative depth ... ok
test20 (PathTests.TestPathDepthParams.depthTestCases)
Start and end are equal or start lower than finish ... ok
test30 (PathTests.TestPathDepthParams.depthTestCases)
User Parameters passed in ... ok
test40 (PathTests.TestPathDepthParams.depthTestCases)
z_finish_step passed in. ... ok
test50 (PathTests.TestPathDepthParams.depthTestCases)
stepping down with equalstep=True ... ok
test60 (PathTests.TestPathDepthParams.depthTestCases)
stepping down with equalstep=True and a finish depth ... ok
test70 (PathTests.TestPathDepthParams.depthTestCases)
stepping down with stepdown greater than total depth ... ok
test80 (PathTests.TestPathDepthParams.depthTestCases)
Test handling of negative step-down, negative finish step, and relative size of step/finish ... ok
testAggregates (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute......ate functions ...                (100.0 %)                       (10.0 %)
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet001.H6: Quantity::operator +=(): Unit mismatch in plus operation
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet001.H5: Quantity::operator -(): Unit mismatch in minus operation
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet001.H3: Quantity::operator >(): quantities need to have same unit to compare
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet001.H2: Quantity::operator <(): quantities need to have same unit to compare
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet001.H1: Quantity::operator +=(): Unit mismatch in plus operation
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet001.D1: Invalid number of entries: at least two required.
Recompute failed! Please check report view.
testAlias (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute......iases ...                                                (50.0 %)
testAmbiguousAlias (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Try to set the same alias twice (bug #2402) ... ok
testClearAlias (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
This was causing a crash ... ok
testCrossDocumentLinks (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Importing project files......not saved (bug #2442) ...                                          (100.0 %)
File was not written with this version of the topology
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
Importing project files......                   (100.0 %)
File was not written with this version of the topology
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
testFunctions (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases) simple functions ...                                          (100.0 %)
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet.C27: Units must be equal.
in expression: cath(7.071067811865476mm; 5mm; 4)
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet.C26: Units must be equal.
in expression: cath(5mm; 3)
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet.C24: Units must be equal.
in expression: hypot(3mm; 4; 5)
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet.C23: Units must be equal.
in expression: hypot(3mm; 4)
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet.D21: Exponent is not allowed to have a unit.
in expression: pow(7mm; 4mm)
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet.C20: Units must be equal.
in expression: atan2(3mm; 3)
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet.B17: Unit must be empty.
in expression: tanh(0.5mm)
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet.B16: Unit must be empty.
in expression: cosh(0.5mm)
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet.B15: Unit must be empty.
in expression: sinh(0.5mm)
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet.B14: Unit must be empty.
in expression: atan(0.5mm)
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet.B13: Unit must be empty.
in expression: acos(0.5mm)
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet.B12: Unit must be empty.
in expression: asin(0.5mm)
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet.C7: Unit must be empty.
in expression: log10(-3mm)
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet.C6: Unit must be empty.
in expression: log(-3mm)
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet.C5: Unit must be empty.
in expression: exp(-3mm)
Recompute failed! Please check report view.
testInsertColumnsAlias (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute...... for issue 4429; insert columns to sheet with aliases ...
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
testInsertRows (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Inserting rows -- check renaming of internal cells ... ok
testInsertRowsAlias (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute...... for issue 4429; insert rows to sheet with aliases ...                                           (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
testInvoluteGear (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute......ean or integer values ...                                                (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
testIssue3128 (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute...... for issue 3128; mod should work (100.0 %)trary units for both arguments ...                                             (50.0 %)
testIssue3225 (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Inserting rows -- check renaming of internal cells ... ok
testIssue3363 (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute...... for issue 3363; Nested conditionals statement fails with additional conditional statement in false-branch ...                                           (100.0 %)
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
testIssue3432 (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute...... for issue 3432; numbers with units are ignored from aggregates ...                                              (100.0 %)
testIssue4156 (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute...... for issue 4156; necessarily use of leading '=' to enter an expression, creates inconsistent behavior depending on the spreadsheet state ...                                             (100.0 %)
testMatrix (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute......tor/Placement/Rotation operations ...                                            (100.0 %)
<Spreadsheet> Cell.cpp(640): Unnamed#Spreadsheet.H2: Cannot invert singular matrix
in expression: G2 ^ -1
Recompute failed! Please check report view.
testNumbers (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute......numbers ...
testPlacementName (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Object name is equal to property name (bug #2389) ... ok
testPrecedence (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute......est precedence for relational operators and conditional operator. ...                                            (100.0 %)
testQuantitiesAndFractionsAsNumbers (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute...... and simple fractions as numbers (100.0 %)                                       (33.0 %)
testRelationalOperators (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute...... operators ...                                           (100.0 %)
testRemoveColumnsAlias (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute...... for issue 4429; remove columns from sheet with aliases ...                                              (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
testRemoveColumnsAliasReuseName (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute...... for issue 4492; deleted aliases remains in database ...                                                 (100.0 %)
testRemoveRows (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Removing rows -- check renaming of internal cells ... ok
testRemoveRowsAlias (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute...... for issue 4429; remove rows from sheet with aliases ...                                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
testRemoveRowsAliasReuseName (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute...... for issue 4492; deleted aliases remains in database ...                                                 (100.0 %)
testRenameAlias (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute......f alias1 to alias2 in a spreadsheet ...                                          (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
testRenameAlias2 (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Test renaming of alias1 to alias2 in a spreadsheet, when referenced from another object ... ok
testRenameAlias3 (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Test renaming of document object referenced from another object ... ok
testSetInvalidAlias (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Try to use a cell address as alias name ... ok
testSetInvalidAlias2 (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Try to use a unit (reserved word) as alias name ... ok
testSketcher (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute......and Name (bug #2407) ...                                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
testUndoAliasCreationReuseName (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute......iases by undo remains in database(100.0 %)                                       (50.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
testUnits (TestSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetCases)
Recompute......nit calculations. ...                                            (100.0 %)
test_00print ( ...                                             (100.0 %)
********** run FEM TestFemImport tests *************************************************************
test_import_fem ( ...
  Try importing Fem ...
test_00print ( ...
********** run FEM TestFemCommon tests *************************************************************
test_adding_refshaps ( ... Recompute......
/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem mCommon) ...                                               (50.0 %)
Try importing ObjectsFem ...
Try importing TestFemApp ...
Try importing femexamples.__init__ ...
Try importing femexamples.boxanalysis_base ...
Try importing femexamples.boxanalysis_frequency ...
Try importing femexamples.boxanalysis_static ...
Try importing femexamples.buckling_lateraltorsionalbuckling ...
Try importing femexamples.buckling_platebuckling ...
Try importing femexamples.ccx_buckling_flexuralbuckling ...
Try importing femexamples.ccx_cantilever_base_edge ...
Try importing femexamples.ccx_cantilever_base_face ...
Try importing femexamples.ccx_cantilever_base_solid ...
Try importing femexamples.ccx_cantilever_beam_circle ...
Try importing femexamples.ccx_cantilever_beam_pipe ...
Try importing femexamples.ccx_cantilever_beam_rect ...
Try importing femexamples.ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20 ...
Try importing femexamples.ccx_cantilever_ele_quad4 ...
Try importing femexamples.ccx_cantilever_ele_quad8 ...
Try importing femexamples.ccx_cantilever_ele_seg2 ...
Try importing femexamples.ccx_cantilever_ele_seg3 ...
Try importing femexamples.ccx_cantilever_ele_tetra4 ...
Try importing femexamples.ccx_cantilever_ele_tria3 ...
Try importing femexamples.ccx_cantilever_ele_tria6 ...
Try importing femexamples.ccx_cantilever_faceload ...
Try importing femexamples.ccx_cantilever_nodeload ...
Try importing femexamples.ccx_cantilever_prescribeddisplacement ...
Try importing femexamples.constraint_centrif ...
Try importing femexamples.constraint_contact_shell_shell ...
Try importing femexamples.constraint_contact_solid_solid ...
Try importing femexamples.constraint_section_print ...
Try importing femexamples.constraint_selfweight_cantilever ...
Try importing femexamples.constraint_tie ...
Try importing femexamples.constraint_transform_beam_hinged ...
Try importing femexamples.constraint_transform_torque ...
Try importing femexamples.elmer_nonguitutorial01_eigenvalue_of_elastic_beam ...
Try importing femexamples.equation_electrostatics_capacitance_two_balls ...
Try importing femexamples.equation_electrostatics_electricforce_elmer_nongui6 ...
Try importing femexamples.frequency_beamsimple ...
Try importing femexamples.manager ...
Try importing femexamples.material_multiple_bendingbeam_fiveboxes ...
Try importing femexamples.material_multiple_bendingbeam_fivefaces ...
Try importing femexamples.material_multiple_tensionrod_twoboxes ...
Try importing femexamples.material_nl_platewithhole ...
Try importing femexamples.mystran_plate ...
Try importing femexamples.rc_wall_2d ...
Try importing femexamples.square_pipe_end_twisted_edgeforces ...
Try importing femexamples.square_pipe_end_twisted_nodeforces ...
Try importing femexamples.thermomech_bimetall ...
Try importing femexamples.thermomech_flow1d ...
Try importing femexamples.thermomech_spine ...
Try importing femexamples.truss_3d_cs_circle_ele_seg2 ...
Try importing femexamples.truss_3d_cs_circle_ele_seg3 ...
Try importing feminout.__init__ ...
Try importing feminout.convert2TetGen ...
Try importing feminout.exportNastranMesh ...
Module pyNastran not found. Writing Mystran solver input will not be work.
Try importing feminout.importCcxDatResults ...
Try importing feminout.importCcxFrdResults ...
Try importing feminout.importFenicsMesh ...
Try importing feminout.importInpMesh ...
Try importing feminout.importPyMesh ...
Try importing feminout.importToolsFem ...
Try importing feminout.importVTKResults ...
Try importing feminout.importYamlJsonMesh ...
Try importing feminout.importZ88Mesh ...
Try importing feminout.importZ88O2Results ...
Try importing feminout.readFenicsXDMF ...
Try importing feminout.readFenicsXML ...
Try importing feminout.writeFenicsXDMF ...
Try importing feminout.writeFenicsXML ...
Try importing femmesh.__init__ ...
Try importing femmesh.femmesh2mesh ...
Try importing femmesh.gmshtools ...
Try importing femmesh.meshsetsgetter ...
Try importing femmesh.meshtools ...
Try importing femobjects.__init__ ...
Try importing femobjects.base_fempythonobject ...
Try importing femobjects.constant_vacuumpermittivity ...
Try importing femobjects.constraint_bodyheatsource ...
Try importing femobjects.constraint_centrif ...
Try importing femobjects.constraint_electrostaticpotential ...
Try importing femobjects.constraint_flowvelocity ...
Try importing femobjects.constraint_initialflowvelocity ...
Try importing femobjects.constraint_sectionprint ...
Try importing femobjects.constraint_selfweight ...
Try importing femobjects.constraint_tie ...
Try importing femobjects.element_fluid1D ...
Try importing femobjects.element_geometry1D ...
Try importing femobjects.element_geometry2D ...
Try importing femobjects.element_rotation1D ...
Try importing femobjects.material_common ...
Try importing femobjects.material_mechanicalnonlinear ...
Try importing femobjects.material_reinforced ...
Try importing femobjects.mesh_boundarylayer ...
Try importing femobjects.mesh_gmsh ...
Try importing femobjects.mesh_group ...
Try importing femobjects.mesh_region ...
Try importing femobjects.mesh_result ...
Try importing femobjects.result_mechanical ...
Try importing femobjects.solver_ccxtools ...
Try importing femresult.__init__ ...
Try importing femresult.resulttools ...
Try importing femtest.__init__ ...
Try importing femtools.__init__ ...
Try importing femtools.ccxtools ...
Try importing femtools.checksanalysis ...
Try importing femtools.constants ...
Try importing femtools.errors ...
Try importing femtools.femutils ...
Try importing femtools.geomtools ...
Try importing femtools.membertools ...
Try importing femtools.migrate_app ...
Try importing femtools.tokrules ...
WARNING: Token 'COMMENT' defined, but not used
WARNING: There is 1 unused token
Generating LALR tables
Try importing femsolver.__init__ ...
Try importing femsolver.equationbase ...
Try importing ...
Try importing femsolver.reportdialog ...
Try importing ...
Try importing femsolver.settings ...
Try importing femsolver.signal ...
Try importing femsolver.solverbase ...
Try importing femsolver.task ...
Try importing femsolver.writerbase ...
Try importing femsolver.elmer.__init__ ...
Try importing femsolver.elmer.sifio ...
Try importing femsolver.elmer.solver ...
Try importing femsolver.elmer.tasks ...
Try importing femsolver.elmer.writer ...
Try importing femsolver.elmer.equations.__init__ ...
Try importing femsolver.elmer.equations.elasticity ...
Try importing femsolver.elmer.equations.electricforce ...
Try importing femsolver.elmer.equations.electrostatic ...
Try importing femsolver.elmer.equations.equation ...
Try importing femsolver.elmer.equations.flow ...
Try importing femsolver.elmer.equations.flux ...
Try importing femsolver.elmer.equations.heat ...
Try importing femsolver.elmer.equations.linear ...
Try importing femsolver.elmer.equations.nonlinear ...
Try importing femsolver.z88.__init__ ...
Try importing femsolver.z88.solver ...
Try importing femsolver.z88.tasks ...
Try importing femsolver.z88.writer ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.__init__ ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.solver ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.tasks ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_constraint_centrif ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_constraint_contact ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_constraint_displacement ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_constraint_fixed ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_constraint_fluidsection ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_constraint_force ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_constraint_heatflux ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_constraint_initialtemperature ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_constraint_planerotation ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_constraint_pressure ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_constraint_sectionprint ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_constraint_selfweight ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_constraint_temperature ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_constraint_tie ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_constraint_transform ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_femelement_geometry ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_femelement_material ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_femelement_matgeosets ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_footer ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_mesh ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_step_equation ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.write_step_output ...
Try importing femsolver.calculix.writer ...
test_00print ( ...
********** run FEM TestObjectCreate tests **********************************************************
test_femobjects_make ( ... Module to read results not found.
Module pyNastran not found. Writing Mystran solver input will not be work.
doc objects count: 56, method: test_femobjects_make .0 %)
Save FreeCAD all objects file to /tmp/FEM_unittests/objects_create_all_acc318fa700d/all_objects.FCStd ...
test_00print ( ...
********** run FEM TestObjectType tests ************************************************************
test_femobjects_derivedfromfem ( ... doc objects count: 51, method: test_femobjects_derivedfromfem
test_femobjects_derivedfromstd ( ... doc objects count: 51, method: test_femobjects_derivedfromstd
test_femobjects_isoftype ( ... doc objects count: 51, method: test_femobjects_isoftype
test_femobjects_type ( ... doc objects count: 51, method: test_femobjects_type
test_00print ( ...
********** run FEM TestObjectOpen tests ************************************************************
test_femobjects_open_de9b3fb438 ( ... load old document objects
Importing project files......
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
load master head document objects .app.test_open.TestObjectOpen) ...                                            (100.0 %)
Importing project files......                   (100.0 %)
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
test_00print ( ...                                          (100.0 %)
********** run FEM TestMaterialUnits tests *********************************************************
test_known_quantity_units ( ... AngleOfFriction
test_material_card_quantities ( ... /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/../../share/freecad/Mod/Material/StandardMaterial
Parameter: Density --> value: 0 kg/m^3 --> Value 0 kg/m^3 = 0 for Density
Parameter: UltimateTensileStrength --> value: 0 MPa --> Value 0 MPa = 0 for UltimateTensileStrength
Parameter: YoungsModulus --> value: 0 MPa --> Value 0 MPa = 0 for YoungsModulus
test_00print ( ...
********** run FEM TestMeshCommon tests ************************************************************
test_mesh_seg2_python ( ... ok
test_mesh_seg3_python ( ... ok
test_unv_save_load ( ... ok
test_writeAbaqus_precision ( ... ok
test_00print ( ...
********** run FEM TestMeshEleTetra10 tests ********************************************************
test_tetra10_create ( ... ok
test_tetra10_inp ( ... [1, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)]
test_tetra10_unv ( ... [1, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)]
test_tetra10_vkt ( ... [1, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)]
test_tetra10_yml ( ... Converting indices to integer numbers ...OK
Converting indices to integer numbers ...OK
[1, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)]
test_tetra10_z88 ( ... [1, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)]
test_00print ( ...
********** run FEM TestMeshGroups tests *********************************************************
test_add_group_elements (
Add a node group, add elements to it. Verify that elements added ... Added Group: Name: 'mynodegroup' Type: 'Node' id: 0
AddGroupElements: num elements: 13 sizeof: 8
test_add_groups (
Create different groups with different names. Check whether the ... Added Group: Name: 'MyNodeGroup' Type: 'Node' id: 0
Added Group: Name: 'MyEdgeGroup' Type: 'Edge' id: 1
Added Group: Name: 'MyVolumeGroup' Type: 'Volume' id: 2
Added Group: Name: 'My0DElementGroup' Type: '0DElement' id: 3
Added Group: Name: 'MyBallGroup' Type: 'Ball' id: 4
test_delete_groups (
Adds a number of groups to FemMesh and deletes them ... Added Group: Name: 'group0' Type: 'Node' id: 0
Added Group: Name: 'group1' Type: 'Node' id: 1
Added Group: Name: 'group2' Type: 'Node' id: 2
Added Group: Name: 'group3' Type: 'Node' id: 3
Added Group: Name: 'group4' Type: 'Node' id: 4
Added Group: Name: 'group5' Type: 'Node' id: 5
Added Group: Name: 'group6' Type: 'Node' id: 6
Added Group: Name: 'group7' Type: 'Node' id: 7
Added Group: Name: 'group8' Type: 'Node' id: 8
Added Group: Name: 'group9' Type: 'Node' id: 9
Added Group: Name: 'group10' Type: 'Node' id: 10
Added Group: Name: 'group11' Type: 'Node' id: 11
Added Group: Name: 'group12' Type: 'Node' id: 12
Added Group: Name: 'group13' Type: 'Node' id: 13
Added Group: Name: 'group14' Type: 'Node' id: 14
Added Group: Name: 'group15' Type: 'Node' id: 15
Added Group: Name: 'group16' Type: 'Node' id: 16
Added Group: Name: 'group17' Type: 'Node' id: 17
Added Group: Name: 'group18' Type: 'Node' id: 18
Added Group: Name: 'group19' Type: 'Node' id: 19
Added Group: Name: 'group20' Type: 'Node' id: 20
Added Group: Name: 'group21' Type: 'Node' id: 21
Added Group: Name: 'group22' Type: 'Node' id: 22
Added Group: Name: 'group23' Type: 'Node' id: 23
Added Group: Name: 'group24' Type: 'Node' id: 24
Added Group: Name: 'group25' Type: 'Node' id: 25
Added Group: Name: 'group26' Type: 'Node' id: 26
Added Group: Name: 'group27' Type: 'Node' id: 27
Added Group: Name: 'group28' Type: 'Node' id: 28
Added Group: Name: 'group29' Type: 'Node' id: 29
Added Group: Name: 'group30' Type: 'Node' id: 30
Added Group: Name: 'group31' Type: 'Node' id: 31
Added Group: Name: 'group32' Type: 'Node' id: 32
Added Group: Name: 'group33' Type: 'Node' id: 33
Added Group: Name: 'group34' Type: 'Node' id: 34
Added Group: Name: 'group35' Type: 'Node' id: 35
Added Group: Name: 'group36' Type: 'Node' id: 36
Added Group: Name: 'group37' Type: 'Node' id: 37
Added Group: Name: 'group38' Type: 'Node' id: 38
Added Group: Name: 'group39' Type: 'Node' id: 39
Added Group: Name: 'group40' Type: 'Node' id: 40
Added Group: Name: 'group41' Type: 'Node' id: 41
Added Group: Name: 'group42' Type: 'Node' id: 42
Added Group: Name: 'group43' Type: 'Node' id: 43
Added Group: Name: 'group44' Type: 'Node' id: 44
Added Group: Name: 'group45' Type: 'Node' id: 45
Added Group: Name: 'group46' Type: 'Node' id: 46
Added Group: Name: 'group47' Type: 'Node' id: 47
Added Group: Name: 'group48' Type: 'Node' id: 48
Added Group: Name: 'group49' Type: 'Node' id: 49
Added Group: Name: 'group50' Type: 'Node' id: 50
Added Group: Name: 'group51' Type: 'Node' id: 51
Added Group: Name: 'group52' Type: 'Node' id: 52
Added Group: Name: 'group53' Type: 'Node' id: 53
Added Group: Name: 'group54' Type: 'Node' id: 54
Added Group: Name: 'group55' Type: 'Node' id: 55
Added Group: Name: 'group56' Type: 'Node' id: 56
Added Group: Name: 'group57' Type: 'Node' id: 57
Added Group: Name: 'group58' Type: 'Node' id: 58
Added Group: Name: 'group59' Type: 'Node' id: 59
Added Group: Name: 'group60' Type: 'Node' id: 60
Added Group: Name: 'group61' Type: 'Node' id: 61
Added Group: Name: 'group62' Type: 'Node' id: 62
Added Group: Name: 'group63' Type: 'Node' id: 63
Added Group: Name: 'group64' Type: 'Node' id: 64
Added Group: Name: 'group65' Type: 'Node' id: 65
Added Group: Name: 'group66' Type: 'Node' id: 66
Added Group: Name: 'group67' Type: 'Node' id: 67
Added Group: Name: 'group68' Type: 'Node' id: 68
Added Group: Name: 'group69' Type: 'Node' id: 69
Added Group: Name: 'group70' Type: 'Node' id: 70
Added Group: Name: 'group71' Type: 'Node' id: 71
Added Group: Name: 'group72' Type: 'Node' id: 72
Added Group: Name: 'group73' Type: 'Node' id: 73
Added Group: Name: 'group74' Type: 'Node' id: 74
Added Group: Name: 'group75' Type: 'Node' id: 75
Added Group: Name: 'group76' Type: 'Node' id: 76
Added Group: Name: 'group77' Type: 'Node' id: 77
Added Group: Name: 'group78' Type: 'Node' id: 78
Added Group: Name: 'group79' Type: 'Node' id: 79
Added Group: Name: 'group80' Type: 'Node' id: 80
Added Group: Name: 'group81' Type: 'Node' id: 81
Added Group: Name: 'group82' Type: 'Node' id: 82
Added Group: Name: 'group83' Type: 'Node' id: 83
Added Group: Name: 'group84' Type: 'Node' id: 84
Added Group: Name: 'group85' Type: 'Node' id: 85
Added Group: Name: 'group86' Type: 'Node' id: 86
Added Group: Name: 'group87' Type: 'Node' id: 87
Added Group: Name: 'group88' Type: 'Node' id: 88
Added Group: Name: 'group89' Type: 'Node' id: 89
Added Group: Name: 'group90' Type: 'Node' id: 90
Added Group: Name: 'group91' Type: 'Node' id: 91
Added Group: Name: 'group92' Type: 'Node' id: 92
Added Group: Name: 'group93' Type: 'Node' id: 93
Added Group: Name: 'group94' Type: 'Node' id: 94
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Added Group: Name: 'group931' Type: 'Node' id: 931
Added Group: Name: 'group932' Type: 'Node' id: 932
Added Group: Name: 'group933' Type: 'Node' id: 933
Added Group: Name: 'group934' Type: 'Node' id: 934
Added Group: Name: 'group935' Type: 'Node' id: 935
Added Group: Name: 'group936' Type: 'Node' id: 936
Added Group: Name: 'group937' Type: 'Node' id: 937
Added Group: Name: 'group938' Type: 'Node' id: 938
Added Group: Name: 'group939' Type: 'Node' id: 939
Added Group: Name: 'group940' Type: 'Node' id: 940
Added Group: Name: 'group941' Type: 'Node' id: 941
Added Group: Name: 'group942' Type: 'Node' id: 942
Added Group: Name: 'group943' Type: 'Node' id: 943
Added Group: Name: 'group944' Type: 'Node' id: 944
Added Group: Name: 'group945' Type: 'Node' id: 945
Added Group: Name: 'group946' Type: 'Node' id: 946
Added Group: Name: 'group947' Type: 'Node' id: 947
Added Group: Name: 'group948' Type: 'Node' id: 948
Added Group: Name: 'group949' Type: 'Node' id: 949
Added Group: Name: 'group950' Type: 'Node' id: 950
Added Group: Name: 'group951' Type: 'Node' id: 951
Added Group: Name: 'group952' Type: 'Node' id: 952
Added Group: Name: 'group953' Type: 'Node' id: 953
Added Group: Name: 'group954' Type: 'Node' id: 954
Added Group: Name: 'group955' Type: 'Node' id: 955
Added Group: Name: 'group956' Type: 'Node' id: 956
Added Group: Name: 'group957' Type: 'Node' id: 957
Added Group: Name: 'group958' Type: 'Node' id: 958
Added Group: Name: 'group959' Type: 'Node' id: 959
Added Group: Name: 'group960' Type: 'Node' id: 960
Added Group: Name: 'group961' Type: 'Node' id: 961
Added Group: Name: 'group962' Type: 'Node' id: 962
Added Group: Name: 'group963' Type: 'Node' id: 963
Added Group: Name: 'group964' Type: 'Node' id: 964
Added Group: Name: 'group965' Type: 'Node' id: 965
Added Group: Name: 'group966' Type: 'Node' id: 966
Added Group: Name: 'group967' Type: 'Node' id: 967
Added Group: Name: 'group968' Type: 'Node' id: 968
Added Group: Name: 'group969' Type: 'Node' id: 969
Added Group: Name: 'group970' Type: 'Node' id: 970
Added Group: Name: 'group971' Type: 'Node' id: 971
Added Group: Name: 'group972' Type: 'Node' id: 972
Added Group: Name: 'group973' Type: 'Node' id: 973
Added Group: Name: 'group974' Type: 'Node' id: 974
Added Group: Name: 'group975' Type: 'Node' id: 975
Added Group: Name: 'group976' Type: 'Node' id: 976
Added Group: Name: 'group977' Type: 'Node' id: 977
Added Group: Name: 'group978' Type: 'Node' id: 978
Added Group: Name: 'group979' Type: 'Node' id: 979
Added Group: Name: 'group980' Type: 'Node' id: 980
Added Group: Name: 'group981' Type: 'Node' id: 981
Added Group: Name: 'group982' Type: 'Node' id: 982
Added Group: Name: 'group983' Type: 'Node' id: 983
Added Group: Name: 'group984' Type: 'Node' id: 984
Added Group: Name: 'group985' Type: 'Node' id: 985
Added Group: Name: 'group986' Type: 'Node' id: 986
Added Group: Name: 'group987' Type: 'Node' id: 987
Added Group: Name: 'group988' Type: 'Node' id: 988
Added Group: Name: 'group989' Type: 'Node' id: 989
Added Group: Name: 'group990' Type: 'Node' id: 990
Added Group: Name: 'group991' Type: 'Node' id: 991
Added Group: Name: 'group992' Type: 'Node' id: 992
Added Group: Name: 'group993' Type: 'Node' id: 993
Added Group: Name: 'group994' Type: 'Node' id: 994
Added Group: Name: 'group995' Type: 'Node' id: 995
Added Group: Name: 'group996' Type: 'Node' id: 996
Added Group: Name: 'group997' Type: 'Node' id: 997
Added Group: Name: 'group998' Type: 'Node' id: 998
Added Group: Name: 'group999' Type: 'Node' id: 999
test_00print ( ...
********** run FEM TestResult tests ****************************************************************
test_disp_abs ( ... ok
test_read_frd_massflow_networkpressure ( ... Read ccx results from frd file: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/calculix/thermomech_flow1D.frd
Read special 1DFlow nodes data form: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/calculix/thermomech_flow1D_inout_nodes.txt
[['2', '15', '1', 'PIPE INLET\n'], ['13', '27', '28', 'PIPE OUTLET\n']]
test_rho ( ... ok
test_stress_principal_reinforced ( ... ok
test_stress_principal_std ( ... ok
test_stress_von_mises ( ... ok
test_00print ( ...
********** run FEM TestCcxTools tests **************************************************************
test_box_frequency ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
--------------- Start of FEM ccxtools box_frequency test---------------
Setting up working directory /tmp/FEM_unittests/ccxtools_box_frequency_06741fd77fb3
Checking FEM inp file prerequisites for box_frequency ...

