View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000794PartDesignBugpublic2021-02-20 13:46
Reportertuxontour Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionduplicate 
Target Version0.20 
Summary0000794: External reference in sketch changes

with the current GIT version 0.13R1260 (kubuntu 12.04, 64bit) the external references change under certain circumstances. See the attached geometry file.

How to reproduce it.
- Load it and remember where the big holes in the baseplate are located
- Make "Pocket003" invisible
- Edit "Pocket001->Sketch004"
- Change the length contraint from 28mm to 35mm
- Leave and make "Pocket003" visible again
- Note how the big holes have moved
- The external reference in "Pocket002->Sketch005" has changed and it shouldn't have changed

FreeCAD Information


duplicate of 0000922 assignedrealthunder FreeCAD Topological Naming 


2012-07-15 16:51


Gelenk.FCStd (88,268 bytes)


2017-03-23 06:36

developer   ~0008690

Last edited: 2017-03-23 06:38

Also happens after performing Part Design-> Migrate with 0.17, but if everything is corrected, changing the dimension from 29->30 has no effect.

Version details:
OS: Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS
Word size of OS: 64-bit
Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
Version: 0.17.10540 (Git)
Build type: None
Branch: master
Hash: 2c9d5e30108a2a34a7f11cfad3d9c323e5577ce1
Python version: 2.7.12
Qt version: 4.8.7
Coin version: 4.0.0a
OCC version: 7.1.0


2017-05-24 21:45

manager   ~0009113


Toponaming project

Probably downgrading severity for these reasons:
1. We known about toponaming, until it is handled there is nothing to do to this ticket. We shall survive until then.
2. We need to have a clear picture of what is important to fix in PD NEXT. These tickets are noise for that goal.


2017-05-24 21:48

administrator   ~0009114

@Abdullah thanks for the feedback. Feel free to up/downgrade any tickets you come by that you deem fit.


2021-02-20 13:46

administrator   ~0015377

This is toponaming bug and is one of many dupes. Closing in favor of 0000922

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-07-15 16:51 tuxontour New Issue
2012-07-15 16:51 tuxontour File Added: Gelenk.FCStd
2012-08-06 18:52 logari81 Status new => assigned
2012-08-06 18:52 logari81 Assigned To => logari81
2012-12-20 20:40 logari81 Relationship added child of 0000922
2017-03-23 06:36 jnxd Note Added: 0008690
2017-03-23 06:38 jnxd Note Edited: 0008690
2017-04-02 08:53 kkremitzki Assigned To logari81 =>
2017-04-02 08:54 kkremitzki Status assigned => new
2017-05-02 21:20 Kunda1 Status new => confirmed
2017-05-24 21:45 abdullah Note Added: 0009113
2017-05-24 21:48 Kunda1 Note Added: 0009114
2017-05-24 21:49 Kunda1 Severity major => minor
2017-05-24 21:49 Kunda1 Assigned To => jnxd
2017-05-24 21:49 Kunda1 Status confirmed => assigned
2021-02-06 06:43 abdullah Target Version => 0.20
2021-02-20 13:46 Kunda1 Assigned To jnxd =>
2021-02-20 13:46 Kunda1 Status assigned => closed
2021-02-20 13:46 Kunda1 Resolution open => duplicate
2021-02-20 13:46 Kunda1 Note Added: 0015377
2021-02-20 13:46 Kunda1 Relationship replaced duplicate of 0000922
2021-02-20 13:46 Kunda1 Tag Attached: toponaming