View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0000083AssemblyFeaturepublic2021-02-06 06:29
ReporterJriegelAssigned To 
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status acknowledgedResolutionopen 
Target Version0.20 
Summary0000083: Assembly group feature
DescriptionCompound creating feature in the Assembly module.

Create a compound shape of all the linked childes.
TagsNo tags attached.
FreeCAD Information


child of 0000016 acknowledged Basic Assembly stuff 



2011-12-01 19:08

reporter   ~0001381

Last edited: 2011-12-01 19:12

does this mean something like children of a group do have a coordinate system relative to the group's system? So that you could rotate or translate a group's system and all children will stay relative to it?

Using the boolean Fusion is a little less powerfull for this action as it is virtually not possible to add more objects after creating the fusion and on top of this colors and stuff will not be adopted.


2018-06-13 13:28

administrator   ~0011426

Unassigning Jriegel


2022-03-03 13:55

administrator   ~0016376

This ticket has been migrated to GitHub as issue 5541.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-04-07 10:51 Jriegel New Issue
2010-04-07 10:52 Jriegel Status new => assigned
2010-04-07 10:52 Jriegel Assigned To => Jriegel
2010-04-07 10:52 Jriegel Relationship added child of 0000016
2010-06-29 13:44 Jriegel Target Version => 0.11
2011-01-31 08:17 Jriegel Target Version 0.11 => 0.12
2011-09-16 04:56 Jriegel Target Version 0.12 => 0.13
2011-12-01 19:08 nonlimited Note Added: 0001381
2011-12-01 19:12 nonlimited Note Edited: 0001381
2012-11-13 20:25 Jriegel Target Version 0.13 => 0.14
2014-05-12 15:02 wmayer Project FreeCAD => Assembly
2014-05-24 16:26 yorik Target Version 0.14 =>
2018-06-13 13:28 Kunda1 Assigned To Jriegel =>
2018-06-13 13:28 Kunda1 Status assigned => acknowledged
2018-06-13 13:28 Kunda1 Note Added: 0011426
2021-02-06 06:29 abdullah Target Version => 0.20