Check prerequisites...
Checking FEM inp file write...
Writing /tmp/FEM_unittests/ccxtools_box_frequency_06741fd77fb3/Mesh.inp for box_frequency

Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
[{'ccx_elset': 'Evolumes', 'ccx_elset_name': 'MechanicalMaterialSolid', 'mat_obj_name': 'MechanicalMaterial', 'ccx_mat_name': 'Steel-Generic'}]
Getting mesh data time: 0.0 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/ccxtools_box_frequency_06741fd77fb3/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.001 seconds.
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/calculix/box_frequency.inp to /tmp/FEM_unittests/ccxtools_box_frequency_06741fd77fb3/Mesh.inp
Setting up working directory to /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/calculix in order to read simulated calculations
Setting base name to read test box_frequency.frd file...
Setting inp file name to read test box_frequency.frd file...
Checking FEM frd file read from box_frequency...

CalculiX read results...
Read ccx results from frd file: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/calculix/box_frequency.frd
Read ccx results from dat file: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/calculix/box_frequency.dat
Reading stats from result object for box_frequency...
Save FreeCAD file for box_frequency to /tmp/FEM_unittests/ccxtools_box_frequency_06741fd77fb3/box_frequency.FCStd...
--------------- End of box_frequency -------------------
test_box_static ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
--------------- Start of FEM ccxtools box_static test---------------
Setting up working directory /tmp/FEM_unittests/ccxtools_box_static_81ef1f22e9b2
Checking FEM inp file prerequisites for box_static ...

Check prerequisites...
Checking FEM inp file write...
Writing /tmp/FEM_unittests/ccxtools_box_static_81ef1f22e9b2/Mesh.inp for box_static

Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
[{'ccx_elset': 'Evolumes', 'ccx_elset_name': 'MechanicalMaterialSolid', 'mat_obj_name': 'MechanicalMaterial', 'ccx_mat_name': 'Steel-Generic'}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: FemConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: FemConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face6
  No face data in finite volume element mesh. FreeCAD uses getccxVolumesByFace() to retrieve the volume elements of the ref_face.
    Type: Fem::ConstraintPressure, Name: FemConstraintPressure
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face2
Getting mesh data time: 0.254 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/ccxtools_box_static_81ef1f22e9b2/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.015 seconds.
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/calculix/box_static.inp to /tmp/FEM_unittests/ccxtools_box_static_81ef1f22e9b2/Mesh.inp
Setting up working directory to /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/calculix in order to read simulated calculations
Setting base name to read test box_static.frd file...
Setting inp file name to read test box_static.frd file...
Checking FEM frd file read from box_static...

CalculiX read results...
Read ccx results from frd file: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/calculix/box_static.frd
Read ccx results from dat file: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/calculix/box_static.dat
Reading stats from result object for box_static...
Save FreeCAD file for box_static to /tmp/FEM_unittests/ccxtools_box_static_81ef1f22e9b2/box_static.FCStd...
--------------- End of box_static -------------------
test_thermomech_flow1D ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
--------------- Start of FEM ccxtools thermomech_flow1D test---------------
Setting up working directory /tmp/FEM_unittests/ccxtools_thermomech_flow1D_3f938bfe504e
Checking FEM inp file prerequisites for thermomech_flow1D ...

Check prerequisites...
Checking FEM inp file write...
Writing /tmp/FEM_unittests/ccxtools_thermomech_flow1D_3f938bfe504e/Mesh.inp for thermomech_flow1D

Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
Fluid sections
Constraint: ElementFluid1D --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge1
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: ElementFluid1D001 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge2
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: ElementFluid1D002 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge3
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge5
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: ElementFluid1D003 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge4
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: ElementFluid1D004 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge6
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: ElementFluid1D005 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge7
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: ElementFluid1D006 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge8
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: ElementFluid1D007 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge11
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge9
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: ElementFluid1D008 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge10
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: ElementFluid1D009 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge12
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: ElementFluid1D010 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge13
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Count finite elements as sum of constraints:   13
Count finite elements of the finite element mesh: 13
Getting mesh data time: 0.02 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/ccxtools_thermomech_flow1D_3f938bfe504e/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
1DFlow inout nodes file: /tmp/FEM_unittests/ccxtools_thermomech_flow1D_3f938bfe504e/Mesh_inout_nodes.txt
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge1
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D001
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge2
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D002
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge3
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge5
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D003
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge4
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D004
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge6
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D005
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge7
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D006
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge8
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D007
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge11
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge9
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D008
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge10
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D009
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge12
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D010
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge13
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.027 seconds.
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/calculix/thermomech_flow1D.inp to /tmp/FEM_unittests/ccxtools_thermomech_flow1D_3f938bfe504e/Mesh.inp
Setting up working directory to /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/calculix in order to read simulated calculations
Setting base name to read test thermomech_flow1D.frd file...
Setting inp file name to read test thermomech_flow1D.frd file...
Checking FEM frd file read from thermomech_flow1D...

CalculiX read results...
Read ccx results from frd file: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/calculix/thermomech_flow1D.frd
Read special 1DFlow nodes data form: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/calculix/thermomech_flow1D_inout_nodes.txt
[['2', '15', '1', 'PIPE INLET\n'], ['13', '27', '28', 'PIPE OUTLET\n']]
Read ccx results from dat file: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/calculix/thermomech_flow1D.dat
Reading stats from result object for thermomech_flow1D...
Save FreeCAD file for thermomech_flow1D to /tmp/FEM_unittests/ccxtools_thermomech_flow1D_3f938bfe504e/thermomech_flow1D.FCStd...
--------------- End of thermomech_flow1D -------------------
test_thermomech_spine ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
--------------- Start of FEM ccxtools thermomech_spine test---------------
Setting up working directory /tmp/FEM_unittests/ccxtools_thermomech_spine_61e1fea87e6a
Checking FEM inp file prerequisites for thermomech_spine ...

Check prerequisites...
Checking FEM inp file write...
Writing /tmp/FEM_unittests/ccxtools_thermomech_spine_61e1fea87e6a/Mesh.inp for thermomech_spine

Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
[{'ccx_elset': 'Evolumes', 'ccx_elset_name': 'MechanicalMaterialSolid', 'mat_obj_name': 'MechanicalMaterial', 'ccx_mat_name': 'Steel-Generic'}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: FemConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintTemperature, Name: FemConstraintTemperature
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face1
Getting mesh data time: 0.289 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/ccxtools_thermomech_spine_61e1fea87e6a/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.007 seconds.
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/calculix/thermomech_spine.inp to /tmp/FEM_unittests/ccxtools_thermomech_spine_61e1fea87e6a/Mesh.inp
Setting up working directory to /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/calculix in order to read simulated calculations
Setting base name to read test thermomech_spine.frd file...
Setting inp file name to read test thermomech_spine.frd file...
Checking FEM frd file read from thermomech_spine...

CalculiX read results...
Read ccx results from frd file: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/calculix/thermomech_spine.frd
Read ccx results from dat file: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/calculix/thermomech_spine.dat
Reading stats from result object for thermomech_spine...
Save FreeCAD file for thermomech_spine to /tmp/FEM_unittests/ccxtools_thermomech_spine_61e1fea87e6a/thermomech_spine.FCStd...
--------------- End of thermomech_spine -------------------
test_00print ( ...
********** run FEM TestSolverCalculix tests *******************************************************
test_box_frequency ( ...
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
[{'ccx_elset': 'Evolumes', 'ccx_elset_name': 'MechanicalMaterialSolid', 'mat_obj_name': 'MechanicalMaterial', 'ccx_mat_name': 'Steel-Generic'}]
Getting mesh data time: 0.0 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_box_frequency_3eb6d80ed16f/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.001 seconds.
test_box_static ( ...
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
[{'ccx_elset': 'Evolumes', 'ccx_elset_name': 'MechanicalMaterialSolid', 'mat_obj_name': 'MechanicalMaterial', 'ccx_mat_name': 'Steel-Generic'}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: FemConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: FemConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face6
  No face data in finite volume element mesh. FreeCAD uses getccxVolumesByFace() to retrieve the volume elements of the ref_face.
    Type: Fem::ConstraintPressure, Name: FemConstraintPressure
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face2
Getting mesh data time: 0.038 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_box_static_eb7bb115ef19/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.001 seconds.
test_ccx_buckling_flexuralbuckling ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
[{'ccx_elset': 'Evolumes', 'ccx_elset_name': 'MechanicalMaterialSolid', 'mat_obj_name': 'MechanicalMaterial', 'ccx_mat_name': 'CalculiX-Steel'}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Beam, Object label: Beam, Element name: Face5
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Beam, Object label: Beam, Element name: Face6
  No face data in finite volume element mesh. FreeCAD uses getccxVolumesByFace() to retrieve the volume elements of the ref_face.
Getting mesh data time: 0.019 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_ccx_buckling_flexuralbuckling_b3e5bbdbeead/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.001 seconds.
test_ccx_cantilever_beam_circle ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
Beam rotations
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
beam_axis_m is retrieved from the geometry but we could get if from mesh edge too
[{'direction': Vector (8000.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'ids': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'beam_axis_m': [-0.0, 1.0, 0]}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: CantileverLine, Object label: CantileverLine, Element name: Vertex1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: CantileverLine, Object label: CantileverLine, Element name: Vertex2
Getting mesh data time: 0.002 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_ccx_cantilever_beam_circle_e4367022c54f/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
-0, 1, 0

Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.0 seconds.
test_ccx_cantilever_beam_pipe ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
Beam rotations
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
beam_axis_m is retrieved from the geometry but we could get if from mesh edge too
[{'direction': Vector (8000.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'ids': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'beam_axis_m': [-0.0, 1.0, 0]}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: CantileverLine, Object label: CantileverLine, Element name: Vertex1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: CantileverLine, Object label: CantileverLine, Element name: Vertex2
Getting mesh data time: 0.002 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_ccx_cantilever_beam_pipe_b0aae0f8c66b/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
-0, 1, 0

Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.0 seconds.
test_ccx_cantilever_beam_rect ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
Beam rotations
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
beam_axis_m is retrieved from the geometry but we could get if from mesh edge too
[{'direction': Vector (8000.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'ids': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'beam_axis_m': [-0.0, 1.0, 0]}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: CantileverLine, Object label: CantileverLine, Element name: Vertex1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: CantileverLine, Object label: CantileverLine, Element name: Vertex2
Getting mesh data time: 0.001 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_ccx_cantilever_beam_rect_f423d058cf43/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
-0, 1, 0

Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.001 seconds.
test_ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20 ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
[{'ccx_elset': 'Evolumes', 'ccx_elset_name': 'FemMaterialSolid', 'mat_obj_name': 'FemMaterial', 'ccx_mat_name': 'CalculiX-Steel'}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face2
  No face data in finite volume element mesh. FreeCAD uses getccxVolumesByFace() to retrieve the volume elements of the ref_face.
Getting mesh data time: 0.014 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20_9d78528bc7ef/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.001 seconds.
test_ccx_cantilever_ele_quad4 ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: CanileverPlate, Object label: CanileverPlate, Element name: Edge1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: CanileverPlate, Object label: CanileverPlate, Element name: Edge3
Getting mesh data time: 0.001 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_ccx_cantilever_ele_quad4_f77d74e934d3/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.0 seconds.
test_ccx_cantilever_ele_quad8 ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: CanileverPlate, Object label: CanileverPlate, Element name: Edge1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: CanileverPlate, Object label: CanileverPlate, Element name: Edge3
Getting mesh data time: 0.001 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_ccx_cantilever_ele_quad8_bf2179cfb18f/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.0 seconds.
test_ccx_cantilever_ele_seg2 ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
Beam rotations
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
beam_axis_m is retrieved from the geometry but we could get if from mesh edge too
[{'direction': Vector (8000.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'ids': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54], 'beam_axis_m': [-0.0, 1.0, 0]}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: CantileverLine, Object label: CantileverLine, Element name: Vertex1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: CantileverLine, Object label: CantileverLine, Element name: Vertex2
Getting mesh data time: 0.003 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_ccx_cantilever_ele_seg2_14c08b4e6680/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
-0, 1, 0

Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.001 seconds.
test_ccx_cantilever_ele_seg3 ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
Beam rotations
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
beam_axis_m is retrieved from the geometry but we could get if from mesh edge too
[{'direction': Vector (8000.0, 0.0, 0.0), 'ids': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'beam_axis_m': [-0.0, 1.0, 0]}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: CantileverLine, Object label: CantileverLine, Element name: Vertex1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: CantileverLine, Object label: CantileverLine, Element name: Vertex2
Getting mesh data time: 0.002 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_ccx_cantilever_ele_seg3_0068d3cb4cd4/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
-0, 1, 0

Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.0 seconds.
test_ccx_cantilever_ele_tria3 ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: CanileverPlate, Object label: CanileverPlate, Element name: Edge1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: CanileverPlate, Object label: CanileverPlate, Element name: Edge3
Getting mesh data time: 0.003 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_ccx_cantilever_ele_tria3_153c5ee298f8/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.002 seconds.
test_ccx_cantilever_ele_tria6 ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: CanileverPlate, Object label: CanileverPlate, Element name: Edge1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: CanileverPlate, Object label: CanileverPlate, Element name: Edge3
Getting mesh data time: 0.001 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_ccx_cantilever_ele_tria6_b38f7bf0ff86/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.001 seconds.
test_ccx_cantilever_faceload ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
[{'ccx_elset': 'Evolumes', 'ccx_elset_name': 'FemMaterialSolid', 'mat_obj_name': 'FemMaterial', 'ccx_mat_name': 'CalculiX-Steel'}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face2
  No face data in finite volume element mesh. FreeCAD uses getccxVolumesByFace() to retrieve the volume elements of the ref_face.
Getting mesh data time: 0.01 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_ccx_cantilever_faceload_131de400bed7/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.001 seconds.
test_ccx_cantilever_nodeload ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
[{'ccx_elset': 'Evolumes', 'ccx_elset_name': 'FemMaterialSolid', 'mat_obj_name': 'FemMaterial', 'ccx_mat_name': 'CalculiX-Steel'}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Vertex5
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Vertex6
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Vertex7
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Vertex8
Getting mesh data time: 0.004 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_ccx_cantilever_nodeload_2e24834c366e/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.001 seconds.
test_ccx_cantilever_prescribeddisplacement ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
[{'ccx_elset': 'Evolumes', 'ccx_elset_name': 'FemMaterialSolid', 'mat_obj_name': 'FemMaterial', 'ccx_mat_name': 'CalculiX-Steel'}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintDisplacement, Name: ConstraintDisplacmentPrescribed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face2
Getting mesh data time: 0.007 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_ccx_cantilever_prescribeddisplacement_9eecdb7e45c4/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.001 seconds.
test_constraint_centrif ( ... ok
test_constraint_contact_shell_shell ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Lower_tube, Object label: Lower_tube, Element name: Edge2
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Upper_tube, Object label: Upper_tube, Element name: Edge3
    Type: Fem::ConstraintContact, Name: ConstraintContact
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Load_place_point, Object label: Load_place_point, Element name: Vertex1
Getting mesh data time: 3.386 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_constraint_contact_shell_shell_2684df031fb5/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.046 seconds.
test_constraint_contact_solid_solid ( ... ok
test_constraint_sectionprint ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
[{'ccx_elset': 'Evolumes', 'ccx_elset_name': 'MaterialSolid', 'mat_obj_name': 'Material', 'ccx_mat_name': 'CalculiX-Steel'}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: BooleanFragments, Object label: BooleanFragments, Element name: Face9
    Type: Fem::ConstraintPressure, Name: ConstraintPressure
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: BooleanFragments, Object label: BooleanFragments, Element name: Face1
Getting mesh data time: 0.13 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_constraint_sectionprint_0f666369d240/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.007 seconds.
test_constraint_selfweight_cantilever ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
[{'ccx_elset': 'Evolumes', 'ccx_elset_name': 'FemMaterialSolid', 'mat_obj_name': 'FemMaterial', 'ccx_mat_name': 'CalculiX-Steel'}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face1
Getting mesh data time: 0.003 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_constraint_selfweight_cantilever_caf8140130be/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.004 seconds.
test_constraint_tie ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
[{'ccx_elset': 'Evolumes', 'ccx_elset_name': 'MechanicalMaterialSolid', 'mat_obj_name': 'MechanicalMaterial', 'ccx_mat_name': 'Calculix-Steel'}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: BooleanFragments, Object label: BooleanFragments, Element name: Edge1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintTie, Name: ConstraintTie
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: BooleanFragments, Object label: BooleanFragments, Element name: Face5
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: BooleanFragments, Object label: BooleanFragments, Element name: Face7
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: BooleanFragments, Object label: BooleanFragments, Element name: Edge2
Getting mesh data time: 0.146 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_constraint_tie_8c7a566a243c/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.039 seconds.
test_constraint_transform_beam_hinged ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
[{'ccx_elset': 'Evolumes', 'ccx_elset_name': 'FemMaterialSolid', 'mat_obj_name': 'FemMaterial', 'ccx_mat_name': 'CalculiX-Steel'}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintDisplacement, Name: FemConstraintDisplacment
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: CompoundFilter, Object label: CompoundFilter, Element name: Face4
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: CompoundFilter, Object label: CompoundFilter, Element name: Face5
    Type: Fem::ConstraintTransform, Name: FemConstraintTransform1
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: CompoundFilter, Object label: CompoundFilter, Element name: Face4
    Type: Fem::ConstraintTransform, Name: FemConstraintTransform2
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: CompoundFilter, Object label: CompoundFilter, Element name: Face5
    Type: Fem::ConstraintPressure, Name: FemConstraintPressure
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: CompoundFilter, Object label: CompoundFilter, Element name: Face8
Getting mesh data time: 0.386 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_constraint_transform_beam_hinged_80e3dcf83385/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.007 seconds.
test_constraint_transform_torque ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
[{'ccx_elset': 'Evolumes', 'ccx_elset_name': 'MechanicalMaterialSolid', 'mat_obj_name': 'MechanicalMaterial', 'ccx_mat_name': 'Calculix-Steel'}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Cut, Object label: Cut, Element name: Face3
    Type: Fem::ConstraintTransform, Name: ConstraintTransform
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Cut, Object label: Cut, Element name: Face1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Cut, Object label: Cut, Element name: Face1
  No face data in finite volume element mesh. FreeCAD uses getccxVolumesByFace() to retrieve the volume elements of the ref_face.
Getting mesh data time: 7.839 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_constraint_transform_torque_c1c39f6d4ee8/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.024 seconds.
test_frequency_beamsimple ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
[{'ccx_elset': 'Evolumes', 'ccx_elset_name': 'MechanicalMaterialSolid', 'mat_obj_name': 'MechanicalMaterial', 'ccx_mat_name': 'Steel-Generic'}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintDisplacement, Name: Fix_XYZ
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Edge4
    Type: Fem::ConstraintDisplacement, Name: Fix_YZ
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Edge8
Getting mesh data time: 0.008 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_frequency_beamsimple_073972a3d7c0/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.032 seconds.
test_material_multiple_bendingbeam_fiveboxes ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
Constraint: FemMaterial1 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Solid, Object name: Box3, Object label: Box3, Element name: Solid1
binary search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_bin
len femnodes_ele_table: 12630
found Volumes: 1466
Constraint: FemMaterial2 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Solid, Object name: Box2, Object label: Box2, Element name: Solid1
binary search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_bin
len femnodes_ele_table: 12630
found Volumes: 1458
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Solid, Object name: Box4, Object label: Box4, Element name: Solid1
binary search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_bin
len femnodes_ele_table: 12630
found Volumes: 1472
Constraint: FemMaterial3 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
Count finite elements as sum of constraints:   7315
Count finite elements of the finite element mesh: 7315
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box1, Object label: Box1, Element name: Face1
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box5, Object label: Box5, Element name: Face2
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box1, Object label: Box1, Element name: Face6
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box2, Object label: Box2, Element name: Face6
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box3, Object label: Box3, Element name: Face6
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box4, Object label: Box4, Element name: Face6
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box5, Object label: Box5, Element name: Face6
  No face data in finite volume element mesh. FreeCAD uses getccxVolumesByFace() to retrieve the volume elements of the ref_face.
  No face data in finite volume element mesh. FreeCAD uses getccxVolumesByFace() to retrieve the volume elements of the ref_face.
  No face data in finite volume element mesh. FreeCAD uses getccxVolumesByFace() to retrieve the volume elements of the ref_face.
  No face data in finite volume element mesh. FreeCAD uses getccxVolumesByFace() to retrieve the volume elements of the ref_face.
  No face data in finite volume element mesh. FreeCAD uses getccxVolumesByFace() to retrieve the volume elements of the ref_face.
Getting mesh data time: 15.558 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_material_multiple_bendingbeam_fiveboxes_7e6f02c04177/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.045 seconds.
test_material_multiple_bendingbeam_fivefaces ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
Constraint: FemMaterial1 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Face3, Object label: Face3, Element name: Face1
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: FemMaterial2 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Face2, Object label: Face2, Element name: Face1
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Face4, Object label: Face4, Element name: Face1
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: FemMaterial3 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
Count finite elements as sum of constraints:   590
Count finite elements of the finite element mesh: 590
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Face1, Object label: Face1, Element name: Edge1
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Face5, Object label: Face5, Element name: Edge3
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Face1, Object label: Face1, Element name: Edge4
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Face2, Object label: Face2, Element name: Edge4
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Face3, Object label: Face3, Element name: Edge4
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Face4, Object label: Face4, Element name: Edge4
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Face5, Object label: Face5, Element name: Edge4
Getting mesh data time: 0.237 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_material_multiple_bendingbeam_fivefaces_b3296d3250e2/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.006 seconds.
test_material_multiple_tensionrod_twoboxes ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
Constraint: MechanicalMaterialLow --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Solid, Object name: BoxLower, Object label: BoxLower, Element name: Solid1
binary search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_bin
len femnodes_ele_table: 553
found Volumes: 148
Constraint: MechanicalMaterialUpp --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Solid, Object name: BoxUpper, Object label: BoxUpper, Element name: Solid1
binary search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_bin
len femnodes_ele_table: 553
found Volumes: 148
Count finite elements as sum of constraints:   296
Count finite elements of the finite element mesh: 296
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: MultiMatCompSolid, Object label: MultiMatCompSolid, Element name: Face5
    Type: Fem::ConstraintPressure, Name: ConstraintPressure
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: MultiMatCompSolid, Object label: MultiMatCompSolid, Element name: Face11
Getting mesh data time: 1.044 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_material_multiple_tensionrod_twoboxes_9b1c71913969/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.002 seconds.
test_material_nonlinear ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
[{'ccx_elset': 'Evolumes', 'ccx_elset_name': 'Material_linSolid', 'mat_obj_name': 'Material_lin', 'ccx_mat_name': 'CalculiX-Steel'}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Hole_Plate, Object label: Hole_Plate, Element name: Face4
    Type: Fem::ConstraintPressure, Name: ConstraintPressure
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Hole_Plate, Object label: Hole_Plate, Element name: Face2
Getting mesh data time: 0.288 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_material_nonlinear_58de1a53cc5e/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.038 seconds.
test_square_pipe_end_twisted_edgeforces ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: SquareTube, Object label: SquareTube, Element name: Edge4
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: SquareTube, Object label: SquareTube, Element name: Edge7
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: SquareTube, Object label: SquareTube, Element name: Edge10
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: SquareTube, Object label: SquareTube, Element name: Edge12
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce1
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: SquareTube, Object label: SquareTube, Element name: Edge9
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce2
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: SquareTube, Object label: SquareTube, Element name: Edge3
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce3
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: SquareTube, Object label: SquareTube, Element name: Edge11
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce4
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: SquareTube, Object label: SquareTube, Element name: Edge6
Getting mesh data time: 0.012 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_square_pipe_end_twisted_edgeforces_b64f479ee1a3/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.005 seconds.
test_square_pipe_end_twisted_nodeforces ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex6
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex15
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex5
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex29
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex42
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex30
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex9
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex31
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex33
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex32
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex3
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex34
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex46
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex1
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex36
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex11
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex38
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex12
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex39
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex13
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex40
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex16
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex35
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex14
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex47
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex20
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex37
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex18
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex41
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex17
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex10
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex26
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex43
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex21
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex44
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex19
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex4
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex28
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex48
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex22
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex8
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex23
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex7
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex24
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex45
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex27
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex2
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Fixes, Object label: Fixes, Element name: Vertex25
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce1
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex1
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex14
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce2
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex2
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex8
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce3
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex20
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex21
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex22
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex23
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex24
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce4
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex9
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex10
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex11
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex12
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex13
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce5
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex43
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex44
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex45
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex46
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex47
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex48
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce6
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex31
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex32
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex33
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex34
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex35
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex36
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce7
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex1
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex2
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce8
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex8
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex14
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce9
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex3
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex4
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex5
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex6
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex7
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce10
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex15
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex16
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex17
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex18
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex19
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce11
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex25
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex26
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex27
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex28
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex29
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex30
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce12
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex37
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex38
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex39
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex40
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex41
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Forces, Object label: Forces, Element name: Vertex42
Getting mesh data time: 0.051 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_square_pipe_end_twisted_nodeforces_216cf5ed6b61/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.005 seconds.
test_thermomech_bimetall ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
Constraint: MaterialCopper --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Solid, Object name: BooleanFragments, Object label: BooleanFragments, Element name: Solid1
binary search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_bin
len femnodes_ele_table: 3093
found Volumes: 750
Constraint: MaterialInvar --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Solid, Object name: BooleanFragments, Object label: BooleanFragments, Element name: Solid2
binary search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_bin
len femnodes_ele_table: 3093
found Volumes: 750
Count finite elements as sum of constraints:   1500
Count finite elements of the finite element mesh: 1500
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: BooleanFragments, Object label: BooleanFragments, Element name: Face1
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: BooleanFragments, Object label: BooleanFragments, Element name: Face7
    Type: Fem::ConstraintTemperature, Name: ConstraintTemperature
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: BooleanFragments, Object label: BooleanFragments, Element name: Face1
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: BooleanFragments, Object label: BooleanFragments, Element name: Face2
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: BooleanFragments, Object label: BooleanFragments, Element name: Face3
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: BooleanFragments, Object label: BooleanFragments, Element name: Face4
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: BooleanFragments, Object label: BooleanFragments, Element name: Face5
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: BooleanFragments, Object label: BooleanFragments, Element name: Face7
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: BooleanFragments, Object label: BooleanFragments, Element name: Face8
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: BooleanFragments, Object label: BooleanFragments, Element name: Face9
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: BooleanFragments, Object label: BooleanFragments, Element name: Face10
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: BooleanFragments, Object label: BooleanFragments, Element name: Face11
Getting mesh data time: 8.644 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_thermomech_bimetall_63278a6d61c3/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.011 seconds.
test_thermomech_flow1D ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
Fluid sections
Constraint: ElementFluid1D --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge1
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: ElementFluid1D001 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge2
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: ElementFluid1D002 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge3
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge5
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: ElementFluid1D003 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge4
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: ElementFluid1D004 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge6
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: ElementFluid1D005 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge7
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: ElementFluid1D006 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge8
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: ElementFluid1D007 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge11
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge9
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: ElementFluid1D008 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge10
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: ElementFluid1D009 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge12
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Constraint: ElementFluid1D010 --> We're going to search in the mesh for the element ID's.
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge13
std search: get_femelements_by_femnodes_std
Count finite elements as sum of constraints:   13
Count finite elements of the finite element mesh: 13
Getting mesh data time: 0.005 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_thermomech_flow1D_41d55bdf8e2e/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
1DFlow inout nodes file: /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_thermomech_flow1D_41d55bdf8e2e/Mesh_inout_nodes.txt
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge1
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D001
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge2
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D002
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge3
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge5
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D003
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge4
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D004
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge6
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D005
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge7
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D006
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge8
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D007
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge11
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge9
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D008
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge10
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D009
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge12
    Type: Fem::ElementFluid1D, Name: ElementFluid1D010
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Edge, Object name: Wire, Object label: Wire, Element name: Edge13
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.004 seconds.
test_thermomech_spine ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
[{'ccx_elset': 'Evolumes', 'ccx_elset_name': 'MechanicalMaterialSolid', 'mat_obj_name': 'MechanicalMaterial', 'ccx_mat_name': 'Steel-Generic'}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: FemConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintTemperature, Name: FemConstraintTemperature
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face1
Getting mesh data time: 0.019 seconds.

CalculiX solver input writing...
Input file:/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_calculix_thermomech_spine_6f947e604530/Mesh.inp
One monster input file.
Writing time CalculiX input file: 0.001 seconds.
test_00print ( ...
********** run FEM TestSolverElmer tests *******************************************************

test_box_static_0_mm ( ...

Saved unit schema: 0. Set unit schema to 0.
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Machine testmode: True                          (100.0 %)
Write elmer input files to: /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_box_static_0_mm_bfc33fba65f5
The FreeCAD standard unit schema mm/kg/s is used. Elmer sif-file writing is done in Standard FreeCAD units.
Exception in thread Thread-197 (protector):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 1009, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 946, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/", line 118, in protector
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 87, in run
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 93, in write_solver_input
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 912, in _writeSif
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 219, in write
    writeSections(self.sections, stream)
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 101, in writeSections
    _Writer(ids, sections, stream).write()
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 293, in write
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 298, in _writeSection
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 314, in _writeSectionBody
    self._writeAttribute(key, s[key])
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 323, in _writeAttribute
    elif self._isCollection(data):
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 342, in _isCollection
    and isinstance(data, collections.Iterable)
AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Iterable'
Test writing STARTINFO file

test_ccxcantilever_faceload_0_mm ( ...

Saved unit schema: 0. Set unit schema to 0.
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Machine testmode: True                          (100.0 %)
Write elmer input files to: /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_faceload_0_mm_69f8f903caed
The FreeCAD standard unit schema mm/kg/s is used. Elmer sif-file writing is done in Standard FreeCAD units.
Exception in thread Thread-203 (protector):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 1009, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 946, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/", line 118, in protector
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 87, in run
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 93, in write_solver_input
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 912, in _writeSif
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 219, in write
    writeSections(self.sections, stream)
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 101, in writeSections
    _Writer(ids, sections, stream).write()
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 293, in write
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 298, in _writeSection
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 314, in _writeSectionBody
    self._writeAttribute(key, s[key])
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 323, in _writeAttribute
    elif self._isCollection(data):
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 342, in _isCollection
    and isinstance(data, collections.Iterable)
AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Iterable'

test_ccxcantilever_faceload_1_si ( ...

Saved unit schema: 0. Set unit schema to 1.
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Machine testmode: True                          (100.0 %)
Write elmer input files to: /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_faceload_1_si_f8d05c4d75b6
The SI unit schema m/kg/s is used. Elmer sif-file writing is done in SI-units.
'Coordinate Scaling = Real 0.001' was inserted into the solver input file.
'Coordinate Scaling Revert = Logical True' was inserted into the solver input file.
Exception in thread Thread-209 (protector):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 1009, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 946, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/", line 118, in protector
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 87, in run
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 93, in write_solver_input
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 912, in _writeSif
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 219, in write
    writeSections(self.sections, stream)
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 101, in writeSections
    _Writer(ids, sections, stream).write()
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 293, in write
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 298, in _writeSection
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 314, in _writeSectionBody
    self._writeAttribute(key, s[key])
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 323, in _writeAttribute
    elif self._isCollection(data):
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 342, in _isCollection
    and isinstance(data, collections.Iterable)
AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Iterable'
Reset unit schema back to 0

test_ccxcantilever_nodeload_0_mm ( ...

Saved unit schema: 0. Set unit schema to 0.
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Machine testmode: True                          (100.0 %)
Write elmer input files to: /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_nodeload_0_mm_bc29241c32a2
The FreeCAD standard unit schema mm/kg/s is used. Elmer sif-file writing is done in Standard FreeCAD units.
Exception in thread Thread-215 (protector):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 1009, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 946, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/", line 118, in protector
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 87, in run
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 93, in write_solver_input
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 912, in _writeSif
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 219, in write
    writeSections(self.sections, stream)
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 101, in writeSections
    _Writer(ids, sections, stream).write()
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 293, in write
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 298, in _writeSection
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 314, in _writeSectionBody
    self._writeAttribute(key, s[key])
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 323, in _writeAttribute
    elif self._isCollection(data):
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 342, in _isCollection
    and isinstance(data, collections.Iterable)
AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Iterable'

test_ccxcantilever_prescribeddisplacement_0_mm ( ...

Saved unit schema: 0. Set unit schema to 0.
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Machine testmode: True                          (100.0 %)
Write elmer input files to: /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_prescribeddisplacement_0_mm_9d274061d4bb
The FreeCAD standard unit schema mm/kg/s is used. Elmer sif-file writing is done in Standard FreeCAD units.
Exception in thread Thread-221 (protector):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 1009, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 946, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/", line 118, in protector
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 87, in run
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 93, in write_solver_input
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 912, in _writeSif
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 219, in write
    writeSections(self.sections, stream)
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 101, in writeSections
    _Writer(ids, sections, stream).write()
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 293, in write
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 298, in _writeSection
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 314, in _writeSectionBody
    self._writeAttribute(key, s[key])
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 323, in _writeAttribute
    elif self._isCollection(data):
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 342, in _isCollection
    and isinstance(data, collections.Iterable)
AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Iterable'

test_00print ( ...
********** run FEM TestSolverFrameWork tests *******************************************************
test_ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20 ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
------------- Start of FEM Z88 tests for ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20 -------
Save FreeCAD file to /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20_8afa8b76a088/ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20.FCStd ...

Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
[{'ccx_elset': 'Evolumes', 'ccx_elset_name': 'FemMaterialSolid', 'mat_obj_name': 'FemMaterial', 'ccx_mat_name': 'CalculiX-Steel'}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face2
  No face data in finite volume element mesh. FreeCAD uses getccxVolumesByFace() to retrieve the volume elements of the ref_face.
Getting mesh data time: 0.018 seconds.

Z88 solver input writing...
FemInputWriterZ88 --> self.file_name  -->  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20_8afa8b76a088/z88
Write z88 input files to: /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20_8afa8b76a088
The femelement_table need to be calculated.
{'INTORD': '3', 'INTOS': '0', 'IHFLAG': '0', 'ISFLAG': '0'}
Writing time input file: 0.0 seconds

['z88mat.txt', 'z88man.txt', 'z88int.txt', 'z88i2.txt', 'z88i5.txt', 'z88elp.txt', 'z88i1.txt', 'z88.dyn', '51.txt']
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20/z88mat.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20_8afa8b76a088/z88mat.txt
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20/z88man.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20_8afa8b76a088/z88man.txt
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20/z88int.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20_8afa8b76a088/z88int.txt
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20/z88i2.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20_8afa8b76a088/z88i2.txt
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20/z88i5.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20_8afa8b76a088/z88i5.txt
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20/z88elp.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20_8afa8b76a088/z88elp.txt
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20/z88i1.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20_8afa8b76a088/z88i1.txt
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20/z88.dyn  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20_8afa8b76a088/z88.dyn
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20/51.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20_8afa8b76a088/51.txt
--------------- End of FEM Z88 tests for ccx_cantilever_ele_hexa20 ---------
test_ccx_cantilever_ele_tria6 ( ... ok
test_ccx_cantilever_faceload ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
------------- Start of FEM Z88 tests for ccx_cantilever_faceload -------
Save FreeCAD file to /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_faceload_4d83927c7457/ccx_cantilever_faceload.FCStd ...

Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
[{'ccx_elset': 'Evolumes', 'ccx_elset_name': 'FemMaterialSolid', 'mat_obj_name': 'FemMaterial', 'ccx_mat_name': 'CalculiX-Steel'}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face2
  No face data in finite volume element mesh. FreeCAD uses getccxVolumesByFace() to retrieve the volume elements of the ref_face.
Getting mesh data time: 0.01 seconds.

Z88 solver input writing...
FemInputWriterZ88 --> self.file_name  -->  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_faceload_4d83927c7457/z88
Write z88 input files to: /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_faceload_4d83927c7457
The femelement_table need to be calculated.
{'INTORD': '4', 'INTOS': '0', 'IHFLAG': '0', 'ISFLAG': '0'}
Writing time input file: 0.0 seconds

['z88man.txt', 'z88int.txt', 'z88mat.txt', 'z88i5.txt', 'z88i2.txt', 'z88elp.txt', 'z88i1.txt', 'z88.dyn', '51.txt']
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_faceload/z88man.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_faceload_4d83927c7457/z88man.txt
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_faceload/z88int.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_faceload_4d83927c7457/z88int.txt
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_faceload/z88mat.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_faceload_4d83927c7457/z88mat.txt
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_faceload/z88i5.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_faceload_4d83927c7457/z88i5.txt
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_faceload/z88i2.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_faceload_4d83927c7457/z88i2.txt
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_faceload/z88elp.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_faceload_4d83927c7457/z88elp.txt
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_faceload/z88i1.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_faceload_4d83927c7457/z88i1.txt
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_faceload/z88.dyn  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_faceload_4d83927c7457/z88.dyn
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_faceload/51.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_faceload_4d83927c7457/51.txt
--------------- End of FEM Z88 tests for ccx_cantilever_faceload ---------
test_ccx_cantilever_nodeload ( ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
                                                (100.0 %)
------------- Start of FEM Z88 tests for ccx_cantilever_nodeload -------
Save FreeCAD file to /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_nodeload_50c4da1461a4/ccx_cantilever_nodeload.FCStd ...

Get mesh data for constraints, materials and element geometry...
[{'ccx_elset': 'Evolumes', 'ccx_elset_name': 'FemMaterialSolid', 'mat_obj_name': 'FemMaterial', 'ccx_mat_name': 'CalculiX-Steel'}]
    Type: Fem::ConstraintFixed, Name: ConstraintFixed
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Face, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Face1
    Type: Fem::ConstraintForce, Name: ConstraintForce
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Vertex5
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Vertex6
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Vertex7
    ReferenceShape ... Type: Vertex, Object name: Box, Object label: Box, Element name: Vertex8
Getting mesh data time: 0.004 seconds.

Z88 solver input writing...
FemInputWriterZ88 --> self.file_name  -->  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_nodeload_50c4da1461a4/z88
Write z88 input files to: /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_nodeload_50c4da1461a4
The femelement_table need to be calculated.
{'INTORD': '4', 'INTOS': '0', 'IHFLAG': '0', 'ISFLAG': '0'}
Writing time input file: 0.0 seconds

['z88mat.txt', 'z88man.txt', 'z88i1.txt', 'z88i2.txt', 'z88elp.txt', 'z88int.txt', 'z88i5.txt', 'z88.dyn', '51.txt']
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_nodeload/z88mat.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_nodeload_50c4da1461a4/z88mat.txt
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_nodeload/z88man.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_nodeload_50c4da1461a4/z88man.txt
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_nodeload/z88i1.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_nodeload_50c4da1461a4/z88i1.txt
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_nodeload/z88i2.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_nodeload_50c4da1461a4/z88i2.txt
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_nodeload/z88elp.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_nodeload_50c4da1461a4/z88elp.txt
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_nodeload/z88int.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_nodeload_50c4da1461a4/z88int.txt
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_nodeload/z88i5.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_nodeload_50c4da1461a4/z88i5.txt
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_nodeload/z88.dyn  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_nodeload_50c4da1461a4/z88.dyn
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/z88/ccx_cantilever_nodeload/51.txt  to  /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_z88_ccx_cantilever_nodeload_50c4da1461a4/51.txt
--------------- End of FEM Z88 tests for ccx_cantilever_nodeload ---------
test_import_draft (drafttests.test_import.DraftImport)
Import the Draft module. ...
  Try importing 'Draft'
test_import_draft_geomutils (drafttests.test_import.DraftImport)
Import Draft geometrical utilities. ...
  Try importing 'DraftGeomUtils'
test_import_draft_svg (drafttests.test_import.DraftImport)
Import Draft SVG utilities. ...
  Try importing 'draftfunctions.svg'
test_import_draft_vecutils (drafttests.test_import.DraftImport)
Import Draft vector utilities. ...
  Try importing 'DraftVecUtils'
test_arc (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create a circular arc. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft Arc'
  startangle=0, endangle=90
test_arc_3points (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create a circular arc from three points. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft Arc 3Points'
  a=Vector (5.0, 0.0, 0.0), b=Vector (4.0, 3.0, 0.0)
  c=Vector (0.0, 5.0, 0.0)
Arc by 3 points
p1: Vector (5.0, 0.0, 0.0)
p2: Vector (4.0, 3.0, 0.0)
p3: Vector (0.0, 5.0, 0.0)
Radius: 5.000000000000002
Center: Vector (-1.3322676295501878e-15, -1.3322676295501878e-15, 0.0)
test_bezcurve (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create a bezier curve of six points, degree five. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft BezCurve'
  a=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), b=Vector (2.0, 2.0, 0.0)
  c=Vector (5.0, 3.0, 0.0), d=Vector (9.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  e=Vector (12.0, 5.0, 0.0), f=Vector (12.0, 8.0, 0.0)
test_bspline (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create a BSpline of three points. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft BSpline'
  a=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), b=Vector (2.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  c=Vector (2.0, 2.0, 0.0)
test_circle (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create a circle. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft Circle'
test_cubicbezcurve (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create a cubic bezier curve of four points. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft CubBezCurve'
  a=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), b=Vector (2.0, 2.0, 0.0)
  c=Vector (5.0, 3.0, 0.0), d=Vector (9.0, 0.0, 0.0)
test_dimension_angular (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create an angular dimension between two lines at given angles. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft Dimension Angular'
  Occasionally crashes
  center=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  angle1=20, angle2=70
  dim_line=Vector (3.0, 1.0, 0.0)
Angular dimension
center: Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
angles: [20, 70]
dim_line: Vector (3.0, 1.0, 0.0)
normal: None
test_dimension_linear_obj (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create a linear dimension linked to an object. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft Dimension'
  Occasionally crashes
  a=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), b=Vector (9.0, 0.0, 0.0)
----------------                                (100.0 %)
Linear dimension
edge_object: Line
i1: 1
i2: 2
dim_line: Vector (5.0, 3.0, 0.0)
test_dimension_linear_simple (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create a simple linear dimension not linked to an object. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft Dimension'
  Occasionally crashes
  a=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), b=Vector (9.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  c=Vector (4.0, -1.0, 0.0)
Linear dimension
p1: Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
p2: Vector (9.0, 0.0, 0.0)
dim_line: Vector (4.0, -1.0, 0.0)
test_dimension_radial_obj (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create a circle and then a radial and a diameter dimension. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft Dimension Radial'
  startangle=0, endangle=90
----------------                                (100.0 %)
Radial dimension
edge_object: Arc
index: 1
mode: radius
dim_line: Vector (1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
Radial dimension
edge_object: Arc
index: 1
mode: diameter
dim_line: Vector (3.0, 1.0, 0.0)
test_ellipse (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create an ellipse. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft Ellipse'
  major_axis=5, minor_axis=3
test_facebinder (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create a box, and then a facebinder from its faces. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft Facebinder'
  In order to test this, a selection is needed
  or an App::PropertyLinkSubList
  object='Solid' (Part::Box)                    (100.0 %)
  sub-elements=('Face1', 'Face6')
test_fillet (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create two lines, and a fillet between them. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft Fillet'
  a=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), b=Vector (8.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  b=Vector (8.0, 0.0, 0.0), c=Vector (8.0, 8.0, 0.0)
  Fillet                                        (100.0 %)
(1): Line; length: 8.0
(2): Line001; length: 8.0
Segment 1, length: 3.999999999999999
Segment 2, length: 6.283185307179587
Segment 3, length: 3.999999999999999
Update radius currently not implemented: r=0.0 mm
Update radius currently not implemented: r=4.0 mm
test_label (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create a label. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft Label'
  Occasionally crashes
  target_point=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), distance=-25
  placement=Placement [Pos=(50,50,0), Yaw-Pitch-Roll=(0,0,0)]
target_point: Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
placement: Placement [Pos=(50,50,0), Yaw-Pitch-Roll=(0,0,0)]
label_type: Custom
custom_text: Label
direction: Horizontal
distance: -25
test_layer (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create a layer, and add a rectangle to it. ...                                          (100.0 %)
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft Layer'
  length=5, width=2
line_width: 2.0
draw_style: Solid
transparency: 0
test_line (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create a line. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft Line'
  a=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), b=Vector (2.0, 0.0, 0.0)
test_point (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create a point. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft Point'
  p.x=5.0, p.y=3.0, p.z=2.0
test_polygon (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create a regular polygon. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft Polygon'
  n_faces=6, radius=5
test_polyline (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create a polyline. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft Wire'
  a=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), b=Vector (2.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  c=Vector (2.0, 2.0, 0.0)
test_rectangle (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create a rectangle. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft Rectangle'
  length=5, width=2
test_shapestring (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create a ShapeString. NOT IMPLEMENTED CURRENTLY. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft ShapeString'
  In order to test this, a font file is needed.
  text='Testing Shapestring ', font='None'
  Arguments to placeholder function
  p1=Text; p2=None
  p3=None; p4=None
  #    This test is not implemented currently
  Automatic PASS
test_text (drafttests.test_creation.DraftCreation)
Create a text object. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftCreation'
  Test 'Draft Text'
  text='Testing testing'
string: Testing testing
placement: None
test_circular_array (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Create a rectangle, and a circular array. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft CircularArray'
  length=4, width=2
  Array                                         (100.0 %)
  radial_distance=10, tangential_distance=8
  number=3, symmetry=1
  axis=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
  center=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Circular array
base_object: Rectangle
r_distance: 10
tan_distance: 8
number: 3
symmetry: 1
axis: Vector (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
center: Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
use_link: True
test_clone (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Create a box, then create a clone of it. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft Clone'
  object: 'Solid' (Part::Box)                   (100.0 %)
  clone: 'Clone' (Part::FeaturePython)
test_copy (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Create a line, then copy and move it. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft Move with copy'
  a=Vector (0.0, 3.0, 0.0), b=Vector (2.0, 3.0, 0.0)
  Translation vector (copy)
  c=Vector (2.0, 2.0, 0.0)
Importing project files......
File was not written with this version of the topology%)
test_downgrade (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Downgrade a closed Draft Wire into three simple Part Edges. ...                                                 (100.0 %)
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft Downgrade'
  Closed wire
  a=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), b=Vector (2.0, 2.0, 0.0)
  c=Vector (2.0, 4.0, 0.0), a=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
----------------                                (100.0 %)
Downgrade objects
Found 1 parametric object: breaking its dependencies
  1: Result 'Face' (Part::Feature)              (100.0 %)
Downgrade objects
Found 1 face: extracting its wires
  2: Result 'Wire' (Part::Feature)              (100.0 %)
Downgrade objects
Found only wires: extracting their edges
  3: Result 3 x 'Edge' (Part::Feature)          (100.0 %)
Downgrade objects
No more downgrade possible
  4: Result '[]'                                (100.0 %)
  The last objects cannot be downgraded further
test_draft_to_drawing (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Create a solid, and then a projected view in a Drawing page. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft Drawing'
  The Drawing Workbench is obsolete since 0.17,
  consider using the TechDraw Workbench instead
  placement=Placement [Pos=(0,0,0), Yaw-Pitch-Roll=(0,45,0)]
  Drawing view
test_draft_to_sketch (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Convert a Draft object to a Sketch and back. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft Draft2Sketch'
  a=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), b=Vector (2.0, 2.0, 0.0)
  c=Vector (2.0, 4.0, 0.0)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
  1: Result 'Wire' (Sketcher::SketchObject)     (100.0 %)
  2: Result 'Wire' (Part::Part2DObjectPython)   (100.0 %)
test_extend (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Extend a line. NOT IMPLEMENTED. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft Trimex extend'
  a=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), b=Vector (1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
  Line 2
  c=Vector (2.0, 2.0, 0.0), d=Vector (4.0, 2.0, 0.0)
  Arguments to placeholder function             (100.0 %)
  p1=<Part::Part2DObject>; p2=<Part::Part2DObject>
  p3=None; p4=None
  #    This test is not implemented currently
  Automatic PASS
test_join (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Join two lines into a single Draft Wire. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft Join'
  Line 1
  a=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), b=Vector (2.0, 2.0, 0.0)
  Line 2
  b=Vector (2.0, 2.0, 0.0), c=Vector (2.0, 4.0, 0.0)
test_mirror (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Create a rectangle, then a mirrored shape. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft Mirror'
  length=4, width=2
  Mirror axis
  p1=Vector (6.0, -2.0, 0.0)
  p2=Vector (6.0, 2.0, 0.0)
Create mirror
test_move (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Create a line and move it. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft Move'
  a=Vector (0.0, 2.0, 0.0), b=Vector (2.0, 2.0, 0.0)
  Translation vector
  c=Vector (3.0, 1.0, 0.0)
test_offset_closed (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Create a rectangle, then produce an offset copy. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft Offset'
  length=4, width=2
  Offset                                        (100.0 %)
  vector=Vector (-1.0, -1.0, 0.0)
 something wrong with firstDir
test_offset_open (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Create a wire, then produce an offset copy. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft Offset'
  a=Vector (0.0, 2.0, 0.0), b=Vector (2.0, 4.0, 0.0)
  c=Vector (5.0, 2.0, 0.0)
  Offset                                        (100.0 %)
  vector=Vector (-1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
test_path_array (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Create a wire, a polygon, and a path array. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft PathArray'
  a=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), b=Vector (2.0, 2.0, 0.0)
  c=Vector (2.0, 4.0, 0.0), d=Vector (8.0, 4.0, 0.0)
  n_faces=3, radius=1
  Path Array
  number=4, translation=Vector (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
  subelements=Edge1, align=False
Path array
base_object: Polygon
path_object: Wire
count: 4
extra: Vector (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
subelements: Edge1
align: False
align_mode: Original
tan_vector: Vector (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
force_vertical: False
vertical_vector: Vector (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
use_link: True
test_point_array (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Create a polygon, various point, and a point array. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft PointArray'
  a=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), b=Vector (2.0, 2.0, 0.0)
  c=Vector (2.0, 4.0, 0.0), d=Vector (8.0, 4.0, 0.0)
Upgrade objects
Found points: creating compound
  n_faces=3, radius=1
  Point Array
Point array
base_object: Polygon
point_object: Block
extra: None
test_polar_array (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Create a rectangle, and a polar array. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft PolarArray'
  length=4, width=2
  Array                                         (100.0 %)
  number=5, polar_angle=180
  center=Vector (-4.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Polar array
base_object: Rectangle
number: 5
angle: 180
center: Vector (-4.0, 0.0, 0.0)
use_link: True
test_rectangular_array (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Create a rectangle, and a rectangular array. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft OrthoArray'
  length=4, width=2
  Array                                         (100.0 %)
  direction_x=Vector (5.0, 0.0, 0.0)
  direction_y=Vector (0.0, 4.0, 0.0)
  direction_z=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 6.0)
  number_x=3, number_y=4, number_z=6
Orthogonal array
base_object: Rectangle
v_x: Vector (5.0, 0.0, 0.0)
v_y: Vector (0.0, 4.0, 0.0)
v_z: Vector (0.0, 0.0, 6.0)
n_x: 3
n_y: 4
n_z: 6
use_link: True
test_rotate (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Create a line, then rotate it. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft Rotate'
  a=Vector (1.0, 1.0, 0.0), b=Vector (3.0, 1.0, 0.0)
  Rotation                                      (100.0 %)
  angle=90 degrees
test_scale_part_feature_arcs (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Create and scale a part feature (arcs). ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft Scale part feature (arcs)'
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
test_scale_part_feature_lines (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Create and scale a part feature (lines). ...                                            (100.0 %)
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft Scale part feature (lines)'
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
test_scale_rectangle (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Create and scale a rectangle. ...                                               (100.0 %)
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft Scale rectangle'
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
test_scale_spline (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Create and scale a spline. ...                                          (100.0 %)
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft Scale spline'
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
test_scale_wire (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Create and scale a wire. ...                                            (100.0 %)
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft Scale wire'
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
test_shape_2d_view (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Create a prism and then a 2D projection of it. ...                                              (100.0 %)
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft Shape2DView'
  placement=Placement [Pos=(0,0,0), Yaw-Pitch-Roll=(0,45,0)]
  Projection 2D view
  direction=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
test_split (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Split a Draft Wire into two Draft Wires. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft_Split'
  a=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), b=Vector (2.0, 2.0, 0.0)
  c=Vector (2.0, 4.0, 0.0), d=Vector (6.0, 4.0, 0.0)
  Split at
  p=Vector (2.0, 2.0, 0.0), index=1
test_stretch (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Stretch a line. NOT IMPLEMENTED. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft Stretch'
  This test requires an object and a selection
  a=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), b=Vector (1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
  Arguments to placeholder function
  p1=<Part::Part2DObject>; p2=Vector (4.0, 1.0, 0.0)
  p3=None; p4=None
  #    This test is not implemented currently
  Automatic PASS
test_trim (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Trim a line. NOT IMPLEMENTED. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft Trimex trim'
  a=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), b=Vector (3.0, 3.0, 0.0)
  Line 2
  c=Vector (2.0, 2.0, 0.0), d=Vector (4.0, 2.0, 0.0)
  Arguments to placeholder function             (100.0 %)
  p1=<Part::Part2DObject>; p2=<Part::Part2DObject>
  p3=None; p4=None
  #    This test is not implemented currently
  Automatic PASS
test_upgrade (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Upgrade two Lines into a closed Wire, then draftify it. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft Upgrade'
  Line 1
  a=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), b=Vector (2.0, 2.0, 0.0)
  Line 2
  b=Vector (2.0, 2.0, 0.0), c=Vector (2.0, 4.0, 0.0)
----------------                                (100.0 %)
Upgrade objects
Found several wires or edges: wiring them
  1: Result 'Wire' (Part::Feature)              (100.0 %)
Upgrade objects
trying: closing it
Found 1 open wire: closing it
  2: Result 'Wire' (Part::Feature)              (100.0 %)
Upgrade objects
Found closed wires: creating faces
  3: Result 'Face' (Part::Feature)              (100.0 %)
Upgrade objects
Found 1 non-parametric objects: draftifying it
  4: Result 'Wire' (Part::Part2DObjectPython)   (100.0 %)
Upgrade objects
Unable to upgrade these objects.
  The last object cannot be upgraded further    (100.0 %)
test_wire_to_bspline (drafttests.test_modification.DraftModification)
Convert a polyline to BSpline and back. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftModification'
  Test 'Draft WireToBSpline'
  a=Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), b=Vector (2.0, 2.0, 0.0)
  c=Vector (2.0, 4.0, 0.0)
  1: Result 'BSpline' (Part::Part2DObjectPython)(100.0 %)
  2: Result 'Wire' (Part::Part2DObjectPython)
test_get_extended_wire (drafttests.test_draftgeomutils.TestDraftGeomUtils)
Test the DraftGeomUtils.get_extended_wire function. ...
  Test 'DraftGeomUtils.get_extended_wire'
  Running tests with wire1
  Running tests with wire2
  Running tests with wire3
  Running tests with wire4
  Running tests with wire5
  Running tests with wire6
  Running tests with wire7
  Running tests with wire8
  Test completed, 248 subtests run
test_export_svg (drafttests.test_svg.DraftSVG)
Create some figures and export them to an SVG file. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftSVG'
  Test 'importSVG.export'
  Arguments to placeholder function
  p1=/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/../../share/freecad/Mod/Draft/drafttest/out_test.svg; p2=None
  p3=None; p4=None
  #    This test is not implemented currently
  Automatic PASS
test_get_svg_from_arch_space_with_zero_vector (drafttests.test_svg.DraftSVG)
Try to get a svg string from an Arch Space with a zero-vector as direction. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftSVG'
test_read_svg (drafttests.test_svg.DraftSVG)
Read an SVG file and import its elements as Draf(100.0 %). ...                                          (50.0 %)
  Temporary document 'DraftSVG'
  Test 'importSVG.import'
  This test requires an SVG file to read.
  Arguments to placeholder function
  p1=/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/../../share/freecad/Mod/Draft/drafttest/test.svg; p2=None
  p3=None; p4=None
  #    This test is not implemented currently
  Automatic PASS
test_export_dxf (drafttests.test_dxf.DraftDXF)
Create some figures and export them to a DXF file. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftDXF'
  Test 'importDXF.export'
  Arguments to placeholder function
  p1=/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/../../share/freecad/Mod/Draft/drafttest/out_test.dxf; p2=None
  p3=None; p4=None
  #    This test is not implemented currently
  Automatic PASS
test_read_dxf (drafttests.test_dxf.DraftDXF)
Read a DXF file and import its elements as Draft objects. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftDXF'
  Test 'importDXF.import'
  This test requires a DXF file to read.
  Arguments to placeholder function
  p1=/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/../../share/freecad/Mod/Draft/drafttest/test.dxf; p2=None
  p3=None; p4=None
  #    This test is not implemented currently
  Automatic PASS
test_export_dwg (drafttests.test_dwg.DraftDWG)
Create some figures and export them to a DWG file. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftDWG'
  Test 'importDWG.export'
  Arguments to placeholder function
  p1=/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/../../share/freecad/Mod/Draft/drafttest/out_test.dwg; p2=None
  p3=None; p4=None
  #    This test is not implemented currently
  Automatic PASS
test_read_dwg (drafttests.test_dwg.DraftDWG)
Read a DWG file and import its elements as Draft objects. ...
  Temporary document 'DraftDWG'
  Test 'importDWG.import'
  This test requires a DWG file to read.
  Arguments to placeholder function
  p1=/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/../../share/freecad/Mod/Draft/drafttest/test.dwg; p2=None
  p3=None; p4=None
  #    This test is not implemented currently
  Automatic PASS
testConstraintWithExpression (SketcherTests.TestSketchExpression.TestSketchExpression) ... ok
testBasicFillet (SketcherTests.TestSketchFillet.TestSketchFillet) ... ok
testCoincident (SketcherTests.TestSketchFillet.TestSketchFillet) ... Recompute......
Recompute......cherTests.TestSketchFillet.TestSketchFillet) ...                                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......ketcherTests.TestSketchFillet.TestSketchFillet) ...                                              (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
testHorizontalVertical (SketcherTests.TestSketchFillet.TestSketchFillet) ... ok
Recompute......ner (SketcherTests.TestSketchFillet.TestSketchFillet) ...                                                (100.0 %)
Recompute......ct (SketcherTests.TestSketchFillet.TestSketchFillet) ...                                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......SketcherTests.TestSketchFillet.TestSketchFillet) ...                                             (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......etcherTests.TestSketchFillet.TestSketchFillet) ...                                               (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute...... (SketcherTests.TestSketchFillet.TestSketchFillet) ...                                           (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......Curve (SketcherTests.TestSketchFillet.TestSketchFillet) ...                                              (100.0 %)
testBlockConstraintEllipse (SketcherTests.TestSketcherSolver.TestSketcherSolver) ... ok
Recompute......etcherTests.TestSketcherSolver.TestSketcherSolver) ...                                           (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......SketcherTests.TestSketcherSolver.TestSketcherSolver) ...                                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute...... (SketcherTests.TestSketcherSolver.TestSketcherSolver) ...                                               (100.0 %)
Recompute......ketcherTests.TestSketcherSolver.TestSketcherSolver) ...                                          (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......onCase (PartDesignTests.TestBoolean.TestBoolean) ...                                             (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute failed! Please check report view.
Recompute......                                 (94.0 %)
Recompute......ase (PartDesignTests.TestBoolean.(100.0 %)an) ...                                                (5.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute failed! Please check report view.
Recompute......                                 (94.0 %)
Recompute......Case (PartDesignTests.TestBoolean(100.0 %)ean) ...                                               (5.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute failed! Please check report view.
Recompute......                                 (94.0 %)
Recompute......ToOctahedron (PartDesignTests.Tes(100.0 %)TestChamfer) ...                                               (5.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......ine (PartDesignTests.TestDatum.Te(100.0 %)ne) ...                                                (10.0 %)
Recompute......e (PartDesignTests.TestDatum.Test(100.0 %)e) ...                                                 (11.0 %)
Recompute......Point (PartDesignTests.TestDatum.(100.0 %)Point) ...                                             (11.0 %)
Recompute...... (PartDesignTests.TestDraft.TestD(100.0 %)                                               (11.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......oSphere (PartDesignTests.TestFill(100.0 %)llet) ...                                              (8.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......Hole (PartDesignTests.TestHole.Te(100.0 %)..                                             (10.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Looking for thread definitions in: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/../../share/freecad/Mod/PartDesign/Resources/Hole /home/c0rn3j/.local/share/FreeCAD/PartDesign/Hole
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......Hole (PartDesignTests.TestHole.Te(100.0 %)..                                             (9.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Looking for thread definitions in: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/../../share/freecad/Mod/PartDesign/Resources/Hole /home/c0rn3j/.local/share/FreeCAD/PartDesign/Hole
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......Hole (PartDesignTests.TestHole.Te(100.0 %)..                                             (9.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Looking for thread definitions in: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/../../share/freecad/Mod/PartDesign/Resources/Hole /home/c0rn3j/.local/share/FreeCAD/PartDesign/Hole
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......PartDesignTests.TestHole.TestHole(100.0 %)                                       (9.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Looking for thread definitions in: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/../../share/freecad/Mod/PartDesign/Resources/Hole /home/c0rn3j/.local/share/FreeCAD/PartDesign/Hole
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute...... (PartDesignTests.TestHole.TestHo(100.0 %)                                               (9.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Looking for thread definitions in: /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/../../share/freecad/Mod/PartDesign/Resources/Hole /home/c0rn3j/.local/share/FreeCAD/PartDesign/Hole
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......ketchAxisLinearPattern (PartDesig(100.0 %)stLinearPattern.TestLinearPattern) ...                                                 (9.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......hAxisLinearPattern (PartDesignTes(100.0 %)nearPattern.TestLinearPattern) ...                                             (9.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......tchAxisLinearPattern (PartDesignT(100.0 %)LinearPattern.TestLinearPattern) ...                                           (9.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......Pattern (PartDesignTests.TestLine(100.0 %).TestLinearPattern) ...                                                (9.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......Pattern (PartDesignTests.TestLine(100.0 %).TestLinearPattern) ...                                                (10.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......Pattern (PartDesignTests.TestLine(100.0 %).TestLinearPattern) ...                                                (10.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......iveLoftCase (PartDesignTests.Test(100.0 %)Loft) ...                                              (10.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......activeLoftCase (PartDesignTests.T(100.0 %)estLoft) ...                                           (9.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......setCase (PartDesignTests.TestMirr(100.0 %)Mirrored) ...                                          (7.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Transformed: Result has multiple solids. Only keeping the first.
testMirroredPrimitiveCase (PartDesignTests.TestMirrored.TestMirrored)
Recompute......mirroring scenario as in the sket(100.0 %)...                                            (9.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
testMirroredSketchCase (PartDesignTests.TestMirrored.TestMirrored)
Recompute......cube cornered at the origin and m(100.0 %) about the Y axis. ...                                                 (10.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......orm (PartDesignTests.TestMultiTra(100.0 %)stMultiTransform) ...                                          (9.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......rtDesignTests.TestPad.TestPad) ..(100.0 %)                                       (7.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
ok (PartDesignTests.TestPad.TestP(100.0 %)                                               (50.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......ase (PartDesignTests.TestPad.Test(100.0 %)                                               (8.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......sionsCase (PartDesignTests.TestPa(100.0 %)) ...                                          (8.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
ok (PartDesignTests.TestPad.TestP(100.0 %)                                               (8.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
ok (PartDesignTests.TestPad.TestP(100.0 %)                                               (8.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......ivePipeCase (PartDesignTests.Test(100.0 %)Pipe) ...                                              (10.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......activePipeCase (PartDesignTests.T(100.0 %)estPipe) ...                                           (9.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......sionCase (PartDesignTests.TestPoc(100.0 %)ocket) ...                                             (7.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......ghAllCase (PartDesignTests.TestPo(100.0 %)Pocket) ...                                            (8.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......eCase (PartDesignTests.TestPocket(100.0 %)et) ...                                                (7.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute failed! Please check report view.
Recompute......                                 (85.0 %)
Recompute......stCase (PartDesignTests.TestPocke(100.0 %)ket) ...                                               (7.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......ketchAxisPolarPattern (PartDesign(100.0 %)tPolarPattern.TestPolarPattern) ...                                            (7.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......hAxisPolarPattern (PartDesignTest(100.0 %)arPattern.TestPolarPattern) ...                                                (9.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......tchAxisPolarPattern (PartDesignTe(100.0 %)olarPattern.TestPolarPattern) ...                                              (9.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......attern (PartDesignTests.TestPolar(100.0 %)estPolarPattern) ...                                           (9.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......attern (PartDesignTests.TestPolar(100.0 %)estPolarPattern) ...                                           (10.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......attern (PartDesignTests.TestPolar(100.0 %)estPolarPattern) ...                                           (10.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......x (PartDesignTests.TestPrimitive.(100.0 %)tive) ...                                              (10.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
ok (PartDesignTests.TestPrimitive(100.0 %)itive) ...                                             (10.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......linder (PartDesignTests.TestPrimi(100.0 %)Primitive) ...                                                 (10.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......lipsoid (PartDesignTests.TestPrim(100.0 %)tPrimitive) ...                                                (10.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......ism (PartDesignTests.TestPrimitiv(100.0 %)mitive) ...                                            (10.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
ok (PartDesignTests.TestPrimiti(100.0 %)imitive) ...                                           (10.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......rus (PartDesignTests.TestPrimitiv(100.0 %)mitive) ...                                            (10.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......dge (PartDesignTests.TestPrimitiv(100.0 %)mitive) ...                                            (10.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......(PartDesignTests.TestRevolve.Test(100.0 %)...                                            (10.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute...... (PartDesignTests.TestRevolve.Tes(100.0 %) ...                                           (10.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......eBinderCase (PartDesignTests.Test(100.0 %)er.TestShapeBinder) ...                                                (10.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......ckness (PartDesignTests.TestThick(100.0 %)Thickness) ...                                                 (5.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
testGetters (TestPartApp.PartTestBSplineCurve)
only check if the function doesn't crash ... ok
Recompute......TestPartApp.PartTestBSplineCurve)(100.0 %)                                       (10.0 %)
Recompute......TestPartApp.PartTestBSplineCurve)(100.0 %)                                       (33.0 %)
testProperties (TestPartApp.PartTestBSplineCurve) ... ok
testSetters (TestPartApp.PartTestBSplineCurve) ... ok
Recompute......stPartApp.PartTestCases) ...     (100.0 %)                               (33.0 %)
testIssue2985 (TestPartApp.PartTestCases) ... ok
test_issue_4456 (parttests.regression_tests.RegressionTests)
0004456: Regression : Part.Plane.Intersect do not accept plane as argument ... ok
saving...... (MeshTestsApp.LoadMeshInThreadsCases) ...                                          (100.0 %)
testSphereMesh (MeshTestsApp.LoadMeshInThreadsCases) ... ok
create mesh structure......App.MeshGeoTestCases)(99.0 %))
create mesh structure......sApp.MeshGeoTestCases(100.0 %)                                       (25.0 %)
create mesh structure......eshTestsApp.MeshGeoTe(100.0 %)...                                            (25.0 %)
create mesh structure......Edges (MeshTestsApp.M(100.0 %)tCases) ...                                            (25.0 %)
create mesh structure......ingEdges (MeshTestsAp(100.0 %)TestCases) ...                                                 (25.0 %)
create mesh structure......dges (MeshTestsApp.Me(100.0 %)Cases) ...                                             (25.0 %)
create mesh structure......riangles (MeshTestsAp(100.0 %)TestCases) ...                                                 (25.0 %)
create mesh structure......edMesh (MeshTestsApp.(100.0 %)stCases) ...                                           (25.0 %)
create mesh (MeshTestsApp.Mesh(100.0 %)ses) ...                                               (25.0 %)
create mesh structure......hTestsApp.MeshGeoTest(100.0 %).                                              (25.0 %)
create mesh structure......shTestsApp.MeshGeoTes(100.0 %)..                                             (25.0 %)
Checking for self-intersections......shGeoTestCa(100.0 %)                                               (25.0 %)
Checking topology...... (MeshTestsApp.MeshSplitTestCases) ...                                           (100.0 %)
Checking indices......                          (100.0 %)
Checking topology......s_01 (MeshTestsApp.MeshSp(100.0 %)ses) ...                                               (7.0 %)
Checking indices......                          (100.0 %)
Checking topology......s_02 (MeshTestsApp.MeshSp(100.0 %)ses) ...                                               (6.0 %)
Checking indices......                          (100.0 %)
Checking topology......s_10 (MeshTestsApp.MeshSp(100.0 %)ses) ...                                               (6.0 %)
Checking indices......                          (100.0 %)
Checking topology......s_12 (MeshTestsApp.MeshSp(100.0 %)ses) ...                                               (6.0 %)
Checking indices......                          (100.0 %)
Checking topology......s_20 (MeshTestsApp.MeshSp(100.0 %)ses) ...                                               (6.0 %)
Checking indices......                          (100.0 %)
Checking topology......s_21 (MeshTestsApp.MeshSp(100.0 %)ses) ...                                               (6.0 %)
Checking indices......                          (100.0 %)
Checking topology......s_5teps (MeshTestsApp.Mes(100.0 %)tCases) ...                                            (6.0 %)
Checking indices......                          (100.0 %)
testCenterOfGravity (MeshTestsApp.MeshSubElement) ... ok
testCountSubElements (MeshTestsApp.MeshSubElement) ... ok
testFacesFromSubElement (MeshTestsApp.MeshSubElement) ... ok
testSegmentSubElement (MeshTestsApp.MeshSubElement) ... ok
testSubElements (MeshTestsApp.MeshSubElement) ... ok
create mesh structure......TestsApp.MeshTopoTest(100.0 %).                                              (3.0 %)
create mesh structure......(MeshTestsApp.MeshTop(100.0 %)s) ...                                                 (2.0 %)
create mesh structure......eshTestsApp.MeshTopoT(100.0 %) ...                                           (2.0 %)
create mesh structure......                     (100.0 %)
create mesh structure......                     (100.0 %)
create mesh structure......                     (100.0 %)
create mesh structure......                     (100.0 %)
create mesh structure......                     (100.0 %)
create mesh structure......                     (100.0 %)
create mesh structure......                     (100.0 %)
create mesh structure......                     (100.0 %)
create mesh structure......                     (100.0 %)
create mesh structure......                     (100.0 %)
create mesh structure......                     (100.0 %)
create mesh structure......                     (100.0 %)
create mesh structure......                     (100.0 %)
create mesh structure......                     (100.0 %)
create mesh structure......                     (100.0 %)
create mesh structure......                     (100.0 %)
create mesh structure......                     (100.0 %)
testCorruptedFacet (MeshTestsApp.MeshTopoTestCases) ... ok
testCTRIA3Element (MeshTestsApp.NastranReader) ... ok
testDelimitedGRIDElement (MeshTestsApp.NastranReader) ... ok
testEightCharGRIDElement (MeshTestsApp.NastranReader) ... ok
testSixteenCharGRIDElement (MeshTestsApp.NastranReader) ... ok
testPrimitiveCount (MeshTestsApp.PivyTestCases) ... ok
testRayPick (MeshTestsApp.PivyTestCases) ... ok
testFitBad (MeshTestsApp.PolynomialFitCases) ... ok
testFitExact (MeshTestsApp.PolynomialFitCases) ... ok
testFitGood (MeshTestsApp.PolynomialFitCases) ... ok
Call from Python thread (not synchronized): count=10.0 %)...                                            (2.0 %)
Call from Python thread (not synchronized): count=2
Call from Python thread (not synchronized): count=3
Call from Python thread (not synchronized): count=4
Call from Python thread (not synchronized): count=5
Call from Python thread (not synchronized): count=6
Call from Python thread (not synchronized): count=7
Call from Python thread (not synchronized): count=8
Call from Python thread (not synchronized): count=9
Call from Python thread (not synchronized): count=10
testPrint (BaseTests.ConsoleTestCase) ...    Printing message
   Printing error
   Printing warning
testSynchronPrintFromThread (BaseTests.ConsoleTestCase) ... Call from Python thread: count=1
Call from Python thread: count=2
Call from Python thread: count=3
Call from Python thread: count=4
Call from Python thread: count=5
Call from Python thread: count=6
Call from Python thread: count=7
Call from Python thread: count=8
Call from Python thread: count=9
Call from Python thread: count=10
testAngle (BaseTests.ParameterTestCase) ... ok
testAngleWithNullVector (BaseTests.ParameterTestCase) ... ok
testBool (BaseTests.ParameterTestCase) ... ok
testBounding (BaseTests.ParameterTestCase) ... ok
testExportImport (BaseTests.ParameterTestCase) ... ok
testFloat (BaseTests.ParameterTestCase) ... ok
testGroup (BaseTests.ParameterTestCase) ... ok
testInt (BaseTests.ParameterTestCase) ... ok
testMatrix (BaseTests.ParameterTestCase) ... ok
testNesting (BaseTests.ParameterTestCase) ... ok
testRotAndMoveMatrix (BaseTests.ParameterTestCase) ... ok
testRotation (BaseTests.ParameterTestCase) ... ok
testString (BaseTests.ParameterTestCase) ... ok
testYawPitchRoll (BaseTests.ParameterTestCase) ... ok
testConversions (UnitTests.UnitBasicCases) ... ok
testDivide (UnitTests.UnitBasicCases) ... ok
testEnergy (UnitTests.UnitBasicCases) ... ok
testImperial (UnitTests.UnitBasicCases) ... ok
testSchemeTranslation (UnitTests.UnitBasicCases) ... b'10.0 mm : 9.524999999999999 mm : (\'3/8"\', 25.4, \'in\') : CentiMetre : Building US (ft-in/sqft/cft)'
b'100.0 mm : 98.425 mm : (\'3+7/8"\', 25.4, \'in\') : DeciMetre : Building US (ft-in/sqft/cft)'
b'1000000.0 mm : 1000001.175 mm : (\'3280\\\' 10+1/8"\', 25.4, \'in\') : KiloMetre : Building US (ft-in/sqft/cft)'
b"1000000.0 kg/s^2 : 999999.5503821528 kg/s^2 : ('5710.1466608456139511 lbf/in', 175.1268503937008, 'lbf/in') : MegaNewtonPerMeter : US customary (in/lb)"
b"1000000.0 kg/s^2 : 999999.5503821528 kg/s^2 : ('5710.1466608456139511 lbf/in', 175.1268503937008, 'lbf/in') : MegaNewtonPerMeter : Imperial decimal (in/lb)"
b"1000000.0 kg/s^2 : 999999.5503821528 kg/s^2 : ('5710.1466608456139511 lbf/in', 175.1268503937008, 'lbf/in') : MegaNewtonPerMeter : Imperial for Civil Eng (ft, ft/sec)"
b'1000.0 mm : 1000.1250000000001 mm : (\'3\\\' 3+3/8"\', 25.4, \'in\') : Metre : Building US (ft-in/sqft/cft)'
b"1e-12 s^3*A^2/(mm^2*kg) : 1.0 : ('1.0000000000000000 \xc3\x82\xc2\xb5S', 1e-12, '\xc3\x82\xc2\xb5S') : MicroSiemens : Standard (mm/kg/s/degree)"
b"1e-12 s^3*A^2/(mm^2*kg) : 1.0 : ('1.0000000000000000 \xc3\x82\xc2\xb5S', 1e-12, '\xc3\x82\xc2\xb5S') : MicroSiemens : MKS (m/kg/s/degree)"
b"1.0 mm : 0.0 : ('0', 25.4, 'in') : MilliMetre : Building US (ft-in/sqft/cft)"
b"0.0254 mm : 0.0 : ('0', 25.4, 'in') : Thou : Building US (ft-in/sqft/cft)"
testSchemes (UnitTests.UnitBasicCases) ... ok
testSelfConsistency (UnitTests.UnitBasicCases) ... ok
testTrigonometric (UnitTests.UnitBasicCases) ... ok
testVoltage (UnitTests.UnitBasicCases) ... ok
testIssue0003323 (Document.DocumentBacklinks) ... ok
testAbortTransaction (Document.DocumentBasicCases) ... ok
testAddRemove (Document.DocumentBasicCases) ... ok
testAddRemoveUndo (Document.DocumentBasicCases) ... ok
testAddition (Document.DocumentBasicCases) ... ok
testCreateDestroy (Document.DocumentBasicCases) ... ok
testDuplicateLinks (Document.DocumentBasicCases) ... ok
testEnum (Document.DocumentBasicCases) ... ok
testExtensionBug0002785 (Document.DocumentBasicCases) ... ok
testExtensionBugViewProvider (Document.DocumentBasicCases) ... ok
testExtensionGroup (Document.DocumentBasicCases) ... ok
testExtensions (Document.DocumentBasicCases) ... ok
testMem (Document.DocumentBasicCases) ... ok
testNoRecompute (Document.DocumentBasicCases) ... Recompute......
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......Parent (Document.DocumentBasicCases) ...                                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
testNotification_Issue2902Part2 (Document.DocumentBasicCases) ... ok
testNotification_Issue2996 (Document.DocumentBasicCases) ... ok
Recompute......cument.DocumentBasicCases) ...   (100.0 %)                               (50.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Importing project files......ocumentBasicCases) ...                                             (100.0 %)
testPropertyLink_Issue2902Part1 (Document.DocumentBasicCases) ... ok
testRemoval (Document.DocumentBasicCases) ... ok
Recompute......(Document.DocumentExpressionCases) ...                                           (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
testIssue4649 (Document.DocumentExpressionCases) ... onChanged <Document.DocumentExpressionCases.testIssue4649.<locals>.Cls object at 0x7f7f9ffba740> <group object> Proxy
onChanged <Document.DocumentExpressionCases.testIssue4649.<locals>.Cls object at 0x7f7f9ffba740> <group object> ExpressionEngine
onChanged <Document.DocumentExpressionCases.testIssue4649.<locals>.Cls object at 0x7f7f9ffba740> <group object> ExpressionEngine
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
onChanged <Document.DocumentExpressionCases.testIssue4649.<locals>.Cls object at 0x7f7f9ffba740> <group object> propA
Removing expression...
onChanged <Document.DocumentExpressionCases.testIssue4649.<locals>.Cls object at 0x7f7f9ffba740> <group object> ExpressionEngine
onChanged <Document.DocumentExpressionCases.testIssue4649.<locals>.Cls object at 0x7f7f9ffba740> <group object> _GroupTouched
onChanged <Document.DocumentExpressionCases.testIssue4649.<locals>.Cls object at 0x7f7f9ffba740> <group object> propA
Removing expression...
onChanged <Document.DocumentExpressionCases.testIssue4649.<locals>.Cls object at 0x7f7f9ffba740> <group object> ExpressionEngine
onChanged <Document.DocumentExpressionCases.testIssue4649.<locals>.Cls object at 0x7f7f9ffba740> <group object> ExpressionEngine
onChanged <Document.DocumentExpressionCases.testIssue4649.<locals>.Cls object at 0x7f7f9ffba740> <group object> propA
Removing expression...
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
onChanged <Document.DocumentExpressionCases.testIssue4649.<locals>.Cls object at 0x7f7f9ffba740> <group object> propA
Removing expression...
onChanged <Document.DocumentExpressionCases.testIssue4649.<locals>.Cls object at 0x7f7f9ffba740> <group object> _GroupTouched
FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Test/<class 'AttributeError'>: Module Document has no class Cls
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
Importing project files......mentFileIncludeCases) ...                                          (100.0 %)
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
Importing project files......                   (100.0 %)
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
testGroup (Document.DocumentGroupCases) ... ok
Recompute......FeatureGroup (Document.DocumentGroupCases) ...                                           (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
App::FeatureTest / Fusion: Links go out of the allowed scope
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
App::FeatureTest / Fusion: Links go out of the allowed scope
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
2e-08 <App> Document.cpp(3205): The graph must be a DAG.
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
0.000180918 <App> Document.cpp(3560): GroupTests#Part2 still touched after recompute
Recompute......                                 (9.0 %)
testIssue0003150Part2 (Document.DocumentGroupCases) ... ok
testDocument (Document.DocumentObserverCases) ... ok
testGuiObserver (Document.DocumentObserverCases) ... ok
Recompute......ument.DocumentObserverCases) ... (100.0 %)                                       (4.0 %)
testRemoveObserver (Document.DocumentObserverCases) ... ok
testSave (Document.DocumentObserverCases) ... ok
testUndoDisabledDocument (Document.DocumentObserverCases) ... ok
Importing project files......entPlatformCases) ...                                              (100.0 %)
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
Importing project files......entPlatformCases) ...                                              (100.0 %)
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
Importing project files......PlatformCases) ...                                                 (100.0 %)
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
Importing project files......mentPlatformCases) ...                                             (100.0 %)
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
Importing project files......tPropertyCases) ...                                                (100.0 %)
File was not written with this version of the topology%)
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
Recompute......rty (Document.DocumentPropertyCases) ...                                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......rtyExpression (Document.DocumentPropertyCases) ...                                               (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
testRemovePropertyOnChange (Document.DocumentPropertyCases) ... ok
testDescent (Document.DocumentRecomputeCases) ... ok
testRecompute (Document.DocumentRecomputeCases) ... <App::FeatureTest object>
<App::FeatureTest object>
<App::FeatureTest object>
<App::FeatureTest object>
<App::FeatureTest object>
<App::FeatureTest object>
<App::FeatureTest object>
<App::FeatureTest object>
<App::FeatureTest object>
<App::FeatureTest object>
<App::FeatureTest object>
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
testActiveDocument (Document.DocumentSaveRestoreCases) ... ok
Postprocessing......tore (Document.DocumentSaveR(100.0 %)es) ...                                                (9.0 %)
Importing project files......ocument.DocumentSaveRestoreCases) ...                                              (100.0 %)
Document with the UUID 'fe589bf9-c1b2-43ef-9bc9-bca40dd66c1b' already exists, change to 'e350b59e-8bf9-4ed3-8d35-5804a1325b0f'
Importing project files......                   (100.0 %)
Importing project files......tSaveRestoreCases) (100.0 %)                                       (8.0 %)
Importing project files......DocumentSaveRestore(100.0 %).                                              (25.0 %)
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
testUndo (Document.UndoRedoCases) ... ok
testUndoClear (Document.UndoRedoCases) ... ok
testUndoInList (Document.UndoRedoCases) ... ok
Recompute......03150Part1 (Document.UndoRedoCases) ...                                          (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
testUndoProperties (Document.UndoRedoCases) ... ok
Importing project files......sts.DocumentSaveRes(100.0 %)) ...                                          (16.0 %)
Postprocessing......                            (100.0 %)
testUnicodeLabel (UnicodeTests.UnicodeBasicCases) ... ok
testAll (TestPythonSyntax.PythonSyntaxTestCase) ... ok

ERROR: test_box_static_0_mm (
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 147, in test_box_static_0_mm
    ret = testtools.compare_files(startinfo_given, startinfo_totest)
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 237, in compare_files
    file2 = open(file_name2, "r")
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_box_static_0_mm_bfc33fba65f5/ELMERSOLVER_STARTINFO'

FAIL: test_ccxcantilever_faceload_0_mm (
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 172, in test_ccxcantilever_faceload_0_mm
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 248, in input_file_writing_test
AssertionError: 'Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/elmer/ccxcantilever_faceload_0_mm.sif to /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_faceload_0_mm_69f8f903caed/case.sif failed!\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -7,82 +7 @@\n-Solver 1\n-  Bubbles = Logical False\n-  Calculate Pangle = Logical False\n-  Calculate Principal = Logical False\n-  Calculate Strains = Logical False\n-  Calculate Stresses = Logical False\n-  Displace mesh = Logical False\n-  Eigen Analysis = Logical False\n-  Eigen System Values = Integer 5\n-  Equation = String "Elasticity"\n-  Exec Solver = String "Always"\n-  Linear System Abort Not Converged = Logical False\n-  Linear System Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-08\n-  Linear System Iterative Method = String "BiCGStab"\n-  Linear System Max Iterations = Integer 500\n-  Linear System Precondition Recompute = Integer 1\n-  Linear System Preconditioning = String "ILU0"\n-  Linear System Residual Output = Integer 1\n-  Linear System Solver = String "Iterative"\n-  Optimize Bandwidth = Logical True\n-  Procedure = File "StressSolve" "StressSolver"\n-  Stabilize = Logical True\n-  Steady State Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-05\n-  Variable = String "Displacement"\n-  Variable DOFs = Integer 3\n-End\n-\n-Simulation \n-  BDF Order = Integer 1\n-  Coordinate Mapping(3) = Integer 1 2 3\n-  Coordinate System = String "Cartesian 3D"\n-  Output Intervals = Integer 1\n-  Simulation Type = String "Steady state"\n-  Steady State Max Iterations = Integer 1\n-  Steady State Min Iterations = Integer 0\n-  Timestepping Method = String "BDF"\n-  Use Mesh Names = Logical True\n-End\n-\n-Constants \n-End\n-\n-Body 1\n-  Equation = Integer 1\n-  Material = Integer 1\n-  Name = String "Solid1"\n-End\n-\n-Material 1\n-  Poisson ratio = Real 0.3\n-  Youngs Modulus = Real 210000000.0\n-End\n-\n-Equation 1\n-  Active Solvers(2) = Integer 1 2\n-End\n-\n-Solver 2\n-  Equation = String "ResultOutput"\n-  Exec Solver = String "After simulation"\n-  Output File Name = File "case"\n-  Procedure = File "ResultOutputSolve" "ResultOutputSolver"\n-  Vtu Format = Logical True\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 1\n-  Displacement 1 = Real 0.0\n-  Displacement 2 = Real 0.0\n-  Displacement 3 = Real 0.0\n-  Name = String "Face1"\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 2\n-  Force 1 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 2 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 3 = Real -9000000000.0\n-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Name = String "Face2"\n-End\n-\n+Solver 1' is not false : Elmer write_inp_file for ccxcantilever_faceload_0_mm test failed.
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/elmer/ccxcantilever_faceload_0_mm.sif to /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_faceload_0_mm_69f8f903caed/case.sif failed!
@@ -7,82 +7 @@
-Solver 1
-  Bubbles = Logical False
-  Calculate Pangle = Logical False
-  Calculate Principal = Logical False
-  Calculate Strains = Logical False
-  Calculate Stresses = Logical False
-  Displace mesh = Logical False
-  Eigen Analysis = Logical False
-  Eigen System Values = Integer 5
-  Equation = String "Elasticity"
-  Exec Solver = String "Always"
-  Linear System Abort Not Converged = Logical False
-  Linear System Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-08
-  Linear System Iterative Method = String "BiCGStab"
-  Linear System Max Iterations = Integer 500
-  Linear System Precondition Recompute = Integer 1
-  Linear System Preconditioning = String "ILU0"
-  Linear System Residual Output = Integer 1
-  Linear System Solver = String "Iterative"
-  Optimize Bandwidth = Logical True
-  Procedure = File "StressSolve" "StressSolver"
-  Stabilize = Logical True
-  Steady State Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-05
-  Variable = String "Displacement"
-  Variable DOFs = Integer 3
-  BDF Order = Integer 1
-  Coordinate Mapping(3) = Integer 1 2 3
-  Coordinate System = String "Cartesian 3D"
-  Output Intervals = Integer 1
-  Simulation Type = String "Steady state"
-  Steady State Max Iterations = Integer 1
-  Steady State Min Iterations = Integer 0
-  Timestepping Method = String "BDF"
-  Use Mesh Names = Logical True
-Body 1
-  Equation = Integer 1
-  Material = Integer 1
-  Name = String "Solid1"
-Material 1
-  Poisson ratio = Real 0.3
-  Youngs Modulus = Real 210000000.0
-Equation 1
-  Active Solvers(2) = Integer 1 2
-Solver 2
-  Equation = String "ResultOutput"
-  Exec Solver = String "After simulation"
-  Output File Name = File "case"
-  Procedure = File "ResultOutputSolve" "ResultOutputSolver"
-  Vtu Format = Logical True
-Boundary Condition 1
-  Displacement 1 = Real 0.0
-  Displacement 2 = Real 0.0
-  Displacement 3 = Real 0.0
-  Name = String "Face1"
-Boundary Condition 2
-  Force 1 = Real -0.0
-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 2 = Real -0.0
-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 3 = Real -9000000000.0
-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Name = String "Face2"
+Solver 1

FAIL: test_ccxcantilever_faceload_1_si (
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 189, in test_ccxcantilever_faceload_1_si
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 248, in input_file_writing_test
AssertionError: 'Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/elmer/ccxcantilever_faceload_1_si.sif to /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_faceload_1_si_f8d05c4d75b6/case.sif failed!\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -7,84 +7 @@\n-Solver 1\n-  Bubbles = Logical False\n-  Calculate Pangle = Logical False\n-  Calculate Principal = Logical False\n-  Calculate Strains = Logical False\n-  Calculate Stresses = Logical False\n-  Displace mesh = Logical False\n-  Eigen Analysis = Logical False\n-  Eigen System Values = Integer 5\n-  Equation = String "Elasticity"\n-  Exec Solver = String "Always"\n-  Linear System Abort Not Converged = Logical False\n-  Linear System Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-08\n-  Linear System Iterative Method = String "BiCGStab"\n-  Linear System Max Iterations = Integer 500\n-  Linear System Precondition Recompute = Integer 1\n-  Linear System Preconditioning = String "ILU0"\n-  Linear System Residual Output = Integer 1\n-  Linear System Solver = String "Iterative"\n-  Optimize Bandwidth = Logical True\n-  Procedure = File "StressSolve" "StressSolver"\n-  Stabilize = Logical True\n-  Steady State Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-05\n-  Variable = String "Displacement"\n-  Variable DOFs = Integer 3\n-End\n-\n-Simulation \n-  BDF Order = Integer 1\n-  Coordinate Mapping(3) = Integer 1 2 3\n-  Coordinate Scaling = Real 0.001\n-  Coordinate System = String "Cartesian 3D"\n-  Output Intervals = Integer 1\n-  Simulation Type = String "Steady state"\n-  Steady State Max Iterations = Integer 1\n-  Steady State Min Iterations = Integer 0\n-  Timestepping Method = String "BDF"\n-  Use Mesh Names = Logical True\n-End\n-\n-Constants \n-End\n-\n-Body 1\n-  Equation = Integer 1\n-  Material = Integer 1\n-  Name = String "Solid1"\n-End\n-\n-Material 1\n-  Poisson ratio = Real 0.3\n-  Youngs Modulus = Real 210000000000.0\n-End\n-\n-Equation 1\n-  Active Solvers(2) = Integer 1 2\n-End\n-\n-Solver 2\n-  Coordinate Scaling Revert = Logical True\n-  Equation = String "ResultOutput"\n-  Exec Solver = String "After simulation"\n-  Output File Name = File "case"\n-  Procedure = File "ResultOutputSolve" "ResultOutputSolver"\n-  Vtu Format = Logical True\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 1\n-  Displacement 1 = Real 0.0\n-  Displacement 2 = Real 0.0\n-  Displacement 3 = Real 0.0\n-  Name = String "Face1"\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 2\n-  Force 1 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 2 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 3 = Real -9000000.0\n-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Name = String "Face2"\n-End\n-\n+Solver 1' is not false : Elmer write_inp_file for ccxcantilever_faceload_1_si test failed.
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/elmer/ccxcantilever_faceload_1_si.sif to /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_faceload_1_si_f8d05c4d75b6/case.sif failed!
@@ -7,84 +7 @@
-Solver 1
-  Bubbles = Logical False
-  Calculate Pangle = Logical False
-  Calculate Principal = Logical False
-  Calculate Strains = Logical False
-  Calculate Stresses = Logical False
-  Displace mesh = Logical False
-  Eigen Analysis = Logical False
-  Eigen System Values = Integer 5
-  Equation = String "Elasticity"
-  Exec Solver = String "Always"
-  Linear System Abort Not Converged = Logical False
-  Linear System Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-08
-  Linear System Iterative Method = String "BiCGStab"
-  Linear System Max Iterations = Integer 500
-  Linear System Precondition Recompute = Integer 1
-  Linear System Preconditioning = String "ILU0"
-  Linear System Residual Output = Integer 1
-  Linear System Solver = String "Iterative"
-  Optimize Bandwidth = Logical True
-  Procedure = File "StressSolve" "StressSolver"
-  Stabilize = Logical True
-  Steady State Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-05
-  Variable = String "Displacement"
-  Variable DOFs = Integer 3
-  BDF Order = Integer 1
-  Coordinate Mapping(3) = Integer 1 2 3
-  Coordinate Scaling = Real 0.001
-  Coordinate System = String "Cartesian 3D"
-  Output Intervals = Integer 1
-  Simulation Type = String "Steady state"
-  Steady State Max Iterations = Integer 1
-  Steady State Min Iterations = Integer 0
-  Timestepping Method = String "BDF"
-  Use Mesh Names = Logical True
-Body 1
-  Equation = Integer 1
-  Material = Integer 1
-  Name = String "Solid1"
-Material 1
-  Poisson ratio = Real 0.3
-  Youngs Modulus = Real 210000000000.0
-Equation 1
-  Active Solvers(2) = Integer 1 2
-Solver 2
-  Coordinate Scaling Revert = Logical True
-  Equation = String "ResultOutput"
-  Exec Solver = String "After simulation"
-  Output File Name = File "case"
-  Procedure = File "ResultOutputSolve" "ResultOutputSolver"
-  Vtu Format = Logical True
-Boundary Condition 1
-  Displacement 1 = Real 0.0
-  Displacement 2 = Real 0.0
-  Displacement 3 = Real 0.0
-  Name = String "Face1"
-Boundary Condition 2
-  Force 1 = Real -0.0
-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 2 = Real -0.0
-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 3 = Real -9000000.0
-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Name = String "Face2"
+Solver 1

FAIL: test_ccxcantilever_nodeload_0_mm (
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 199, in test_ccxcantilever_nodeload_0_mm
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 248, in input_file_writing_test
AssertionError: 'Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/elmer/ccxcantilever_nodeload_0_mm.sif to /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_nodeload_0_mm_bc29241c32a2/case.sif failed!\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -7,112 +7 @@\n-Solver 1\n-  Bubbles = Logical False\n-  Calculate Pangle = Logical False\n-  Calculate Principal = Logical False\n-  Calculate Strains = Logical False\n-  Calculate Stresses = Logical False\n-  Displace mesh = Logical False\n-  Eigen Analysis = Logical False\n-  Eigen System Values = Integer 5\n-  Equation = String "Elasticity"\n-  Exec Solver = String "Always"\n-  Linear System Abort Not Converged = Logical False\n-  Linear System Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-08\n-  Linear System Iterative Method = String "BiCGStab"\n-  Linear System Max Iterations = Integer 500\n-  Linear System Precondition Recompute = Integer 1\n-  Linear System Preconditioning = String "ILU0"\n-  Linear System Residual Output = Integer 1\n-  Linear System Solver = String "Iterative"\n-  Optimize Bandwidth = Logical True\n-  Procedure = File "StressSolve" "StressSolver"\n-  Stabilize = Logical True\n-  Steady State Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-05\n-  Variable = String "Displacement"\n-  Variable DOFs = Integer 3\n-End\n-\n-Simulation \n-  BDF Order = Integer 1\n-  Coordinate Mapping(3) = Integer 1 2 3\n-  Coordinate System = String "Cartesian 3D"\n-  Output Intervals = Integer 1\n-  Simulation Type = String "Steady state"\n-  Steady State Max Iterations = Integer 1\n-  Steady State Min Iterations = Integer 0\n-  Timestepping Method = String "BDF"\n-  Use Mesh Names = Logical True\n-End\n-\n-Constants \n-End\n-\n-Body 1\n-  Equation = Integer 1\n-  Material = Integer 1\n-  Name = String "Solid1"\n-End\n-\n-Material 1\n-  Poisson ratio = Real 0.3\n-  Youngs Modulus = Real 210000000.0\n-End\n-\n-Equation 1\n-  Active Solvers(2) = Integer 1 2\n-End\n-\n-Solver 2\n-  Equation = String "ResultOutput"\n-  Exec Solver = String "After simulation"\n-  Output File Name = File "case"\n-  Procedure = File "ResultOutputSolve" "ResultOutputSolver"\n-  Vtu Format = Logical True\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 1\n-  Displacement 1 = Real 0.0\n-  Displacement 2 = Real 0.0\n-  Displacement 3 = Real 0.0\n-  Name = String "Face1"\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 2\n-  Force 1 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 2 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 3 = Real -9000000000.0\n-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Name = String "Vertex5"\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 3\n-  Force 1 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 2 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 3 = Real -9000000000.0\n-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Name = String "Vertex6"\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 4\n-  Force 1 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 2 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 3 = Real -9000000000.0\n-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Name = String "Vertex7"\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 5\n-  Force 1 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 2 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 3 = Real -9000000000.0\n-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Name = String "Vertex8"\n-End\n-\n+Solver 1' is not false : Elmer write_inp_file for ccxcantilever_nodeload_0_mm test failed.
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/elmer/ccxcantilever_nodeload_0_mm.sif to /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_nodeload_0_mm_bc29241c32a2/case.sif failed!
@@ -7,112 +7 @@
-Solver 1
-  Bubbles = Logical False
-  Calculate Pangle = Logical False
-  Calculate Principal = Logical False
-  Calculate Strains = Logical False
-  Calculate Stresses = Logical False
-  Displace mesh = Logical False
-  Eigen Analysis = Logical False
-  Eigen System Values = Integer 5
-  Equation = String "Elasticity"
-  Exec Solver = String "Always"
-  Linear System Abort Not Converged = Logical False
-  Linear System Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-08
-  Linear System Iterative Method = String "BiCGStab"
-  Linear System Max Iterations = Integer 500
-  Linear System Precondition Recompute = Integer 1
-  Linear System Preconditioning = String "ILU0"
-  Linear System Residual Output = Integer 1
-  Linear System Solver = String "Iterative"
-  Optimize Bandwidth = Logical True
-  Procedure = File "StressSolve" "StressSolver"
-  Stabilize = Logical True
-  Steady State Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-05
-  Variable = String "Displacement"
-  Variable DOFs = Integer 3
-  BDF Order = Integer 1
-  Coordinate Mapping(3) = Integer 1 2 3
-  Coordinate System = String "Cartesian 3D"
-  Output Intervals = Integer 1
-  Simulation Type = String "Steady state"
-  Steady State Max Iterations = Integer 1
-  Steady State Min Iterations = Integer 0
-  Timestepping Method = String "BDF"
-  Use Mesh Names = Logical True
-Body 1
-  Equation = Integer 1
-  Material = Integer 1
-  Name = String "Solid1"
-Material 1
-  Poisson ratio = Real 0.3
-  Youngs Modulus = Real 210000000.0
-Equation 1
-  Active Solvers(2) = Integer 1 2
-Solver 2
-  Equation = String "ResultOutput"
-  Exec Solver = String "After simulation"
-  Output File Name = File "case"
-  Procedure = File "ResultOutputSolve" "ResultOutputSolver"
-  Vtu Format = Logical True
-Boundary Condition 1
-  Displacement 1 = Real 0.0
-  Displacement 2 = Real 0.0
-  Displacement 3 = Real 0.0
-  Name = String "Face1"
-Boundary Condition 2
-  Force 1 = Real -0.0
-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 2 = Real -0.0
-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 3 = Real -9000000000.0
-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Name = String "Vertex5"
-Boundary Condition 3
-  Force 1 = Real -0.0
-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 2 = Real -0.0
-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 3 = Real -9000000000.0
-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Name = String "Vertex6"
-Boundary Condition 4
-  Force 1 = Real -0.0
-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 2 = Real -0.0
-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 3 = Real -9000000000.0
-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Name = String "Vertex7"
-Boundary Condition 5
-  Force 1 = Real -0.0
-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 2 = Real -0.0
-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 3 = Real -9000000000.0
-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Name = String "Vertex8"
+Solver 1

FAIL: test_ccxcantilever_prescribeddisplacement_0_mm (
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 209, in test_ccxcantilever_prescribeddisplacement_0_mm
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 248, in input_file_writing_test
AssertionError: 'Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/elmer/ccxcantilever_prescribeddisplacement_0_mm.sif to /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_prescribeddisplacement_0_mm_9d274061d4bb/case.sif failed!\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -7,77 +7 @@\n-Solver 1\n-  Bubbles = Logical False\n-  Calculate Pangle = Logical False\n-  Calculate Principal = Logical False\n-  Calculate Strains = Logical False\n-  Calculate Stresses = Logical False\n-  Displace mesh = Logical False\n-  Eigen Analysis = Logical False\n-  Eigen System Values = Integer 5\n-  Equation = String "Elasticity"\n-  Exec Solver = String "Always"\n-  Linear System Abort Not Converged = Logical False\n-  Linear System Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-08\n-  Linear System Iterative Method = String "BiCGStab"\n-  Linear System Max Iterations = Integer 500\n-  Linear System Precondition Recompute = Integer 1\n-  Linear System Preconditioning = String "ILU0"\n-  Linear System Residual Output = Integer 1\n-  Linear System Solver = String "Iterative"\n-  Optimize Bandwidth = Logical True\n-  Procedure = File "StressSolve" "StressSolver"\n-  Stabilize = Logical True\n-  Steady State Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-05\n-  Variable = String "Displacement"\n-  Variable DOFs = Integer 3\n-End\n-\n-Simulation \n-  BDF Order = Integer 1\n-  Coordinate Mapping(3) = Integer 1 2 3\n-  Coordinate System = String "Cartesian 3D"\n-  Output Intervals = Integer 1\n-  Simulation Type = String "Steady state"\n-  Steady State Max Iterations = Integer 1\n-  Steady State Min Iterations = Integer 0\n-  Timestepping Method = String "BDF"\n-  Use Mesh Names = Logical True\n-End\n-\n-Constants \n-End\n-\n-Body 1\n-  Equation = Integer 1\n-  Material = Integer 1\n-  Name = String "Solid1"\n-End\n-\n-Material 1\n-  Poisson ratio = Real 0.3\n-  Youngs Modulus = Real 210000000.0\n-End\n-\n-Equation 1\n-  Active Solvers(2) = Integer 1 2\n-End\n-\n-Solver 2\n-  Equation = String "ResultOutput"\n-  Exec Solver = String "After simulation"\n-  Output File Name = File "case"\n-  Procedure = File "ResultOutputSolve" "ResultOutputSolver"\n-  Vtu Format = Logical True\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 1\n-  Displacement 1 = Real 0.0\n-  Displacement 2 = Real 0.0\n-  Displacement 3 = Real 0.0\n-  Name = String "Face1"\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 2\n-  Displacement 3 = Real -0.25\n-  Name = String "Face2"\n-End\n-\n+Solver 1' is not false : Elmer write_inp_file for ccxcantilever_prescribeddisplacement_0_mm test failed.
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/elmer/ccxcantilever_prescribeddisplacement_0_mm.sif to /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_prescribeddisplacement_0_mm_9d274061d4bb/case.sif failed!
@@ -7,77 +7 @@
-Solver 1
-  Bubbles = Logical False
-  Calculate Pangle = Logical False
-  Calculate Principal = Logical False
-  Calculate Strains = Logical False
-  Calculate Stresses = Logical False
-  Displace mesh = Logical False
-  Eigen Analysis = Logical False
-  Eigen System Values = Integer 5
-  Equation = String "Elasticity"
-  Exec Solver = String "Always"
-  Linear System Abort Not Converged = Logical False
-  Linear System Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-08
-  Linear System Iterative Method = String "BiCGStab"
-  Linear System Max Iterations = Integer 500
-  Linear System Precondition Recompute = Integer 1
-  Linear System Preconditioning = String "ILU0"
-  Linear System Residual Output = Integer 1
-  Linear System Solver = String "Iterative"
-  Optimize Bandwidth = Logical True
-  Procedure = File "StressSolve" "StressSolver"
-  Stabilize = Logical True
-  Steady State Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-05
-  Variable = String "Displacement"
-  Variable DOFs = Integer 3
-  BDF Order = Integer 1
-  Coordinate Mapping(3) = Integer 1 2 3
-  Coordinate System = String "Cartesian 3D"
-  Output Intervals = Integer 1
-  Simulation Type = String "Steady state"
-  Steady State Max Iterations = Integer 1
-  Steady State Min Iterations = Integer 0
-  Timestepping Method = String "BDF"
-  Use Mesh Names = Logical True
-Body 1
-  Equation = Integer 1
-  Material = Integer 1
-  Name = String "Solid1"
-Material 1
-  Poisson ratio = Real 0.3
-  Youngs Modulus = Real 210000000.0
-Equation 1
-  Active Solvers(2) = Integer 1 2
-Solver 2
-  Equation = String "ResultOutput"
-  Exec Solver = String "After simulation"
-  Output File Name = File "case"
-  Procedure = File "ResultOutputSolve" "ResultOutputSolver"
-  Vtu Format = Logical True
-Boundary Condition 1
-  Displacement 1 = Real 0.0
-  Displacement 2 = Real 0.0
-  Displacement 3 = Real 0.0
-  Name = String "Face1"
-Boundary Condition 2
-  Displacement 3 = Real -0.25
-  Name = String "Face2"
+Solver 1

Ran 588 tests in 35.796s

FAILED (failures=4, errors=1)
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in check().       (100.0 %)
:: Unable to build freecad-git - makepkg exited with code: 4
freecad_build.log (357,707 bytes)   


2022-01-11 19:03

reporter   ~0016200

Please read and follow the guidelines and make a forum post before making a ticket


2022-01-17 16:47

developer   ~0016219

@C0rn3j FYI Reporting guidelines


2022-01-17 17:21

reporter   ~0016222

Description is misleading because OP doesn't fully understand how makepkg and the PKGBUILD work. It's not the build of FreeCAD that fails but the tests done before making a package, don't know if it's the case here but it is known that FreeCAD is kinda broken now in archlinux (and other rolling release distros) because pivy has incompatibilities with python 3.10 (maybe other dependencies too)


2022-01-23 19:07

administrator   ~0016263

These are the relevant tests that are failing.
@jnxd can you take a look at these FEM tests (even though there is the issue of python 3.10 + pivy issues.. as mentioned by @adrianinsaval
is there something we can do nevertheless?

test_ccxcantilever_faceload_1_si ( ...

Saved unit schema: 0. Set unit schema to 1.
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Machine testmode: True                          (100.0 %)
Write elmer input files to: /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_faceload_1_si_f8d05c4d75b6
The SI unit schema m/kg/s is used. Elmer sif-file writing is done in SI-units.
'Coordinate Scaling = Real 0.001' was inserted into the solver input file.
'Coordinate Scaling Revert = Logical True' was inserted into the solver input file.
Exception in thread Thread-209 (protector):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 1009, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 946, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/", line 118, in protector
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 87, in run
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 93, in write_solver_input
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 912, in _writeSif
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 219, in write
    writeSections(self.sections, stream)
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 101, in writeSections
    _Writer(ids, sections, stream).write()
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 293, in write
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 298, in _writeSection
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 314, in _writeSectionBody
    self._writeAttribute(key, s[key])
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 323, in _writeAttribute
    elif self._isCollection(data):
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 342, in _isCollection
    and isinstance(data, collections.Iterable)
AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Iterable'
Reset unit schema back to 0

test_ccxcantilever_nodeload_0_mm ( ...

Saved unit schema: 0. Set unit schema to 0.
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Machine testmode: True                          (100.0 %)
Write elmer input files to: /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_nodeload_0_mm_bc29241c32a2
The FreeCAD standard unit schema mm/kg/s is used. Elmer sif-file writing is done in Standard FreeCAD units.
Exception in thread Thread-215 (protector):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 1009, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 946, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/", line 118, in protector
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 87, in run
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 93, in write_solver_input
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 912, in _writeSif
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 219, in write
    writeSections(self.sections, stream)
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 101, in writeSections
    _Writer(ids, sections, stream).write()
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 293, in write
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 298, in _writeSection
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 314, in _writeSectionBody
    self._writeAttribute(key, s[key])
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 323, in _writeAttribute
    elif self._isCollection(data):
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 342, in _isCollection
    and isinstance(data, collections.Iterable)
AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Iterable'

test_ccxcantilever_prescribeddisplacement_0_mm ( ...

Saved unit schema: 0. Set unit schema to 0.
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Recompute......                                 (100.0 %)
Machine testmode: True                          (100.0 %)
Write elmer input files to: /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_prescribeddisplacement_0_mm_9d274061d4bb
The FreeCAD standard unit schema mm/kg/s is used. Elmer sif-file writing is done in Standard FreeCAD units.
Exception in thread Thread-221 (protector):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 1009, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 946, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/", line 118, in protector
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 87, in run
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 93, in write_solver_input
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 912, in _writeSif
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 219, in write
    writeSections(self.sections, stream)
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 101, in writeSections
    _Writer(ids, sections, stream).write()
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 293, in write
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 298, in _writeSection
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 314, in _writeSectionBody
    self._writeAttribute(key, s[key])
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 323, in _writeAttribute
    elif self._isCollection(data):
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femsolver/elmer/", line 342, in _isCollection
    and isinstance(data, collections.Iterable)
AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Iterable'

test_00print ( ...

ERROR: test_box_static_0_mm (
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 147, in test_box_static_0_mm
    ret = testtools.compare_files(startinfo_given, startinfo_totest)
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 237, in compare_files
    file2 = open(file_name2, "r")
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_box_static_0_mm_bfc33fba65f5/ELMERSOLVER_STARTINFO'

FAIL: test_ccxcantilever_faceload_0_mm (
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 172, in test_ccxcantilever_faceload_0_mm
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 248, in input_file_writing_test
AssertionError: 'Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/elmer/ccxcantilever_faceload_0_mm.sif to /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_faceload_0_mm_69f8f903caed/case.sif failed!\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -7,82 +7 @@\n-Solver 1\n-  Bubbles = Logical False\n-  Calculate Pangle = Logical False\n-  Calculate Principal = Logical False\n-  Calculate Strains = Logical False\n-  Calculate Stresses = Logical False\n-  Displace mesh = Logical False\n-  Eigen Analysis = Logical False\n-  Eigen System Values = Integer 5\n-  Equation = String "Elasticity"\n-  Exec Solver = String "Always"\n-  Linear System Abort Not Converged = Logical False\n-  Linear System Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-08\n-  Linear System Iterative Method = String "BiCGStab"\n-  Linear System Max Iterations = Integer 500\n-  Linear System Precondition Recompute = Integer 1\n-  Linear System Preconditioning = String "ILU0"\n-  Linear System Residual Output = Integer 1\n-  Linear System Solver = String "Iterative"\n-  Optimize Bandwidth = Logical True\n-  Procedure = File "StressSolve" "StressSolver"\n-  Stabilize = Logical True\n-  Steady State Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-05\n-  Variable = String "Displacement"\n-  Variable DOFs = Integer 3\n-End\n-\n-Simulation \n-  BDF Order = Integer 1\n-  Coordinate Mapping(3) = Integer 1 2 3\n-  Coordinate System = String "Cartesian 3D"\n-  Output Intervals = Integer 1\n-  Simulation Type = String "Steady state"\n-  Steady State Max Iterations = Integer 1\n-  Steady State Min Iterations = Integer 0\n-  Timestepping Method = String "BDF"\n-  Use Mesh Names = Logical True\n-End\n-\n-Constants \n-End\n-\n-Body 1\n-  Equation = Integer 1\n-  Material = Integer 1\n-  Name = String "Solid1"\n-End\n-\n-Material 1\n-  Poisson ratio = Real 0.3\n-  Youngs Modulus = Real 210000000.0\n-End\n-\n-Equation 1\n-  Active Solvers(2) = Integer 1 2\n-End\n-\n-Solver 2\n-  Equation = String "ResultOutput"\n-  Exec Solver = String "After simulation"\n-  Output File Name = File "case"\n-  Procedure = File "ResultOutputSolve" "ResultOutputSolver"\n-  Vtu Format = Logical True\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 1\n-  Displacement 1 = Real 0.0\n-  Displacement 2 = Real 0.0\n-  Displacement 3 = Real 0.0\n-  Name = String "Face1"\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 2\n-  Force 1 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 2 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 3 = Real -9000000000.0\n-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Name = String "Face2"\n-End\n-\n+Solver 1' is not false : Elmer write_inp_file for ccxcantilever_faceload_0_mm test failed.
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/elmer/ccxcantilever_faceload_0_mm.sif to /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_faceload_0_mm_69f8f903caed/case.sif failed!

FAIL: test_ccxcantilever_faceload_1_si (
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 189, in test_ccxcantilever_faceload_1_si
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 248, in input_file_writing_test
AssertionError: 'Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/elmer/ccxcantilever_faceload_1_si.sif to /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_faceload_1_si_f8d05c4d75b6/case.sif failed!\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -7,84 +7 @@\n-Solver 1\n-  Bubbles = Logical False\n-  Calculate Pangle = Logical False\n-  Calculate Principal = Logical False\n-  Calculate Strains = Logical False\n-  Calculate Stresses = Logical False\n-  Displace mesh = Logical False\n-  Eigen Analysis = Logical False\n-  Eigen System Values = Integer 5\n-  Equation = String "Elasticity"\n-  Exec Solver = String "Always"\n-  Linear System Abort Not Converged = Logical False\n-  Linear System Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-08\n-  Linear System Iterative Method = String "BiCGStab"\n-  Linear System Max Iterations = Integer 500\n-  Linear System Precondition Recompute = Integer 1\n-  Linear System Preconditioning = String "ILU0"\n-  Linear System Residual Output = Integer 1\n-  Linear System Solver = String "Iterative"\n-  Optimize Bandwidth = Logical True\n-  Procedure = File "StressSolve" "StressSolver"\n-  Stabilize = Logical True\n-  Steady State Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-05\n-  Variable = String "Displacement"\n-  Variable DOFs = Integer 3\n-End\n-\n-Simulation \n-  BDF Order = Integer 1\n-  Coordinate Mapping(3) = Integer 1 2 3\n-  Coordinate Scaling = Real 0.001\n-  Coordinate System = String "Cartesian 3D"\n-  Output Intervals = Integer 1\n-  Simulation Type = String "Steady state"\n-  Steady State Max Iterations = Integer 1\n-  Steady State Min Iterations = Integer 0\n-  Timestepping Method = String "BDF"\n-  Use Mesh Names = Logical True\n-End\n-\n-Constants \n-End\n-\n-Body 1\n-  Equation = Integer 1\n-  Material = Integer 1\n-  Name = String "Solid1"\n-End\n-\n-Material 1\n-  Poisson ratio = Real 0.3\n-  Youngs Modulus = Real 210000000000.0\n-End\n-\n-Equation 1\n-  Active Solvers(2) = Integer 1 2\n-End\n-\n-Solver 2\n-  Coordinate Scaling Revert = Logical True\n-  Equation = String "ResultOutput"\n-  Exec Solver = String "After simulation"\n-  Output File Name = File "case"\n-  Procedure = File "ResultOutputSolve" "ResultOutputSolver"\n-  Vtu Format = Logical True\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 1\n-  Displacement 1 = Real 0.0\n-  Displacement 2 = Real 0.0\n-  Displacement 3 = Real 0.0\n-  Name = String "Face1"\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 2\n-  Force 1 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 2 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 3 = Real -9000000.0\n-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Name = String "Face2"\n-End\n-\n+Solver 1' is not false : Elmer write_inp_file for ccxcantilever_faceload_1_si test failed.
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/elmer/ccxcantilever_faceload_1_si.sif to /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_faceload_1_si_f8d05c4d75b6/case.sif failed!
@@ -7,84 +7 @@
-Solver 1
-  Bubbles = Logical False
-  Calculate Pangle = Logical False
-  Calculate Principal = Logical False
-  Calculate Strains = Logical False
-  Calculate Stresses = Logical False
-  Displace mesh = Logical False
-  Eigen Analysis = Logical False
-  Eigen System Values = Integer 5
-  Equation = String "Elasticity"
-  Exec Solver = String "Always"
-  Linear System Abort Not Converged = Logical False
-  Linear System Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-08
-  Linear System Iterative Method = String "BiCGStab"
-  Linear System Max Iterations = Integer 500
-  Linear System Precondition Recompute = Integer 1
-  Linear System Preconditioning = String "ILU0"
-  Linear System Residual Output = Integer 1
-  Linear System Solver = String "Iterative"
-  Optimize Bandwidth = Logical True
-  Procedure = File "StressSolve" "StressSolver"
-  Stabilize = Logical True
-  Steady State Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-05
-  Variable = String "Displacement"
-  Variable DOFs = Integer 3
-  BDF Order = Integer 1
-  Coordinate Mapping(3) = Integer 1 2 3
-  Coordinate Scaling = Real 0.001
-  Coordinate System = String "Cartesian 3D"
-  Output Intervals = Integer 1
-  Simulation Type = String "Steady state"
-  Steady State Max Iterations = Integer 1
-  Steady State Min Iterations = Integer 0
-  Timestepping Method = String "BDF"
-  Use Mesh Names = Logical True
-Body 1
-  Equation = Integer 1
-  Material = Integer 1
-  Name = String "Solid1"
-Material 1
-  Poisson ratio = Real 0.3
-  Youngs Modulus = Real 210000000000.0
-Equation 1
-  Active Solvers(2) = Integer 1 2
-Solver 2
-  Coordinate Scaling Revert = Logical True
-  Equation = String "ResultOutput"
-  Exec Solver = String "After simulation"
-  Output File Name = File "case"
-  Procedure = File "ResultOutputSolve" "ResultOutputSolver"
-  Vtu Format = Logical True
-Boundary Condition 1
-  Displacement 1 = Real 0.0
-  Displacement 2 = Real 0.0
-  Displacement 3 = Real 0.0
-  Name = String "Face1"
-Boundary Condition 2
-  Force 1 = Real -0.0
-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 2 = Real -0.0
-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 3 = Real -9000000.0
-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Name = String "Face2"
+Solver 1

FAIL: test_ccxcantilever_nodeload_0_mm (
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 199, in test_ccxcantilever_nodeload_0_mm
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 248, in input_file_writing_test
AssertionError: 'Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/elmer/ccxcantilever_nodeload_0_mm.sif to /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_nodeload_0_mm_bc29241c32a2/case.sif failed!\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -7,112 +7 @@\n-Solver 1\n-  Bubbles = Logical False\n-  Calculate Pangle = Logical False\n-  Calculate Principal = Logical False\n-  Calculate Strains = Logical False\n-  Calculate Stresses = Logical False\n-  Displace mesh = Logical False\n-  Eigen Analysis = Logical False\n-  Eigen System Values = Integer 5\n-  Equation = String "Elasticity"\n-  Exec Solver = String "Always"\n-  Linear System Abort Not Converged = Logical False\n-  Linear System Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-08\n-  Linear System Iterative Method = String "BiCGStab"\n-  Linear System Max Iterations = Integer 500\n-  Linear System Precondition Recompute = Integer 1\n-  Linear System Preconditioning = String "ILU0"\n-  Linear System Residual Output = Integer 1\n-  Linear System Solver = String "Iterative"\n-  Optimize Bandwidth = Logical True\n-  Procedure = File "StressSolve" "StressSolver"\n-  Stabilize = Logical True\n-  Steady State Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-05\n-  Variable = String "Displacement"\n-  Variable DOFs = Integer 3\n-End\n-\n-Simulation \n-  BDF Order = Integer 1\n-  Coordinate Mapping(3) = Integer 1 2 3\n-  Coordinate System = String "Cartesian 3D"\n-  Output Intervals = Integer 1\n-  Simulation Type = String "Steady state"\n-  Steady State Max Iterations = Integer 1\n-  Steady State Min Iterations = Integer 0\n-  Timestepping Method = String "BDF"\n-  Use Mesh Names = Logical True\n-End\n-\n-Constants \n-End\n-\n-Body 1\n-  Equation = Integer 1\n-  Material = Integer 1\n-  Name = String "Solid1"\n-End\n-\n-Material 1\n-  Poisson ratio = Real 0.3\n-  Youngs Modulus = Real 210000000.0\n-End\n-\n-Equation 1\n-  Active Solvers(2) = Integer 1 2\n-End\n-\n-Solver 2\n-  Equation = String "ResultOutput"\n-  Exec Solver = String "After simulation"\n-  Output File Name = File "case"\n-  Procedure = File "ResultOutputSolve" "ResultOutputSolver"\n-  Vtu Format = Logical True\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 1\n-  Displacement 1 = Real 0.0\n-  Displacement 2 = Real 0.0\n-  Displacement 3 = Real 0.0\n-  Name = String "Face1"\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 2\n-  Force 1 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 2 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 3 = Real -9000000000.0\n-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Name = String "Vertex5"\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 3\n-  Force 1 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 2 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 3 = Real -9000000000.0\n-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Name = String "Vertex6"\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 4\n-  Force 1 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 2 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 3 = Real -9000000000.0\n-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Name = String "Vertex7"\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 5\n-  Force 1 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 2 = Real -0.0\n-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Force 3 = Real -9000000000.0\n-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True\n-  Name = String "Vertex8"\n-End\n-\n+Solver 1' is not false : Elmer write_inp_file for ccxcantilever_nodeload_0_mm test failed.
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/elmer/ccxcantilever_nodeload_0_mm.sif to /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_nodeload_0_mm_bc29241c32a2/case.sif failed!
@@ -7,112 +7 @@
-Solver 1
-  Bubbles = Logical False
-  Calculate Pangle = Logical False
-  Calculate Principal = Logical False
-  Calculate Strains = Logical False
-  Calculate Stresses = Logical False
-  Displace mesh = Logical False
-  Eigen Analysis = Logical False
-  Eigen System Values = Integer 5
-  Equation = String "Elasticity"
-  Exec Solver = String "Always"
-  Linear System Abort Not Converged = Logical False
-  Linear System Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-08
-  Linear System Iterative Method = String "BiCGStab"
-  Linear System Max Iterations = Integer 500
-  Linear System Precondition Recompute = Integer 1
-  Linear System Preconditioning = String "ILU0"
-  Linear System Residual Output = Integer 1
-  Linear System Solver = String "Iterative"
-  Optimize Bandwidth = Logical True
-  Procedure = File "StressSolve" "StressSolver"
-  Stabilize = Logical True
-  Steady State Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-05
-  Variable = String "Displacement"
-  Variable DOFs = Integer 3
-  BDF Order = Integer 1
-  Coordinate Mapping(3) = Integer 1 2 3
-  Coordinate System = String "Cartesian 3D"
-  Output Intervals = Integer 1
-  Simulation Type = String "Steady state"
-  Steady State Max Iterations = Integer 1
-  Steady State Min Iterations = Integer 0
-  Timestepping Method = String "BDF"
-  Use Mesh Names = Logical True
-Body 1
-  Equation = Integer 1
-  Material = Integer 1
-  Name = String "Solid1"
-Material 1
-  Poisson ratio = Real 0.3
-  Youngs Modulus = Real 210000000.0
-Equation 1
-  Active Solvers(2) = Integer 1 2
-Solver 2
-  Equation = String "ResultOutput"
-  Exec Solver = String "After simulation"
-  Output File Name = File "case"
-  Procedure = File "ResultOutputSolve" "ResultOutputSolver"
-  Vtu Format = Logical True
-Boundary Condition 1
-  Displacement 1 = Real 0.0
-  Displacement 2 = Real 0.0
-  Displacement 3 = Real 0.0
-  Name = String "Face1"
-Boundary Condition 2
-  Force 1 = Real -0.0
-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 2 = Real -0.0
-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 3 = Real -9000000000.0
-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Name = String "Vertex5"
-Boundary Condition 3
-  Force 1 = Real -0.0
-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 2 = Real -0.0
-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 3 = Real -9000000000.0
-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Name = String "Vertex6"
-Boundary Condition 4
-  Force 1 = Real -0.0
-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 2 = Real -0.0
-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 3 = Real -9000000000.0
-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Name = String "Vertex7"
-Boundary Condition 5
-  Force 1 = Real -0.0
-  Force 1 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 2 = Real -0.0
-  Force 2 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Force 3 = Real -9000000000.0
-  Force 3 Normalize by Area = Logical True
-  Name = String "Vertex8"
+Solver 1

FAIL: test_ccxcantilever_prescribeddisplacement_0_mm (
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 209, in test_ccxcantilever_prescribeddisplacement_0_mm
  File "/tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/app/", line 248, in input_file_writing_test
AssertionError: 'Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/elmer/ccxcantilever_prescribeddisplacement_0_mm.sif to /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_prescribeddisplacement_0_mm_9d274061d4bb/case.sif failed!\n--- \n+++ \n@@ -7,77 +7 @@\n-Solver 1\n-  Bubbles = Logical False\n-  Calculate Pangle = Logical False\n-  Calculate Principal = Logical False\n-  Calculate Strains = Logical False\n-  Calculate Stresses = Logical False\n-  Displace mesh = Logical False\n-  Eigen Analysis = Logical False\n-  Eigen System Values = Integer 5\n-  Equation = String "Elasticity"\n-  Exec Solver = String "Always"\n-  Linear System Abort Not Converged = Logical False\n-  Linear System Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-08\n-  Linear System Iterative Method = String "BiCGStab"\n-  Linear System Max Iterations = Integer 500\n-  Linear System Precondition Recompute = Integer 1\n-  Linear System Preconditioning = String "ILU0"\n-  Linear System Residual Output = Integer 1\n-  Linear System Solver = String "Iterative"\n-  Optimize Bandwidth = Logical True\n-  Procedure = File "StressSolve" "StressSolver"\n-  Stabilize = Logical True\n-  Steady State Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-05\n-  Variable = String "Displacement"\n-  Variable DOFs = Integer 3\n-End\n-\n-Simulation \n-  BDF Order = Integer 1\n-  Coordinate Mapping(3) = Integer 1 2 3\n-  Coordinate System = String "Cartesian 3D"\n-  Output Intervals = Integer 1\n-  Simulation Type = String "Steady state"\n-  Steady State Max Iterations = Integer 1\n-  Steady State Min Iterations = Integer 0\n-  Timestepping Method = String "BDF"\n-  Use Mesh Names = Logical True\n-End\n-\n-Constants \n-End\n-\n-Body 1\n-  Equation = Integer 1\n-  Material = Integer 1\n-  Name = String "Solid1"\n-End\n-\n-Material 1\n-  Poisson ratio = Real 0.3\n-  Youngs Modulus = Real 210000000.0\n-End\n-\n-Equation 1\n-  Active Solvers(2) = Integer 1 2\n-End\n-\n-Solver 2\n-  Equation = String "ResultOutput"\n-  Exec Solver = String "After simulation"\n-  Output File Name = File "case"\n-  Procedure = File "ResultOutputSolve" "ResultOutputSolver"\n-  Vtu Format = Logical True\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 1\n-  Displacement 1 = Real 0.0\n-  Displacement 2 = Real 0.0\n-  Displacement 3 = Real 0.0\n-  Name = String "Face1"\n-End\n-\n-Boundary Condition 2\n-  Displacement 3 = Real -0.25\n-  Name = String "Face2"\n-End\n-\n+Solver 1' is not false : Elmer write_inp_file for ccxcantilever_prescribeddisplacement_0_mm test failed.
Comparing /tmp/trizen-c0rn3j/freecad-git/src/FreeCAD/build_dir/Mod/Fem/femtest/data/elmer/ccxcantilever_prescribeddisplacement_0_mm.sif to /tmp/FEM_unittests/solver_elmer_ccxcantilever_prescribeddisplacement_0_mm_9d274061d4bb/case.sif failed!
@@ -7,77 +7 @@
-Solver 1
-  Bubbles = Logical False
-  Calculate Pangle = Logical False
-  Calculate Principal = Logical False
-  Calculate Strains = Logical False
-  Calculate Stresses = Logical False
-  Displace mesh = Logical False
-  Eigen Analysis = Logical False
-  Eigen System Values = Integer 5
-  Equation = String "Elasticity"
-  Exec Solver = String "Always"
-  Linear System Abort Not Converged = Logical False
-  Linear System Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-08
-  Linear System Iterative Method = String "BiCGStab"
-  Linear System Max Iterations = Integer 500
-  Linear System Precondition Recompute = Integer 1
-  Linear System Preconditioning = String "ILU0"
-  Linear System Residual Output = Integer 1
-  Linear System Solver = String "Iterative"
-  Optimize Bandwidth = Logical True
-  Procedure = File "StressSolve" "StressSolver"
-  Stabilize = Logical True
-  Steady State Convergence Tolerance = Real 1e-05
-  Variable = String "Displacement"
-  Variable DOFs = Integer 3
-  BDF Order = Integer 1
-  Coordinate Mapping(3) = Integer 1 2 3
-  Coordinate System = String "Cartesian 3D"
-  Output Intervals = Integer 1
-  Simulation Type = String "Steady state"
-  Steady State Max Iterations = Integer 1
-  Steady State Min Iterations = Integer 0
-  Timestepping Method = String "BDF"
-  Use Mesh Names = Logical True
-Body 1
-  Equation = Integer 1
-  Material = Integer 1
-  Name = String "Solid1"
-Material 1
-  Poisson ratio = Real 0.3
-  Youngs Modulus = Real 210000000.0
-Equation 1
-  Active Solvers(2) = Integer 1 2
-Solver 2
-  Equation = String "ResultOutput"
-  Exec Solver = String "After simulation"
-  Output File Name = File "case"
-  Procedure = File "ResultOutputSolve" "ResultOutputSolver"
-  Vtu Format = Logical True
-Boundary Condition 1
-  Displacement 1 = Real 0.0
-  Displacement 2 = Real 0.0
-  Displacement 3 = Real 0.0
-  Name = String "Face1"
-Boundary Condition 2
-  Displacement 3 = Real -0.25
-  Name = String "Face2"
+Solver 1

Ran 588 tests in 35.796s

FAILED (failures=4, errors=1)
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in check().       (100.0 %)
:: Unable to build freecad-git - makepkg exited with code: 4


2022-01-23 19:26

administrator   ~0016264

Looks like for 'import collections' issue the solution is to make a exception for python 3.10 since 'collections.iterable' is deprecated in favor of ''

How do we add that to ?


2022-01-24 04:00

developer   ~0016265

@Kunda1 Unfortunately I am suffering from this as well with my Manjaro Build. I will update on the forum in case I find something interesting.


2022-01-24 04:48

developer   ~0016266

Are we sure this is pivy and not pyside or shiboken? I had trouble compiling after python updated to 3.10, and the compilation errors were related to shiboken.


2022-01-24 09:30

administrator   ~0016267

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2022-01-11 09:47 C0rn3j New Issue
2022-01-11 09:47 C0rn3j File Added: freecad_build.log
2022-01-11 19:03 adrianinsaval Note Added: 0016200
2022-01-17 16:47 openBrain Tag Attached: #post-to-forum
2022-01-17 16:47 openBrain Status new => feedback
2022-01-17 16:47 openBrain Note Added: 0016219
2022-01-17 17:21 adrianinsaval Note Added: 0016222
2022-01-23 19:07 Kunda1 Note Added: 0016263
2022-01-23 19:26 Kunda1 Note Added: 0016264
2022-01-23 19:47 Kunda1 Summary Build test error - test_box_static_0_mm => Building with python 3.10 on Arch/Manjaro fails in tests
2022-01-24 04:00 jnxd Note Added: 0016265
2022-01-24 04:48 jnxd Note Added: 0016266
2022-01-24 09:29 wmayer Assigned To => wmayer
2022-01-24 09:29 wmayer Status feedback => closed
2022-01-24 09:29 wmayer Resolution open => fixed
2022-01-24 09:29 wmayer Fixed in Version => 0.20
2022-01-24 09:30 wmayer Note Added: 0016267